Power BI parameter for image - powerbi

I wanted to know if there's a way to have a parameter that holds an image.
The problem: I have 10 PBIX, each one containing over 20 screens. every report has the clients logo. it is an image let's say the client changed his logo, that means I'll need to change the logo 200 times!! (10 PBIX X 20 screens).
Wanted solution: is there a way to hold a parameter that will contain the logo, therefore changing the logo only 10 times (for each PBIX) that will be a HUGE improvement for my time and productivity. sorry for not including pictures this is to keep my client anonymous
Thank you!

Here is how you can achieve your requirement as stated below-
Step-1 create a custom function in Power Query as stated below. The function is taken from Here and you can check this blog for more details if you are interested.
BinaryToImage = (BinaryContent as binary) as text =>
Base64 = "data:image/jpeg;base64, " & Binary.ToText(BinaryContent, BinaryEncoding.Base64)
Here below is the image for the custom function-
Step-2 create report wise folder in your local directory and keep your image there. I am considering one folder here, but you can do your own once you get the workaround.
Step-3 Create a data connection for Folder as shown below and point to the folder you kept your logo/image-
And now you will have a table as below with one row as there are one image only. I named the table as PBI_Images.
Here basically Content column holding the Binary data for the image and we have to convert it to Base64 using the Function we created earlier.
Step-4 Now lets Invoke the function in our table. Select the table and do what shown in the below image-
Now you have a new column with data like below-
Step-5 Get back to report by clicking "Close & Apply" button.
Step-6 Download the following App from AppStore-
Step-7 Just add the new downloaded visual to your report and put the newly created column to the "Image URL" field as below-
Step-8 Now add the Image visual to all your report pages and tag the Image URL as stated in step-7.
You are all done now. Just Change the Image in your source file keeping the same name and after that refresh your table (PBI_Images my case) and you will see Image changes everywhere in the report.
Finally, if everything works expected, you can first try will all logos from one single folder. If do not work, go for folder per customer as mentioned earlier.


Oracle Apex - image in report is not updated on region refresh

I have an interactive/classic report with a column that shows images.
The row in the report can be edited as usual with a modal dialog.
But when I replace existing image it is not updated in the report even though all other fields do. I can also see that the numerical representation of the image is getting updated. Only the visualization of the image stays the same.
Also, when saving and refreshing the whole page, the correct image is showing up.
The query that creates the report:
APEX_ITEM.CHECKBOX2(15,p_value => ID) as "Select",
dbms_lob.getlength(BLOB_CONTENT) as "Image"
The image column Type is "Display image"
Why the images don't get updated on region refresh?
Thanks for the help
So I changed the query that creates the Image column to:
As written in several guides
(Also need:
HTML Expression --> <img src="#Image#" height="75px">
Escape special characters --> 'No')
and now the refresh works. Still don't explain why the other way doesn't, but it's good enough.

Building app to upload CSV to Oracle 12c database via Apex

I'v been asked to create an app in Oracle Apex that will allow me to drop a CSV file. The file contains a list of all active physicians and associated info in my area. I do not know where to begin! Requirements:
-after dropping CSV file to apex, remove unnecessary columns
-edit data in each field, ie if phone# > 7 characters and begins with 1, remove 1. Or remove all special characters from a column.
-The CSV contains physicians of every specialty, I only want to upload specific specialties to the database table.
I have a small amount of SQL experience from Uni, and I know some HTML and CSS, but beyond that I am lost. Please help!
Began tutorial on Oracle-Apex. Created upload wizard on a dev environment
User drops CSV file to apex
Apex edits columns to remove unneccesary characteres
Only uploads specific columns from CSV file
Only adds data when column "Specialties" = specific specialties
Does not add redundant data (physician is already located in table, do nothing)
Produces report showing all new physicians added to table
Huh, you're in deep trouble as you have to do some job using a tool you don't know at all, with limited knowledge of SQL language. Yes, it is said that Apex is simple to use, but nonetheless ... you have to know at least something. Otherwise, as you said, you're lost.
See if the following helps.
there's the CSV file
create a table in your database; its description should match the CSV file. Mention all columns it contains. Pay attention to datatypes, column lengths and such
this table will be "temporary" - you'll use it every day to load data from CSV files: first you'll delete all it contains, then load new rows
using Apex "Create page" Wizard, create the "Data loading" process. Follow the instructions (and/or read documentation about it). Once you're done, you'll have 4 new pages in your Apex application
when you run it, you should be able to load CSV file into that temporary table
That's the first stage - successfully load data into the database. Now, the second stage: fix what's wrong.
create another table in the database; it will be the "target" table and is supposed to contain only data you need (i.e. the subset of the temporary table). If such a table already exists, you don't have to create a new one.
create a stored procedure. It will read data from the temporary table and edit everything you've mentioned (remove special characters, remove leading "1", ...)
as you have to skip physicians that already exist in the target table, use NOT IN or NOT EXISTS
then insert "clean" data into the target table
That stored procedure will be executed after the Apex loading process is done; a simple way to do that is to create a button on the last page which will - when pressed - call the procedure.
The final stage is the report:
as you have to show new physicians, consider adding a column (into the target table) which will be a timestamp (perhaps DATE is enough, if you'll be doing it once a day) or process_id (all rows inserted in the same process will share the same value) so that you could distinguish newly added rows from the old ones
the report itself would be an Interactive report. Why? Because it is easy to create and lets you (or end users) to adjust it according to their needs (filter data, sort rows in a different manner, ...)
Good luck! You'll need it.

Dynamic text in SAS VA (Visual Analytics)

I am making a nice dashboard. I have Geo-map with projects. When a user clicks on a particular project it will take the user to a detailed page about the project. I want to give this page (sheet) a dynamic title.
For example: The user clicks on the GEO map on the project in Aalst, he will be redirected to the detail page with a tittle "Costs and revenues for Project in Aalst".
Pictures of my dashboard:
enter image description here
enter image description here
I was working with VA 7.1 and there wasn't any way to parameterized text fields in VA reports. I've heard SAS wants to add this function in future release and at this moment you have to find a different way to put dynamic label on the report.
For example you can put a flat table with combination of every posible title you need. Then change style parameters for this table. You can turn off borders and column headers, change table background color, text font size and color, so you can make it looks like as a title field. Then you define filter connection between GEO map and this table, so when you click on the GEO map it will filter single record with correct title.

SP 2013 - Quick edit with Managed Meta Data columns, copy and paste from excel

I'm trying to migrate a meta data from an excel spreadsheet to a SP 2013 document library. The columns are managed meta data columns with pre defined terms matching the data in the excel spreadsheet.
However I cannot copy and paste data from excel via Quick Edit in the doucment library without getting the following error "The data returned from the tagging UI was not formatted correctly"
This happens even when I remove all formatting or paste to notepad first.
Are there any simple solutions to this issue?
Any metadata fields are in fact foreign keys, as it were, to a dynamic, hidden table (or 'list', whatever you want to call it) within SharePoint. To paste a value into a metadata column, you need to know your element's guid (as in, within the term set) and then append that to each metadata element you're pasting in as a <name>|<guid> pair.
Getting the GUID for an element within your term set
Browse to [site-root]/TaxonomyHiddenList/AllItems.aspx and create a new view (or edit the default one) to display the field 'IdForTerm'.
Where you have a term 'apple', your IdForTerm may look like '1288beaf-82e0-4d81-b9de-ad5ad8382938'. Take a note of the guid for each term which appears within your input data.
Edit your input to correctly reference each term
Let's say you're importing your data from an Excel spreadsheet. Or from a CSV. It doesn't really matter. What you need to do is, basically, a find and replace down each managed metadata column, replacing 'term' with 'term|guid'. So our example from earlier, with the apple, would become 'apple|1288beaf-82e0-4d81-b9de-ad5ad8382938'.
Finally, assuming your view is set up in exactly the same order as your input data, you should be able to 'edit list' from within the browser, hit the leftmost side of your first input row (to select the entire row) and CTRL+V all of your data at the same time.
Note there appears to be a limit to the number of entries you can make at the same time. It appears to sit at around 5,000 elements.
Adding on to #rmacd's answer, you can also get the GUID for a given MMS term by first manually entering the value(s) you need in a Quick Edit cell, then copy and paste the same value(s) from SharePoint to Excel. The pasted value will appear with the full term|guid that you need to complete the bulk copy/paste.

Query to set a value for all items in Amazon SimpleDB

I am trying to to set a value for all items in a domain that do not already have a certain value and have an additional flag set.
Basically for all my items,
SET ValueA to 100 if ValueB is 0
But I am confused about how to achieve this. So far ive been setting the value for individual items by just using a PutRequest like this:
ArrayList<ReplaceableAttribute> newAttributes = new ArrayList<ReplaceableAttribute>();
newAttributes.add(new ReplaceableAttribute("ValueA",Integer.toString(100), true));
PutAttributesRequest newRequest = new PutAttributesRequest();
This works for an individual item and requires me to first get the item name (userID). Does this means that I have to "list" all of my items and do this 1 by 1?
I suppose that since I have around 19000+ items I would also have to use the token to get the next set after the 2000 limit right?
Isn't there a more efficient way? This might not be so heavy right now but I expect to eventually have over 100k items.
PD: I am using the AWS Java SDK for Eclipse.
If you are talking about how you can do it grammatically by writing your own code then Yes. First you have to know all item name i.e in your case UserID and then you need to set a value one by one. You can use BatchPUTAttribute in this case. Using Batch PUT you can update 25 items in one request. You can do 5 to 20 BatchPutAttribute requests in parallel threads. Know more to tune the performance.
If you need to do it somehow in tricky way then you can use SDBExplorer. Please Remember it will set 100 for all items because SDBExplorer does not support conditional PUT. If you would like to set it anyway then Follow these steps-
Download SDBExplorer zip version form download page.
Extract it and run the executable.
Download 30 days trial license.
Once license has been downloaded main UI will open.
Provide valid Access Key and Secret keys and click on "GO" button.
You will see list of domains in Left side tree.
Right click on the domain in which you would like to set value for all item.
Choose "Export to CSV" option.
Export the content of domain into CSV. http://www.sdbexplorer.com/documentation/simpledb--how-to-export-domain-in-csv-using-sdbexplorer.html
Go to path where your domain has exported.
Open CSV file.
Your first column is item name.
Delete all columns other then item Name and column "ValueA".
Set 100 for all item name under "ValueA" column.
Save the CSV.
Go to the SDBExplorer main UI.
Select the same domain.
Click on "Import" option from tool bar.
A panel will open.
Now Import the data into the Domain. http://www.sdbexplorer.com/documentation/simpledb--how-to-upload-csv-file-data-and-specifying-column-as-amazon-simple-db-item-name.html
Once import is done, explore the domain and you will find the value 100 set to all items for column ValueA.
Please try the steps first on any dummy domain.
What exactly I am trying to suggest you?
To know all item name in your domain, I am suggesting you to export all content of your domain into CSV file at local file system. Once you get all item name in CSV, keep only one column "ValueA". Set "100" for all the items in CSV file and upload/import the content back into domain.
Discloser: I am one of the developer of SDBExplorer.