Failed to configure settings for runsettings plugin 'VSTest Run Configuration' as it threw following exception: - unit-testing

------ Discover test started ------
Failed to configure settings for runsettings plugin 'VSTest Run Configuration' as it threw following exception:
'Method not found: 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable1<System.String> Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.Utilities.InferSettingsHelper.MergeRunSettingsAndFindCompatibleSources(Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.Architecture ByRef, Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.FrameworkVersion ByRef, System.String, System.String, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary2>, System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable, System.String ByRef)'.'
Please contact the plugin author.
Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
========== Discover test finished: 0 found (0:00:00) ==========

I found the solution by my own observations. After digging for 2 days and found nothing about this problem...
Well, the problem is caused simply because vstest engine is not updated. When I implemented those steps mentioned in the article "Authoring a new Visual studio unit test adapter" for Bhuvaneshwari K, sorry guys the admin says I can't post more than 2 hyperlinks and I prefered to post the links for Microsort down center for the solution. Anyway, you can google the article for more info.
When I compared the vstest of my build machine, and once again of my local test machine I found that the vesion of vstest.console was obsolete, although I see in the Hellp=>About menue that Update1 is already installed for both machines with the same version. So, I figured to install again the VS SDK and update 1, well in fact, repair not install. So I installed them from those links:
1- Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 SDK
2- Visual Studio 2012 Update 1 KB2707250 from the link:
3- Restart the machine.
And the XMLTestAdapter is working like a charm in VS2012 in the build machine, still though I met some issues with TFSBuild to find the assemblies in a mapped folder under TFS2012 for the dlls of that adapter. I'll post a question for it in a new thread.

My solution to this problem was that I had an issue in my Windows 7 System Environment variables.
To access:
Start Menu\Control Panel\System and Security\System
Click the Advanced System Settings link of the left.
Choose 'Environment Variables'
In the 'user variables for ***' section, click "New".
Variable value = AMD64 (or whatever you find in the same corresponding 'system variable' area in the same window.)
close/reopen Visual Studio and rebuild your solution.

What fixed this for me was adding the System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager package to the class library I wanted to test.


Visual Studio 2017 Deployment Error on Windows 10 IoT

I've been developing my Windows Store App for over a month, and all of a sudden I get this error when I try to run it in Visual Studio 2017 on my developer machine:
Visual Studio Errors
(DEP0600 Deployment Failed. Failed to deploy through new deployment pipeline)
(DEP8000 Unexpected deployment failure: AggregateException : One or more errors occurred)
This error only occurs at my current project, not at a standard template for example.
I already cleaned and rebuild my solution but still no success.
At the moment I run
Target Version : Windows 10 Anniversary Edition(10.0; Build 14393)
Min Version : Windows 10(10.0; Build 10586).
For me the problem was that my app was already running. I set it as the startup app and after that I couldn't redeploy the newer version. Stopping the app solved the problem.
DEP8000 just means that an agregated thread encountered an error and is thrown to the parent thread.
The real issue here is DEP0600.
I encountered a solution on MSDN.
Basicaly it can occur if any of your filenames has accented characters (á, ô. õ, é) ect.
Rename all your files to remove these and you're good to go.
You need to change the Universal Window Target Version as Windows 10 Fall Creators Update(10.0;Build 16299).
If you can not find this version option,you need to install the WDK for 16299, this is the download link.Please try it,and feel free to let me know if there is any problem.
I encountered the same problems when working with Deploying UWP app to HoloLens.
Here are few steps that can help:
Clean & Rebuild solution
Deleting .vs folder can help
Else you can just rename the package name under project settings.

Can't get past Microsoft.VisualStudio.MinShell.Msi.msi in VS2017 RC Update

I previously successfully installed Visual Studio 2017 RC Enterprise on Windows 10 Home. I saw in the Notifications area an update to a later version of the RC, and so I clicked on that notification to install it.
The installation got as far as the attempting to install the Android Emulators, but failed and the log said it needed Win10 Pro.
So I removed the emulator from the install options, but the install didn't complete and this time the log said:
[27ac:0038][2017-01-31T10:08:47] Download requested:
[27ac:003a][2017-01-31T10:08:47] Attempting download '' using engine 'WebClient'
[27ac:0026][2017-01-31T10:08:48] Completed: Installing Microsoft.VisualStudio.MinShell.Msi
[27ac:0026][2017-01-31T10:08:48] Error: Package 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.MinShell.Msi,version=15.0.26109.1' failed to install. MSI: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\Microsoft.VisualStudio.MinShell.Msi,version=15.0.26109.1\Microsoft.VisualStudio.MinShell.Msi.msi, Properties: REBOOT=ReallySuppress ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT=1 MSIFASTINSTALL="7" VSEXTUI="1" VS7.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise" , Return code: 1316, Details: The specified account already exists.
I tried to follow the instructions from Visual Studio 2017 RC Install Error "The specified account already exists." however its says the action is only valid for installed products
Yesterday I did notice MinShell in the Programmes Uninstall list and tried removing it from there.
However it makes no difference and every time I try and run the installer I get the same error. I have tried making sure that no VS2017 related items are installed in Programs and Features, and deleting directories manually from Program files etc
Starting to get really annoyed as I had a completely working compiler and IDE and I've already been totally unable to upgrade Win10 to the Anniversary Update due to the 0x8007002C – 0x400D error during Migrate-Data operation. I tried the fix of resetting the Storage app to make all defaults C:, and then the Documents link, but that didn't fix it, although I see I've missed Downloads, Pictures and Video, so will try again tonight but I still don't see it working, although I think the failure moved from 79% to 83%
#Peter Nimmo I had the same issue. Solve it by:
Go to C:\Program Data\Microsoft, go to Properties then click the Security tab and add System, then give full permission. The reason why it couldn't install is because it can't access the folder required.
Hope it works for you. If it doesn't, you could try the following additional steps:
Go to C:\ then at the search box type %temp% then delete everything in it.
Run this script in Powershell Admin mode:
This problem might be caused by setting a separate cache folder when installing. The steps below should fix it.
delete the visualstudio folder in your Registry editor HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE(under Microsoft?)
run InstallCleanup.exe---> C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\resources\app\layout
delete contents in your temp folder C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\Temp(skip items that cannot be deleted)
run InstallCleanup.exe
inside C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\resources\app\layout
then restart your computer
Go to %ProgramData%\Microsoft and rename VisualStudio folder (e.g. to VisualStudio_old)
Try again with fresh install.
Please temporarily disable 3rd party anti-virus software and try the following steps to check if it works for you:
Type “Administrative Tools” in search box
Open “Local Security Policy”
Navigate to “Software Restriction Policies” (If it displays “No Software Restrictions Defined”, please right-click on the “Software Restriction Policies” node and select “New Software Restriction Policies”)
Double-click on “Enforcement”
Select “All users except Local Administrators” and click on OK
Restart your computer and run the Visual Studio Installer as administrator to repair the installation
Please Refer :
similar error for me sort of, it starts installing then gets stuck on shell(minimum) and shell interops and the shell(minimum) resources and interop resources..then i get a fatal error, tells me that Visual Studio Devenv resource fails.. no matter what i try i cannot install on my windows 10 1607 anniversary update 3 64-bit with all updates to this minute. I read microsoft is aware and its become a huge problem, programming error. Anyone figures out how to install let me know please.
EDIT: so its a huge pain to get visual studio 2015 to install, i kept reinstalling it and everytime the error window came up i read the log, then i manually searched and installed components listed, and also had to manually create folders almost each time following the path listed in the log file. after 12 hours and alot of searching and installing i now have a fully functional visual studio 2015 pro edition back on my computer..i wanted 2017 but thats even worse to

Building UWP app from command line

I need to create kind of builder for my Universal Windows App (UWP) application, that would load some configuration into it, build it and create app store package. Is there any way to build UWP app from command line, without associating it with the store and using Visual Studio at all?
There is WinAppDeployCmd, but it can be used to install builded appx package on device and I need tool like that to generate that package.
I've managed to build it and create app packages with command line, here is command I used:
msbuild "path to .csproj file" /p:OutDir=output_dir /p:AppxBundle=Always;AppxBundlePlatforms="x86|x64|ARM" /p:BuildAppxUploadPackageForUap=true
It's working but not as it should apparently. I can not install generated appx package on my phone (and emulator). I just get error
Failure reason: Failed to start deployment. Failure text: Install failed. Please contact your software vendor. (0x80073cf9)
I found many solutions for Windows 10 PC version, but there is only one solution I found for Windows 10 Mobile and this "solution" is to hard reset the phone, but I do not want to do that. Is there any other way?
And there is one more problem. This command doesn't work with parameter /p:Configuration=Release; and it only builds with Debug configuration, but I believe this is not related to previous error, because it doesn't work with Visual Studio either.
I could not find another solution, so I did the 'hard reset' of my phone and now it is working. It's sad, but I hope the reason is the Windows 10 Mobile OS is still in beta version.
Step 1 : See, you need to install .NET Framework installer from the below link.
Step 2 : Go to C: drive and find where msbuild.exe is. You will find more msbuild. But mostly it will be in the location like C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319.
Step 3: Open the CMD in administrator and point to the location which is mentioned in Step 2.
Step 4 : Paste this. msbuild.exe "YourCompleteProjectPath.sln" /t:rebuild
See this for reference :

Visual Studio 2015 or 2017 does not discover unit tests

EDIT 2016-10-19:
The original question was about an issue specific to VS2015 CTP6 with the XUnit test runner. It's clear from the answers that there is a much broader issue with unit test discovery in Visual Studio which may occur in many different situations. I have cleaned up my question to reflect that.
I have also included a script in my own answer that I still use to this day to solve similar problems when they appear.
Many other answers have also proven helpful in better understanding the intricacies of the VS test runner. I appreciate that people are still sharing their solutions!
Original question 2015-04-10:
Since yesterday, my Visual Studio Test Explorer won't discover tests for any of my projects. It does not show the green loading bar after building, either.
When I go to the Visual Studio Test Explorer and click "Run All", or when I right-click any test method and select "Run Tests", I get the following in my output window:
Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.ProjectSystem, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
I am running Visual Studio 2015 CTP 6 on Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview, build 10041. The .NET Framework version does not seem to matter - it happens on 4.0, 4.5.2 and 4.6.
I tried with the following testing frameworks and all of them give the same behavior:
Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework v14.0.22609.0
xunit v2.1.0-beta1-build2945 with xunit.runner.visualstudio v2.1.0-beta1-build1051
NUnit v2.6.4 with NUnitTestAdapter v2.0.0
I found an issue on GitHub (xunit) that appeared to be similar: Cannot get tests discovered #295, with this comment from the xunit team:
Be aware that Visual Studio 2015 CTP 5 has been reported to be broken
by many people with unit testing in general (not just, so
don't expect that to work.
Also, please make sure you've cleaned out Visual Studio's runner
cache. If it gets corrupted, Visual Studio will permanently misbehave
until it's deleted. To clear the cache, shut down all instances of
Visual Studio, then delete the folder
%TEMP%\VisualStudioTestExplorerExtensions (honestly, it probably
wouldn't hurt to delete everything in %TEMP% that can be deleted).
I tried their suggestion to delete the folder %TEMP%\VisualStudioTestExplorerExtensions. Unfortunately that did not fix the problem.
I noticed that ReSharper actually is able to discover some tests. It only works for the VS and NUnit tests, not for xunit.
There has to be some sort of temp or cache folder I need to clear, but I know Visual Studio has many of them and not all of them can be deleted without unwanted side-effects.
To my surprise, clearing temp files located in the %TEMP% directory resolved the issue for me.
Note: This path is generally at C:\Users\(yourusername)\AppData\Local\Temp
As #Warren-P included, you can navigate to the temp folder by putting in %temp% in Start Menu, or launch "File Explorer" and enter %temp% in the address bar.
It could be that your code is compiled with x64 therefore have to enable the Default Processor Architecture as X64.
Test > Test Settings > Default Processor Architecture > X64
Check out, if NUnit Test Adapter 2/3 is installed in VisualStudio.
(Tools>Extensions and Updates )
Make sure that correct processor architecture is chosen:
(Test>Test Settings>Default Processor Architecture)
EDIT 2016-10-19 (PowerShell script)
This issue still returns every now and then. I wrote a small PowerShell snippet to automate clearing the relevant cache/temp folder/files for me. I'm sharing it here for future readers:
"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Microsoft\VisualStudio Services\6.0\Cache"
) |% { Remove-Item -Path $_ -Recurse -Force }
Make sure to close Visual Studio beforehand and it's probably a good idea to reboot afterwards.
Deleting the TEMP folder may not be necessary and may in some cases even be undesirable, so I would recommend trying without clearing the TEMP folder first. Just omit the "$env:TEMP".
Original answer 2015-04-12
The problem was "solved" after a thorough cleaning of Visual Studio-related temp/cache folders.
Since I did not have the time to go through everything one-by-one and then test in-between, I unfortunately don't know which one actually caused the problem.
These are the exact steps I've taken:
Closed Visual Studio
Used CCleaner to clear system and browser temp files/folders
Manually cleared/deleted the following files/folders:
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio Services\6.0\Cache
One reason for this problem is that your test class is not public. MSTest only discovers tests from public classes.
In Visual Studio 2015(Update 3) if you want to attach the tests in the test explorer then have to install the NUnit Test Adapter.Download the adapter from Tools->Extension And Updates->Online tab(you have to search for the adapter)->Download.
By restarting the Visual Studio you can see the change for the test framework.
I don't have a complete answer to this, but I have determined some things by playing with a test project:
The xunit.runner.aspnet : 2.0.0-aspnet-beta4 that appears to be part of the official beta4 aspnet5 release does not work in Visual Studio.
Instead, using "xunit": "2.1.0-*" and "xunit-runner.dnx": "2.1.0-*" packages DO work in Visual Studio.
In order for VS to discover the tests, your project MUST have a SINGLE command named "test" that runs "xunit.runner.dnx". Adding additional commands may break it.
If your Test Explorer window still ends up empty, REMOVE the "test" command from your project, then re-build the solution, then add the "test" command back to the project.json.
Clearing all your caches as per #Fred-Kleuver 's suggestion may help, but I haven't done all the steps in isolation, so I'm not sure.
This is current as per VS 2015 CTP 6, using the beta4 releases, not the dailies.
I had an instance where some tests would not be picked up because I had made them async like the following:
public async void This_IsMy_UnitTest()
The problem was I forgot to make them return a Task and not void when I did the switch-over. One would think this would cause an error or failed test but nope. The unit tests in that class were fully ignored and acted like they didn't exist.
It wasn't after about 3 clean and builds + restarting VS.NET that I saw the test run and fail indicating I forgot to add the Task return type:
public async Task This_IsMy_UnitTest()
After the update, the unit tests were found and worked correctly. This might be an edge case, but having async tests for using await within but not having the signature correct can cause this same issue and it's not the 1st time I've done this.
Go to Nuget package manager and download Nunit Adapter as follow.
I had the same pronlem but the folder "%TEMP%\VisualStudioTestExplorerExtensions" did not exist on my machine so as i read the posts i had the idea to create it and it works. The test explorer is now able to show all my tests.
Just restart Visual Studio and in Test Explorer do "Run All" ... All my tests are discovered then.
In my case (Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 14.0.25425.01 Update 3, Resharper 2016.2) I just needed to do a clean solution from the Build menu. Rebuilding the solution then cause the test explorer to "wake up" and find all the tests again.
The solution in my case was just to install the NUnit 3 Test Adapter extension to my Visual Studio 2015.
In my case, the problem was "between the chair and keyboard". I had switched to a configuration in the Configuration Manager which did not include my unit test projects on build. Switching back to a configuration (e.g. Debug) which includes all projects fixed the issue.
In my case, MSTest under VS 2015 was ignoring tests with test (i.e. method) names that were longer than 174 characters. Shortening the name allowed the test to be visible. This was determined via guess-and-check by manipulating the test name.
This probably won't help most people, but someone inexperienced at unit testing had written a test method that returned bool instead of void:
public bool TestSomething()
Changing the return type to void fixed the problem.
Ensure you have xunit.runner.visualstudio package in your test project packages.config and also that was correctly restored.
I know this was not the case of the original question however it could save time for someone like me.
I would just like to add that I found an entirely different solution to the ones above.
I had declared my test class as below:
class ClassificationTests
//unit tests
As soon as I added the public modifier to the class, it worked as expected!
This topic is somewhat outdated, but my solution to the missing Test status in VS2015:
The task-status only shows up on the Debug buildconfiguration. Ofcourse this also makes it impossible to debug your test through the test-explorer.
Somehow my project was set to compile as a Static Library (.lib). After changing this to a Dynamic Library (.dll), tests where discovered correctly by Visual Studio 2012.
My Unit Test Project ->
Properties ->
Configuration Properties ->
General ->
Configuration Type
If you're targetting .NET Standard or .NET Core, you need to use the NuGet package for NUnit Test Adapter and not the extension.
It is recommended to install the adapter from NuGet if you are testing .NET Core or .NET Standard projects. The VSIX adapter does not, and will not, support .NET Core because VSIX packages cannot target multiple platforms.
Source: NUnit GitHub Wiki
Also check the FAQ there:
My tests aren't showing up in Visual Studio 2017?
Are you using the NuGet package?
Are you using version 3.8.0 or newer of the NuGet package?
Do your tests target .NET Core or the full .NET Framework? (see above)
Have you added a Package Reference to Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk?
Have you restarted Visual Studio? It is still a bit tempermental.
Source: NUnit GitHub Wiki
This happened to me because my test project contained an app.config.
It was automatically added by NuGet packages for assembly redirection, but my tests seemed to run fine without it.
I had the same problem. I just cleaned and rebuilt the project and I was able to see the tests that were missing.
Popping in to share my solution. I was on Windows 10, Visual Studio 2015, NUnit 3.5, NUnit Test Adapter 3.6 (via NuGet, not the VISX extension) and none of my tests were being discovered. My problem was that in the Tests project of my solution, somehow a shortcut to my "Documents" folder had been created within the project folder. I'm guessing the test adapter was seeing the shortcut and getting hung up trying to figure out what to do with it, resulting in the failure to display unit tests.
Deleting the file \AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\1033\SpecificFold‌​erCache.xml solved the issue for me.
I was also bitten by this wonderful little feature and nothing described here worked for me. It wasn't until I double-checked the build output and noticed that the pertinent projects weren't being built. A visit to configuration manager confirmed my suspicions.
Visual Studio 2015 had happily allowed me to add new projects but decided that it wasn't worth building them. Once I added the projects to the build it started playing nicely.
I resolved it by changing X64 to :
Right click on project -> Properties -> Build -> Platform target -> Any CPU
It was so easy for me to fix the issue as:
Select your Unit Test Project
Click on 'Show All Files' button in the Solution Explorer and new temporary files appeared in the file tree of the Solution Explorer within 'obj\x86\Debug'.
Delete these temporary files and rebuild project.
Retried to run tests and worked!.
We had the same problem. We have a big VS 2015 solution with multiple C# projects in it and even more test projects.
Resharper's test discovery worked just fine, but VS Test Explorer failed miserably.
Turns out that the projects didn't have the same version of MsTest TestFramework and TestAdapter, and that sometimes they used NuGets and other times good old references, and that is not supported apparently (so much for such an expensive IDE).
Removing all Microsoft.VisualStudio.Test* references and then adding / updating the two MSTest NuGets fixed the problem.
I solved this problem by realizing that the Target Framework for my test project was different than the project under test. Yes, I caused this problem by changing the target framework from the default (Project>Properties>Application), but failed to this this for the test project, which was created several weeks later. The mismatch did not cause a compiler error, but it did result in a warning in the Error List window. Once I selected the option to display warnings, the solution was obvious.

Running SpecFlow Report - ERROR - The attribute "Label" in element <Target> is unrecognized

I have been following the tutorial found here for a SpecFlow test report generator.
My issue is, when I run the tool, I receive the following message:
The attribute "Label" in element Target is unrecognized
I've found a few possible solutions, none of which have worked e.g. here
I am able to show that I am running version 4.x as when I run MSBuild using the Visual Studio 2012, command prompt I can see the following:
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 4.0.30319.17929 [Microsoft .NET
Framework, version 4.0.30319.18052]
I have created a config file as suggested here
but unfortunately I am still getting the error. The project is running locally off git and this issue has been fixed in the past by using the config file, however since swapping to a VMware Virtual machine, it is now occurring again.
I have also right clicked > Properties which states that the file is using .NET 4.0, in addition created a Environment Variable linking directly to the MSBuild directory. I've spent a good while browsing the internet and cannot get this working. Please help!
Many thanks for any help you can provide,
Solved this with the internal devs. There was some problem with the Chromedriver update script which had been added by (I'm assuming NuGet)
<PropertyGroup Label="DownloadChromeDriverBuildTask">
and also:
<Target Name="DownloadChromeDriver" Label="DownloadChromeDriverBuildTask">
It was a small script that was installing ChromeDriver if it was not already available. Removing this seems to have resolved it. Hope this provides help to anyone with a similar issue.