Scope not working in Google endpoint open yaml security definition - google-cloud-platform

I have a JWT token that i want to validate with the open yaml security definition for a google endpoint.
But it is checking only token from same issuer and audience.I dont see this checking anything else.So anyone with same issuer and audience is allowed to call the endpoint.I want to restrict it for my tenant may be with the client id/secret as it will be unique.I tried with the details mentioned in .When tried with password or application,it still allows user with same issuer and audience although the scopes are different.I want to restrict for my tenant.How can i do that?
- auth0_jwt:
- openid
- profile
- email
tokenUrl: https://domain_name/oauth/token
flow: application
type: oauth2
x-google-issuer: https://domain_name/
x-google-jwkuri: https://jwks_uri
x-google-audiences: https://audience_name/
openid: test
profile: test
email: test
In above code,security is written inside the path .Same as mentioned in the above link.
Also i have a question regarding the claims.How do i validate claims in a token for google endpoint using the opena api yaml ?

Cloud Endpoint performs only authentication and not authorization. To achieve authorization checks, you have to implement the process in your API. In my company, we usually use Firestore to store and retrieve the link between the user email and their profiles (authorization).


Google Cloud SSO SAMLClient configuration with Keycloak

Currently I'm trying to setup my Google Cloud organization to accept login from SSO using Keycloak. I've followed the documentation from Keycloak and from Google during the setup, but the setup isn't working. Can someone confirm if the client configuration is properly set? Anytime
I login into the keycloak with the my test keycloak user in keycloak I get redirected to google authentication page and from there keycloak is out of the authentication. When I'm trying to login from Google Account login page, I can't get redirected to the sso, so basically the connection between Keycloak and Google isn't working properly.
Client Setup
Client ID -
Name -
Enabled ON
Consent Required OFF
Client Protocol - saml
Include AuthnStatement - ON
Include OneTimeUse Condition - OFF
Sign Documents - ON
Sign Assertions - ON
Signature Algorithm -RSA_SHA512
Force POST Binding - ON
Front Channel Logout - ON
Force Name ID Format - ON
Name ID Format - email
Root URL - empty
Valid Redirect URIs - empty
Base URL - /auth/realms/
Master SAML Processing URL -
IDP Initiated SSO URL Name -
Target IDP initiated SSO URL: https://fqdn/auth/realms/
Assertion Consumer Service POST Binding URL -
SSO config on GCP side:
Login URL: https://fqdn/auth/realms/
Logout URL: https://fqdn/auth/
Use a domain-specific issuer - checked
Certificate is the one from the REALM certificate with public key.
This :
Assertion Consumer Service POST Binding URL -
Should point to documents how to do this and it works for me. As it is noted in blue:
Note: For SAML federation to work, Client ID must be
So change you client ID to* .
I don't know why you use RelayState, I do not see that mentioned.
Set it up precisely as documented and it should work.

AWS: Cognito integration with a beta HTTP API in API Gateway?

Amazon Web Services introduced a beta release of HTTP API as a new product on API Gateway early last month. Its authentication is managed using JSON Web Tokens and configured with a form asking for
"Name of the Authorizer"
"Identity Source... a selection expression that defines the source of the token"
"Issuer URL"
I'm not very familiar with authentication protocols at all or what these form fields are asking, and currently the documentation from AWS on how to configure this to work with Cognito is sparse. I'm not totally comfortable configuring this without guidance due to my lack of experience. Another Stack Overflow user seemed to have a similar issue but didn't get an answer.
AWS is using JWT Bearer Grant for this purpose.
Draft Specification here.
It allows HTTP API Gateway to accept JWT Tokens in the incoming Authorization HTTP header containing a self-contained JWT access token issued by third-party authorization servers (like Cognito, Azure AD, etc).
API Gateway validates the incoming JWT Token by matching the 'iss' value with the issuer URL to see if it can trust this token.
Try with these values.
Name of the authorizer: Registered client name in your Cognito User Pool .
Identity Source: Leave it as default, $request.header.Authorization .
Issuer URL: Check the metadata URL of your Cognito User Pool (construct the URL in this format :: https://cognito-idp.[region][userPoolId]/.well-known/openid-configuration :: look for a claim named "issuer". Copy its Value and paste it here.
Audience: Client ID of your Registered client in Cognito
Good Luck!
Used #ram answer to get through, and was able to implement this
1.Name of the authorizer:
AWS Cognito > User pools > App Integration > App client settings > App client :
Example : xxxxxx_app_clientWeb
2.Identity Source : $request.header.Authorization
3.Issuer URL
construct the URL to get Cognito user pool metadata (
Example :
open the URL and you will see a json
take the "issuer" value
Example :
4. Audience: AWS Cognito > User pools > App Integration > App client settings > App clientID
Example :
ID 9sptej55gii5dfp08ulplc343
Take: 9sptej55gii5dfp08ulplc343
This video explains the whole process and configuration like no other.
I am thankful that the video is public.
Note: (As far as I know) The course is from AWS but offered to the public through different MOOC websites (not just this one).
Once you have read & played enough, you will start seeing the gems within the details.
Token for example, is mentioned in many docs, but it can be Access / Id / Refresh Token. If you don't realize about this you can be wasting your time.
For example the "Implicit grant" doesn't provide a Refresh-Token, so you cannot renew your Access-Token and trying to do it is useless.

How can I use an external api to authenticate login instead of Django's inbuilt authentication system?

I am new to Django and working as an intern for a company. I have been tasked with creating an internal software for them to use. The software needs to have a log in system for the employees. However, the company already has an auth api they use for other products. How can I make use of that api to log the users on? I have searched for an answer for a while and I couldn't find one.
The auth api has an endpoint called '/token' which is used to validate the email and password.
I'm guessing I need to remove the 'django.auth' stuff from settings, but I have no more insight into this than that. Any help would greatly be appreciate.
Below is the swaggerhub documentation for an endpoint of the api:
summary: Generate a new token (aka login)
operationId: createToken
- authentication
Login using email and password, and retrieve a newly created bearer token to access our APIs.
Alternatively, use a token to create another one.
You need to create an Authentication backend which will check the given to tokens in your existing token database.
See Customizing authentication in Django

how to export the wso2 user's UUID as part of JWT token?

I'm trying to config a service provider of WSO Identity Server v5.7.0 in order to export the UUID & roles of a user as part of JWT token. I've done like this but only roles are exported. UUID is not shown.
local claim: mandatory claim: yes
local claim: mandatory claim: yes
In wso2 is admin console->main tab->locate the service provider I've created.
In "claim configuration", I choose "use local claim dialect"; 3. In "Requested Claims" I Add Claim URI.
I've add "" & "" and both of them are marked "mandatory claim"
After saving it. I use curl -u kbxx:Vyy -k -d "grant_type=password&username=youfa.mao&password=x&scope=openid" -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" xxx:yyy/oauth2/token to get the JWT token;
Only roles are in the token. The user UUID is not found
In WSO2 Identity Server password grant type issue id_token(JWT) by adhering to OIDC core specification. In order to get a user claim in JWT you should have a mapping between wso2 claims( and OIDC claims ( ). For role claim this mapping is already there where map to groups claim in OIDC dialect.
Please follow below steps in addition to what you did to get userid claim in id_token(JWT)
Add userid to OIDC claim dialect
Dialect URI:
Claim URI: userid
Mapped Local Claim:
From management console UI "OIDC Scopes" add userid claim to openid scope.
You need to map wso2 claims to OIDC claims in order to achieve this. blog, blog section 6 with claim configuration will help you to understand how to add wso2 claim mappings.

How to get the accesstoken from alexa after account linking with azure AD

I tried to connect my Alexa AWS Lambda function (node.js 6.10) with Azure Activ Directory to my Azure-Cloud-API. After reading the documentation from amazon and many tutorials I have now a working Account Linking. That means, I can link the Account of the Skill inside the Alexa-App on my smartphone.
AccountLinking for my Custom Skill:
{Data from my azure portal}
Authorization Grant Type: Auth Code Grant
Client ID: b9c6[...]bc60 {Application ID}
Client Secret: {Client Secret}
Client Authentication Scheme: Credentials in request body
scope: openid
domain: empty
redirect urls: --> In Azure portal as ALLOWED TOKEN AUDIENCES and Reply URLs defined
In my aws lambda function I get the event request from alexa like the documentation says with properties for version, session, context, request...
My understanding of the documentation is, that the token I need for the Azure-Cloud-API-Request should be here: session.user.accessToken
But this token doesn't look like the one I need and after my test runs I get always "Unauthorized" back.
The Token looks something like this and is 1252 characters long:
AQABAAAAAADX8GCi6Js6SK82TsD2Pb7rqGN56iHT_YSxlSr1RAdXucGs0S3ykOaw0XZ1WnjJotqZAn9BH7agRbP0VQv2rnJuRw_aJil7 [...] JIEO2Ap4wuG-tTwiSmZBfbLhyYtwQmxLAkqiLApqFmBYcyu-dnzlVV4liDGyTQ7gAXufd3zt7QGmi3UfP1aL9f5NBeXbmxnU6FHRzF10QZa19pTQgNTtIK8oIAA
If I configure postman and send a request to the azure activ directory I get a accessToken like this (1168 characters long):
eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGc [...] Ezbk5aY2VEYyJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJodHRwczovL21ldGVvcmEtYXBwLmF [...] kY5MWVUUXdBQSIsInZlciI6IjEuMCJ9.KJco47-FdJ_eeqv38LL [...] YK_4JqCRDw
This one looks like a jwt-token and if I copy this token directly in my aws lambda function and use this one for the Azure-Cloud-API-Request it works (until the token expires).
Now I'm not sure if there is a problem in my configuration of the account linking? Or do I have to do something with the token from alexa to get the real one? Or is the real token somewhere else and I have to fetch it there?
Thanks a lot for your help!
Amazon Documentation "Alexa Skills Kit":
EDIT (Solution) 11.06.2018
Authorization Grant Type: Auth Code Grant
Authorization URI: {OAUTH 2.0 AUTHORIZATION ENDPOINT} + ?resource= + {Application ID}
Client ID: b9c6[...]bc60 {Application ID}
Client Secret: {Client Secret} App>Settings>Keys new Key with expiration date = 2 years
Client Authentication Scheme: Credentials in request body
scope: empty
domain: empty
redirect urls: --> In Azure portal as ALLOWED TOKEN AUDIENCES and Reply URLs defined
It sounds like you haven't completed the account linking sequence for your skill. After setting the account linking configuration you need to open the Alexa app (on your phone or and go to your new skill and link your account. Once that is successful you will get a token in request.Session.User.AccessToken.
The blog post: needs to be updated with the following:
You can ignore the sections about the "front end" app registration.
In Alexa account linking section update URLs to use instead of
ClientId to be the Application Id of the "back end" app registration
The ?resource= has to be set and has to be the same as the audience parameter for the JWT bearer options. This is ClientId if you use the .Net Core 2.0 template in Visual Studio.
The client secret (key) that is used can not be one that "Never Expires". Use a 1 or 2 year duration.
In addition to Nate's answer and following the addition of ?resource= to the Authorisation URI, I had to give the API permission Azure Active Directory Graph > User.Read on the App Registration and Grant Admin Consent to it.
Without this permission, the account linking would throw an error. If you have similar issues, try your OAuth values with Postman and check the Postman Console for error messages