How to hide a visual in power-bi? - powerbi

Often there will be client requirement where the visual needs to be hidden unless selected upon or unless it meets certain criteria.

Power-Bi does not, at present offer this solution. However, there is a workaround for this.
I found this awesome article which explains how it can be done.
You can go through the above link which explains how easily it can be done.
Credits to the creator.
Cheers :)


Poor UX styling (big spacings, paddings etc.) in Sitecore 8

I am currently playing with latest Sitecore, just downloaded from SDN. The first, but quite annoying "feature" in new metro-like interface seems to be huge UX elements, big paddings in content tree between elements (it also quite ugly in Templates Builder). Also just restored a package of my existing solution (taken from 7.2) and I find it very inconvenient to use, as the one is quite big with many items.
Is there any way to switch it back to previous interface? Am also quite worrying about adapting our business users as I spent much time on justifying version upgrade and this type of people do usually judge by what they see.
I clearly understand your feelings as I had exactly the same first impression.
I dont think there is some switch to return to previous UI.
Nevertheless, it is all about themes. Default theme that is located at sitecore\shell\Themes\Standard\Default folder, so playing enough with developer tools or firebug you may produce any look-and-feel you want.
I have adjusted Sitecore 8 styles in order to fit both my visual expectations and general good look. To make it simple, I have created the module that replaces those dodgy styles with properly adjusted, to make it look similar to Sitecore 7.
Please read the blog post describing how to implement that; there also will be download link to that package:
The module replaces following style files from folder mentioned above:
Content Manager.css
Hope this helps!
Update: Thank you for inspiring me with an idea of switch. I think it may make sense of implementing a SPEAK component, that allow to switch between conservative and new styles.

Where is a good place for a code review?

A few colleagues and I created a simple packet capturing application based on libpcap, GTK+ and sqlite as a project for a Networks Engineering course at our university. While it (mostly) works, I am trying to improve my programming skills and would appreciate it if members of the community could look at what we've put together.
Is this a good place to ask for such a review? If not, what are good sites I can throw this question up on? The source code is hosted by Google Code ( and an executable is available for download (Windows only, though it does compile on Linux and should compile on OS X Leopard as well provided one has gtk+ SDK installed).
Thanks, everyone!
-Carlos Nunez
UPDATE: Thanks for the great feedback, everyone. The code is completely open-source and modifiable (licensed under Apache License 2.0). I was hoping to get more holistic feedback, considering that my postings would still be very lengthy.
As sheepsimulator mentioned, GitHub is good. I would also recommend posting your project on and/or Both are active developer communities where people often peruse projects like yours. The best thing for your code would be if someone found it useful and decided to extend it. Then, you'd probably end up with plenty of bug fixes and constructive criticism.
You might get some mileage by posting the code out in the public space (through github or some other open-posting forum), putting a link here on SO, and seeing what happens.
You could also make it an open-source project, and see if people find it and use it.
Probably your best bet is to talk to your prof/classmates, find some professional programmers willing to devote their time, and have them review the code. Like American Idol-esque judging, but for your software...
As #Noah states, this is not the site for code review. You may present problems and what you did to overcome those problems, asking if a given solution would be the best.
I found a neat little website that might be what you are looking for:

Infragistics Documentation

We have used Infragistics controls in our applications for years. However, we have always had a hard time getting started using controls, because of the samples and documentation. For those of you that use Infragistics controls, what is the best way you have found to use the samples and documentation? For those of you that do not, what other control packages have you found that have good documentation and are easy to use?
I have to be honest say that we gave up on the Infragistics stuff a few years back.
We flirted with ComponentArt then settled on the TeleRik controls, mainly because of ease of use, flexibility and the documentation is pretty good.
Been working with Infragistics stuff for awhile now. Usually I check out the samples to see what the controls can do, then when I need something specific, if I can't easily find it perusing with the object browser, then I simply ask their support. They are quick to respond and know their stuff like expected.
You can also search their forums but I find it lacks content; maybe because most of their users prefer asking the support staff.
Not sure, if you are still using Infragistics, but the link to their online documentation is here
I've used ComponentArt and they have pretty decent api docs

How do you structure a database for a wiki site?

What's does the table look like- is there only one? How do you revert to older versions? Similar to how Stack overflow works.
The best way to go about this is to look at other software such as MediaWiki and see how they structure their database. Then you can pick and choose what you want to use to start off on your own wiki design.
On the other hand, you could always start off with a pretty basic spread of tables that would keep track of Users, Articles, Revisions on an Article, etc. and start spiraling out from there.
Mediawiki details in their help pages how they layout their database.
I agree with CookieOfFortune's comment that you should take a look at an existing open source wiki to see how they do it, but I'll also offer this thought prefixed with the fact that I have no experience writing wiki software. Maybe some sort of partial star schema could be useful in maintaining the previous versions.

Can you remove dead wiki links in the "See Also" section of a FogBugz case?

We have a couple cases in FogBugz that have a link to an old wiki via the See Also section. No where in these cases is there a link in the edited text (the normal section where you enter your text), so I'm assuming the link was created through the wiki article (using the Case ### linking method). However, the wiki article appears to be deleted (as clicking the link says This article does not exist). Is there any way to actually remove the link from these cases to the non-existent wiki?
Here's a link to the question on the FogBugz Technical Support forum.
They have fixed this issue and will be releasing it in the next FogBugz update. Many thanks to Ben Kamens, Rich Armstrong, Joel Spolsky and the rest of Fog Creek!
Might be a good idea to ask this one on the FogBugz tech support forum. Likely you'll have to go into the DB directly and edit the records to remove the links. That's my thought.
You're probably aware of this, but this bug was fixed in FogBuz version 7 (possible patched in version 6).