How can I use together with private gitlab with an access token? -

I have found this thread (this comment sumarizes it) explaining how to use together with a private gitlab by authorizing the application. In my company that option is not available.I think it could be possible to give access to the private gitlab by using access tokens but I don't know how.
It is okey if it requires some changes to the source code, as anyways we will be building it and deploying it in a private server.
So far I tried to do basically the same process but changing the gitlab-id parameter from the application-id to the access-token, that didn't work. Any ideas? Thanks!


How can I install the [] service on my private network?

I want to use in Bookstack on offline environment.
I install drawio service via docker (refer, and modify Bookstack config DRAWIO=http://[my host]/?embed=1&proto=json&spin=1&configure=1
but it is not working, I find they are different, I wonder what has possible can install the [] service on my private network?
The following URL worked for me:
http://[my host]:8080/?embed=1&proto=json&spin=1
It seems like you had an additional configure=1 parameter. Note that only providing the parameter embed=1 also results in what appears to be the same web page.

Terraform UI for non technical CLI users?

I currently have a server build process that uses Terraform and deploys a server all from code.
I'm looking for a web UI with forms that I could either populate specific fields and or do API get commands against a VCenter or wherever the server is being built to populate the specific fields. The fields that get populated would be stored as the file and when someone hits submit, it would run the actual Terraform command terraform apply to build the server based on the variables. My guess is the terraform binaries would have to live on there so it could run in the background.
It doesn't have to be some super fancy web page, just something that I could potentially make look cool for Director level folks.
Also, I don't want to use TF enterprise, yet. I've looked into a couple of open source projects (atlantis and terrahub) but none seem to be what I'm looking for.
I'm far from a web developer so any help would be awesome.
You can try with SLD
I think it has everything that you need
It is very intuitive, it has a web interface and a rest api to easily integrate it with the rest of the applications.

CLI/SDK to create Google-cloud oAuth client

Is it possible to create an OAuth client ( using a script (gcloud or any library)?
Google recommended way ( is to manually create from
I have multiple apps with different url_redirects like,,, this subdomain list is large to manage manually.
I want to automate this process for my use case. I'm not able to find any library to do this.
Update: Endpoint used by GCP console and there is related permission also "clientauthconfig.clients.create" but there is no API provided for it.
You would need API client to create new API client anyway. Is it really necessary for you to create it this way? You can rather create multiple "user" credentials for your application using only that one API client.
I think you are looking for something like this, hope Java is good for you.
I've also found the following relevant information that might help you. Link
Also relevant for you. Link
Let me know.

How to implement AWS Cognito (ionic)

I am trying to implement AWS cognito service into my app (ionic 2/3), from scratch. I have no previous experience with AWS.
I did make work the ionic2-starter-aws project (even if the tutorial was missing a lot of things) but since I was importing a project into the mobile hub, I did not learn anything useful for my App.
What I did:
Made my app work without any AWS service.
Created a mobile hub, added a user pool (User Sign-in)
Activated Hosting And Streaming (from the Mobile Hub) and downloaded aws-config.js
Copy/pasted providers files from /src/providers/ (they were made for aws connection, no point in re-writing them I guess)
Here I tried adding aws-config.js different way (into src/assets, same place than index.html, at the project root, ...) without success, all I get is AWSCognito is not defined. This error laid almost no result so I guess I forgot/did something wrong at some point (I am guessing it come from declare var AWSCognito: any; inside aws.cognito.ts but it wasn't declared before, but why does it work with ionic2-starter-aws then ?)
What are the steps to implement Cognito ? Lots have been made for javascript but they doesn't seem to work for typescript ?

jUDDI Installation and configuration

I have installed the basic jUDDI Server in my machine. I am able to Register the Service and able to read my Service info as a new user. I want to restrict the users who wants to look up my services. I want only my clients to access these information. I want to authenticate them so only my clients can view the business, service, tModel, Binding Template information. How can I achieve this? Can any body help me get through this?
Try turning on the setting the requires authentication for the inquiry API. You can find it in the juddiv3.xml config file for the server. Here's the xpath to get you there.
Future readers, the documentation is located here for the current release (as of this time of this post)
but the website will get you to whatever is current. The docs (that website) is also available as part of the distribution and (i think) maven artifacts