Issues with dynamic arrays, pointers and copy-constructors - c++

I'm having a lot of issues with creating a dynamic array containing objects.
As I've understood it, because my array is handling objects, the class stored in the array must have a copy constructor or an assignment operator so that all will be copied properly.
I've successfully created this program with a normal array of defined size. Now I have a lot of problems creating the same program with a dynamic array.
Class 1 The objects to be stored:
class objToBeStored{
string dataToBeStored;
int sizeOfArray;
string *storedArray;
objToBeStored(); //empty constructor
objToBeStored& operator =(const objToBeStored& o); // assignment operator
~objToBeStored(); //destructor (no code inside);
bool getData(istream &stream);
//.....other methods to do stuff
objToBeStored& objToBeStored::operator=(const objToBeStored& o){
if(this != o){
dataToBeStored = o.dataToBeStored;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfArray; i++){
storedArray[i] = o.storedArray[i];
return *this;
void objToBeStored::getData(istream &stream){
stream >> dataToBeStored >> sizeOfArray;
storedArray = new string[sizeOfArray];
for(int i = 0; i < sizeOfArray; i++){
stream >> storedArray[i];
return !stream.eof();
//.....other methods to do stuff
Class 2 contains the dynamic array that stores the above objects. Everything is working,except how I declared my dynamic array and the functions handling it. Therefore I will write this code below:
class storageArrayClass{
storageArrayClass *store;
storageArrayClass *storptr;
int numberOfstored;
storageArrayClass(); //empty constructor
void addElm(objToBeStored & o);
//other functions to do stuff
storageArrayClass::storageArrayClass(){ //constructor
numberOfstored = 0;
void storageArrayClass(istream &stream) {
objToBeStored o;
if(numberOfstored == 0){ //check it this is the first element
store = new objToBeStored[1]; //create a new array with length 1
store[(numberOfstored] = o; //store object
objToBeStored tmpStore = new objToBeStored[(numberOfstored+1]; //create a temp. array with 1 more position
for(int i=0; i < numberOfstored; i++){
tmpStore[i] = store[i]; //copy original array to the temp. array
storptr = &tmpStore[i]; // increment a point
storptr++; //increment pointer to last position
*storptr = o; //store object in last position
delete[] store; //delete the original array
store = new objToBeStored[(numberOfstored+1]; //create a new original array
store = tmpStore;//copy temp. array
I manage to add 3 objects to my dynamic array before I get the following error:
Process returned -1073741819 (0xC0000005) execution time : 5.059 s
Please help. I've read countless threads here, but I cannot get it to work.


C++ Deep copy of dynamic array through assignment operator

I am trying to copy a dynamically allocated array to an instance. My code seems to be copying the values over, but it also need to resize the array to match the "&other" size array.
A little info about the code: There are two classes at hand, one is "Movie" which takes a title, film-time, and director (all pointers) as private members. There is another called "MovieCollection" which is an array that stores each instance of "Movie" in a given index.
//These are private member variables:`
int ArrySize = 50; //There is another section of code that points to this and resizes if needed, I believe it needed a size at runtime though.
//Array to store instance of "movie"
Movie *movieArry = new Movie[ArrySize];
//This is assignment operator
const MovieCollection& operator=(const MovieCollection& other)
delete []movieArray;
int otherSizeArry = other.ArrySize;
Movie* temp;
temp = new Movie[otherSizeArry];
for (int i = 0; i < otherSizeArry; i++)
temp[i] = other.movieArry[i];
return *this;
delete []temp;
I used another function I wrote to resize the array while the instance is being created. For example, the instance I want to copy over has 10 indexes but the new instance I am trying to copy the values into still has a limit of 50. From what I understand I have to delete it because arrays cannot be resized, then copy the new size over (along with the values).
Any help would be greatly appreciated and thank you in advanced. Also, sorry if more code is required. I didn't want to give more than what was needed.
Your assignment operator is implemented incorrectly. It is freeing the movieArray array before allocating the new temp array. If the allocation fails, the class will be left in a bad state. And you are not assigning the temp array to movieArray before calling return *this; (the delete []temp is never reached, the compiler should have warned you about that).
The operator should look more like this instead:
MovieCollection& operator=(const MovieCollection& other)
if (&other != this)
int otherSizeArry = other.ArrySize;
Movie* temp = new Movie[otherSizeArry];
for (int i = 0; i < otherSizeArry; ++i) {
temp[i] = other.movieArry[i];
// alternatively:
// std::copy(other.movieArry, other.movieArry + otherSizeArry, temp);
std::swap(movieArray, temp);
ArrySize = otherSizeArry;
delete[] temp;
return *this;
If your class has a copy constructor (and it should - if it does not, you need to add one), the implementation of the assignment operator can be greatly simplified:
MovieCollection(const MovieCollection& other)
ArrySize = other.ArrySize;
movieArray = new Movie[ArrySize];
for (int i = 0; i < ArrySize; ++i) {
movieArray[i] = other.movieArry[i];
// alternatively:
// std::copy(other.movieArry, other.movieArry + ArrySize, movieArray);
MovieCollection& operator=(const MovieCollection& other)
if (&other != this)
MovieCollection temp(other);
std::swap(movieArray, temp.movieArray);
std::swap(ArrySize, temp.ArrySize);
return *this;

How can I do to get correct output in class?

This is the default constructor with no parameters. By default, this allocates space for a
double array of size 10 and assigns a default value of 0 to each of them.
its a ""class"" , I m not sure what i m doing right or wrong..
I fill the public body functions , but my output is nothing suppose to print 0000000000
, I m very new to coding.
class DataVector
DataType *m_data;//Pointer to dynamically allocated memory that holds all items
UIntType m_size;//Size of the m_data array
double *m_data = new double[m_size];
for (int i = 0; i < m_size; i++)
*m_data = 0;
void PrintItems()
for (int i = 0; i < m_size; i++)
cout << *m_data << " ";
void TestDataVector()
DataVector d1;
There are a few problems with this implementation of yours:
You are not initializing m_size
You change the value of the pointer m_data which is supposed to hold the address of first member of the array. So, at the end of the initializer, m_data is pointing to a spot one after the block you had allocated by new.
same in the printItems member function, but here the pointer already points to an invalid location.
Also, because you are allocating memory in the constructor, you should also define a destructor to free that memory.

Memory leaks from 2d array on heap

I'm having an issue with a lot of memory leaks from a class I've created. The assignment is requires creating a word search puzzle on the heap. I've created my destructor, copy constructor and overload the assignment operator.
I think there must be something wrong with one of these functions, because the final check to ensure it is working is to create objects in a loop, to see if it fails and my function is crashing. I've tried different forms of the destructor and I've tried changing around the copy and assignment operator with no luck. Kind of at a loss, and the lack of warnings is really making it difficult to debug without a proper understanding of the heap.
Any help would be really appreciated!
Here are some functions that are working with the heap.
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i){
delete jumble[i];
delete jumble;
JumblePuzzle::JumblePuzzle(string word, string diff){
int i = 0;
toHide = word;
difficulty = diff;
jumble = buildArray();
JumblePuzzle::JumblePuzzle(JumblePuzzle& temp){
size = temp.size;
rowPos = temp.rowPos;
colPos = temp.colPos;
direction = temp.direction;
toHide = temp.toHide;
difficulty = temp.difficulty;
jumble = temp.getJumble();
JumblePuzzle& JumblePuzzle::operator=(const JumblePuzzle& right){
if (this != &right){
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i){
delete jumble[i];
delete[] jumble;
size = right.size;
rowPos = right.rowPos;
colPos = right.colPos;
direction = right.direction;
toHide = right.toHide;
difficulty = right.difficulty;
jumble = right.getJumble();
return *this;
charArrayPtr* JumblePuzzle::buildArray() const{
charArrayPtr* array = new char*[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i){
array[i] = new char[size];
return array;
Here's the line its failing on.
int loopLimit =20;
for (int i = 0; i < loopLimit; i++)
JumblePuzzle jp("HIDDENWORD", "hard");
Thanks for any possible help!
Here is my .h file as well.
#ifndef JUMBLE_H_
#define JUMBLE_H_
#include <time.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
typedef char* charArrayPtr;
class BadJumbleException {
BadJumbleException(const string&);
string& what();
string message;
class JumblePuzzle{
JumblePuzzle(string, string); //simple constructor
JumblePuzzle(JumblePuzzle&); //copy constructor
~JumblePuzzle(); //deconstructor
charArrayPtr* getJumble() const;
JumblePuzzle& operator=(const JumblePuzzle&);
int getSize();
int getRowPos();
int getColPos();
char getDirection();
int size;
int rowPos;
int colPos;
char direction;
charArrayPtr* jumble;
string toHide;
string difficulty;
void fillArray();
void hideWord();
char randomDirection();
int randomNum(int);
charArrayPtr* buildArray() const;
and my getJumble. It's used to get the actual word search created. Returned a copy rather than the pointer so it cant be modified.
charArrayPtr* JumblePuzzle::getJumble() const{
charArrayPtr* tempJumble = new char*[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i){
tempJumble[i] = new char[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++){
tempJumble[i][j] = jumble[i][j];
return tempJumble;
There is one major thing wrong with your code, and that is you failed to initialize the "size" member in the JumblePuzzle(string, string) constructor.
There are other things you should do:
1) Create a separate function to destroy the 2d array within the JumblePuzzle class. You seem to be copying the same loops to do this in multiple places. No need for that if you just call a function to do this work.
2) Your assignment and copy constructor are not exception safe. If new[] throws an exception during the creation of the copy, then the original object has invalidated data. In other words, you've destroyed the data, and when you want to create another 2d array, when new[] says "oops", you've destroyed your original data and can't get it back.

Why does this code generate error?

I have a class that contains an array of another class called Sphere. Right now i am not sure why one part of code is generating an error.
.H file
sphere* list;
int listlen;
void add(sphere x);
sarray operator +(const sarray& arrayone);
listlen = 0;
list = new sphere[200000];
delete [] this->list;
void sarray::add(sphere x) // Function for adding spheres to the list.
list[listlen-1] = x;
void sarray::operator = (const sarray& arrayone)
this -> list = NULL;
for(int i = 0; i < arrayone.listlen; i++)
this -> add(arrayone.list[i]);
sarray sarray::operator +(const sarray& arrayone)
sarray temparray;
for(int i = 0; i < arrayone.listlen; i++) // add all the elements from the first array to the temporary one
//sphere temp = arrayone.list[i];
for(int j = 0; j < this -> listlen; j++)// add all the elements from the second array to the temporary one
return temparray;
The sphere class got a member variable called "Radius"
which when i try to compare like this
float a = 10;
for(int i=0; i > this->listlen;i++)
if(this->list[i].Radius > a) //<-- Can read the values
Works fine, but when change this part of the code
float a = 10;
sarray temparray = arrayone + *this;
for(int i = 0; i < temparray.listlen; i++)
if(temparray.list[i].radius > a) // Error comes here!
"Unhandled exception at 0x00138503: Access violation reading location"
while this doesent. I guess the problem is in the Add/operator function but i cant find it.
The following part looks problematic:
void sarray::add(sphere x) // Function for adding spheres to the list.
list[listlen-1] = x;
you should rather have something like this
void sarray::add(sphere x) // Function for adding spheres to the list.
list[listlen++] = x;
Also you should better have some error checking in add method.
OK, having looked at the destructor, you have a pointer to sphere in your sarray and has a destructor to destroy the pointer. This is all good except you haven't defined your own copy constructor which means the default copy constructor is used. In the function operator+ where you return temparray, a copy of the local copy is returned. The default copy constructor is called to create the copy. Then the local one will be destructed. Now the returned sarray copy's list will point to invalid data. You need to define your own copy constructor to make a deep copy of the list pointer.

C++: Program crash while adding object to custom vector class

I'm working on an email validation program for my cmpsci class and am having trouble with this one part.
What I'm doing is reading a list of valid top level domains from a text file into a vector class I wrote myself (I have to use a custom vector class unfortunately). The problem is that the program reads in and adds the first few domains to the vector all well and fine, but then crashes when it gets to the "org" line. I'm completely stumped why it works for the first few and then crashes.
Also, I have to use a custom string class; that's why I have the weird getline function (so I get the input in a char* for my String constructor). I've tried using the standard string class with this function and it still crashed in the same way so I can rule out the source of the problem being my string class. The whole program is quite large so I am only posting the most relevant parts. Let me know if more code is needed please. Any help would be awesome since I have no clue where to go from here. Thanks!
The ReadTlds function:
void Tld::ReadTlds() {
// Load the TLD's into the vector
validTlds = Vector<String>(0); // Init vector; declaration from header file: "static Vector<String>validTlds;"
ifstream in(TLD_FILE);
while(!in.eof()) {
char tmpInput[MAX_TLD_LENGTH]; // MAX_TLD_LENGTH equals 30
in.getline(tmpInput, MAX_TLD_LENGTH);
validTlds.Add(String(tmpInput)); // Crashes here!
My custom vector class:
#pragma once
#include <sstream>
#define INIT_CAPACITY 100
#define CAPACITY_BOOST 100
template<typename T> class Vector {
// Default constructor
Vector() {
// Init constructor
Vector(int Capacity) : size(0), capacity(Capacity) {
Data = new T[capacity];
// Destructor
~Vector() {
Data = NULL;
delete[] Data;
// Accessors
int GetSize() const {return size;}
T* GetData() {return Data;}
void SetSize(const int size) {this->size = size;}
// Functions
void Add(const T& newElement) {
Insert(newElement, size);
void Insert(const T& newElement, int index) {
// Check if index is in bounds
if((index<0) || (index>capacity)) {
std::stringstream err;
err << "Vector::Insert(): Index " << index << " out of bounds (0-" << capacity-1 << ")";
throw err.str();
// Check capacity
// Move all elements right of index to the right
for(int i=size-1; i>=index; i--)
// Put the new element at the specified index
Data[index] = newElement;
void Remove(int index) {
// Check if index is in bounds
if((index<0) || (index>capacity-1)) {
std::stringstream err;
err << "Vector::Remove():Index " << index << " out of bounds (0-" << capacity-1 << ")";
throw err.str();
// Move all elements right of index to the left
for(int i=index+1; i<size; i++)
// Index operator
T& operator [] (int index) const {
// Check if index is in bounds
if((index<0) || (index>capacity-1)) {
std::stringstream err;
err << "Vector operator[]:Index " << index << " out of bounds (0-" << capacity-1 << ")";
throw err.str();
return Data[index];
// Assignment oper
Vector<T>& operator = (const Vector<T>& right) {
Data = new T[right.GetSize()];
for(int i=0; i<right.GetSize(); i++)
Data[i] = right[i];
size = right.GetSize();
return *this;
T *Data;
int size; // Current vector size
int capacity; // Max size of vector
void Grow() {
T* newData = new T[capacity];
for(int i=0; i<capacity; i++)
newData[i] = Data[i];
// Dispose old array
Data = NULL;
delete[] Data;
// Assign new array to the old array's variable
Data = newData;
The input file:
org <-- crashes when this line is read
The error Visual Studio throws is:
Unhandled exception at 0x5fb04013 (msvcp100d.dll) in Email4.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xabababbb.
The problem is in your grow function:
void Grow() {
T* newData = new T[capacity];
for(int i=0; i<capacity; i++)
newData[i] = Data[i];
You increase the capacity, but then copy elements that didn't exist in the old array. It should be something like:
void Grow() {
int old_capacity = capacity;
T* newData = new T[capacity];
for(int i=0; i<old_capacity; i++)
newData[i] = Data[i];
You also NULL out Data before deleting it in both Grow and the destructor, which causes a memory leak. In both cases, you really don't need to set it to NULL at all, since there's no change of it being accidentally double-deleted (in Grow it's set to a new pointer immediately, in the destructor the object's lifetime is over). So just
delete[] Data;
alone is fine.
Also I think
can be:
if(size == capacity)
since size should never be over capacity. That would mean you'd already overflowed the buffer.
Matthew is probably right. Still, there's a valuable lesson to be learned here.
When you hit a problem like this, don't stop walking your code in your ReadTlds function. Keep walking inside the Vector class. Functions like Insert and Grow probably hold the error, but if you don't walk through them, you'll never find it.
Debugging is it's own very special skill. It takes a long time to get it down pat.
edit it's a late night and I misread your code, but I left my post to comment back
Also in the default ctor you do
Data = NULL;
(EDIT: expanded explanation here)
But never allocate the memory for Data. Shouldn't it be:
Vector() {
Data= new T[INIT_CAPCITY];
And remove is missing
Fellow readers help me out here:
Data is of type T* but everywhere else you are assigning and allocating it just like T instead of T* . My C++ days are too long gone to remember whether using a T& actually resolves this.
Also I can't remember that if you have an array of pointers and destruct it, that the dtor for the single instances in the array are destroyed.
Also in the assignment operator, wouldn't you be copying the pinters? so you just have to rely on the fact the the instance where you copyid from is never deleted (because then your objects would be dead too).
hth Mario