GCP has suspended my machine and says I'm mining cryptocurrency. How do I fix the issue? - google-cloud-platform

GCP suspended my instance on the pretext of mining cryptocurrency on the 3rd of August 2020. In fact, my instance has not been reinstated yet, and I am writing to seek help on the matter.
Details of my instance are:
Machine Type: n1-standard-8 (8 vCPUs, 30 GB memory)
Zone: us-west1-b
Last used on: 3rd August 2020
The two questions I have:1. How do I get my instance reinstated along with its project files? I have submitted an appeal for the same, however, have not received a response.2. What was the issue with my instance? 3. What measures should I take to avoid this situation in the future?
I came across this article on Stack Overflow Google banned the project believing that it has cryptocurrency mining detailing a similar issue but it has no responses.
For further context, this was the email I received from GCP:
We’ve detected that your Google Cloud Project (project id) IP (address not disclosed) is violating the Supplemental Terms and Conditions For Google Cloud Startup Program by engaging cryptocurrency mining, resulting in the suspension of all project resources displaying this behavior.
Abuse Details:
Origin: (project id) / (IP address not disclosed)
Time frame: 2020-08-03 01:35 to 2020-08-03 01:42 (Pacific Time)
Requesting you to help me out with this.

Unfortunately, StackOverflow community can do nothing with such cases, you should wait for response from Google Cloud Support and follow the instructions.
Have a look at the documentation Google Cloud project suspension:
Google Cloud projects may be suspended due to violations of the GCP
ToS, including the Google Cloud Acceptable Use Policy (GCP AUP). When
activities that violate the Google Cloud AUP or ToS are detected in a
project, the project owner has an obligation to fix the violation
immediately. If the violation is not fixed, Google may take action to
suspend the project.
To recover a suspended project please fix the issue and follow the
link in the notification email or contact Google support. See the
Policy Violations FAQ for more information on appeal best practices in
case of a Project resource suspension.
More information you can find at Policy Violations FAQ:
What are the best practices for ensuring that my projects are not taken down for abusive activity? Here are some of the best practices
for appealing a warning or avoiding a suspension:
Monitor the relevant email address (the project owner email address) regularly so that you know as soon as your project is warned.
Make sure that emails from google-cloud-compliance#google.com do not go to the spam folder.
Fix the issue as soon as possible. Your email will tell you how you can fix the issue. You have a limited time window to fix the issue as
described in the email.
Ensure that your project does not violate the Google Cloud Platform Terms of Service or Acceptable Use Policy.
Respond to the notification as described above in My project has received a warning. What should I do now?. (Please do not respond
to the email.) Let us know the steps you've taken to fix the issue.
Explain clearly and concisely. Our team needs to know the steps you
took to fix the issue, but we don't need to know the exact code you
If you need help fixing the issue, you can contact support from the Google Cloud Platform Support page.


Resource Hierarchy and Networking for a Google Cloud Organization with a single developer

I have several projects in GCP which are publically accessible and will become commercial services. Since I found myself with many projects, I thought that I would try out the Google Cloud organization feature. However, I cannot complete the creation due to odd requirements.
Google puts forward a "Checklist" to set up Google Cloud for the organization. If I go under IAM & Admin -> Identity & Organization, the only option there is to go to the checklist to complete it. However, the checklist includes mandatory steps like creating VPCs and a certain Resource hierarchy, which are things that I don't need/want. I am the only developer and don't want to pay more for services that I don't use. I cannot remove these options. As such, the organization seems to be "unconfigured" from the point of view of Google.
At the same time, I'm wondering if it really changes anything and if there is any benefit for me to use an organization.
Edit: I am not following any documentation per se, as there is a quite detailed interactive "tutorial" which takes you through all the configuration steps directly on GCP. The problem is precisely that I cannot chose an option not in the tutorial for some steps. To give you an idea, see this blog post, specifically Step 5.

Google Cloud Platform: Mining cryptocurrencies

I received an email indicating that my Google Cloud Project have been suspended because I was supposedly mining cryptocurrencies.
My project is a tool like a Calculator and that issue surely isn't possible.
What could be happen?
In order to create a function I hired a programmer on UpWork and give him access to the GCP.
Well, it seems this developer has abused our trust and did something wrong.
What can I do?
Now the project is suspended and any section I try to go in the form "Appeal" appears.
I appealed but I have to wait Google to reply.
How can I check if my project have been used for these bad usages?
I want to cut services the developer could be used or so.
Unfortunately, you must wait for Google’s reply.
AS a recommendation you could review this information to determine if it is intended, Cryptocurrency mining is often an indication of the use of fraudulent accounts and payment instruments, and requires verification in order to mine cryptocurrency in the Cloud Security Help Center.
If you believe your project has been compromised, I recommend that you secure all your instances, which may require uninstalling and then reinstalling your project, you could follow the steps.
To better protect your organization from misconfiguration and access the best of Google's threat detection, you may consider enabling Security Command Center (SCC) for your organization. To learn more about SCC visit.

Google Cloud Platform: reserved address disassociated without reason

Today (15/06/2018) we found two reserved addresses were disassociated from two GCE instances.
Nobody ordered this disassociation, in fact in the activity logs we do not found any activity on this two reserved addresses.
We manually re-associate the two reserved addresses to our machines to solve the problem.
Is it possible to know what happened?
Good sources to see what happened are the "Activity" tab in the Cloud Console as well as the AuditLog entries in Stackdriver Logging. If it is still not clear what happened based on that, please file a support case for further investigation.
If your instances were in the stopped state at the time it may be related to this incident:
By reading this link I ran the following advanced filter from Stackdriver:
This filter shows the actor (user or a service account) and the event type (how it happened).
If you need further information, I would suggest filling an issue here.

Cannot Extend GPU Quota on Google Cloud

I am using Google Cloud for development and training of deep neural networks. I've reached the limits of what I can do with CPUs and now need to create and instance with one or more GPUs.
I've followed the instructions from multiple sources. As the instance was being created I received a notification that my quota for my region (us-west1) was zero and to request an increase.
I did so and received the confirmation email within minutes. However, when I then attempted to recreate the instance I was again met with the quota increase error.
I submitted another request (same region) but heard nothing.
I tried in a different region, again requesting a quota increase, but heard nothing. I did this 6 times and -- as you might have guessed -- neither received a confirmation email nor was I able to create my instance.
I tried the hack of using Chrome in Incognito mode, but no joy.
This was an issue a few months ago, at least judging from the S/O and Google forum posts. I would think that by now it would be fixed.
Any help would be much appreciated as I'm totally stuck
NB: Cross-posted to the gce-discussion forum
I think you should contact the Google Cloud Platform Support for this kind of issues.
Open a case asking why your quota increase has not been applied and I am sure they are going to solve this in some days or at least to tell you why your request was declined.
Notice that quoting from the official Documentation "Free Trial accounts do not receive GPU quota by default."
Disclaimer: I work for the Google Cloud Support.

Dialogflow can't create more agent due to gcp quota

i am trying to create another agent in my dialogflow account but i can't because my gcp project limit is reached so i deleted the other useless agent but still the same issue now i tried deleting some project from gcp but still same error persist. how can i increase the quota of my dialogflow agent ?
Thank you
regards saif
Google Cloud Projects that are deleted take 30 days to completely delete. In the meantime, they are counted against your quota.
The limit is in place to make sure people don't abuse the resource or that a wayward process doesn't suddenly create tons of projects. They are reasonable about allocating more.
As the orange box indicates, you can request more projects through that link, which probably goes to https://support.google.com/code/contact/project_quota_increase. In it, be reasonable in your request, and mention that you're experimenting, that this is why you've used up all the projects initially allocated, and that you've already deleted some, but need more to continue your work in the meantime.
While use of the Dialogflow Standard Edition is free, there are limits on the amount of requests that you can make. You must bay Google Cloud Platform resources.