How to add downloaded fontawesome pro icons to react native? - expo

I am no longer a fontawesome pro customer but I still am able to download the pro icon set for web and desktop (svg / css / webfonts / sprites...) and I want to add some duotone and light pro icons to my project. But I've tried to add it to my expo project in multiple ways and it does not seem to work.
I tried using react-native-svg and it didn't work as fontawesome svg can't be translated to svgr for some reason.
I tried using react-native-fontawesome but it only seems to work for regular solid and brands icons.
I can't use the fortAwesome library as my npm token has expired and therefore been revoked.
Please help, how can I use the downloaded icons in my react native expo project ?
Thank you in advance

I found out how to do it.
I added the fontawesome pro fonts to my assets. Loaded the fonts using Font.loadAsync().
Then I created a component and an array containing the names and the unicode values of each icon. (found at this link : font-awesome unicode and names
My component is simply a component with a fontFamily corresponding to the fontFamily I want to use (in my case the fa-light-300, fa-duotone-900 and fa-brands-400). And the unicode value written like so :
<Text style={{ fontFamily: "fa-light-300" }}>{"\uf164"}</Text>
I hope this helps if anyone comes across the same problem.


Dark Theme for C++ application on Windows 10

I am using the application Qalculate on Windows 10. Qalculate is written in C++. I would like to apply a dark theme, possibly contributing to the Github project.
GitHub Libraries
Here is what the app currently looks like on my system:
The screenshots on the Qalculate website show a dark theme:
I've contacted the primary developer Hanna-kn about how to apply the dark theme. This was her reply:
You can either add environment variable (in advanced system properties) GTK_THEME with value Adwaita:dark, or create a file named settings.ini, in folder C:\Program Files\Qalculate\share\gtk-3.0 or C:\Users[username]\AppData\Local\gtk-3.0, with the following contents
It appears that she is using Linux and the process to apply a theme to a specific application in Windows 10 is different than Linux.
What code would need to be added to the Github project to allow a dark theme? Or is there another application that would allow an application specific dark theme in Windows 10.
Dark theme is already turned on in the Windows 10 settings:
Developer Hanna-kn updated her code to allow a dark theme.
Before and After code here:

No plist file available in Xcode C++ App

I'm new to Xcode. I am using version 8.3.3 on MacOS 10.12.5 (Sierra) to develop an experimental command line application. I want to set up a version number for the application. According to instructions in Apple documentation and many other places I should be able to do this under the General tab for the project. However, under the General tab Xcode does not seem to be able to find a plist file and instead
displays a 'Choose info.plist File' button.
When I click the click the button Xcode displays a selection dialog containing a project icon, but no sign of an info.plist file and no obvious way to navigate to or create one.
I have tried the technique described at Youtube (v=gYh4_80jHDk: sorry -- can't post it as a link as I'm also new to Stack Overflow!) but to no avail. It just gives me another 'Choose info.plist File' button.
I expect I'm missing something obvious, but it's not obvious to me. I'd be grateful for any help!
Many thanks

How to render html in C++ app using already installed firefox or chrome

We have a requirement to render a local html file in a webview on a mfc window. Currently we have achieved this with IE and now we need to do the same with firefox and then with chrome.
Some of the options suggest using webkit or gecko sdk but we would rather like to use already installed libraries and binaries of these browsers on a windows machine.
It would be of great help if you could point me into some documentation or some sample code to achieve this.
Thanks for your response.
IE provides a COM component but AFAIK none of the other browsers do.
Qt provide QtWebView class, it's a wrapper of WebKit's web view, and it's cross-platform.
Or use MFC/WTL's CHtmlView, but IE so sucks.

Upgrading from Qt 4.2.1 to Qt 4.6.1 changed the fonts

Just switched from Qt 4.2.1 to 4.6.1 and the fonts are different. Different font type and size (bigger).
I did not regenerate any files just tried compiling with a different Qt version.
All the settings for the fonts, etc. are in the .cpp files.
Any ideas on how to change the fonts back?
I inherited the code and I'm not a Qt developer, if anyone can point me to some resources on this problem that would be great as well.
I suspect that this might just be the danger of coding styles like fonts in source code rather than using style sheets. When things change you'll need to add more source code but with style sheets any new stuff should get automatically covered by them provided they are applied on a wide enough scope. Only a guess though.
If your application is using a consistent font and font size throughout then a quick fix which might work is to try setting up an application-wide style sheet and setting it with QApplication::setStyleSheet. For example,
qApp->setStyleSheet( "*{ font-family: \"Times\"; font-size: 12pt }" );

WebBrowser component in Dev-C++

I want to use a WebBrowser control in a Dev-C++ project. Ages ago, when I was using VB6, I just added the WebBrowser control (C:\Windows\System32\shdocvw.dll) to my form and it worked, but I'm lost in C++.
Should I load it dynamically with LoadLibrary, then somehow add it to my dialog window? I want to have standard features like page navigation, dynamic HTML elements, submittable forms, view page source, etc.
I installed Qt Maker and downloaded a test project from the official site. But when running/compiling I get this error:
Could not find make command: make in the build environment
Error while building project betalabsclient (target: Desktop)
When executing build step 'Make'
Does anyone have any ideas? Mingw is installed, of course.
This is not the answer for your question, but you may want to try and use Qt and the webkit browser component in it.
There are several webkit-related samples and I assume that they may actually suit for your needs "as they are".
Web Browser Example (ActiveQt)
HOWTO: Get QT working with Dev-C++