Does cadence support Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API instead of cassandra - cadence

Does Cadence support Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API instead of Apache cassandra, to persist the Data.
If yes, can you share the sample docker-compose configuration.

Last time we checked (2019) the Cosmos DB didn't support Cassandra APIs (or their semantic) needed for Cadence/Temporal to work. We were also advised to use Cosmos APIs directly instead. Unfortunately, we didn't have the resources to implement the Cosmos binding yet.
But you are free to try. I would recommend starting from a helm chart that supports specifying Cassandra as an external dependency.


Which time series database to use for consistent dev prod (aws) parity

I deploy my app to AWS.
On AWS there are RDS which support some industrial standard DBMS like PostgreSQL/MySQL/Oracle.
These dbms can be make available on development machine (docker) as well, make it easy to achieve dev/prod parity.
I'm looking for a time series specialized database that I can achieve dev/prod as well.
AWS has Timestream that is specialized for time series, but I'm clueless of a local equivalent database for it.
There probably some EC2-hosted database possible, but I prefer to be lazy and have Amazon take care of manage the database cluster for me.
What options do I have?
Apache Druid is a very good Time-Series Database that can be deployed on local development environments and on multiple cloud environments easily.
Druid is ofered as a fully managed cloud service, on AWS, by Imply.
The fully managed variant of Druid is called Imply Cloud.
More information:
You should try Amazon Timestream
It is as a nonrelational, fully managed service built specifically to collect, store and process time-series data. The arrival of masses of IoT data is expected to push time-series technology into wider use,that's why Amazon came with Timestream.

Migrating on premise web application to AWS ec2

Can some one please advise the steps required for migrating a web application which is currently running on tomcat server at onpremise to AWS ec2 instance. I understand this is not a straight forward and requires some detailed process.
The code is wrriten in Java and database used as oracle.
So it would be helpfull if someone can suggest me any relavent document or any website which gives some demo to refer me and proceed with this scenario.
If it's a personal project then I would recommend Lightsail as the simplest way to deploy existing Java application.
For a database a small instance of MySQL or if relational database is not needed then a document database like DynamoDB.
There are multiple choices one how to migrate a Java application to AWS.
You could potentially use existing AWS services like:
Lightsail -
Beanstock -
EC2 instance and install Tomcat manually
Use ECS with Docker
As for Database solution Oracle is an option but quite expensive one.
When moving to AWS it's better to use one of the RDS managed databases like MySQL, Postgress or more expensive like Aurora.
In order to propose an architecture some details would be needed on predicted load, the size of the application and volume of data. Is the product regional or global, are there any additional issues that need to be addressed while moving to a cloud (performance, availability etc), how users are authenticated (are any other services needed).

sql server to google spanner migration

right now i am using microsoft sql server for my database in my dev app. in future if i want to migrate my database in google spanner what guidelines should i follow from right now so then migration should be easy in feature. also does google provide any migration tools like Microsoft® Data Migration Assistant.
gcloud spanner instances create INSTANCE --config=CONFIG
--description=DESCRIPTION --nodes=NODES [--async] [GLOBAL-FLAG ...]
does spanner has any local emulator so i can install it in my local machine and test it before
gcloud spanner instances create --help
Cloud spanner is Google's horizontally scalable relational database. It is quite expensive(running it in minimal configuration with 3 nodes would cost you at least 100$ daily). Unless you really need the horizontal scalability you should use Cloud SQL.
Cloud SQL is a managed MySQL or PostgreSQL service by Google. You can migrate your data to Cloud SQL easily as this is a common use case. How you do it depends on your choice. For example check this question for exporting it to MySql. You can check this link to convert to PostgreSQL.
Check the Google's decision tree if you are unfamiliar with the details of Google's storage options:

Are there logical decoding plug-ins available for Cloud SQL PostgreSQL?

I'm facing the following situation:
I have to do a logical replication of my Cloud SQL PostgreSQL instance to an external PostgreSQL database and vice-versa. More specifically, the CloudSQL and the external instance will contain some master and slave tables that must be replicated between each database. However, PostgreSQL logical and external replication are currently not supported by the GCP.
Since it is not supported, I've searched for an alternative, and I noticed that Debezium + Kafka can be used with CloudSQL MySQL to capture database changes and do logical replication. I asked the same question on the Debezium google group (link below)!topic/debezium/yS61un46x8k
And they've answered to me:
"Debezium requires a specific logical decoding plug-in (either ProtoBufs or wal2json) installed within the source Postgres, I'm not sure whether you have that flexibility with your cloud SQL provider (but e.g. on Amazon RDS, wal2json is installed by default)."
Can anybody answer me if one of these plugins are available or can be installed within Cloud SQL PostgreSQL? If not, are there any alternative approach for logical replication while it is not supported by the platform? Thanks in advance.
Cloud SQL Postgres does not support logical replication right now. You also have no way to use Debezium + Kafka because of missing logical replication.
I have to migrate from Cloud SQL Postgres to on-premises Postgres.
Took them a long time, but is supported now

Does Bigquery support triggers?

We are currently using AWS RDS as our databases. In tables, we defined some insert or update triggers on tables. I would like to know if Bigquery also support triggers?
BigQuery is a data warehouse product, similar to AWS Redshift and AWS Athena and there is no trigger support.
If you used AWS RDS so far, you need to check Google CloudSQL.
Google Cloud SQL is an easy-to-use service that delivers fully managed
SQL databases in the cloud. Google Cloud SQL provides either MySQL or
PostgreSQL databases.
If you have a heavy load, then check out Google Cloud Spanner it's even better for full scalable relational db.
Cloud Spanner is the only enterprise-grade, globally-distributed, and
strongly consistent database service built for the cloud specifically
to combine the benefits of relational database structure with
non-relational horizontal scale.
Big Query doesn't have the feature as stated by the colleague above.
However it has an event api based on it's audit logs. You can inspect it and trigger events with cloud functions as per: