Run update on multiple tables in BigQuery - google-cloud-platform

I have lake dataset which take data from a OLTP system, with the nature of transactions we have lot of updates the next day, so to keep track of the latest record we are using active_flag = '1'.
We also created a update script which retires old records and updates active_flag = '0'.
Now the main question: how can i execute a update statement by changing table name automatically(programmatically).
I know we have a option of using cloudfunctions but it'll expire in 9 mins and I have atleast 350 tables to update.
Has anyone faced this situation earlier??

You can easily do this with Cloud Workflows.
There you setup the template calls to Bigquery as a substeps, and then you pass a list of tables, and loop through the items and invoke the BigQuery step for each item/table.
I wrote an article with samples that you can adapt: Automate the execution of BigQuery queries with Cloud Workflows


how to know how many query jobs is submitted

I am working on a pipeline that takes data and do some partitioning on it, I am trying to load some data into bq table on gcp, but I got Too many partitions produced by query, allowed 4000, query produces at least 10000 partitions, I understand that it's a limitation by bq, and have found multiple purposed solutions to create a cluster on the data or partition by week instead of day, The problem is that I have no visibility on the data itself, I can not do this. if any other ideas are there please help.
Also, for sake of investigation and analysis, how to know how many big query jobs is submitted? is there a way to get the number of bq jobs submitted by specific dataflow?
You can view the jobs created by a particular Dataflow job by navigating to the Google Cloud Console and clicking through to the Dataflow Job UI. Here is the relevant documentation with screenshots.

Dataset shows only 5 event tables after re-linking Firebase with another Google Analytics account

Recently unlinked and re-linked a Firebase project with a different Google Analytics account.
The BigQuery integration configured to export GA data created the new dataset and data started populating into that.
The old dataset corresponding to the unlinked, "default" GA account, which contained ~2 years of data is still accessible in the BigQuery UI, however only the 5 most recent event_ tables are visible in the dataset. (5 days worth of event data)
Is it possible to extract historical data from the old, unlinked dataset?
What I could suggest, it's to do some queries for further validate the data that you have within your BigQuery dataset.
In this case, I would start by getting the dates for each table to see the amount (days) of data contained on the dataset.
SELECT event_date
FROM `firebase-public-project.analytics_153293282.events_*`
GROUP BY event_date ORDER BY event_date
A better way to do this, and get all the tables within the dataset, is using the bq command line tool, see reference here.
bq ls firebase-public-project:analytics_153293282
You'll get something like this:
You could also do a COUNT(event_date), so you can see how many records you have per day, and compare this to the content that you have or you can see on your Firebase project.
SELECT event_date, COUNT(event_date) ...
On the case that there's data missing, you could use table decorators, to try to recover that data, see example here.
About the table's expiration date you can see this, in short, expiration time can be set by default at dataset level and it would be applied for new tables (existing tables require a manual update of their expiration time one by one), and expiration time can be set during the creation of the table. To see if there was any change on the expiration time you could look into your logs for protoPayload.methodName="tableservice.update", and see if there was set an expireTime as follows:
tableUpdateRequest: {
resource: {
expireTime: "2020-12-31T00:00:00Z"
Besides this, if you have a GCP support plan, you could reach them looking for further assistance on what could have happened with your tables on that dataset. Otherwise, you could open an issue tracker. Keep in mind that Firebase doesn't delete your data when unlinking a Firebase project from BigQuery, so in theory the data should be there.

Process data from BigQuery using Dataflow

I want to retrieve data from BigQuery that arrived every hour and do some processing and pull the new calculate variables in a new BigQuery table. The things is that I've never worked with gcp before and I have to for my job now.
I already have my code in python to process the data but it's work only with a "static" dataset
As your source and sink of that are both in BigQuery, I would recommend you to do your transformations inside BigQuery.
If you need a scheduled job that runs in a pre determined time, you can use Scheduled Queries.
With Scheduled Queries you are able to save some query, execute it periodically and save the results to another table.
To create a scheduled query follow the steps:
In BigQuery Console, write your query
After writing the correct query, click in Schedule query and then in Create new scheduled query as you can see in the image below
Pay attention in this two fields:
Schedule options: there are some pre-configured schedules such as daily, monthly, etc.. If you need to execute it every two hours, for example, you can set the Repeat option as Custom and set your Custom schedule as 'every 2 hours'. In the Start date and run time field, select the time and data when your query should start being executed.
Destination for query results: here you can set the dataset and table where your query's results will be saved. Please keep in mind that this option is not available if you use scripting. In other words, you should use only SQL and not scripting in your transformations.
Click on Schedule
After that your query will start being executed according to your schedule and destination table configurations.
According with Google recommendation, when your data are in BigQuery and when you want to transform them to store them in BigQuery, it's always quicker and cheaper to do this in BigQuery if you can express your processing in SQL.
That's why, I don't recommend you dataflow for your use case. If you don't want, or you can't use directly the SQL, you can create User Defined Function (UDF) in BigQuery in Javascript.
If you have no information when the data are updated into BigQuery, Dataflow won't help you on this. Dataflow can process realtime data only if these data are present into PubSub. If not, it's not magic!!
Because you haven't the information of when a load is performed, you have to run your process on a schedule. For this, Scheduled Queries is the right solution is you use BigQuery for your processing.

How best cache bigquery table for fast lookup of individual row?

I have a raw data table in bigquery that has hundreds of millions of rows. I run a scheduled query every 24 hours to produce some aggregations that results a table in the ballmark of 33 million rows (6gb) but may be expected to grow slowly to approximately double its current size.
I need a way to get 1 row at a time quick access lookup by id to that aggregate table in a separate event driven pipeline. i.e. A process is notified that person A just took an action, what do we know about this person's history from the aggregation table?
Clearly bigquery is the right tool to produce the aggregate table, but not the right tool for the quick lookups. So I need to offset it to a secondary datastore like firestore. But what is the best process to do so?
I can envision a couple strategies:
1) Schedule a dump of agg table to GCS. Kick off a dataflow job to stream contents of gcs dump to pubsub. Create a serverless function to listen to pubsub topic and insert rows into firestore.
2) A long running script on compute engine which just streams the table directly from BQ and runs inserts. (Seems slower than strategy 1)
3) Schedule a dump of agg table to GCS. Format it in such a way that can be directly imported to firestore via gcloud beta firestore import gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/[EXPORT_PREFIX]/
4) Maybe some kind of dataflow job that performs lookups directly against the bigquery table? Not played with this approach before. No idea how costly / performant.
5) some other option I've not considered?
The ideal solution would allow me quick access in milliseconds to an agg row which would allow me to append data to the real time event.
Is there a clear best winner here in the strategy I should persue?
Remember that you could also CLUSTER your table by id - making your lookup queries way faster and less data consuming. They will still take more than a second to run though.
You could also set up exports from BigQuery to CloudSQL, for subsecond results:
And remember, now BigQuery can read straight out of CloudSQL if you'd like it to be your source of truth for "hot-data":

Read spanner data from a table which is simultaneously being written

I'm copying Spanner data to BigQuery through a Dataflow job. The job is scheduled to run every 15 minutes. The problem is, if the data is read from a Spanner table which is also being written at the same time, some of the records get missed while copying to BigQuery.
I'm using readOnlyTransaction() while reading Spanner data. Is there any other precaution that I must take while doing this activity?
It is recommended to use Cloud Spanner commit timestamps to populate columns like update_date. Commit timestamps allow applications to determine the exact ordering of mutations.
Using commit timestamps for update_date and specifying an exact timestamp read, the Dataflow job will be able to find all existing records written/committed since the previous run.
if the data is read from a Spanner table which is also being written at the same time, some of the records get missed while copying to BigQuery
This is how transactions work. They present a 'snapshot view' of the database at the time the transaction was created, so any rows written after this snapshot is taken will not be included.
As #rose-liu mentioned, using commit timestamps on your rows, and keeping track of the timestamp when you last exported (available from the ReadOnlyTransaction object) will allow you to accurately select 'new/updated rows since last export'