I am having trouble with some django admin functionalities
what I want to do is to have 2 fields in an admin page
and I want to achieve this
if field_A == "specific value":
exclude = ("field_B",)
fields = ("field_A","field_B")
Please Help
at last I gave up with django manipulating the DOM (which I think it cant do on real time) and made it with a Jquery Script
I have 2 Models in my django models.py.
I need to get data from model2 to model1, but I don't need to store it anywhere in the model1 fields. I found #property of django and implemented that. My issue was that I need to get who the user is using request.user, which is not possible in models.py
So how can I access user in django models? Is there any other packages? or is there any inbuilt django way which I haven't thought about?
I searched and got a package called django-currentuser , unfortunately i'm using Django 4 which doesn't have a support.
I didn't get exactly what's your problem.
if you want to get the current user in django,this should be handled in your views like:
def View(request):
user = request.user
and if the other model that you got data from have any field connected to User like:
user = models.Foreignkey(User,...)
you can easily achive the user...
please describe more...
Here, by dynamic I mean, I wouldn't want to update my template in order for me to update changes. I'd want them to edit in the admin page on my production site. At first, I thought I'd create a model for "About Me" itself, but then I'd need to create a model for just one instance.
I need help with this, better ways to edit my pages dynamically on the admin site.
Perhaps you could create a model for About Me as you mentioned. Since you've highlighted that you would want to work with the django admin site, then what you could do is to set the permission for only one object to be created for that model which can be updated whenever.
For example:
models.py file.
class AboutMe(models.Model):
# With the desired fields of your choice
Now you can set the permission within the admin.py file to only allow one instance from the model to be created.
from django.contrib import admin
from .models import AboutMe
# Using decorator here
class AboutMeAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
fields = ['..', '..', '..'] # fields you want to display on the forms
list_display = ['..', '..', '..'] # fields you want to display on the page for list on objects
# Allowing the user to only add one object for this model...
def has_add_permission(self, request):
if self.model.objects.count() >= MAX_OBJECTS:
return False
return super().has_add_permission(request)
That should be a nice fit for your situation. Also, you can read the docs to learn more about customizing django admin site.
I need some fields in my model for internal usages (i.e. status, last modified, etc.) which should only editable (and fillable) by python code.
How to hide it in Django Admin and disable direct editing from forms?
You have to setup Custom Django Admin to do the same.
class ModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
exclude = ('field_1', 'field_2')
Hope this helps
If you are on the django admin page for the model Group. You don't know that there is a reverse relation to user.
Some people (not me) have difficulties with it.
Is there a way to show all reverse relations, so that you can jump to the matching admin pages?
On admin page for Group I want a link to User (and all other models which refer to it).
This should happen by code, not by hand with templates.
This method doesn't automatically add links to all related models of a Group, but does for all Users related to a Group (so for one related model at a time). With this you'll get an inline view in your Group with the related Users.
You could probably extend this technique to make it automatically work for all related fields.
class UserInline(admin.StackedInline):
model = User
extra = 0
readonly_fields = ('change',)
def change(self, instance):
if instance.id:
# Django's admin URLs are automatically constructed
# based on your Django app and model's name.
change_url = urlresolvers.reverse(
'admin:djangoapp_usermodel_change', args=(instance.id,)
return '<a class="changelink" href="{}">Change</a>'.format(change_url)
return 'Save the group first before editing the user.'
change.allow_tags = True
class GroupAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('name',)
inlines = (UserInline,)
You might also be interested in this extension I created for Django admin pages to link to related objects:
It's quite easy to use and makes the admin a lot more convenient to use :).
in django admin the views that show the register's just have
a link to "edit", but what happen if a need an extra(S) links to
another views?
for example:
i have view that show the list of registered People, the nick is
linking to the Edit page (the normal way of Django), but i need
another links that will show me the "articles" of the people and
another the "comments" of the people.
how ill make this with django admin?
(I'm assuming some field names from your models to answer)
Make the author field from "comment" searchable:
class CommentAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
search_fields = ("=author",)
Use list_display and HTML to control what's displayed on the people's list admin page:
def comments(obj):
return ('comments' % obj.name)
comments.short_description = 'comments'
comments.allow_tags = True
class PeopleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ("name", comments,)
And change /admin/pathto/comments/ to whatever your comment's admin list page is.
Basically you're going to direct your users to the comments search result page.