DDEV does not seem to be instaling drupal (was working before) - drupal-8

I've been using DDEV & Docker-Desktop sucessfully to run installs of drupal8 on my windows 10 machine.
Today I decided to create a new install of Drupal8 (I last did this a month ago or so).
I followed the basic steps:
Create new folder (drupal8test)
Ran the ddev config command inside this folder.
accepted the defaults and choose drupal8
Amended config.yaml so the ports do not clash with others on my machine
Ran the command ddev start
I get a couple of alerts from docker desktop and I share folder's it needs
There are no errors and the URL is provided, on going there I get a 404 file cannot be found error
When I look in the drupal8test folder I see the following folders:
(Expecting to see web).
Any ideas? (I'm quite new to Drupal and DDEV so I'm sure I'm doing something wrong)

Welcome to ddev and to Drupal, Mark!
ddev has never installed Drupal, it's a local development environment.
There are quickstarts for Drupal (all versions), TYPO3, Magento and Magento2, etc at https://ddev.readthedocs.io/en/stable/users/cli-usage/#quickstart-guides
For Drupal 8, you would follow the Drupal 8 Quickstart:
mkdir my-drupal8-site
cd my-drupal8-site
ddev config --project-type=drupal8 --docroot=web --create-docroot
ddev start
ddev composer create "drupal/recommended-project:^8"
ddev composer require drush/drush
ddev launch
I'm not sure I understand the command you showed
.ddev drush files sites
or what it was trying to accomplish, but after doing this install you can just ls and you'll see the web directory. If you're interested in running drush, you can ddev exec drush status for example, or just ddev ssh and use drush.
Anyway, the next time you get stuck, the docs are waiting for you at https://ddev.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ and there is also lots of community support available here and elsewhere.


How to get a local Cloud Foundry Instance?

I’m looking to learn about Cloud Foundry and I’m trying to get a development instance of it set up on my local Windows 10 PC. But I’m not having any luck.
I’m finding a lot of information about PCF Dev which was deprecated a while ago. I also looked at the replacement for PCF Dev, CF Dev (https://github.com/cloudfoundry-attic/cfdev). Its git page mentions that its repository is no longer receiving updates. I still went ahead and tried installing it using the instructions in the README:
cf install-plugin -r CF-Community cfdev
But the link it uses to download the plugin is broken:
Starting download of plugin binary from repository CF-Community...
Get "https://d3p1cc0zb2wjno.cloudfront.net/cfdev/cfdev-v0.0.18-rc.36-windows.exe": dial tcp: lookup d3p1cc0zb2wjno.cloudfront.net: no such host
Can anyone recommend a way to get a development instance of Cloud Foundry set up on my local machine so I can play around with it?
Yes, steer clear of pcf-dev and cf-dev, they may still work but are definitely not getting updates so will be way out of date by now.
My understanding, although I haven't tried this process in a while, is that the way to run locally is with VirtualBox. You can run one locally using bosh-deployment & cf-deployment and Virtualbox.
For instructions installing Bosh in VirtualBox using bosh-deployment, see the Install Section to install Bosh.
With Bosh installed, follow the deployment guide to get CF installed. You can skip to step 4, since you're installing into VirtualBox. Be sure to read the entire document before you begin, however pay specific attention to this section which has specific instructions for running locally.

npm install on Elastic Beanstalk omitting folders

This only started happening tonight, and even after reverting my totally not-npm related changes it's still happening.
I've got an AWS Elastic Beanstalk setup here where I'm calling eb deploy to deploy a KeystoneJS cms application. As part of the deployment it runs npm install, and I've got a custom fork/branch of the keystone github repo that it's supposed to install. And it does! But for some inexplicable reason /lib/core/ in the Keystone repo is just... not there. I get errors complaining about those missing files, and sure enough the entire folder is not present. They are just not npm installed, despite the rest of the Keystone repo being installed just fine.
I can't reproduce this locally. I'll run npm install, it adds that folder. I'll do npm install <my-fork>, it adds the folder. Every combination locally works just fine, and every deployment I've done to EBS in the PAST has worked just fine. Only tonight has this folder stopped showing up in my installations.
Is it a problem with Elastic Beanstalk? Is it a problem with npm? I've made sure to sync my local npm version (6.8.0) with the EB one, no difference. I've checked to make sure I don't have any .ebignore or .npmignore or .gitignore that might somehow be blocking the core folder, nothing. Unless there's one secretly controlling the temp folder that gets first installed to? I don't know why this would suddenly be an issue though, when it wasn't a couple weeks ago.
Anyone experienced anything like this?
[Edit] For some additional details, changing the keystone version in my package.json to just keystone: "4.0.0" gets me those core files fine. If I install directly from the associated keystone repo, keystone: "keystonejs/keystone", they aren't there. This is again just on the eb install tho, the core files show up for both if I do them locally. But on eb when I install from a git url, which I need to for my specific fork/branch, I see this issue.
Well, I figured it out!
Someone broke npm 6.8.0. Let my tale be a cautionary one, don't have your deployment scripts set to auto-update npm to the latest version.

Why is Foundation installation with CodeKit failing?

I have been using CodeKit for several years now, and this morning I tried to start a new project by downloading Zurb's Foundation but keep getting this error.
Foundation: Installation failed. CodeKit cloned Foundation's Git repository to
your project folder, but it could not download the latest components using Bower. Try these steps to fix the problem:
1. Be sure you're connected to the Internet.
2. If you are running any blocking/security apps like Little Snitch or Antivirus software, disable those.
3. If you have installed Apple's Developer Tools, launch Xcode, accept the license terms and let the installation routine finish.
4. Make sure your network or firewall is not blocking the default port for git:// URLs, which is 9418. (Corporate networks do this frequently.) Use the "Tasks" menu to switch Git to use https:// URLs instead.
5.Delete the following hidden folders in your home directory: ".cache", ".npm", ".local"
I followed the 5 steps of what to try, and I'm still not having any luck getting Foundation to install.
Trying to install Foundation 6 via the New Zurb Foundation Project option.
You may open Terminal and reset XCode:
$ sudo xcode-select --reset
Worked for me. Install the command line tools if that does not work:
$ xcode-select --install
Good Luck!

Drupal Console Running in Docroot

➜ docroot git:(master) ✗ drupal list
You must set up the project dependencies using `composer install`
I am trying to get the full list of commands for console and to do so I must run the console in the root of my Drupal site. However, when I type drupal list, I get the error above. Can someone tell me what this means? I did run composer install and I still get this error. Tried googling, no luck. I do have composer installed.
Update: I am in docroot and am back to getting this warning:
[WARNING] In order to list all of the available commands you should install
drupal first.
There seems to be a lot of this going around, according to Google and no one answer. Could be a bug. I do have a drupal site installed. I am using the Thunder Distro.

copy heroku app local

A customer of mine has a Heroku Python/Django application that they have asked me to take a look at and I am trying to understand the process of getting it running on my local Windows 7 laptop. I have been searching the net without any success. Does anyone have a suggestions or guides on how to do this.
Please have a look here : Collaborating with Others
They should add you as a collaborator so you can git clone the project files. They can do it via the heroku toolbelt installed on their computer (in command line) or via the Dashboard heroku