LLDB debugging - ignore variables of specific classes to speed up debugging - c++

I'm new to c++ debugging and LLDB. I'm using VSCode with its c++ adapter, LLDB as the debugger, and bazel as the build system. My application deals with manipulating images. The application runs quickly but debugging it is very slow. That's because once I've loaded the images into memory, it takes about 20 seconds to a minute to step through each line. My assumption is that the raw images are too much for the debugger. If I use a small image, then I'm able to step through the code quickly inside the debugger
My question is: is there a way to tell the debugger to ignore the image loaded variables? Or perhaps to lazy-load the image variable data? I'm more interested in the other variables such as the matrices.

The underlying debugger, lldb, doesn't fetch any variables unless explicitly asked. It's always the UI that requests variable values.
In Xcode, if you close the Locals View, Xcode won't ask lldb to fetch variables. That does speed up stepping in frames with big local variables.
Then if you need to keep an eye on one or two of the variables while stepping you can use tooltips or the debugger console to print them on demand. You can also set up target stop-hooks in the lldb Console and use them to auto-print the variables you are tracking.
Some UI's also separate the "Locals" view from the "Watched Expression" view, so you can close the former and put the variables you need to see in the latter.
I don't know if VSCode allows you to close the Locals view, but if it does that might be a way to handle this problem.


Was GDB listing the code as I stepped through, or was I only dreaming?

Years ago, when I last had call to use GDB to debug a Linux server, I seem to remember seeing a listing of the code that was being executed. Perhaps it was just the current line +/- five lines or so. I think i also remember it redrawing the entire console, every time I executed a command, so that the code listing was always at the top of the screen.
Now that I am once again in need of GDB's assistance, is my memory playing cruel tricks on me? Or does such a mode actually exist?
The documentation I'm finding online just points me at the 'l' command to list code. That looks like it has some potential, but there doesn't seem to be a way to get it to dynamically update as I step/next my way through the code.
If it's significant, I'm running Ubuntu on a dedicated Linux machine, and (since the program uses OpenGL) the actual debugging is going on inside a Weston Compositor terminal window.

Viewing the contents of a variable in debug mode? (Other than with break points)

I'm writing a program which calculates the Mandelbrot Set (and then renders it in OpenGL under Windows) in order to utilise parallel programming techniques.
I'm supposed to demonstrate the use of threads, mutexes, and semaphores; so at the moment I'm calculating the set using multiple threads (splitting the set up horizontally) and timing each thread, then adding it to a total (the total is a global variable protected by a mutex)
I'd like to be able to view the total in debug mode - is there any relatively simple way to do this, other than rendering the total in the OpenGL window, or checking the contents of the variable with break points?
If you're on windows you could use OutputDebugString and view the results with a tool called DebugView. The downside is that it will print each value on a new line instead of updating it in place (which I guess is what you prefer).
If you want to view a value that will be updated in-place, you could probably use Performance Counters, but it's much more of a hassle: First, your program would have to implement a provider. And second, you'll have to write another program (a consumer) to track this counter and display it. But if you want maximum flexibility, this API is great, since it means many programs can observe the provider's counters, and they can, for example, be logged to a file and replayed or turned into a graph.
Easiest way is to somehow output a message to the debug stream and then view it using your IDE.
Under windows you can use:
OuputDebugString(LPCTSTR lpOutputString);
You should be able to read the global variable from the debugger. Have you tried?

Debugging workflow aspects of Visual Studio development vs. "Linux" development?

OK, so there are numerous questions around, asking for a "Visual Studio equivalent on Linux" or a variation of this question. (here, here, here, ...)
I would like to focus on one aspect and ask how the debugging workflow possibly differs on different systems, specifically the full-integrated-IDE approach used by Visual Studio (like) systems and a possibly more "separate" toolchain oriented approach.
To this end, let me present what I consider a short description of the "Visual Studio Debugging Workflow":
Given an existing project
I open up the project (one single step from a user perspective)
I navigate to the code I want to debug (possibly by searching of my project files, which is simply done by opening the Find in Files dialog box.)
I put a breakpoint at line (a), simply by putting the cursor on the line and hitting F9
I put a "tracepoint" at line (b), by adding a breakpoint there and then changing the breakpoint properties so that the debugger doesn't stop, but instead traces the value of a local variable.
I hit F5, which automatically compiles my executable, starts it under the debugger and then I wait until the prg stops at (a), meanwhile monitoring the trace window for output of (b)
When the debugger finally stops at (a), my screen automatically shows me the following information in (one-time preconfigured windows) side-by-side at the same time:
Current call stack
values of the most recently changed local variables
loaded modules (DLLs)
a list of all active breakpoints with their locations
a watch window with the last watch expressions I entered
A memory window to examine raw memory contents
a small window displaying current register values
Plus/minus some features, this is what I would expect under Eclipse/CDT under Linux also.
How would this workflow and presented information be retrieved when developing with VIM, Emacs, gdb/DDD and the likes?
This question isn't really about if some tool has one feature or not, it's about seeing that development/debugging work is using a combination of features and having a multitude of options available at your fingertips and how you access this information when not using a fully integrated IDE.
I think your answer isn't just about which software you use, but also what methodology you use. I use Emacs and depends on TDD for most of my debugging. When I see something fail, I usually write tests filling in the gap which I (obviously) have missed, and checks every expectation that way. So it goes far between each time I use the debugger.
When I do run into problems I have several options. In some cases I use valgrind first, it can tell me if there is some memory related problems right away, eliminating the need for the debugger. It will point straight to the line where i overwrite or delete memory that should be left alone. If I suspect a race condition valgrind is pretty good at that to.
When I use the debugger I often use it right in emacs, through GUD mode. It will give me a view with stack, local variables, the source code, breakpoints and a window where I can command the debugger. It usually involves setting a couple of breakpoints, watching some memory or some evaluation, and stepping through the code. It is pretty much like using the debugger in an IDE. The GDB debugger is a powerful beast, but my problems has never been large enough to need to invoke its power.

Saving debugging state and backwards debugging with Xcode or friends

I am using Xcode in order to debug C++ programs. The main problem for me is that it takes around 10 munutes till the program gets to the point of the program that I need to debug. Then I realize about something inspecting the variables and some other stuff, and modify the code. Then 15 minutes again and so ...
I wonder if there is possible in some way in Xcode or in another IDE or compiler/debugger for C++, to "save" in some way a desired debugging state of the program. So if my compouter crashes or I modify the code and make some mistakes, one can open this saved state instantly and get fast to the point where one left before.
I also wonder if at this moment Xcode can "backwards debugging". GDB can for sure, as for september 2009. Or what do you think is the best IDE to do this.
Thanks a lot
GDB has "backwards debugging" (or more correctly "Reverse Debugging") for a limited number of platforms (list of native supported ones):
moxie-elf ( http://moxielogic.org/blog/ )
So it is impossible for now to use this functionality on Mac OS X, with Xcode or without it.
Saving of program state in offline is very hard task. It is almost impossible to restore state of file descriptors, network connections, memory state (randomization of layout), even pid.
Such task is related to "Live migration" problem in openvz.
"Edit and Continue" feature from MSVS allow you to continue running after breakpoint with new version of code. It is supported for C#, C++ and Basic.

In Visual Studio can i plot my variable in breakpoint ?

In Visual Studio for my native C++ program I want to get a plot of some variables during debug. Mostly I use textual representation of the objects by editing autoexp.dat. But for some of the variables it is better to have a plot rather than having values in textual form.
So far I have used a function plot(const void* address,const char* type) , and called it from Immediate Window giving the variable address & the type, and internally casting it to proper type.
But this method has two disadvantages:
First is that, function overloading almost never works when calling a function from debugger (so I had to pass type as a second parameter), and the function call occasionally crashes, though it works perfectly when called from within code.
Second is, instead of writing a C++ function for plotting, I am interested to have a scripting language (like autoexp.dat or a VBScript) to give the internal data of the C++ object without writing any wrapper, so that I can use the script to store the data in a file or plot it.
In general I am interested to have something like Matlab or Ch IDE, where I can plot certain variable externally when the program is at a debug break.
Since VS 2005, Visual Studio has included Visualizers, which could almost have been designed specifically for your problem. MSDN explains the concept better than I can:
Visualizers are a new component of the
Visual Studio debugger user interface.
A visualizer creates a dialog box or
other interface to displays a variable
or object in a meaningful way that is
appropriate to its data type. For
example, an HTML visualizer interprets
an HTML string and displays the result
as it would appear in a browser
window, a bitmap visualizer interprets
a bitmap structure and displays the
graphic it represents, and so on. Some
visualizers allow you to edit as well
as view the data.
See here for a tutorial on how to write one.
You can plot variables in real-time charts with NetDebugPlot and NetDebugLog.
#include "NetDebugLog.h"
NetLog("test", myvar2);
As others have noted, I'm not sure exactly what do you wish to plot. I usually understand, when someone says he wants to "plot something", he usually means some array with numerical values.
If this is true in your case, Intel's Array Visualizer is maybe of some help. It can be downloaded freely, it integrates into visual studio, and you can use it in two ways: as a standalone application or while debugging ("while in some breakpoint") so you can plot array values "while program is running".
Could you use gnuplot for this? Spit out the data you want to plot as debug prints, and then while you're sitting at a breakpoint, copy it to an external file and run it through the plotter.