JetBrains Rider | MassTransit Anonymous Type | MCA0003 | "Add Missing Properties" command does not autocomplete the properties - roslyn

Operating Systems and IDEs Tested:
JetBrains Rider 2020.2.4 on Linux Elementary 5.1 Hera | Fail
JetBrains Rider 2020.2.4 on Windows 10 Home | Fail
Visual Studio Professional 2019 on Windows 10 Home | Success
Dotnet Version: .Net Core 3.1
I'm following the tutorial Chris Patterson published on YouTube MassTransit Starting with Mediator. The link is timestamped to where my issue occurs.
NuGet Packages Installed:
MassTransit.AspNetCore on the API Project,
MassTransit.Analyzers 7.0.4 on the API and Components projects, and
MassTransit 7.0.4 on the Components project.
In the Request Client's GetResponse function, I created the anonymous type to represent the message contract.
var response = await _submitOrderRequestClient.GetResponse<OrderSubmissionAccepted>(new {});
The analyzer recognizes the properties are missing and provides the option "Add Missing Properties." I clicked the button to add the properties; however, nothing happens.
How can I troubleshoot this issue further or resolve the issue? This seems like a fantastic feature, and I'd really like to take advantage of it.
The issue is limited to JetBrains Rider 2020.2.3 and 2020.2.4 regardless of the operating system. JetBrains has a ticket open as of 2020-10-07 RIDER-52072

I've had this issue as well, after updating today it works again.
Update: Build #RD-203.6110.173, built on November 24, 2020

JetBrains marked as "Fixed" on 11/11/2020.


Microsoft ML can't use opset 11 despite nuget package installed

I'm trying to build a simple object detection runner, really just following this MS Docs guide:
I already figured out building the View and adding capabilities so the provided code actually compiles.
Just one more problem right now: When creating the session, it crashes claiming "Unknown model file format version" which seems to translate to "Opset of the model you use is not supported".
Looking at github issues google showed me, I'm supposed to install the Microsoft.AI.MachineLearning nuget package and all is well. Except when I installed it, nothing changed.
So, what's left to do beside open yet another github issue? I already re-exported my model from opset 15 to opset 11 because the nuget package only supports that.
I'm on windows 10, UWP targeting 2004.

Xbox 360 Wireless Controller is not working via C++/WinRT and Windows.Gaming.Input API in console application

I trying to use Windows.Gaming.Input API via C++/WinRT from Windows Console Application and it is not working as supposed with Xbox 360 Wireless Controller (reported as Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver for Windows (0x045e:0x0000)).
I got GamepadAdded event, then trying to read gamepad state via gamepad.GetCurrentReading() and seems GamepadReading struct is not filled at all for Xbox 360 Wireless Controller.
Also I found that there is some strange error message on MSVS debug console:
onecoreuap\xbox\devices\api\winrt\pnpdevicewatcher.cpp(500)\Windows.Gaming.Input.dll!00007FFE453AABC7: (caller: 00007FFE453AA367) ReturnHr(1) tid(4e04) 80070006 The handle is invalid.
Xbox One Game Controller (0x045e:0x02d1) is working fine though.
What is wrong with my code? Or this is bug in Windows?
Code is here:
Using Windows 10 1809, MSVS 2017 15.9.9, cppwinrt v1.0.190211.5, Windows SDK v10.0.17763.0, xusb22.sys v10.0.17163.1, xboxgip.sys v10.0.17163.1.
PS: I also tried UWP Simple3DGameXaml app from repo - and both controllers works in it.
This is a known issue. Apparently this is caused by how focus handling works. Windows.Gaming.Input basically doesn't work for console apps as a result, but does work for Win32 or UWP apps that have a window in focus.
Note that the one case where the Xbox One controller worked for you is only because both the user was an admin -and- because you had developer mode enabled. It wouldn't work from a console app at all otherwise.
If you need game controller support for a legacy Win32 console app, you should use XINPUT. See this blog post.
In order to help us investigate this issue more clearly, could you please share your Visual Studio 2017 version to us? You can get version info selecting Help -> About Microsoft Visual Studio, then selecting Copy Info from the right side of the About dialogue.
Could you please check if you can reproduce this issue on 1903 with SDK 18362?
By the way, it will be better if you can upgrade your project dependencies as well, what you are using is an old version of the Microsoft.Windows.CppWinRT NuGet package: 1.0.190211.5. The current latest stable version is v2.0.190722.3.
Besides, the C++ Language Standard was set in project properties, but the value was not set. This should be set to ISO C++17 Standard (/std:c++17) under Project Properties -> C/C++ > Language > C++ Language Standard.
Thanks for your collaboration.

WSO2 developer studio edit properties of an assign activity

I downloaded the WSO2 eclipse plug-in (developer studio) 3.2.0. I tried to follow the "quick start" for BMP and got stuck at point 18.
It is not possible to edit the expression in the properties window of an Assign Activity. I tried with Eclipse Juno, Kepler and even an older version of Eclipse, all with the same result.
Sometimes an box appears under the word "expression", sometimes it disappears but it is never editable.
This is a known issue TOOLS-1626.
Please use DevS 3.0.0 version.

Failed to configure settings for runsettings plugin 'VSTest Run Configuration' as it threw following exception:

------ Discover test started ------
Failed to configure settings for runsettings plugin 'VSTest Run Configuration' as it threw following exception:
'Method not found: 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable1<System.String> Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.Utilities.InferSettingsHelper.MergeRunSettingsAndFindCompatibleSources(Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.Architecture ByRef, Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.FrameworkVersion ByRef, System.String, System.String, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary2>, System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable, System.String ByRef)'.'
Please contact the plugin author.
Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
========== Discover test finished: 0 found (0:00:00) ==========
I found the solution by my own observations. After digging for 2 days and found nothing about this problem...
Well, the problem is caused simply because vstest engine is not updated. When I implemented those steps mentioned in the article "Authoring a new Visual studio unit test adapter" for Bhuvaneshwari K, sorry guys the admin says I can't post more than 2 hyperlinks and I prefered to post the links for Microsort down center for the solution. Anyway, you can google the article for more info.
When I compared the vstest of my build machine, and once again of my local test machine I found that the vesion of vstest.console was obsolete, although I see in the Hellp=>About menue that Update1 is already installed for both machines with the same version. So, I figured to install again the VS SDK and update 1, well in fact, repair not install. So I installed them from those links:
1- Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 SDK
2- Visual Studio 2012 Update 1 KB2707250 from the link:
3- Restart the machine.
And the XMLTestAdapter is working like a charm in VS2012 in the build machine, still though I met some issues with TFSBuild to find the assemblies in a mapped folder under TFS2012 for the dlls of that adapter. I'll post a question for it in a new thread.
My solution to this problem was that I had an issue in my Windows 7 System Environment variables.
To access:
Start Menu\Control Panel\System and Security\System
Click the Advanced System Settings link of the left.
Choose 'Environment Variables'
In the 'user variables for ***' section, click "New".
Variable value = AMD64 (or whatever you find in the same corresponding 'system variable' area in the same window.)
close/reopen Visual Studio and rebuild your solution.
What fixed this for me was adding the System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager package to the class library I wanted to test.

VS2010 unable to add service reference

I have a project which was originally written in VS2008 (professional). I have created a vs2010 solution (using VS2010 professional) from the projects within the VS2008 solution but am not able to add a service reference from the domain layer of the solution (a class library project). I've checked that the domain layer project is targeting framework 3.5 or 4.0, and have tried repairing and even re-installing VS2010 but still cannot add a service reference.
The "service reference" option is missing when I right click the project.
There was also an existing "Web Service" reference which now fails when called during unit testing.
Has any one else experienced this problem ?
Check your project and make sure it is referencing framework 3.5 or higher.
View the project properties.
Go to Compile Tab
Click the Advanced Compile Options button
Look at the Target Framework combobox.
Change it to 3.5 or 4.
Click OK to close dialogs
Right click on project now.
For Visual Studio 10 in Windows 8. The "Add Service Reference" does not shown for 3.5 Framework or Earlier. You have to change the .NET Framework of Project to 4.0
Changing the Target framework to 3.5 enabled the option for me.