Add AWS Cognito SignIn/ SignUp Feature on Squarespace Website - amazon-web-services

We have a website hosted on Squarespace. We want to add sign-in/sign-up feature to our website using AWS Cognito.The Website supports our Mobile App that uses AWS Cognito User Pool. How can we integrate AWS Cognito in our Squarespace WebPage? What other methods might work to accomplish this?
There is no specific documentation available on Squarespace regarding third party integrations.

Because you can only add "client-side code" to a Squarespace site, and not server-side code, you can only integrate with third-party services if it A) it is within their rather limited and internally-curated list of extensions or B) it can be done entirely via JavaScript on the front-end.
You can't add server-side code
Server-side code is handled by a server, not by a browser, and
PHP, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, SQL
So you'd have to integrate the service using entirely client-side code, most likely using the AWS SDK for JavaScript, if that is possible. See the client-side authentication flow section here. The "Implicit grant" section here may also be applicable.


Configuring User Registration with aws PHP SDK

I'm Developing web Application that user can register by them self and log in after confirmation.i used AWS JavaScript for that it's working great.but since the access key is visible for everybody i planed to do it in Using PHP-AWS SDK.but why all the example aws providing foe EC2 or S3, i couldn't find any for cognito in php.can someone guide me or provide a basic example for this scenario..?
Currently Cognito supports high level SDKs for only for Android, iOS, and Javascript, but doesn't support high level SDK for PHP. You can use the low level PHP-AWS SDK which will give you access to calling the API methods. The methods found at the following link are accessible in the AWS SDK and can be called:

SSO Implementation ColdFusion

This is a very basic question. I want to do an SSO integration using ColdFusion but do not know where to start. I found the website through a google search, but am very confused about how to use it and where to find documentation.
I think it has something related with cfldap or cfhttp but not sure what and where:
<cfhttp method="get" url="">
It really depends on what role you want to play in an SSO ecosystem. Are you an app in a larger federation (Service Provider), or are you trying to implement an SSO style login across multiple applications that you control, or are you looking to setup so that your users can log in with Google or Facebook or such other identity registers?
A few years back we did an implementation with Shibboleth ( and CF where our intended place in the system would be that of a Service Provider to other companies Identity Providers. It works pretty straight forward as we let Shibboleth handle all the SAML federation grunt work and then when it's completed we get an e-mail address (the unique identifier we decided on) back from Shibboleth saying that the user has been authenticated via the Identity Provider.
Other 'SSO' implementations are around for other types of integrations.
From CFCs to handle OAuth --
To integrated oauth support if you're running a new enough version of ColdFusion
Hope this is of assistance to you.
If I understand your SSO use case, the application will be a cloud service provider (SP). There are three things you need to determine to help in the selection of the appropriate technology, mainly (1) SSO protocol to integrate, mainly SAML, OAuth, OpenID Connect (OIDC), etc. (2) Hosting, mainly Cloud, On-Prem, or hybrid, and (3) whether or not IdP discovery is needed for your business partners.
Being ColdFusion based as well as working to be a cloud SP web application, my experience is that the application is to be hosted by your organization, such that an on premise SSO capability is desired, as well as IdP Discovery will be needed for your partners.
As noted in your question there are some options for integration. I have found the most popular approach to being a SP website is to utilize a vendor product that handles the SSO protocol (e.g. SAML, OIDC) where the integration with your ColdFusion application is based upon a simple REST API integration. With this design pattern, the vendor product manages all the security of the SSO protocol and then simplifies integration to your application as a secure REST API exchange of identity information. This will minimize the impact to your application and also give the most support for modern identity. One product that offers this capability is PingFederate via the Agentless integration (also referred to as Reference ID integration). I have had much success integrating ColdFusion applications following this type of approach.
SAML seemed to be the easiest to implement for our team. Phil Duba's 2013 Beyond Encrypt() presentation is a good starting place. His website is down right now, but I'm sure you can find the downloadable file somewhere. Learning about SAML in general would be a good idea. Also, you can use Java, so maybe look at SAML/OAUTH Java examples and try doing that for Coldfusion since it is based on Java.

iOS - AWS developer authentication, User registration Process

In my application i am using AWS SDK for development. i am able to do all the operations except user registration(In Developer authentication). In AWS they mentioned that for user registration we have to write our own backend code. But i do not have any idea about backend. I am thinking that if amazon provides straight forward solution for user registration it would be helpful. And i gone through server side setup(amazon provided sample code), but there we can register the user through browser not through ios client.
In my application user registration contains emaild, username, password and photo selection options.
For user registartion (developer authentication), i have done more research, but i did not find any direct solution.
Can any one please provide direct solution or any good tutorial to implement our own backend for user registration.
Thanks in advance.
You have a couple options to use Amazon Cognito and providing a complete registration system for users without building a backend: OpenID Connect and Open Source.
OpenID Connect: Since Cognito Supports OpenID Connect-compliant identity providers, you can leverage products out there that federate/broker multiple social providers and expose the federated user via OpenID Connect which have special support for Cognito including Ping Federate, Auth0, and SecureAuth to name a few. I also understood that Okta provides an OpenID Connect identity provider so it might be worth looking into.
Open Source: LambdaAuth is a bare bones project that leverages Lambda and Cognito to provide a registration and authentication backend. Cognito Helper is another one that appears to have more features and be more developed. If one of those have the features you need, they should be easy to deploy and run on server-less Lambda, so they're easy to maintain and you pay only for what you use.
While the details of your registration process will depend on the needs of your application, you may want to consider using API Gateway to front the registration logic you write.
API Gateway will generate an SDK for you which you can use in your application to call your API.
You can have your application call your registration API which handles all of the logic for doing the backend portion of acquiring credentials:

Google Apps Calendar Resource API in PHP

I implemented a php application that creates events in google calendar. But i need also to create resources, and i found the documentation for Google Apps Calendar Resource API
My first question is: where can I download the API files.
And second: i can use this in PHP? Because in the examples that they provide, they use only .NET and Python.
Thank you!
This API uses an older Google APIs technology stack called GData. There is a GData PHP client library built into the Zend framework, but it doesn't support OAuth2 and doesn't include support for this particular API. You're only option is to construct the OAuth2 tokens, XML body, and HTTP requests yourself using the documentation as a guide.

Django library for Stack Exchange API authentication?

I'm writing a webapp that heavily uses the StackExchange API. I'm currently using OpenID authentication but given the only people that will use the site will be SE members, I've been wondering if there's a library for Django (or Python, in general) that can handle the login process for me.
I'm specifically thinking of something that slots into the process like the django_openid_auth project does.
Look at django-allauth. The supported authentication providers are:
Facebook (both OAuth2 and JS SDK)
Google (OAuth2)
SoundCloud (OAuth2)
Stack Exchange (OAuth2)
You can use django-allauth for signup/login process as it supports Stack Exchange OAuth2.
Since your app heavily uses StackExchange API, you should consider using Py-StackExchange along with django-allauth. Please have a look at FAQ and it's API support for StackExchange.
You have Py-StackExchange, perfect for using from Python. Check out the code at GitHub or its page at StackApps.
Added after Oli's comment
For managing login/registration there are some good working projects. You can read a good review of 4 of the most common libraries at hackerluddite. Django-social-auth and django-allauth are likely the most complete, stable and used.