Launch Program "<.exe program path>" does not exist. C++ debugging Visual Studio Code - c++

When i press debug, i always get this error. The program does not exist.
I have configured the launch.json file looking at different guides but still havent gotten rid of this issue.


Cant run C++ onto console in Visual Studio Code

Every time I click F5 to debug or run my code to console, I only receive an error message and im not so sure what to do. Im new to VSCode and help is highly appreciated.
I get an error saying: launch program " does not exist
Any advice as to what I should do? My OS is windows 10.
I've tried installing code runner and reinstalling visual studio all together. Though I cant find anything on the internet for any information.

Visual Studio not generating debug executable?

I'm currently using Visual Studio 2015 to write a C++ program. Recently I've been getting an error in which the debugger can't locate the executable file generated by the build. I've tried almost every solution out there but I can't fix it. I even tried reinstalling Visual Studio 2015 and it worked for a little while but now I keep getting the same error. It starts happening after I write code for a bit.
I verified that the Linker and the Debug both access the same location for the .exe file. What could cause the .exe file to not generate? My build compiles successfully without error.
Here is the error:
Unable to start program 'c:\users\user\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\Project1\debug\Project1.exe
EDIT: The only virus scanner I have is MalwareBytes, but this hasn't happened before when I had it installed.
Solved. I was writing my program using a .h file but it needed to be .cpp.

Visual Studio 2013 debugging access issue with breakpoints

I've been having an issue with debugging my C++ programs recently in Visual Studio 2013. Normally my programs will run fine, however, when I include a breakpoint at the end of my code in order to keep the console open, I will have to manually stop the debugging of the program afterwards (Shift + F5), which will consistently cause an error saying "The debugger was unable to terminate one or more processes: [4912] .exe: Access is denied. The debugger may be unstable now. It is recommended that you save all files and exit." If I go on to continue coding and then compile again later, it will fail to compile with the error that access is denied with fatal error LNK1168, saying it cannot open the .exe for writing. This only happens when I include a breakpoint in my code, so I'm wondering if there's a fix for this, or something that I'm doing wrong? Thanks.

Visual Studio - Can't run program: the .exe can't be found

I am working on a program and so far, it was working perfectly well but now I have a problem: when I build my project, it works, it generates the .exe but I can't run it, I get this error:
Unable to start program 'H:\C++\Shooter\Debug\Shooter.exe'. Specified file could not be found
(it's a translation)
When I look in the Debug folder, the exe is here and when I try to execute it manually, it throws the same error and deletes the .exe. Note that everything works on my second computer which has the same version of Visual Studio.
Also, this project shares the same solution than an other one (the server) but the server works fine.
I already tried repairing Visual Studio but it didn't solve my problem.
It was my antivirus that was causing the problem so I put the directory to my anti-virus safe zone.

Visual Studio 2012 does not generate exe

I've a C++ project in Visual Studio 2012 Express, and I started having problems lately. When I compile the project it works, nothing wrong, however when I try to execute it the .exe disappears. I mean, I compile the project, the project generates the exe file with no problems, but if I try to execute it from Visual Studio or directly from the output directory, Windows say to me:
Cannot start the program 'C:\Users\Adrian\Dropbox\MyApp\Debug\MyApp.exe'.
The system can not find the file specified
If I create another project, Hello World for example, there is no problem and the exe generates and executes good. So I guess the problem is specific to my project. I tried disabling Avast (because maybe he delete the file) and the problem persists.
Also I create another project, including the files and... the problem is still here...
I check the project options, specifically general and debug options and I see nothing wrong.
So does anyone have an idea what may be wrong?
The output directory is $(SolutionDir)$(Configuration)\ and I'm compiling in Debug mode.
The windows error message is misleading. It should state that, loading a library (dll) failed. You might run the program with a process monitor (see: