Dataset shows only 5 event tables after re-linking Firebase with another Google Analytics account - google-cloud-platform

Recently unlinked and re-linked a Firebase project with a different Google Analytics account.
The BigQuery integration configured to export GA data created the new dataset and data started populating into that.
The old dataset corresponding to the unlinked, "default" GA account, which contained ~2 years of data is still accessible in the BigQuery UI, however only the 5 most recent event_ tables are visible in the dataset. (5 days worth of event data)
Is it possible to extract historical data from the old, unlinked dataset?

What I could suggest, it's to do some queries for further validate the data that you have within your BigQuery dataset.
In this case, I would start by getting the dates for each table to see the amount (days) of data contained on the dataset.
SELECT event_date
FROM `firebase-public-project.analytics_153293282.events_*`
GROUP BY event_date ORDER BY event_date
A better way to do this, and get all the tables within the dataset, is using the bq command line tool, see reference here.
bq ls firebase-public-project:analytics_153293282
You'll get something like this:
You could also do a COUNT(event_date), so you can see how many records you have per day, and compare this to the content that you have or you can see on your Firebase project.
SELECT event_date, COUNT(event_date) ...
On the case that there's data missing, you could use table decorators, to try to recover that data, see example here.
About the table's expiration date you can see this, in short, expiration time can be set by default at dataset level and it would be applied for new tables (existing tables require a manual update of their expiration time one by one), and expiration time can be set during the creation of the table. To see if there was any change on the expiration time you could look into your logs for protoPayload.methodName="tableservice.update", and see if there was set an expireTime as follows:
tableUpdateRequest: {
resource: {
expireTime: "2020-12-31T00:00:00Z"
Besides this, if you have a GCP support plan, you could reach them looking for further assistance on what could have happened with your tables on that dataset. Otherwise, you could open an issue tracker. Keep in mind that Firebase doesn't delete your data when unlinking a Firebase project from BigQuery, so in theory the data should be there.


how to get AWS quicksight to show the old and new value of a particular column of a table (for comparison purposes)?

what I have seen so far is that the aws glue crawler creates the table based on the latest changes in the s3 files.
let's say crawler creates a table and then I upload a CSV with updated values in one column. the crawler is run again and it updates the table's column with the updated values. I want to be able to show a comparison of the old and new data in quick sight eventually, is this scenario possible?
for example,
right now my csv file is set up as details of one aws service, like RDS is the csv file name and the columns are account id, account name, what region is it in, etc etc
there was one column of percentage with a value 50%, it gets updated with 70%. would I be able to somehow get the old value as well to show in quicksight, to say like previously it was 50% and now its 70%
Maybe this scenerio is not even valid? because I want to be able to show like what account has what cost in xyz month and show how the cost is different in other months. If I make separate tables on each update of csv then there would be 1000+ tables at one point.
If I have understood your question correctly, you are aiming to track data over time. Above you suggest creating a table for each time series, why not instead maintain a record in a table for each time series, you can then create various Analysis over the data, comparing specific months or tracking month-by-month values.

How to fetch the latest schema change in BigQuery and restore deleted column within 7 days

Right now I fetch columns and data type of BQ tables via the below command:
WHERE table_name="User"
But if I drop a column using command : Alter TABLE User drop column blabla:
the column blabla is not actually deleted within 7 days(TTL) based on official documentation.
If I use the above command, the column is still there in the schema as well as the table Dataset.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMN_FIELD_PATHS
It is just that I cannot insert data into such column and view such column in the GCP console. This inconsistency really causes an issue.
If I want to write bash script to monitor schema changes and do some operation based on it.
I need more visibility on the table schema of BigQuery. The least thing I need is:
Dataset.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMN_FIELD_PATHS can store a flag column that indicates deleted or TTL:7days
My questions are:
How can I fetch the correct schema in spanner which reflects the recently deleted the column?
If the column is not actually deleted, is there any way to easily restore it?
If you want to fetch the recently deleted column you can try searching through Cloud Logging. I'm not sure what tools Spanner supports but if you want to use Bash you can use gcloud to fetch logs. Though it will be difficult to parse the output and get the information you want.
Command used below fetched the logs for since an ALTER TABLE is considered as an InsertJob and filter it based from the actual query where it says drop. The regex I used is not strict (for the sake of example), I suggest updating the regex to be stricter.
gcloud logging read 'protoPayload.methodName="" AND protoPayload.metadata.jobChange.job.jobConfig.queryConfig.query=~"Alter table .*drop.*"'
Sample snippet from the command above (Column PADDING is deleted based from the query):
If you have options other than Bash, I suggest that you create a BQ sink for your logging and you can perform queries there and get these information. You can also use client libraries like Python, NodeJS, etc to either query in the sink or directly query in the GCP Logging.
As per this SO answer, you can use the time travel feature of BQ to query the deleted column. The answer also explains behavior of BQ to retain the deleted column within 7 days and a workaround to delete the column instantly. See the actual query used to retrieve the deleted column and the workaround on deleting a column on the previously provided link.

Run update on multiple tables in BigQuery

I have lake dataset which take data from a OLTP system, with the nature of transactions we have lot of updates the next day, so to keep track of the latest record we are using active_flag = '1'.
We also created a update script which retires old records and updates active_flag = '0'.
Now the main question: how can i execute a update statement by changing table name automatically(programmatically).
I know we have a option of using cloudfunctions but it'll expire in 9 mins and I have atleast 350 tables to update.
Has anyone faced this situation earlier??
You can easily do this with Cloud Workflows.
There you setup the template calls to Bigquery as a substeps, and then you pass a list of tables, and loop through the items and invoke the BigQuery step for each item/table.
I wrote an article with samples that you can adapt: Automate the execution of BigQuery queries with Cloud Workflows

How to retrive Bigquery billing details from GCP console or UI?

My team is using bigquery for our product development. Other bill of Rs 5159 got generated for one days transaction.
I checked the transaction details and
BigQuery Analysis: 15.912 Tebibytes [Currency conversion: USD to INR using rate 69.155]
Is is possible to somehow find out more details about the transactions like table name, queries that were executed and exact time of execution?
BigQuery automatically sends audit logs to Stackdriver Logging and provide the ability to do aggregated analysis on logs data. You can see BigQuery schema for exported logs for details
As quick example: Query cost breakdown by identity
This query shows estimated query costs by user identity. It estimates costs based on the list price for on-demand queries in the US. This pricing may not be accurate for other locations or for customers leveraging flat-rate billing.
WITH data as
protopayload_auditlog.authenticationInfo.principalEmail as principalEmail,
protopayload_auditlog.servicedata_v1_bigquery.jobCompletedEvent AS jobCompletedEvent
FORMAT('%9.2f',5.0 * (SUM(jobCompletedEvent.job.jobStatistics.totalBilledBytes)/POWER(2, 40))) AS Estimated_USD_Cost
jobCompletedEvent.eventName = 'query_job_completed'
GROUP BY principalEmail
ORDER BY Estimated_USD_Cost DESC
As of last year BigQuery provides INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables that also give access to job information via JOBS_BY_* views. The INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_USER and INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_PROJECT views even include the exact query alongside the processed bytes. It might not be 100% accuracte (because bytes processed != bytes billed) but it should allow you to gain a good overview over your costs, which queries triggered them an who the initiator was.
The most "efficient" way to keep an eye on the cost is using the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_ORGANIZATION view as it automatically includes all projects of the organization. You need to be Organization Owner or Organization Administrator to use that view, though.
From there you can figure out which jobs were the most expensive (= get their job id) and form there drill down via JOBS_BY_PROJECT to get the exact query.
See for a more comprehensive explanation.
You need to Export Billing Data to BigQuery
Tools for monitoring, analyzing and optimizing cost have become an important part of managing development. Billing export to BigQuery enables you to export your daily usage and cost estimates automatically throughout the day to
export data to a CSV,JSON file
However, if you use regular file export, you should be aware that regular file export captures a smaller dataset than export to BigQuery. For more information about regular file export and the data it captures, see Export Billing Data to a File.
to a BigQuery dataset you specify.
After you enable BigQuery export, it might take a few hours to start seeing your data. Billing data automatically exports your data to BigQuery in regular intervals, but the frequency of updates in BigQuery varies depending on the services you're using. Note that BigQuery loads are ACID compliant, so if you query the BigQuery billing export dataset while data is being loaded into it, you will not encounter partially loaded data.
Follow the step by step guide: How to enable billing export to BigQuery

Bigquery, save clusters of clustered table to cloud storage

I have a bigquery table that's clustered by several columns, let's call them client_id and attribute_id.
What I'd like is to submit one job or command that exports that table data to cloud storage, but saves each cluster (so each combination of client_id and attribute_id) to its own object. So the final uri's might be something like this:
I know I could pull this off by iterating all the possible combinations of client_id and attribute_id and using a client library to query the relevant data into a bigquery temp table, and then export that data to correctly named object, and I could do so asynchronously.
But.... I imagine all the clustered data is already stored in a format somewhat like what I'm describing, and I'd love to avoid the unnecessary cost and headache of writing the script to do it myself.
Is there a way to accomplish this already without requesting a new feature to be added?