How to list all the removable devices with DBus and UDisks2? - d

I need to list, filter and open block devices with UDisks2. I am trying to list all the removable devices.
The GetBlockDevices method provided by UDisks2 requires a a{sv} type. If I am not mistaken, it's a HashTable of string keys and Variant values.
How can I use this information to list the devices? So far I tried the following:
import std.stdio, ddbus;
void main()
Connection conn = connectToBus();
PathIface obj = new PathIface(conn, "org.freedesktop.UDsks2",
"/org/freedesktop/UDisks2/Manager", "org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Manager");
writeln(!string("GetBlockDevices", "org.freedesktop.DBus", ???));
The call method requires an Arg at as it's last parameter. How can I provide a a{sv} in there?
I am using the ddbus library.
For args, I used Variant!string[string] since Variant itself is a templated type. I also removed the superfluous "org.freedesktop.DBus" from the call method parameter.
import std.stdio, ddbus;
import ddbus: Variant;
void main()
Connection conn = connectToBus();
PathIface obj = new PathIface(conn, "org.freedesktop.DBus",
"/org/freedesktop/UDisks2/Manager", "org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Manager");
Variant!string[string] arg;
writeln(!string("GetBlockDevices", arg));
However I am getting the following error:
ddbus.exception.DBusException#../../.dub/packages/ddbus-2.3.0/ddbus/source/ddbus/thin.d(833): org.freedesktop.DBus does not understand message GetBlockDevices

Your issues are:
The D-Bus name org.freedesktop.UDisks2 is on the system bus (not on the session bus), so the connectToBus() call needs to be changed.
The bus name is org.freedeskop.UDisks2, not org.freedesktop.DBus
The return value of GetBlockDevices is ao (array of object paths), but you are calling it with call!string which means you would get back a string. Change this to call!(ObjectPath[])
(optional) you made your arguments Variant!string[string]. The Variant!T type in ddbus is a helper which will just make any type T act like a variant in the dbus protocol, but it doesn't actually allow any additional types. If you want to support passing any types ddbus supports either using std.variant : Variant or there is a special type you can use with the ddbus variant using Variant!DBusAny which is a more lightweight tagged union with only support for all the dbus types (and more introspection)
I believe this code is what you want with all the issues fixed:
import std.stdio, ddbus;
import ddbus : Variant;
import ddbus.c_lib;
void main()
Connection conn = connectToBus(DBusBusType.DBUS_BUS_SYSTEM);
PathIface obj = new PathIface(conn,
Variant!DBusAny[string] arg;
writeln(!(ObjectPath[])("GetBlockDevices", arg));
In this code I have also used the type-safe ddbus API, which makes the arguments in PathIface more clear. The type-safe API requires ddbus 3.0.0-beta.1 or above.
Example output:
[/org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/sdc1, /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/sdb1, /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/sda, /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/nvme0n1p2, /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/sdb3, /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/sdc, /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/nvme0n1, /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/sr0, /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/nvme0n1p1, /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/sde, /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/sdb2, /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/sdb, /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/sda1, /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/sde1, /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/sdb4, /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/sdd]


pybind11 variable return type

I have a C++ class which acts like a map that can contain different data types.
In C++, it is unknown at compile time what data type an entry is. Therefore, the programmer has to know and the accessor is templated:
auto a = map.get<int>("my-int-entry");
auto b = map.get<std::string>("my-string-entry");
At runtime, the map knows what type the entries have. So in python, I should be able to use the runtime type information.
a = map.get('my-int-entry') # a is of type int
b = map.get('my-string-entry') # b is of type string
I'd like that it looks up the type information at runtime, then calls get<int> if the runtime type is int, otherwise get<std::string>. Is there a way to do this directly in pybind11?
Or do I need another (pure python) function that calls the respectively mapped C++ functions?
I'm not sure how you would query your map in runtime about what type a key has, but this is the general idea of how I would do that:
map_wrapper.def("get", [](Map& self, const std::string& key) -> py::object {
if (self.is_a<int>(key)) {
return py::cast(self.get<int>(key));
} else if (self.is_a<std::string>(key)) {
return py::cast(self.get<std::string>(key));
} else if ...
You would need to know the types you want to support in advance.

What's the proper way to have a Task that calls an arbitrary function with a known, specific return type?

I have a value which is expensive to calculate and can be asked for ahead of time--something like a lazily initiated value whose initialization is actually done at the moment of definition, but in a different thread. My immediate thought was to use parallelism.-Task seems purpose-built for this exact use-case. So, let's put it in a class:
class Foo
import std.parallelism : Task,task;
static int calculate(int a, int b)
return a+b;
private Task!(calculate,int,int)* ourTask;
private int _val;
int val()
return ourTask.workForce();
this(int a, int b)
ourTask = task!calculate(a,b);
That seems all well and good... except when I want the task to be based on a non-static method, in which case I want to make the task a delegate, in which case I start having to do stuff like this:
private typeof(task(&classFunc)) working;
And then, as it turns out, typeof(task(&classFunc)), when it's asked for outside of a function body, is actually Task!(run,ReturnType!classFunc function(Parameters!classFunc))*, which you may notice is not the type actually returned by runtime function calls of that. That would be Task!(run,ReturnType!classFunc delegate(Parameters!classFunc))*, which requires me to cast to typeof(working) when I actually call task(&classFunc). This is all extremely hackish feeling.
This was my attempt at a general template solution:
Provides a transparent wrapper that allows for lazy
setting of variables. When lazySet!!func(args) is called
on the value, the function will be called in a new thread;
as soon as the value's access is attempted, it'll return the
result of the task, blocking if it's not done calculating.
Accessing the value is as simple as using it like the
type it's templated for--see the unit test.
shared struct LazySet(T)
/// You can set the value directly, as normal--this throws away the current task.
void opAssign(T n)
import core.atomic : atomicStore;
working = false;
import std.traits : ReturnType;
Called the same way as std.parallelism.task;
after this is called, the next attempt to access
the value will result in the value being set from
the result of the given function before it's returned.
If the task isn't done, it'll wait on the task to be done
once accessed, using workForce.
void lazySet(alias func,Args...)(Args args)
if(is(ReturnType!func == T))
import std.parallelism : task,taskPool;
auto t = task!func(args);
curTask = (() => t.workForce);
working = true;
/// ditto
void lazySet(F,Args...)(F fpOrDelegate, ref Args args)
if(is(ReturnType!F == T))
import std.parallelism : task,taskPool;
auto t = task(fpOrDelegate,args);
curTask = (() => t.workForce);
working = true;
T _val;
T delegate() curTask;
bool working = false;
T val()
import core.atomic : atomicStore,atomicLoad;
working = false;
return atomicLoad(_val);
// alias this is inherently public
alias val this;
This lets me call lazySet using any function, function pointer or delegate that returns T, and then it'll calculate the value in parallel and return it, fully calculated, next time anything tries to access the underlying value, exactly as I wanted. Unit tests I wrote to describe its functionality pass, etc., it works perfectly.
But one thing's bothering me:
curTask = (() => t.workForce);
Moving the Task around by way of creating a lambda on-the-spot that happens to have the Task in its context still seems like I'm trying to "pull one over" on the language, even if it's less "hackish-feeling" than all the casting from earlier.
Am I missing some obvious language feature that would allow me to do this more "elegantly"?
Templates that take an alias function parameter (such as the Task family) are finicky regarding their actual type, as they can receive any type of function as parameter (including in-place delegates that get inferred themselves). As the actual function that gets called is part of the type itself, you would have to pass it to your custom struct to be able to save the Task directly.
As for the legitimacy of your solution, there is nothing wrong with storing lambdas to interact with complicated (or "hidden") types later.
An alternative is to store a pointer to &t.workForce directly.
Also, in your T val() two threads could enter if(working) at the same time, but I guess due to the atomic store it wouldn't really break anything - anyway, that could be fixed by core.atomic.cas.

Initialize a map of std::variant to represent a JSON file

As part of a school project, I have to read a JSON config file to fill a custom Conf object which is defined as follow:
struct ConfValue;
using ConfObject = std::map<std::string, ConfValue>;
using ConfArray = std::vector<ConfValue>;
* Represents a configuration value.
struct ConfValue {
std::variant<std::monostate, ConfObject, ConfArray, std::string, long long, double, bool> v;
* Configuration (format influenced by JSON).
using Conf = ConfObject;
I would like to be able to construct a default object represented by this JSON file :
"port": 4242,
"module": "modheader",
"modulePath": ["../modules/", "./modules"]
Which can provide me a map of what to search on the real config file, the type of each field as well as a default value for each of them.
I attempted to do that using braced initialization, but no matter what I try, this won't compile:
Conf default_conf_{
{"port", ConfValue{4242}},
{"module", ConfValue{"modHeader"}},
{"modulePath", ConfArray{"../modules/", "./modules"}}
Is what I'm trying to do possible in c++ and if yes, how ? :)
Side question: Is it possible to get the type of a std::variant at run time ?
You might use:
Conf default_conf {
{"port", ConfValue{4242LL}},
{"module", ConfValue{"modHeader"}},
{"modulePath", ConfValue{ConfArray{ConfValue{"../modules/"}, ConfValue{"./modules"}}}}
There are two independent issues here.
First, 4242 isn't going to work without more help. You can reduce that to:
std::variant<long long, bool> v = 4242; // error
The conversion is ambiguous. So you have to make no or the other a better match. Hence, 4242LL.
Second, you just need more braces in the modulePath value - since we need to list-initialize all the ConfValues, we can't just construct them:
Conf default_conf_{{
{"port", {4242LL}},
{"module", {"modHeader"}},
{"modulePath", {ConfArray{{"../modules/"}, {"./modules"}}}}
You need the ConfArray there basically to just identify what all these braces mean. If you added some constructors to ConfValue, you would be able to do away with that too.

How to Give a C++ Class a Python __repr__() with SWIG

I've observed that when one types
in the Python repl, one gets
Type help() for interactive help, ...
and when one types
one gets kicked into help mode. I'm pretty sure this is because site._Helper defines __repr__() (for the first example) and __call__() (for the second).
I like this behavior (prompt for just the object, and callable syntax), and I'd like to do the same for a C++ class I'm exporting to Python via SWIG. Here is a simple example of what I've tried to do
class HelpMimic
HelpMimic() {};
~HelpMimic() {};
char *__repr__();
void operator()(const char *func=NULL);
char *HelpMimic::__repr__()
return "Online help facilities are not yet implemented.";
void HelpMimic::operator()(const char *func)
log4cxx::LoggerPtr transcriptPtr = oap::getTranscript();
std::string commentMsg("# Online help facilities are not yet implemented. Cannot look up ");
if (func) {
commentMsg += func;
else {
commentMsg += "anything.";
LOG4CXX_INFO(transcriptPtr, commentMsg);
%module sample
#include <helpMimic.h>
class HelpMimic
HelpMimic() {};
~HelpMimic() {};
char *__repr__();
void operator()(const char *func=NULL);
When I attempt to use this class in my application, I can't seem to get the behavior I see with help (the output below is taken from a C++ application with Python embedded, where each input line is sent through PyEval_String()):
tam = sample.HelpMimic()
tam # echoes 'tam', nothing else
print tam
# _5010b70200000000_p_HelpMimic
print repr(tam)
# <Swig Object of type 'HelpMimic *' at 0x28230a0>
print tam.__repr__()
# Online help facilities are not yet implemented.
That last print shows that the method __repr__() is there, but I can't find it using the simpler object reference or using repr(tam). I also tried defining __str()__ in the hopes that I'd misunderstood which would get called, but still no luck.
I've tried using the %extend directive in the interface file to insert a __str__() or a __repr__() definition into the SWIG interface definition file, instead of defining them directly in C++, but to no avail.
What am I missing?
As #flexo suggested in a comment, if you are using the -builtin flag to the SWIG code generator, repr() will not call your __repr__ method. Instead, you need to define a function that fits in the repr slot.
%feature("python:slot", "tp_repr", functype="reprfunc") HelpMimic::printRepr;
As per HelpMimic::printRepr must have a signature that matches the expected signature (tp_repr in Python docs) - it must return a string or unicode object. Another caveat - you can't put the same function in more than one slot, so don't try to use this for tp_str!
I usually use the %extend feature to avoid tailoring the C/C++ to much for a specific target language. E.g.
%extend MyClass {
%pythoncode %{
def __repr__(self):
# How you want your object to be shown
__swig_getmethods__["someMember"] = SomeMemberGet
__swig_setmethods__["someMember"] = SomeMemberSet
if _newclass:
someMember = property(SomeMemberGet,SomeMemberSet)
def show(self):
# You could possibly visualize your object using matplotlib
Where you inside the repr function can call basically any function and format the output to suit your needs. Further, you can add properties and define how they map to setters and getters.
If you want to add a __repr__ in the Python code rather than C/C++, you may need to deal with the default swig definition of __repr__ = _swig_repr.
This turns out to be fairly straightforward:
#if defined(SWIGPYTHON)
%pythoncode %{
del __repr__
def __repr__(self):
return 'object representation'

luabind: cannot retrieve values from table indexed by non-built-in classes‏

I'm using luabind 0.9.1 from Ryan Pavlik's master distribution with Lua 5.1, cygwin on Win XP SP3 + latest patches x86, boost 1.48, gcc 4.3.4. Lua and boost are cygwin pre-compiled versions.
I've successfully built luabind in both static and shared versions.
Both versions pass all the tests EXCEPT for the test_object_identity.cpp test which fails in both versions.
I've tracked down the problem to the following issue:
If an entry in a table is created for NON built-in class (i.e., not int, string, etc), the value CANNOT be retrieved.
Here's a code piece that demonstrates this:
#include "test.hpp"
#include <luabind/luabind.hpp>
#include <luabind/detail/debug.hpp>
using namespace luabind;
struct test_param
int obj;
void test_main(lua_State* L)
using namespace luabind;
.def_readwrite("obj", &test_param::obj)
test_param temp_object;
object tabc = newtable(L);
tabc[1] = 10;
tabc[temp_object] = 30;
TEST_CHECK( tabc[1] == 10 ); // passes
TEST_CHECK( tabc[temp_object] == 30 ); // FAILS!!!
tabc[1] is indeed 10 while tabc[temp_object] is NOT 30! (actually, it seems to be nil)
However, if I use iterate to go over tabc entries, there're the two entries with the CORRECT key/value pairs.
Any ideas?
BTW, overloading the == operator like this:
#include <luabind/operator.hpp>
struct test_param
int obj;
bool operator==(test_param const& rhs) const
return obj == rhs.obj;
.def_readwrite("obj", &test_param::obj)
.def(const_self == const_self)
Doesn't change the result.
I also tried switching to settable() and gettable() from the [] operator. The result is the same. I can see with the debugger that default conversion of the key is invoked, so I guess the error arises from somewhere therein, but it's beyond me to figure out what exactly the problem is.
As the following simple test case show, there're definitely a bug in Luabind's conversion for complex types:
struct test_param : wrap_base
int obj;
bool operator==(test_param const& rhs) const
{ return obj == rhs.obj ; }
void test_main(lua_State* L)
using namespace luabind;
.def_readwrite("obj", &test_param::obj)
.def(const_self == const_self)
object tabc, zzk, zzv;
test_param tp, tp1;
tp.obj = 123456;
// create new table
tabc = newtable(L);
// set tabc[tp] = 5;
// o k v
settable( tabc, tp, 5);
// get access to entry through iterator() API
iterator zzi(tabc);
// get the key object
zzk = zzi.key();
// read back the value through gettable() API
// o k
zzv = gettable(tabc, zzk);
// check the entry has the same value
// irrespective of access method
TEST_CHECK ( *zzi == 5 &&
object_cast<int>(zzv) == 5 );
// convert key to its REAL type (test_param)
tp1 = object_cast<test_param>(zzk);
// check two keys are the same
TEST_CHECK( tp == tp1 );
// read the value back from table using REAL key type
zzv = gettable(tabc, tp1);
// check the value
TEST_CHECK( object_cast<int>(zzv) == 5 );
// the previous call FAILS with
// Terminated with exception: "unable to make cast"
// this is because gettable() doesn't return
// a TRUE value, but nil instead
Hopefully, someone smarter than me can figure this out,
I've traced the problem to the fact that Luabind creates a NEW DISTINCT object EVERY time you use a complex value as key (but it does NOT if you use a primitive one or an object).
Here's a small test case that demonstrates this:
struct test_param : wrap_base
int obj;
bool operator==(test_param const& rhs) const
{ return obj == rhs.obj ; }
void test_main(lua_State* L)
using namespace luabind;
.def_readwrite("obj", &test_param::obj)
.def(const_self == const_self)
object tabc, zzk, zzv;
test_param tp;
tp.obj = 123456;
tabc = newtable(L);
// o k v
settable( tabc, tp, 5);
iterator zzi(tabc), end;
std::cerr << "value = " << *zzi << "\n";
zzk = zzi.key();
// o k v
settable( tabc, tp, 6);
settable( tabc, zzk, 7);
for (zzi = iterator(tabc); zzi != end; ++zzi)
std::cerr << "value = " << *zzi << "\n";
Notice how tabc[tp] first has the value 5 and then is overwritten with 7 when accessed through the key object. However, when accessed AGAIN through tp, a new entry gets created. This is why gettable() fails subsequently.
Disclaimer: I'm not an expert on luabind. It's entirely possible I've missed something about luabind's capabilities.
First of all, what is luabind doing when converting test_param to a Lua key? The default policy is copy. To quote the luabind documentation:
This will make a copy of the parameter. This is the default behavior when passing parameters by-value. Note that this can only be used when passing from C++ to Lua. This policy requires that the parameter type has an accessible copy constructor.
In pratice, what this means is that luabind will create a new object (called "full userdata") which is owned by the Lua garbage collector and will copy your struct into it. This is a very safe thing to do because it no longer matters what you do with the c++ object; the Lua object will stick around without really any overhead. This is a good way to do bindings for by-value sorts of objects.
Why does luabind create a new object each time you pass it to Lua? Well, what else could it do? It doesn't matter if the address of the passed object is the same, because the original c++ object could have changed or been destroyed since it was first passed to Lua. (Remember, it was copied to Lua by value, not by reference.) So, with only ==, luabind would have to maintain a list of every object of that type which had ever been passed to Lua (possibly weakly) and compare your object against each one to see if it matches. luabind doesn't do this (nor do I think should it).
Now, let's look at the Lua side. Even though luabind creates two different objects, they're still equal, right? Well, the first problem is that, besides certain built-in types, Lua can only hold objects by reference. Each of those "full userdata" that I mentioned before is actually a pointer. That means that they are not identical.
But they are equal, if we define an __eq meta operation. Unfortunately, Lua itself simply does not support this case. Userdata when used as table keys are always compared by identity, no matter what. This actually isn't special for userdata; it is also true for tables. (Note that to properly support this case, Lua would need to override the hashcode operation on the object in addition to __eq. Lua also does not support overriding the hashcode operation.) I can't speak for the authors of Lua why they did not allow this (and it has been suggested before), but there it is.
So, what are the options?
The simplest thing would be to convert test_param to an object once (explicitly), and then use that object to index the table both times. However, I suspect that while this fixes your toy example, it isn't very helpful in practice.
Another option is simply not to use such types as keys. Actually, I think this is a very good suggestion, since this kind of light-weight binding is quite useful, and the only other option is to discard it.
It looks like you can define a custom conversion on your type. In your example, it might be reasonable to convert your type to a Lua number which will behave well as a table index.
Use a different kind of binding. There will be some overhead, but if you want identity, you'll have to live with it. It sounds like luabind has some support for wrappers, which you may need to use to preserve identity:
When a pointer or reference to a registered class with a wrapper is passed to Lua, luabind will query for it's dynamic type. If the dynamic type inherits from wrap_base, object identity is preserved.