No error window in Dev cpp - c++

I am sorry for this silly doubt.
But when I compile this program, it only shows error line. It does not show error window.
(I have purposely made an error here, I know the correct solution in code ).
I tried view section in menu bar, but couldn't find the solution.
Any settings help will be appreciated.

No need to be sorry.. it happens..
Right click the status bar
Click on floating report window.
A movable window will come up.
Click on the inner tabbed close button. (You may have to right-click the report window to resize it and see the close button)
After that just randomly resize the window so that it doesn't hide again.
Happy Coding..!!!
Edit - As #Alex suggested in one comment below -
You probably hid Error window while you were changing it's size. So it's hidden between Editor window and Statusbar. Try to close Statusbar first (right mouse click -> Statusbar) and then stretch Error window to normal size (click and pull lower window bound up).
This also works. :)

Click the "View" at the top of the window.
Then Click on the "Floating Report Window".
A floating window will appear at the botton of the screen.
Then Resize that floating Window.
At last click on the inner tabbed close button.

Goto "view" at the top of the window.
A whole bunch of options shall drop down.
Check "floating report window".
Thats it!

I had same problem. If you restart your devcpp you will see report bar(including compile log). But if you try to click it it will dissapear. The problem is that this window is shrunk in size to a bar. All you need is just after restarting devcpp click and stretch this bar to small size window.

Go to Tools menu then select Environment Options
then go to compilation progress area, check the Show during compilation option and uncheck the Auto close after compilation option.

I tried all of these answers, couldn't find it yet. I tried pressing the F key buttons and it popped up. So all that needs to be done is press F2!

Go to view
Click 'floating report window'
A long 'Report Window' bar will come out, just resize it and you'll see the compile log.


Minimize, Maximize button disappear without any reason

It's a dialog based MFC application. I didn't intentionally add any code about the Minimize, Maximize and Restore button. It can show those button at the first. But it just disappear after long time running. Or maybe sleep of the computer causes this?
I have no idea about this, do you have any clue?
Thanks #xMRi's remind, I checked its style, seems still to be right.
Listed below few possible reason & resolution may impact you application look. More specifically, your device manager plays important role in application appearance. I would say its environment or certain unnecessary application(Virus)installation issue rather than your MFC application issue.
Full Fix: Minimize, Maximize and Close Buttons Disappear
At least I know a way to restore the disappared system buttons.
ModifyStyle(0, WS_MINIMIZEBOX);
GetSystemMenu(FALSE)->InsertMenu(-1, MF_BYPOSITION, SC_MINIMIZE, _T("Minimize"));
Press F11 for Windows 10, or right-click on the application which you can't see windows button then choose view finally uncheck the full screen

How to return debug window in Qt Creator

When I run C++ program under qt creator in debug mode, Qt creator shows me debug window with "local and expressions", "breakpoints" and so on.
Sometimes I close these windows to watch the code by pressing Esc. How to return this views back? I really need to loot at stack trace right now, but I can't find a button to show me the stack.
I looked at this question but it didn't help. My debugging window working well, but when I close it, I cannot open it again. The only way - restart whole program, than debugging view appear again and I can operate with it.
You need to go back to the "Debug" mode by clicking on the debug (bug) icon on the left hand side.
You can do so by pressing CTRL + 4.
"Debug" mode and CTRL + 4 didn't help me, so here is another solution:
Click "Views" which should be on the dark grey bar in the lower right area of your user interface, in small print. There you can check or uncheck any of the Debug windows you want to see.
I find it easier to just click "Reset to Default Layout" under this menu because I'm not hard to please and it brings all the debug windows I want to see back instantly.

Going back to the main page after closing the pop up window

I am having a problem on handling the pop up windows in robot framework.
The process I want to automate is :
When the button is clicked, the popup window appears. When the link from that popup window is clicked, the popup window is closed automatically and go back to the main page.
While the popup window appears, the main page is disabled, and it can be enabled only when the link from the pop up window is clicked.
The problem I have here is that I cannot go back to the main page after clicking the link from the popup window. I got the following error.
20140604 16:04:24.160 : FAIL : NoSuchWindowException: Message: u'Unable to get browser'
I hope you guys can help me solve this problem.
Thank you!
I had the same issue and here is the method to resolve the issue
String window = driver.getWindowHandle();
Now click the button to invoke the popup and give some wait time
and then switch to ur new window with the below code
driver.switchTo().window("your new window name");
//perform your action in the new window and then
To get back control over your main page after the popup closes, use the below code
This will help you activate the main window and continue your action there.
Let me know if this helpw
No idea in Python but in Java you can use below code after pop opened to solve your problem:
Object[] parentHandle = myDriver.getWindowHandles().toArray();
myDriver.switchTo().window((String) parentHandle[0]);
In the first line of code parentHandle is the number of current
windows in Array form. And in second line of code I am switching to
the first window, for second window you can use 1.
If still have problem or you need something else, please suggest.
I have seen this issue and found that there is a recovery period where Selenium does not work correctly for a short time after closing a window. Try using a fixed delay or poll with Wait Until Keyword Succeeds combined with a keyword from Selenium2Library.

Win32 Window Menu is appearing along left side instead of across top of window

I think I may be using a wrong window style or something or maybe just adding the menu to the window incorrectly. I'll post a link to an image here so you can see what I mean about the menu not diplaying correctly:
And here's a link to the code that creates the menu and the window:
I'm sure I'm missing something simple and dumb in the labyrinth of styles, settings and etc that are part and parcel for the Win32 API. Has anyone seen this before and know what I'm doing wrong? I just want a 'normal' menu bar along the top, snug against the title bar.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
The MF_MENUBREAK flag you use when adding the popups causes this—that flag is only required if you want the menu item to appear on a new line in the menu bar. Take out both of the MF_MENUBREAK flags and all will be well.

how to make slew key in mfc

i have a dialog box in which a edit control and a button is presentfuncionality is that when i cliked on button edit control changes values from 0 to 30.for single click functionality is working fine but when i hold that button then it should quickly go on increasing 0 to 30 but its not going that not taking left click down to achecve this functionality
Try Spin control, it should work as you expect.
Edit: maybe you can use AutoRepeat button: