How can I set "Start without debugging " in the top-bar of the Visual Studio 2019 IDE, instead of "Local Windows Debugger". I find it annoying that every single time I need to press CTRL + F5 to start without debugging.
I looked through settings but I didn't see anything. Maybe I missed something.
You can add virtually any command to the VS-2019 IDE's toolbars. At the right-hand side of the tooolbar where you want your command to go, click the small down-arrow and select the "Add or Remove Buttons" command from the pop-up:
Then, if the command you want is not shown in the list of 'available' buttons, select the "Customize" command (near the bottom). Then, in the pop-up box, click the "Add Command" button:
In the next pop-up, for the "Start Without Debugging" command, you have to (odd though it may seem) select the "Debug" category from the left-hand list and scroll down (some way) in the right-hand list to find it:
Once selected, click "OK" ad "Close" the first pop-up. The command button will now appear (probably at the extreme left-hand side) on the toolbar.
Right click on the toolbar, pick Customize from the drop down menu
Click the Commands tab in the dialog that appears
Click the Toolbar radio button
Pick the 'Standard' option from the drop down menu to the right of the Toolbar button
Click the Add Command button
Click the Debug category on the left
Scroll down to list on the right to find the 'Start without Debugging' command and select it.
Click OK
etc. etc.
When I run C++ program under qt creator in debug mode, Qt creator shows me debug window with "local and expressions", "breakpoints" and so on.
Sometimes I close these windows to watch the code by pressing Esc. How to return this views back? I really need to loot at stack trace right now, but I can't find a button to show me the stack.
I looked at this question but it didn't help. My debugging window working well, but when I close it, I cannot open it again. The only way - restart whole program, than debugging view appear again and I can operate with it.
You need to go back to the "Debug" mode by clicking on the debug (bug) icon on the left hand side.
You can do so by pressing CTRL + 4.
"Debug" mode and CTRL + 4 didn't help me, so here is another solution:
Click "Views" which should be on the dark grey bar in the lower right area of your user interface, in small print. There you can check or uncheck any of the Debug windows you want to see.
I find it easier to just click "Reset to Default Layout" under this menu because I'm not hard to please and it brings all the debug windows I want to see back instantly.
Using MFC in Visual Studio 2012
I want to use a CMFCColorButton in a dialog in my application.
I added the CMFCColorButton button to my dialog in the resource editor (test it, works OK); click on the button and the underlying CMFCColorPopupMenu is display and stay displayed until manually dismissed (choosing a color or clicking somewhere else).
When I build my application and try the button in the dialog, it works differently, when I click the button, the underlying CMFCColorPopupMenu is displayed and immediately dismissed. If I want to select a color, I need to keep the mouse button down.
I tried in a different application (default MFC application) and I get the desired behavior (click and the CMFCColorPopupMenu stay visible).
I am not certain what could trigger the behavior difference.
I try toggling the CMFCColorButton::m_bAutoSetFocus value of the button and there is no change of behavior. ( I am not certain what is the purpose of this variable, but that is another subject)
Any ideas? hints/tips?
I have to automate payment gateway process for my native android application for which i have to select option from dropdowon box. After selecting an option "continue" button will be enabled.
On clicking continue button it takes me to new screen where payment details will be entered.
I'm facing following issues:
1) Not able to select drop down menu option after scrolling in the drop drown.
2) Able to select the option from first 5 options which are visible when dropdwon opens without any scrolling.after the option selection continue button has to be enabled by defalut.i am able to see that option got selected but not able to click on continue button.Script is not returning any error but i am sure it is not clicking on continue button.
Before clicking on dropdown id and class of dropdown are packagename;id/statechooser and android.widget.spinner respectively.
After click on dropdown id and class are android:id/text1 and android.widget.Textview.
Below is my code.
#entering Name
self.driver.find_element_by_id('packagename:id/name').send_keys('App Test');
#entering address line 1
self.driver.find_element_by_id('packagename:id/address_line_1').send_keys('Madison Boulevard')
self.driver.keyevent(66)(#this event for moving to dropdown)
self.driver.keyevent(66)(#this event for opening dropdown)
Finally I got solution for this. By using python wrapper for UIAUTOMATOR I am able to proceed to next page.I am using down method until the option is visible and then pressing enter to accept it instead of click method. Below is the code.
I am sorry for this silly doubt.
But when I compile this program, it only shows error line. It does not show error window.
(I have purposely made an error here, I know the correct solution in code ).
I tried view section in menu bar, but couldn't find the solution.
Any settings help will be appreciated.
No need to be sorry.. it happens..
Right click the status bar
Click on floating report window.
A movable window will come up.
Click on the inner tabbed close button. (You may have to right-click the report window to resize it and see the close button)
After that just randomly resize the window so that it doesn't hide again.
Happy Coding..!!!
Edit - As #Alex suggested in one comment below -
You probably hid Error window while you were changing it's size. So it's hidden between Editor window and Statusbar. Try to close Statusbar first (right mouse click -> Statusbar) and then stretch Error window to normal size (click and pull lower window bound up).
This also works. :)
Click the "View" at the top of the window.
Then Click on the "Floating Report Window".
A floating window will appear at the botton of the screen.
Then Resize that floating Window.
At last click on the inner tabbed close button.
Goto "view" at the top of the window.
A whole bunch of options shall drop down.
Check "floating report window".
Thats it!
I had same problem. If you restart your devcpp you will see report bar(including compile log). But if you try to click it it will dissapear. The problem is that this window is shrunk in size to a bar. All you need is just after restarting devcpp click and stretch this bar to small size window.
Go to Tools menu then select Environment Options
then go to compilation progress area, check the Show during compilation option and uncheck the Auto close after compilation option.
I tried all of these answers, couldn't find it yet. I tried pressing the F key buttons and it popped up. So all that needs to be done is press F2!
Go to view
Click 'floating report window'
A long 'Report Window' bar will come out, just resize it and you'll see the compile log.
In my project i have 2 radio button "File" and "not File" and i also hav a textbox called "width"..
I need to disable the text box when i click on "not file" radio button and once i click "file" radio button it should enable the textbox..
Can u tell me the function in Windows programming in visual c++
EDIT : "Add variable" is disabled when i right click on the textbox
Attach a CTextBox member variable to your text box. Say m_tbWidth. You can do this by right clicking on the textbox in the dialog designer and selecting "Add variable..."
In the handler for File, enter the line m_tbWidth.EnableWindow( TRUE );
And in the handler for NotFile, enter the line m_tbWidth.EnableWindow( FALSE );