How to detect if my program enters a self-deadlock? - c++

I have multi-threaded program and it only has 1 mutex. I want to make the program terminate if it attempts to grab the lock if it already has it.
My actual program is pretty complicated. Of course we try to avoid deadlocks on a programming level. But just in case we miss a edge case, we prefer it to fail immediately rather than deadlock.
See a minimal example below.
std::mutex lock;
void f1() {
std::lock_guard<mutex> guard1(lock);
// some code ...
void f2() {
std::lock_guard<mutex> guard2(lock);
f1(); // Will deadlock here! How can I make it terminate instead of deadlock?

std::mutex provides no mechanism for accomplishing what you describe.
Instead of deadlock detection, you should be looking at deadlock avoidance. Careful programming, including appropriate choice of mutex role and scope, can help. Refactoring could help, too. For example, you could change your example code to
std::mutex lock;
static void f1_impl() {
// some code ...
void f1() {
std::lock_guard<mutex> guard1(lock);
void f2() {
std::lock_guard<mutex> guard2(lock);
But if that doesn't get you all the way to where you want to be, then you might want to consider using std::recursive_mutex instead of std::mutex. That addresses the problem by allowing a thread that already holds the mutex locked to lock it again.


Is it necessary to lock?

I met a question in leetcode. I have viewed some solutions in the discuss. But my solution is different from others because I do not use the lock in the method first. I wonder whether my code is correct. Besides, can you give me some advice about my code?
I think it is not necessary to use unique_lock in method void first(function<void()> printFirst) like void second(function<void()> printSecond), is it right?
class Foo {
Foo() {
void first(function<void()> printFirst) {
// cout<<1<<endl;
// printFirst() outputs "first". Do not change or remove this line.
// mtx.lock();
// mtx.unlock();
// cout<<11<<endl;
void second(function<void()> printSecond) {
// cout<<2<<endl;
unique_lock<mutex> lk(mtx);
cond.wait(lk,[this](){return flag==1;});
// printSecond() outputs "second". Do not change or remove this line.
// cout<<22<<endl;
void third(function<void()> printThird) {
// cout<<3<<endl;
unique_lock<mutex> lk(mtx);
cond.wait(lk,[this](){return flag==2;});
// printThird() outputs "third". Do not change or remove this line.
// cout<<33<<endl;
mutex mtx;
condition_variable cond;
int flag=0;
Obviously your three element functions are supposed to be called by different threads. Thus you need to lock the mutex in each thread to protect the common variable flag from concurrent access. So you should uncomment mtx.lock() and mtx.unlock() in first to protect it there as well. Functions second and third apply a unique_lock as an alternative for that.
Always make sure to unlock the mutex before calling cond.notify_all() either by calling mtx.unlock() before or making the unique_lock a local variable of an inner code block as in second.
Further advice
Put a private: before the element variables at the bottom of your class definition to protect them from outside access. That will ensure that flag cannot be altered without locking the mutex.
It is necessary.
That your code produced correct output in this instance is besides the point. It is entirely possibly that printFirst might not be complete by the timeprintSecond is called. You need the mutex to prevent this and stop printSecond and printThird. from being ran at the same time.
The flag checking condition in second() or third() may be evaluated at the same time as first() assigns 1 to flag.
Rewrite this
cond.wait(lk, [this](){return flag==1;});
like this and it may be easier to see:
while(!(flag==1)) cond.wait(lk);
It does the same thing as your wait() with a lambda.
flag is supposed to be read while the mutex is held - but first does not care about mutexes and assigns to flag whenever it pleases. For non-atomic types this is a disaster. It may work 10000000 times (and probably will) - but when things actually happen at the same time (because you let it) - boom - Undefined Behaviour

Is using unique_lock in new scope equivalent to unlock call at the end of work with shared resource?

I have seen a lot of examples of code when developer uses std::unique_lock in new scope for automatically unlocking mutex:
// do some staff
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(shared_resource_mutex);
// do some actions with shared resource
// do some staff
In my opinion it would be better to implement this behaviour using method unlock from std::unique_lock API in this way:
// do some actions
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(shared_resource_mutex);
// do some actions with shared resource
// do some actions
Are these two fragments of code equivalent? For what purpose developers use the first variant? Maybe to emphasize (using parentheses) code that can not be executed parallel?
When the object is destroyed at the end of the scope, the lock is released. That's the whole point of RAII.
The good thing about using RAII is that you cannot forget to unlock and it doesn't matter how you leave the scope. If an exception is thrown for example, the lock will still be released.
If all you need is lock at construction and unlock at destruction, then std::scoped_lock is an even simpler/more appropriate class to use though.
I would say the former method is safer, more consistent and easier to read.
First consider safety:
void function()
std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock(mtx);
// exclusive lock stuff
// std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock(mtx); // whoops name in use
std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock2(mtx);
// read only shared lock stuff here
lock2.unlock(); // what if I forget to do this?
lock.lock(); // if I forgot to call lock2.unlock() undefined behavior
// back to the exclusive stuff
If you have different locks to acquire/release and you forget to call unlock() then you may end up trying to lock the same mutex twice from the same thread.
That is undefined behavior so it may go unnoticed but cause trouble.
And what if you call either lock() or unlock() on the wrong lock variable.... (say on lock2 rather than lock1?) the possibilities are frightening.
Also, not all lock types have a .unlock() function (std::scoped_lock, std::lock_guard) so it is good to be consistent with your coding style.
Easier to read:
It is also easier to see what code sections use locks which makes reasoning on the code simpler:
void function()
std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock(mtx);
// exclusive lock stuff
std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock(mtx);
// read only shared lock stuff here
std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock(mtx);
// back to the exclusive stuff
Both of your approaches are correct, and you might choose either of them depending on circumstance. For example, when using a condition_variable/lock combination it's often useful to be able to explicitly lock and unlock the lock.
Here's another approach that I find to be both expressive and safe:
#include <mutex>
template<class Mutex, class Function>
decltype(auto) with_lock(Mutex& m, Function&& f)
std::lock_guard<Mutex> lock(m);
return f();
std::mutex shared_resource_mutex;
void something()
with_lock(shared_resource_mutex, [&]
// some actions
// some other actions

Upgrading read lock to write lock without releasing the first in C++11?

I know it's possible using boost::UpgradeLockable in C++14.
Is there anything similar for C++11?
An upgradeable lock can be written on top of simpler locking primitives.
struct upgradeable_timed_mutex {
void lock() {
void unlock() {
void shared_lock() { shared.shared_lock(); }
void shared_unlock() { shared.shared_unlock(); }
void upgradable_lock() { unshared.lock(); }
void ungradable_unlock() { unshared.unlock(); }
void upgrade_lock() { shared.lock(); }
void upgrade_unlock() { shared.unlock(); }
friend struct upgradable_lock;
std::shared_timed_mutex shared;
std::timed_mutex unshared;
and similar for the timed and try variants. Note that timed variants which access two mutexes in a row have to do some extra work to avoid spending up to 2x the requested time, and try_lock has to be careful about the first lock's state in case the 2nd fails.
Then you have to write upgradable_lock, with the ability to spawn a std::unique_lock upon request.
Naturally this is hand-written thread safety code, so it is unlikely to be correct.
In C++1z you can write an untimed version as well (with std::shared_mutex and std::mutex).
Less concretely, there can be exactly one upgradeable or write lock at a time. This is what the unshared mutex represents.
So long as you hold unshared, nobody else is writing to the guarded data, so you can read from it without holding the shared mutex at all.
When you want to upgrade, you can grab a unique lock on the shared mutex. This cannot deadlock so long as no readers try to upgrade to upgradable. This excludes readers from reading, you can write, and then you release it and return back to a read only state (where you only hold the unshared mutex).

C++: Thread Safety in a Signal/Slot Library

I'm implementing a Signal/Slot framework, and got to the point that I want it to be thread-safe. I already had a lot of support from the Boost mailing-list, but since this is not really boost-related, I'll ask my pending question here.
When is a signal/slot implementation (or any framework that calls functions outside itself, specified in some way by the user) considered thread-safe? Should it be safe w.r.t. its own data, i.e. the data associated to its implementation details? Or should it also take into account the user's data, which might or might not be modified whatever functions are passed to the framework?
This is an example given on the mailing-list (Edit: this is an example use-case --i.e. user code--. My code is behind the calls to the Emitter object):
int * somePtr = nullptr;
Emitter<Event> em; // just an object that can emit the 'Event' signal
void mainThread()
// now, somehow, 2 threads are created which, at some point
// execute the thread1() and thread2() functions below
void someFunction()
// can somePtr change after the check but before the set?
if (somePtr)
*somePtr = 17;
void cleanupPtr()
// this looks safe, but compilers and CPUs can reorder this code:
int *tmp = somePtr;
somePtr = null;
delete tmp;
void thread1()
void thread2()
// now safe to cleanup (?)
In the above code, it might happen that Event is emitted, causing someFunction to be executed. If somePtr is non-null, but becomes null just after the if, but before the assignment, we're in trouble. From the point of view of thread2, this is not obvious because it is disconnecting someFunction before calling cleanupPtr.
I can see why this could potentially lead to trouble, but who's responsibility is this? Should my library protect the user from using it in every irresponsible but imaginable way?
I suspect there is no clearly good answer, but clarity will come from documenting the guarantees you wish to make about concurrent access to an Emitter object.
One level of guarantee, which to me is what is implied by a promise of thread safety, is that:
Concurrent operations on the object are guaranteed to leave the object in a consistent state (at least, from the point of view of the accessing threads.)
Non-commutative operations will be performed as if they were scheduled serially in some (unknown) order.
Then the question is, what does the emit method promise semantically: passing control to the connected routine, or evaluation of the function? If the former, then your work sounds like it is already done; if the latter, then the 'as-if ordered' requirement would mean that you need to enforce some level of synchronisation.
Users of the library can work with either, provided it is clear what is being promised.
Firstly the simplest possibility: If you don't claim your library to be thread-safe, you don't have to bother about this.
(But even) if you do:
In your example the user would have to take care about thread-safety, since both functions could be dangerous, even without using your event-system (IMHO, this is a pretty good way to determine who should take care about those kind of problems). A possible way for him to do this in C++11 could be:
#include <mutex>
// A mutex is used to control thread-acess to a shared resource
std::mutex _somePtr_mutex;
int* somePtr = nullptr;
void someFunction()
Create a 'lock_guard' to manage your mutex.
Is the mutex '_somePtr_mutex' already locked?
Yes: Wait until it's unlocked.
No: Lock it and continue execution.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_somePtr_mutex);
*somePtr = 17;
// End of scope: 'lock' gets destroyed and hence unlocks '_somePtr_mutex'
void cleanupPtr()
Create a 'lock_guard' to manage your mutex.
Is the mutex '_somePtr_mutex' already locked?
Yes: Wait until it's unlocked.
No: Lock it and continue execution.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_somePtr_mutex);
int *tmp = somePtr;
somePtr = null;
delete tmp;
// End of scope: 'lock' gets destroyed and hence unlocks '_somePtr_mutex'
The last question is easy. If you say your library is threadsafe, it should threadsafe. It makes no sense to say it is partly threadsafe or, it is only threadsafe if you do not abuse it. In that case you have to explain what exactly is not threadsafe.
Now to your first question regarded someFunction:
The operation is non atomic. Which means the CPU can interrupt between the if and the assigment. And that will happen, I know that :-) The other thread can erase the pointer anytime. Even between two short and fast looking statements.
Now to cleanupPtr:
I am not a compiler expert, but if you want to be shure that your assigment take place in the same moment you wrote it in code you should write the keyword volatile in front of the declaration of somePtr. The compiler will now know that you use that attribute in a multithreaded situation and will not buffer the value in a register of the CPU.
If you have a thread situation with a reader thread and a writer thread, the keyword volatile can (IMHO) be enough to sync them. As long as the attributes you use to exchange information between threads are generic.
For other situations you can use mutex or atomics. I will give you an example for mutex. I use C++11 for that, but it works similar with previous versions of C++ using boost.
Using mutex:
int * somePtr = nullptr;
Emitter<Event> em; // just an object that can emit the 'Event' signal
std::recursive_mutex g_mutex;
void mainThread()
// now, somehow, 2 threads are created which, at some point
// execute the thread1() and thread2() functions below
void someFunction()
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(g_mutex);
// can somePtr change after the check but before the set?
if (somePtr)
*somePtr = 17;
void cleanupPtr()
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(g_mutex);
// this looks safe, but compilers and CPUs can reorder this code:
int *tmp = somePtr;
somePtr = null;
delete tmp;
void thread1()
void thread2()
// now safe to cleanup (?)
I only added a recursive mutex here without changing any other code of the sample, even if it's now cargo code.
There are two kinds of mutex in the std. A utterly useless std::mutex and the std::recursive_mutex which work like you expect a mutex should work. The std::mutex exclude the access of any further call even from the same thread. Which can happen if a method which needs mutex protection calls a public method which use the same mutex. std::recursive_mutex is reentrant for the same thread.
Atomics (or interlocks in win32) are another way, but only to exchange values between threads or access them concurrently. Your example is missing such values, but in your case, I would look a little deeper in them (std::atomic).
If your are the user of a library which is not explicit declared as threadsafe by the developer, take it as non threadsafe and shield every call to it with a mutex lock.
To stick with the example. If you cannot change someFunction the you have to wrap the function like:
void threadsafeSomeFunction()
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(g_mutex);

How do I make a critical section with Boost?

For my cross-platform application I have started to use Boost, but I can't understand how I can implement code to reproduce behavior of Win32's critical section or .Net's lock.
I want to write a method Foo that can be called from different threads to control write operations to shared fields. Recursive calls within the same thread should be allowed (Foo() -> Foo()).
In C# this implementation is very simple:
object _synch = new object();
void Foo()
lock (_synch) // one thread can't be lock by him self, but another threads must wait untill
// do some works
if (...)
With boost you can use boost::lock_guard<> class:
class test
void testMethod()
// this section is not locked
boost::lock_guard<boost::recursive_mutex> lock(m_guard);
// this section is locked
// this section is not locked
boost::recursive_mutex m_guard;
PS These classes located in Boost.Thread library.
Here's a rewrite of your example, using Boost.Thread: I removed the comments, but otherwise, it should be a 1-to-1 rewrite.
boost::recursive_mutex mtx;
void Foo()
boost::lock_guard<boost::recursive_mutex> lock(mtx);
if (...)
The documentation can be found here.
Note that Boost defines a number of different mutex types. Because your example shows the lock being taken recursively, we need to use at least boost::recursive_mutex.
There are also different types of locks. In particular, if you want a reader-writer lock (so that multiple readers can hold the lock simultaneously, as long as no writer has the lock), you can use boost::shared_lock instead of lock_guard.