How to store a variable across lambda invocations - amazon-web-services

I need to store a variable containing a URL across invocations of my function, and to be able to modify this variable from inside the function. So in short I need to be able to send this URL to the function, and be able to retrieve it later. I've created a bucket I could store the URL in, but I'm having a real hard time understanding the documentation on how to write to and read from the bucket using lambda. Using the bucket or some other method, how would I store this piece of data? I'm using python.

There are several ways, which depend on exactly how the URL is shared, accessed, how often you read/write it.
For infrequent access, e.g., you lambda executes once a minute, you can store it in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store.
For high frequencies and concurrent access, probably you should consider using DynamoDB.
S3 can also be used, but it will be the slowest and requires a bit of setup to read and write from your lambda. Access to parameter store is rather simple, as you can use get_parameter boto3 sdk.


AWS lambda python approach/code required to make variable global on every call

I need an approach in AWS lambda to resolve a issue please help
What am I doing now:
Inside lambda handler function I am taking data from athena and performing some logic, also taking data from kinesis performing some logic. lambda handler is invoked every 20 sec
This is pseudo code:
def lambda_handler(event, context):
query = query to get data from athena
df = pd.DataFrame(query)
###Some processing logic from by taking data from kinesis###
My problem is
The data that I take from athena will change only once in a day. So every time when lambda handler is invoked it is unnecessarily querying to athena which is inefficient
What I need
I need some solution approach/code to "query athena and put in dataframe as global scope" so each time when lambda handler is triggered it will make use of global variable.
There are no persistent global variables within lambda itself. The only limited persistence of data that you can count for is through AWS Lambda execution environment:
Objects declared outside of the function's handler method remain initialized, providing additional optimization when the function is invoked again. For example, if your Lambda function establishes a database connection, instead of reestablishing the connection, the original connection is used in subsequent invocations. We recommend adding logic in your code to check if a connection exists before creating a new one.
However, this is not reliable and short lived. Thus the only way for you not to query Athena often, is to store the query results outside of lambda function.
Depending on the nature and amount of the data to be stored, a common choices to ensure persistence of the data between lambda function invocations are S3, EFS, DynamoDB, SSM Parameter Store and ElasticCache.

How to build an index of S3 objects when data exceeds object metadata limit?

Building an index of S3 objects can be very useful to make them searchable quickly : the natural, most obvious way is to store additional data on the object meta-data and use a lambda to write in DynamoDB or RDS, as described here:
However, this strategy is limited by the amount of data one can store in the object metadata, which is 2KB, as described here: Suppose you need to build a system where every time an object is uploaded on S3 you store need to add some information not contained in the file and the object name to a database and this data exceeds 2KB:you can't store it in the object metadata.
What are viable strategies to keep the bucket and the index updated?
Implement two chained API calls where each call is idempotent: if the second fails when the first succeed, one can retry until success. What happens if you perform a PUT of an identical object on S3, and you have versioning activated? Will S3 increase the version? In this case, implementing idempotency requires a single writer to be active at each time
Use some sort of workflow engine to keep track of this two-step behaviour, such as AWS Step. What are the gotchas with this solution?

How to access last n parameters in an AWS Lambda function

I am receiving sensory data on AWS IoT and passing these values to a Lambda function using a rule. In the Lambda function which is coded in Python, I need to make a calculation based on the latest n values.
What is the best way of accessing previous parameters?
Each Lambda invocation is supposed to be state-less and not aware of previous invocations (there's container reuse but you cannot rely on that).
If you need those, then you have to persist those parameters somewhere else like DynamoDB or Redis on Elasticache.
Then, when you need to do your calculations, you can retrieve the past n-1 values and do your calculations.

AWS - want to upload multiple files to S3 and only when all are uploaded trigger a lambda function

I am seeking advice on what's the best way to design this -
Use Case
I want to put multiple files into S3. Once all files are successfully saved, I want to trigger a lambda function to do some other work.
Naive Approach
The way I am approaching this is by saving a record in Dynamo that contains a unique identifier and the total number of records I will be uploading along with the keys that should exist in S3.
A basic implementation would be to take my existing lambda function which is invoked anytime my S3 bucket is written into, and have it check manually whether all the other files been saved.
The Lambda function would know (look in Dynamo to determine what we're looking for) and query S3 to see if the other files are in. If so, use SNS to trigger my other lambda that will do the other work.
Edit: Another approach is have my client program that puts the files in S3 be responsible for directly invoking the other lambda function, since technically it knows when all the files have been uploaded. The issue with this approach is that I do not want this to be the responsibility of the client program... I want the client program to not care. As soon as it has uploaded the files, it should be able to just exit out.
I don't think this is a good idea. Mainly because Lambda functions should be lightweight, and polling the database from within the Lambda function to get the S3 keys of all the uploaded files and then checking in S3 if they are there - doing this each time seems ghetto and very repetitive.
What's the better approach? I was thinking something like using SWF but am not sure if that's overkill for my solution or if it will even let me do what I want. The documentation doesn't show real "examples" either. It's just a discussion without much of a step by step guide (perhaps I'm looking in the wrong spot).
Edit In response to mbaird's suggestions below-
Option 1 (SNS) This is what I will go with. It's simple and doesn't really violate the Single Responsibility Principal. That is, the client uploads the files and sends a notification (via SNS) that its work is done.
Option 2 (Dynamo streams) So this is essentially another "implementation" of Option 1. The client makes a service call, which in this case, results in a table update vs. a SNS notification (Option 1). This update would trigger the Lambda function, as opposed to notification. Not a bad solution, but I prefer using SNS for communication rather than relying on a database's capability (in this case Dynamo streams) to call a Lambda function.
In any case, I'm using AWS technologies and have coupling with their offering (Lambda functions, SNS, etc.) but I feel relying on something like Dynamo streams is making it an even tighter coupling. Not really a huge concern for my use case but still feels dirty ;D
Option 3 with S3 triggers My concern here is the possibility of race conditions. For example, if multiple files are being uploaded by the client simultaneously (think of several async uploads fired off at once with varying file sizes), what if two files happen to finish uploading at around the same time, and two or more Lambda functions (or whatever implementations we use) query Dynamo and gets back N as the completed uploads (instead of N and N+1)? Now even though the final result should be N+2, each one would add 1 to N. Nooooooooooo!
So Option 1 wins.
If you don't want the client program responsible for invoking the Lambda function directly, then would it be OK if it did something a bit more generic?
Option 1: (SNS) What if it simply notified an SNS topic that it had completed a batch of S3 uploads? You could subscribe your Lambda function to that SNS topic.
Option 2: (DynamoDB Streams) What if it simply updated the DynamoDB record with something like an attribute record.allFilesUploaded = true. You could have your Lambda function trigger off the DynamoDB stream. Since you are already creating a DynamoDB record via the client, this seems like a very simple way to mark the batch of uploads as complete without having to code in knowledge about what needs to happen next. The Lambda function could then check the "allFilesUploaded" attribute instead of having to go to S3 for a file listing every time it is called.
Alternatively, don't insert the DynamoDB record until all files have finished uploading, then your Lambda function could just trigger off new records being created.
Option 3: (continuing to use S3 triggers) If the client program can't be changed from how it works today, then instead of listing all the S3 files and comparing them to the list in DynamoDB each time a new file appears, simply update the DynamoDB record via an atomic counter. Then compare the result value against the size of the file list. Once the values are the same you know all the files have been uploaded. The down side to this is that you need to provision enough capacity on your DynamoDB table to handle all the updates, which is going to increase your costs.
Also, I agree with you that SWF is overkill for this task.

Can I parameterize AWS lambda functions differently for staging and release resources?

I have a Lambda function invoked by S3 put events, which in turn needs to process the objects and write to a database on RDS. I want to test things out in my staging stack, which means I have a separate bucket, different database endpoint on RDS, and separate IAM roles.
I know how to configure the lambda function's event source and IAM stuff manually (in the Console), and I've read about lambda aliases and versions, but I don't see any support for providing operational parameters (like the name of the destination database) on a per-alias basis. So when I make a change to the function, right now it looks like I need a separate copy of the function for staging and production, and I would have to keep them in sync manually. All of the logic in the code would be the same, and while I get the source bucket and key as a parameter to the function when it's invoked, I don't currently have a way to pass in the destination stuff.
For the destination DB information, I could have a switch statement in the function body that checks the originating S3 bucket and makes a decision, but I hate making every function have to keep that mapping internally. That wouldn't work for the DB credentials or IAM policies, though.
I suppose I could automate all or most of this with the SDK. Has anyone set something like this up for a continuous integration-style deployment with Lambda, or is there a simpler way to do it that I've missed?
I found a workaround using Lambda function aliases. Given the context object, I can get the invoked_function_arn property, which has the alias (if any) at the end.
arn_string = context.invoked_function_arn
alias = arn_string.split(':')[-1]
Then I just use the alias as an index into a dict in my module, and I'm good to go.
One thing I'm not crazy about is that I have to invoke my function from an alias every time, and now I can't use aliases for any other purpose without affecting this scheme. It would be nice to have explicit support for user parameters in the context object.