Can we move Amazon Honeycode Apps to Android Play store? - amazon-web-services

Am Exploring Amazon Honeycode Beta version for web/Mobile app development. Am able to develop an app in Amazon Honeycode Portal. Am trying to understand that is there any possibility to move the honeycode app to Android Play store or Amazon restrict only to Team members who has installed Honeycode app ?

You can invite users to the app however are you asking for an Android Native app?
It depends how easy it is to jump out of the walled garden. If your app is a fully fledged website then you're good to go directly to the app and use a thin wrapper like electron. However based on the documentation you're app is making api calls, the HoneyCode app is doing the heavy lifting for the frontend.
To build your own you would need a frontend to make the same api calls and render it.
The api only has two apis. Probably check if you can get the data you want working first before building the frontend.
Something like amplify handles the frontend better.


How to login with cognito in flutter web?

I built a flutter web application and have previously whole backend setup on AWS. So I want to use my existing userpools from cognito in my app. But just got know that AWS amplify for flutter in only supported in android and ios,not for web. Can you suggest me any solution for this?
Try using this package:
I've been using it for a while, and it works fine on Android and Web; I think I even got it working on iOS.
What Amplify team did with official Flutter package was use a wrapper around existing Android and iOS implementation (by using platform channel). I guess this is a reason it will take them a while to sort out web.
The above package is based on amplify-js, and re-written in dart, so it will compile on any platform.
In my project workspace I created two separate projects: one with amplify to create back-end objects, and one flutter project. So, like in your case, my flutter project connects to an existing AWS backed.

How create application backend in django and create a api so that other developers can use that as well

I just started learning Django and wanted to make an application with API (probably REST) endpoints so that other developers can use it as well (like GitHub API), and I could connect it to my react app and android app. I want my backend to be on a different server and do not want to build my react app integrated with Django backend using the REST Framework.
Can anyone just give me the general idea of what I need to do?
P.S. Sorry in advance if my question sounds silly, I am still new to backend.
Creating a Django REST API should be your first step. This is pretty simple if you already have a Django app running, and will allow your React app or Android app to connect and access data.
Authentication is a step beyond. You may want to look into implementing authentication on the server you will be hosting your back end on. You can also read through this article for some guidance on implementing auth on the DRF side.
Best of luck!
First off all you can start from this.

Build a website in sitecore and make it offline

I want build site using Sitecore(7.2) and also make it offline. Our requirement is not to use headless CMS. Is there any way to build or make it offline?
Internet websites cannot be delivered 'offline' without having all possible data delivered to the device so that it no longer needs to connect to the internet. This sounds less like a website, and more like an app that somebody would install?
If so, you probably DO need to look at headless and building an app that connects to the APIs for updates.
You might need to be more specific about the business use case because it seems contradictory to want to use a web application software that delivers web content, without using headless, and works without the web.
As already suggested that internet websites cannot work offline so either you have an app or intranet website.
Considering as an app you can consume sitecore OData apis for Content/Media however it will not work for Presentations and you have to implement your own mobile designs based on Xamarin or native.
For odata related information you can refer below link:
Once you get the response from api, you can locally store it in your local db of app

How Should I integrate Amazon RDS in Flutter? Any native dart support package?

how to use AWS RDS in flutter dart code?
I went through - this post
It says -
I work on the AWS SDK team. I am not aware of any plans to support Flutter at this point. I will take this to my team as a feature request and will post back
Should I do as suggested here?
Build your own service layer using HTTP, gRPC that talks to some backend service that provides access to a data store. You can do this with Express, Rails, CloudFunctions, etc.
You can either use dart code to do HTTP/gRPC, or use Platform channel to wrap dart code around native iOS and Android code of AWS official SDK.
On another note, I'm highly concerned when you connect directly from mobile (Flutter) to database (AWS RDS). Please be aware that anything on mobile app can be reversed engineer, and your database connection credential is not safe. It's recommended to have only backend proxy, or at least severless (such as AWS lambda function) connect directly to database (not mobile or web frontend). The only exception is with Firebase Realtime Database because it has seamless integration with Firebase Authentication

Creating a Mult-Tenant OAuth Client App

Essentially, I'm wanting to create an Oauth Client as an App so I can get data from Dynamics for multiple customers. Does anyone know if this is possible to do in AppSource or do you know of another way?
I have a service that will be served in a cloud different than Azure so there really isn't anything for me to submit as an App and I really don't want every customer to have to setup their own App that gives my service the privileges/access it needs, but it's looking like I may have to.
It sounds like you'll want to register an app with Azure AD (the OAuth2.0 service/identity provider for work and school accounts), and create a multi-tenant app. Then you can configure this app in the Azure Portal to get permissions to the APIs the app wants tokens to call (in your case Dynamics or the Microsoft Graph).
Once this app is written, you can code up your app using one of the Azure AD Auth Libraries. Here's some sample code for a .NET web API. You can find more code samples on Github and search active directory. Moreover, the Azure Active Directory Developer Landing Page is a great place to look for more resources on doing all of this.