Why is Foundation installation with CodeKit failing? - zurb-foundation

I have been using CodeKit for several years now, and this morning I tried to start a new project by downloading Zurb's Foundation but keep getting this error.
Foundation: Installation failed. CodeKit cloned Foundation's Git repository to
your project folder, but it could not download the latest components using Bower. Try these steps to fix the problem:
1. Be sure you're connected to the Internet.
2. If you are running any blocking/security apps like Little Snitch or Antivirus software, disable those.
3. If you have installed Apple's Developer Tools, launch Xcode, accept the license terms and let the installation routine finish.
4. Make sure your network or firewall is not blocking the default port for git:// URLs, which is 9418. (Corporate networks do this frequently.) Use the "Tasks" menu to switch Git to use https:// URLs instead.
5.Delete the following hidden folders in your home directory: ".cache", ".npm", ".local"
I followed the 5 steps of what to try, and I'm still not having any luck getting Foundation to install.
Trying to install Foundation 6 via the New Zurb Foundation Project option.

You may open Terminal and reset XCode:
$ sudo xcode-select --reset
Worked for me. Install the command line tools if that does not work:
$ xcode-select --install
Good Luck!


Termux: API 'termux-torch on' doesn't work

I have installed termux API from the Google Play store and in the termux app with pkg install termux-api on my Nokia 2.3 (Android 10) but when I try a simple command like termux-torch on, it just "hangs" there and does nothing.
Anything I can do to fix this problem?
1st: use 'pkg' not "apt"
pkg update
pkg upgrade
pkg install termux-api
For on: termux-torch on
For off: termux-torch off
And give it all permission
here is the fulfilled solution to your problem!
Make sure you have the f-droid version of termux installed on your device because the playstore version of this app has been stopped their updates and closed some of their reposetries. That's why you can't do anything more than basics on that version of application.
Make sure you have installed the termux API(application form) from playstore or any other source. The command
pkg install termux-api
Just install the API handler which termux needs to connect with the API application, but you must need to install the termux API application install first.
After installing the API give it all the permission.
Hope it'll help you to fix your problem. Happy coding ; )
Download the Termux API on Fdroid, then install with the command:
pkg install termux-api
and then type:
termux-torch on.. enj
It's just that the team is not updating termux in playstore. They have an updated version in FDROID APP. So you have to download fdroid. Go to appstore, then download the termux from there and you're good to go.

DDEV does not seem to be instaling drupal (was working before)

I've been using DDEV & Docker-Desktop sucessfully to run installs of drupal8 on my windows 10 machine.
Today I decided to create a new install of Drupal8 (I last did this a month ago or so).
I followed the basic steps:
Create new folder (drupal8test)
Ran the ddev config command inside this folder.
accepted the defaults and choose drupal8
Amended config.yaml so the ports do not clash with others on my machine
Ran the command ddev start
I get a couple of alerts from docker desktop and I share folder's it needs
There are no errors and the URL is provided, on going there I get a 404 file cannot be found error
When I look in the drupal8test folder I see the following folders:
(Expecting to see web).
Any ideas? (I'm quite new to Drupal and DDEV so I'm sure I'm doing something wrong)
Welcome to ddev and to Drupal, Mark!
ddev has never installed Drupal, it's a local development environment.
There are quickstarts for Drupal (all versions), TYPO3, Magento and Magento2, etc at https://ddev.readthedocs.io/en/stable/users/cli-usage/#quickstart-guides
For Drupal 8, you would follow the Drupal 8 Quickstart:
mkdir my-drupal8-site
cd my-drupal8-site
ddev config --project-type=drupal8 --docroot=web --create-docroot
ddev start
ddev composer create "drupal/recommended-project:^8"
ddev composer require drush/drush
ddev launch
I'm not sure I understand the command you showed
.ddev drush files sites
or what it was trying to accomplish, but after doing this install you can just ls and you'll see the web directory. If you're interested in running drush, you can ddev exec drush status for example, or just ddev ssh and use drush.
Anyway, the next time you get stuck, the docs are waiting for you at https://ddev.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ and there is also lots of community support available here and elsewhere.

How to install older version of Firefox on AWS (Ubuntu)?

I'm trying to use an older version of Firefox on AWS (running selenium, 55 isn't compatible) but I haven't had any luck. When I try to download the compressed older files, I get
(firefox:6186): GConf-WARNING **: Client failed to connect to the D-BUS daemon:
/usr/bin/dbus-launch terminated abnormally without any error message
Any ways to fix this/alternate ways to download?
I faced same issue with firefox when I was running selenium project with it. I did the following things that helped me. First uninstall the firefox by using command,
sudo apt-get remove --purge firefox
Some of the old files could also be there, you need to remove them manually.
Then you can install the previous version from the link provided below which shows list of all previous versions of the firefox, version 54, works fine for selenium.
When you install it, Mozilla build for Firefox would be opened as a browser and you can perform selenium tests there.
Hope this helps!

How to build and install the latest nightly Firefox OS on Alcatel One Touch Fire?

I want to upgrade Firefox OS 1.1 on my Alcatel One Touch Fire to the master branch (the latest revision). After having read the Mozilla Wiki, I cloned the B2G repository, built it for the hamachi target by typing:
./config.sh hamachi && ./build.sh
(There are even prebuilt images)
Now is the hardest part, since Alcatel phones are not rooted and seems to have a locked bootloader.
The docs say that I should flash the device by typing:
But all I get are these errors:
adbd cannot run as root in production builds
remount failed: Operation not permitted
push: /home/user/B2G/objdir-gecko/dist/b2g/dictionaries/en-US.aff -> /system/b2g/dictionaries/en-US.aff
failed to copy '/home/user/B2G/objdir-gecko/dist/b2g/dictionaries/en-US.aff' to '/system/b2g/dictionaries/en-US.aff': Read-only file system
Could anybody write an simple step-by-step tutorial (easier than this) on how to install the latest Firefox OS to a stock Alcatel One Touch Fire?
I guess first we can check if the phone itself is rooted.
You could try,
$ adb shell
And if shows,
root#android:/ #
Then I think the phone is rooted, and you can flash your phone with ./flash.sh.
If it is not rooted, I think the link you mentioned has provided the steps to create a new boot.img so that you could root the phone.
Here is an excerpt from Mozilla guide on flashing phones related to Hamachi (Alcatel One Touch Fire):
Best build for Hamachi: moz-central Use your LDAP to go here: https://pvtbuilds.mozilla.org/pvt/mozilla.org/b2g_ril/latest-hamachi-mozilla-central/
And then run this script command line: fullflash_gecko_ril_gaia.sh You
may need to preface this with ./ but it should just run upon your
hitting enter. DON'T run ./flash.sh. THIS CAN BRICK YOUR HAMACHI :( -
What is my order of operations from the beginning?
FOR ALL DEVICES... AFTER you have installed ADB, Git, and Xcode, you should:
Connect your device to your machine via USB. You're SURE it's plugged in? OK then...
Get your build with your LDAP credentials (from moz-central): Buri: Need from Naoki Hamachi:
Run this script: fullflash_gecko_ril_gaia.sh
Download gaia from github (it's easier than the command line as you avoid a pull request) at: https://github.com/mozilla-b2g/gaia Along
the right hand side there is an option to "Download ZIP." Unpack that
into a folder, open Terminal and "cd" (ask Stephany or Francis if you
need help with this) into the folder (i.e. wherever you unpacked your
zip file). Run "make reset-gaia".
You should see... a whole bunch of stuff scrolling by on the command line and your device should reboot. If your device does NOT
reboot, try ADB reboot.

Bring FMIT (Free Music INstrument Tuner) into Eclipse as a project, Build and Run in Ubuntu

I am trying to import the download available at http://home.gna.org/fmit/ into Eclipse (on Ubuntu), compile and run.
I have managed to create a C++ project in Eclipse, and then use the project wizard to import the home folder of the FMIT download. But I am lost when it comes to using the makefile to set the project up, build and run it.
I do .net VB website and Database development so I am kind of lost in Eclipse.
FMIT exists in Ubuntu's repository. Is there any reason why you can't just use Ubuntu's version, or do you specifically need to compile from source?
sudo apt-get install fmit