NVidia NSight "process creation failure" - c++

When launching my game from NVidia NSight, I get the following error message:
Preparing to launch...
Launch failure: Process creation failure
Launch failed.
The game launches just fine, but with no way to attach to it, I can't do frame debugging or anything else. There is no other error message or information that is logged. This is on Arch Linux.

This is probably not the answer you were hoping for, but after running into the same problem, I sent a bug report to Nvidia (https://developer.nvidia.com/rdp/bugs/nsight-graphics-bug-reporting) and I was told that Arch isn't supported at the moment (see https://developer.nvidia.com/nsight-graphics-requirements).
It's possible that, if there is enough demand, support could be added. So feel free to send them some feedback/request as well.
As an alternative, for debugging, RenderDoc works well enough on Arch, but it's not very good for profiling.

FYI, Arch Linux has now been officially supported by Nsight Graphics.
Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04
RHEL 7.6
Centos 7.6
Arch Linux 2021.05.01


FICO Xpress Workbench won't work due to OS Catalina, produced error "spawn mosel ENOENT"

I have a bit of a technical question here. Since upgrading to OS Catalina I have tried running my Xpress Workbench files and a warning pops up saying "It can't be opened because Apple cannot check for malicious software." When bypassing this and opening it anyway it produces an error whenever I run some code:
"spawn mosel ENOENT"
Has anyone else experienced this? and what does the error mean? I have been in touch with Apple support but they weren't that helpful, I have also been in touch with FICO (the developer of the programme) and they haven't experienced the problem before but are getting in touch with their dev team.
Any help would be much appreciated.
I also got this issue when i upgraded my macOS to Catalina. I couldn't run my mosel programs successfully.
In Catalina, any software installed outside of the Mac App Store is now checked every time it runs for malware and other problems. You can solve this by un-quarantining the Xpress workbench application.
Run this code on terminal of your mac - xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine "/Applications/FICO Xpress" (specify the location of the application in the quote).
It should be fine after this.

Eclipse error during remote debug session: sh: locale: not found

I'm really hoping to get an answer on this. I am using Eclipse to remote debug a C++ program on a (minimal) linux machine. I am aware that the linux machine does not have the locale binary installed. First off, the error received is the following in Eclipse after pressing the debug or run button:
org.eclipse.remote.core.exception.RemoteConnectionException: sh:
locale: not found
After the first run, successive runs do not display the error, only the first run. If I restart the linux machine, the error will come back for the first run again.
What is most obvious is that Eclipse, or the running program is calling locale on the linux machine and it is not available, not installed.
This machine is quite minimal and doesn't even have a package manager - it's an embedded system. So I tried to install "locales", "locale" as well as "locale-all" using multistrap when building the linux image. None worked.
When using debian repositories, multistrap returns
E: Unable to locate packages locales
So I guess my real questions are:
1) What debian package supplies "locale" found in /usr/bin/locale? How
can I install it without adding a lot of of overhead on an ARM system? (assuming no package manager)
2) Where is the source code for locale?
And third,
3) In Eclipse, can I prevent the running program or Eclipse from
calling locale? This is preferred.
After scouring the forums, I found one guy that said he got the same issue and "manually fixed it", however he did not provide the fix.. Hope to get some help!
That reference can be found https://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php/t/1081283/
I had the same, so I changed the encoding to ISO-8859-1 in the debug settings.

can't run a simple program in CLion

I'm VERY new to CLion so please be gentle :)
I took a project I did for a programming course I'm taking, I managed to build it, but when I tried to run it the CLion just freezes. I tried to run it in debug mode, but no success there either - it waits for a few seconds and then I recieve a message: "command timed out".
I thought the problem might be in my program, so I wrote a simple "Hello World" program - still no success.
few technical specs that might help:
I use CLion 1.2.1 (Newest version).
For my toolchains I use TDM-GCC compiler (downloaded from here: http://tdm-gcc.tdragon.net/download) - I actually do not use the newest version - I use version 4.9.2-3 instead - because I wanted the GDB to be 7.8 so Clion supports it).
My computer runs windows 10 (64 bit), intel core i5-4210U, 8 GB RAM (for what it's worth...)
hope you could help me.
Avast antivirus running … changing its setting as you can find here Stop avast! from attacking my own programs can help...
– nnn

Error occurred while MicroCloudFoundry installation

I am using Fedora-16 (64 bit) Operating System.
I have got registered with CloudFoundry and get download "micro-1.2.0.zip" and
"*VMware-Player-4.0.2-591240.x86_64.bundle*". I have successfully installed the "VMware-Player". Then how can install "micro cloud foundry" correctly?
When extract it and run the "micro.vmx" file, then I have got several warring messages and finally got this error message as,
This kernel requires an x86_64 CPU, but only detected an i686 CPU.
Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU
If some one know how I can over come this problem or what is the correct way to install "MicroCloudFoundry", please help me. Thanks.
You have to check the processor compatibility as well.
Here is the link where you can check the processor compatibility:

uable to profile with oprofile

I am using cent os 5.5 .
Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.18-164.el5xen #1 SMP Thu Sep 3 04:03:03 EDT 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
I am trying to profile my project(server) with oprofile written in c++.
So, for that i am using eclipse Helios Service Release 2 and it has a plugin for oprofile. I have installed the plugin through eclipse. but when i try to profile with oprofile a message bos pop up saying that,
"An error has occurred. See error log for more details.
I have also tried with eclipse plugin gprof. It creates the gmon.out file but unfortunately it did not take any sample. It can only show the number of times qa function is called but it couldnt show the duration of time a function executes. Can pls anyone tell me why this is happening ?
can anyone tell me if cent os kernel support profiling with oprofile.
My project is a server written in c++. It has shared libraries and it is multithreaded.It is not much efficient. So i am trying to find out where it is spending much time and where it is overloading the cpu.
It would be a gr8 help if anyone can tell me how i can profile my server with oprofile or gprof in eclipse in a proper way.I am prefering eclipse because it shows the gmon.out or the output of oprofile in much more understandable way
Thank you
I don't know about gprof.
But oprofile should work on centos.
You need to make sure you have opcontrol rpm installed.
Otherwise you can get the source and build it and install it.