Bash replace substring after first colon - regex

I am trying to build a connection string that requires pulling 3 IP addresses from another config file. When I get those values, I need to replace the port on each. I plan to replace each port using simple Bash find and replace ${string/pattern/replacement} but my problem is I'm stuck on the best way to parse the pattern out of the IP.
Here is what I have so far:
Copying some other simple process, I found I can pull the value of each IP like this:
IP1=`grep "ip.1=" /path/to/conf/myFile.config | awk -F "=" '{print $2}'`
which gives me ip.1=ip-ip-1-address:1234:5678. However, I need to replace 1234:5678 with 6543 for example. I've been looking around and I found this awesome answer that detailed using Bash prefix substitution but that relies on knowing the parameter. for example, I would have to do it this way:
which results in $test being 1234:5678. That's fine but maybe I don't know the IP address as the parameter, so I'm back to considering regex unless there's a way for me to use * as the parameter or something, but I have been unsuccessful so far. For regex, I have tried a bunch such as test=${ip1/(?<=:).*/}.

Note that ${ip1/(?<=:).*/} you tried is an example of string manipulation syntax that does not support regex, only specific patterns.
You seem to want
echo "${x%%:*}:6543" # => ip.1=ip-ip-1-address:6543
The ${x%%:*} takes the value of x and removes all chars from the end till the first : including it. :6543 is added to the result of this manipulation using "${x%%:*}:6543".
To extract that value, you may also use
awk '/^ip\.1=/{sub("^[^:]+:", "");print}' myFile.config
The awk command finds lines starting with ip.1= and then removes all text from the start till the first colon including the colon and only prints these values.


TCL Regex Skipping Over a Set of Characters and Matching to a New line

I'm working with expect scripting in order to ssh into a device and pull information off of it. However, I'm facing issues parsing the expect_out(buffer) for the data from the commands I send.
This is the contents of my expect_out(buffer):
"mca-cli-op info\r\n\r\nModel: UAP-AC-Lite\r\nVersion:\r\nMAC Address: 10:9f:5r:20:c5:7e\r\nIP Address:\r\nHostname: UAP-AC-Lite\r\nUptime: 152662 seconds\r\n\r\nStatus: Connected (http://base_controller<url;>/inform)\r\nUAP-AC-Lite-BZ.6.0.21# "
Right now I'm trying to get the Model (UAP-AC-LITE) without the Model tag.
So the regex expression I'm using is,
expect -re {(?=(Model: ))+[.*\$]}
set model "$expect_out(0,string)"
puts $model
The command doesn't work, but my thought process was that I would perform a look ahead for the Model tag, then match only the subsequent characters after it to the new line. I've tried replacing the "$" with \r\n but that doesn't work either. Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong? Thanks for the help!
Note: If possible, I wouldn't want to include the newline either, as it might mess up commands that I run which use these variables.
You're close, but the regex is incorrect. Try
expect -re {Model:\s+([^\r]+)}
set model $expect_out(1,string)
The 1 in $expect_out(1,string) means the first set of capturing parentheses.
Regexes are documented at

complex search/delete/move/replace operation using sed?

after several hours of searching and experimenting, I'm hoping someone can either help me or rub my nose in a post I've missed which acctually would be helpful as well come to think of it...
I've made a quick&dirty fix in several dozens of php scripts (we use to enhance smarty capabilities) with security checks.
Example of input(part1):
///// SMARTY AUTH /////
$auth['model'] = isset($params['model']) ? $params['model'] : null;
$auth['requiredLevel'] = isset($params['requiredlevel']) ? $params['requiredlevel'] : null;
$auth['baseAuthorizationLevel'] = isset($params['_authorizationlevel']) ? $params['_authorizationlevel'] : null;
$auth['defaultRequiredLevel'] = AuthorizationLevel::AULE_WRITE;
$auth['baseModel'] = $smarty->getTemplateVars('model');
///// SMARTY AUTH /////
...which i'd like to replace with a much cleaner solution we've come up with. Now here's the rub; in one section of the file there's a block of lines, luckily with very distinct delimiter lines, but in one of those lines is a piece of code that needs to be merged with a replacement string which replaces a second pattern in a line which follows the before-said block, with optionally a variable number of lines in between.
I'm having trouble figuring out how to piece this nested code together as the shorthand code of sed is quite confusing to me.
So far I've tried to assemble the code needed to capture the first block, but sed keeps giving me the same error each time; extra characters after command
here are some of the attempts I've made:
sed -n 'p/^\/\/\/\/\/ SMARTY AUTH \/\/\/\/\/\\n.*\\n.*\\n.*\\n.*AULE_\([A-Z_]*\);$^.*$^^\/\/\/\/\/ SMARTY AUTH \/\/\/\/\/$/' function.xls_form.php
sed -n 'p/\(^.*SMARTY AUTH.*$^.*$^.*$^.*$^.*AULE_\([A-Z_]*\);$^.*$^.*SMARTY AUTH.*$/' function.xls_form.php
the second part is relatively easy compared to the first;
sed -ei'.orig' 's/RoleContextAuthorizations::smartyAuth(\$auth)/$smarty->hasAccess(\$params,AuthorizationLevel::AULE_\1)/' *.php
where \1 would be the matched snippet from the first part...
The first codeblock is an example of input part 1 which needs to be removed; part 2 is RoleContextAuthorizations::smartyAuth($auth) which needs to be replaced with $smarty->hasAccess($params, AuthorizationLevel::AULE_<snippet from part1>)
Hoping somebody can point me in the right direction, Many thanks in advance!!!
The hold space is going to be key to solving this. You can copy material from the pattern space (where sed normally works) into the hold space, and do various operations with the hold space, etc.
You need to find the AuthorizationLevel::AULE_WRITE type text within the block markers, and copy that to the hold space, and then delete the text within the block markers. And then separately find the other pattern and replace it with information from the hold space.
Given that the markers use slashes, it is also time to use a custom search marker which is introduced by a backslash. The following could be in a file script.sed, to be used as:
sed -f script.sed function.xls_form.php
When you're sure it's working, you can play with -i options to overwrite the original.
\%///// SMARTY AUTH /////%,\%///// SMARTY AUTH /////% {
The first line searches for the start and end marker, using \% to change the delimiter to %. There's then a group of actions in braces. The second line searches for the authorization level and starts a second group of actions. The substitute command replaces the line with the desired output line. The x swaps the pattern space and the hold space, copying the desired output line to the hold space (and copying the empty hold space to the pattern space — it's x for eXchange pattern and hold spaces). This has saved the AuthorizationLevel information. The inner block ends; the outer block deletes the line and continues the execution. Note that there's no need to escape the $ symbol most of the time — it would matter if it was at the end of a pattern (there's a difference between /a\$/ and /a$/, but no difference between /b$c/ and /b\$c/).
The last line then looks for the RoleContextAuthorizations line and swaps it with the hold space. Everything else is just let through.
Given a data file containing:
///// SMARTY AUTH /////
$auth['model'] = isset($params['model']) ? $params['model'] : null;
$auth['requiredLevel'] = isset($params['requiredlevel']) ? $params['requiredlevel'] : null;
$auth['baseAuthorizationLevel'] = isset($params['_authorizationlevel']) ? $params['_authorizationlevel'] : null;
$auth['defaultRequiredLevel'] = AuthorizationLevel::AULE_WRITE;
$auth['baseModel'] = $smarty->getTemplateVars('model');
///// SMARTY AUTH /////
More gibberish
More rhubarb - it is good with strawberries, especially in yoghurt
Trailing gibbets — ugh; worse are trailing giblets
Finish - EOF
The output from sed -f script.sed data is:
$ sed -f script.sed data
More gibberish
More rhubarb - it is good with strawberries, especially in yoghurt
Trailing gibbets — ugh; worse are trailing giblets
Finish - EOF
I think that's what was wanted.
You can convert the file of sed script into a single line of gibberish, but that's left as an exercise for the reader — it isn't very hard, but GNU sed and BSD (macOS) sed have different rules for when you need semicolons as part of a single line command; you were warned. There are also differences in the rules for the -i option between the GNU and BSD variants of sed.
If you have to preserve some portions of the RoleContextAuthorizations::smartyAuth line, you have to work harder, but it can probably be done. For example, you can add the hold space to the current pattern space with the G command, and then edit the information into the right places. It is simplest if every place the line occurs needs to look the same apart from the AULE_XYZ string — that's what I've assumed here.
Also, note that using x rather than h or g is lazy — but doesn't matter if there's only one RoleContextAuthorizations::smartyAuth line. Using the alternatives would mean that if a file has multiple RoleContextAuthorizations::smartyAuth lines, then you'd be able to make the same substitution in each, unless there's another ///// SMARTY AUTH ///// in the file.

Is there a way to match strings:numbers with variable positioning within the string?

We are using a simple curl to get metrics via an API. The problem is, that the output is fixed in the amount of arguments but not their position within the output.
We need to do this with a "simple" regex since the tool only accepts this.
It works fine for:
However if the output order is changed, then it doesn't match any more:
I need a relative definition of the strings to match, since I never know at which position they will appear. Its in total 9 different queue-metric-groups.
The simple option is to use a regex for each key-value pair instead of one large regex.
This other option is not a regex, but might be sufficient. Instead of using regex, you could simply transform the resulting response before reading it. Since you say "We are using a simple curl" I'm guessing you're talking about the Curl command line tool. You could pipe the result into a simple Perl command.
perl -ne 'use JSON; use Text::CSV qw(csv); $hash = decode_json $_; csv (sep_char=> ";", out => *STDOUT, in => [[$hash->{name}, $hash->{memory}, $hash->{consumer_utilisation}, $hash->{messages_unacknowledged}, $hash->{messages_ready}, $hash->{messages}]]);'
This will keep the order the same, making it easier to use a regex to read out the data.
For this to work you need Perl and the packages JSON and Text::CSV installed. On my system they are present in perl, libjson-perl and libtext-csv-perl.
note: I'm currently using ; as separator. If this is included into one of the output will be surrounded by double quotes. "name":"que;ue1" => "que;ue1";89048;;0;0;0 If the value includes both a ; and a " the " will be escaped by placing another one before it. "name":"q\"ue;ue1" => "q""ue;ue1";89048;;0;0;0

How to use VI to remove ocurance of character on lines matching regex?

I'm trying to change the case of method names for some functions from lowercase_with_underscores to lowerCamelCase for lines that begin with public function get_method_name(). I'm struggling to get this done in a single step.
So far I have used the following
However, this only replaces one _ character at a time. What I would like it a search and replace that does something like the following:
Identify all lines containing the string public function [gs]et.
On these lines, perform the following search and replace :s/_\(\w\)/\u\1/g
Suppose I have lines get_method_name() and set_method_name($variable_name) and I only want to change the case of the method name and not the variable name, how might I do that? The get_method_name() is more simple of course, but I'd like a solution that works for both in a single command. I've been able to use :%g/public function [gs]et/ . . . as per the solution listed below to solve for the get_method_name() case, but unfortunately not the set_method_name($variable_name) case.
If I've understood you correctly, I don't know why the things you've tried haven't worked but you can use g to perform a normal mode command on lines matchings a pattern.
Your example would be something like:
:%g/public function [gs]et/:s/_\(\w\)/\u\1/g
To match only the method names, we can use the fact that there will only be method names before the first $, as this looks to be PHP.
To do that, we can use a negative lookbehind, #<!:
:%g/public function [gs]et/:s/\(\$.\+\)\#<!_\(\w\)/\u\2/g
This will look behind #<! for any $ followed by any number of characters and only match _\(\w\) if no $s are found.
Bonus points(?):
To do this for multiple buffers stick a bufdo in front of the %g
You want to use a substitute with an expression (:h sub-replace-expression)
Match the complete string you want to process then pass that string to a second substitute command to actually change the string
:%s/\(get\|set\)\zs_\w\+/\=substitute(submatch(0), '_\([A-Za-z]\)', '\U\1', 'g')
Running the above on
To have vi do replace sad with happy, on all lines, in a file:
:1, $ s/sad/happy/g
(It is the :1, $ before the sed command that instructs vi to execute the command on every line in the file.)

Change WiFi WPA2 passkey from a script

I'm using Raspbian Wheezy, but this is not a Raspberry Pi specific question.
I am developing a C application, which allows the user to change their WiFi Password.
I did not find a ready script/command for this, so I'm trying to use sed.
I pass the SSID name and new key to a bash script, and the key is replaced for the that ssid block within *etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf.*.
My application runs as root.
A sample block is shown below.
so far I've tried the following (I've copied the wpa_supplicant.conf to wpa.txt for trying) :
(1) This tries to do the replacement between a range, started when my SSID is detected, and ending when the closing brace, followed by a newline.
sed -n "1 !H;1 h;$ {x;/ssid=\"${SSID}\"/,/}\n/ s/[[:space:]]*psk=.*\n/\n psk=\"${PSK}\"\n/p;}" wpa.txt
(2) This tries to 'remember' the matched pattern, and reproduce it in the output, but with the new key.
sed -n "1 !H; 1 h;$ {x;s/\(ssid=\"${SSID}\".*psk=\).*\n/\1\"${PSK}\"/p;}" wpa.txt
I have used hold & pattern buffers as the pattern can span multiple lines.
Above, the first example seems to ignore the range & replaces the 1st instance, and then truncates the rest of the file.
The second example replaces the last found psk value & truncates the file thereafter.
So I need help in correcting the above code, or trying a different solution.
If we can assume the fields will always be in a strict order where the ssid= goes before psk=, all you really need is
sed "/^[[:space:]]*ssid=\"$SSID\"[[:space:]]*$/,/}/s/^\([[:space:]]*psk=\"\)[^\"]*/\1$PSK/" wpa.txt
This is fairly brittle, though. If the input is malformed, or if the ssid goes after the psk in your block, it will break. The proper solution (which however is severe overkill in this case) is to have a proper parser for the input format; while that is in theory possible in sed, it would be much simpler if you were to swtich a higher-level language like Python or Perl, or even Awk.
The most useful case is update a password or other value in configuration is to utilize wpa_cli. E.g.:
wpa_cli -i "wlan0" set_network "0" psk "\"Some5Strong1Pass"\"
wpa_cli -i "wlan0" save_config
The save_config method is required to update cfg file: /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf