Godaddy Email setup on AWS [closed] - amazon-web-services

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have purchased Domain and Email with Godaddy.
Someone helped me to host my domain on AWS successfully.
I have to setup EMAIL.
I have details of TXT records, CNAME Records, MX Records, SRV records details from Godaddy.
How do i add these details on AWS, so that i will receive email?
Thank you in Advance

You can add each of these records via the the console.
Access your public hosted zone in the console.
For each record you have add it via the Create Record Set button.
If the domain is a subdomain then specify the subdomain value in the Name field. Select the type from the drop (CNAME, MX etc). Then in the value specify the value of your record
Steps to add these records (from the public hosted zone):
For CNAME record
Click "Create Record Set"
For Name value enter email
For Type select CNAME - Canonical Name
For Value enter
Click Create
For MX record
Click "Create Record Set"
For Name value blank
For Type select MX - Mail exchange
For Value enter 0
Hit return and on the next line enter 10
Click Create
For SRV record
Click "Create Record Set"
Leave Name value blank
For Type select SRV - Service locator
For Value enter 100 1 443
Click Create
For TXT record
Click "Create Record Set"
Leave Name value blank
For Type select TXT - Text
For Value enter "v=spf1 -all –" including the ".
Click Create
More information available here.

You can make use of a feature called "Amazon Lightsail" to start with, go thru this link


Can't get a domain verified on AWS after transfer

After transferring a domain from another registrar to AWS, I can't get it verified in the Certificate Manager. I created a hosted zone, the CNAME records created by the Certificate Manager are there, I tried with the DNS tester - the records seem good. However it still says "pending validation". I tried a few times, waited a couple of days and it doesn't seem it will work.
I'm totally out of ideas, any help?
DNS validation require 2 things to be setup correctly. Record Name and Record Value
Check if you're correctly setting these in Route53. Reference Doc here:
Now 2 issues which are very common
In the Record Name part confirm that you're not adding your domain name in the value. _X is the only part you have to copy-paste. If you copy _X.YourDomain then 'YourDomain' part is duplicated
Record Value ends with . (a period / dot). Don't remove that period
You can verify the settings from it has various configurations like A record, CNAME, DNS Validation, etc.

"at-sign" in records with Google Cloud DNS

I have one question to define the dns records. In this url (, I read
Note: Adding the # symbol in this field causes the record to fail.
This generates some doubts, until now whenever I had defined the records in Google Cloud DNS, instead of using # I left it empty (thus referring to $ ORIGIN)
This is so?
that is, for example 300 IN TXT "v = spf1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" 300 IN MX 10
Thank you very much

Domain name without WWW is not working on AWS

In the image are my current Hosted zone details on AWS. When I visit it works but when I visit it does not work.
How can I fix this?
Can you add another A record using the record name, the same way that you have done for just now use without www. And one thing is better when you give the ttl(time to leave) 60 where you did 3600. Then, lets see what happens.

CNAME entry not working on NameCheap using Amazon Certificate Manager [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question may be able to be answered.
Closed last year.
The community reviewed whether to reopen this question last year and left it closed:
Original close reason(s) were not resolved
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I am trying to set up a few SSL certificates in Amazon Certificate Manager, but I am trouble getting them verified after adding the CNAME in Namecheap.
Here is an example of the CNAME verification entries at Amazon Certificate Manager
Here is an example of another domains CNAME entry at Namecheap
If I put the entire value of the Name entry into Host at Namecheap, the verification fails. I also get an error on some long domains I have, as the Name entry exceeds 60 characters.
Can anyone assist with the correct parts needed to verify via DNS using Namecheap?
In the CNAME record enter - _cff0cda88701846cbe7a34cd737378e2 as the host field and - in the value field.
Once done wait for at least 1 hour for the changes to reflect.
If anyone is looking for NameCheap DNS record validation for AWS CloudFront ssl validation then please refer screenshot below. This NameCheap DNS record validation worked for me as of Jul 2019
Adding a more complete answer.
Some DNS provider like Namecheap appends the bare domain name to the DNS record. In effect, if you add the full record provided from Amazon Certificate Manager like so (replace with your domain):
What you'll end up with is
To check if this is the case, after you have added the DNS record, run this command (on Unix)
dig +short
If it returns the CNAME record, you have to omit the domain name from your DNS record so you won't get a duplicate domain name in there. Then run
dig +short
You should get the corresponding CNAME record from it. The validation can take up to 48 hours.
Even though AWS includes it, do not include the domain name itself in the CNAME Host field for Namecheap (they apparently append it for you); just chop that off at the end. The value field is fine.
Give it half an hour. does now allow a leading underscore in the Value field.
As specified in the AWS docs' Troubleshoot DNS Validation Problems ,
you can remove the underscore from the ACM-provided value and validate your domain without it.
In your case, the Value would be:
Where the trailing dot should still be permitted.
For any one using a subdomain like -
In the CNAME record enter - _cff0cdhash.api as the host field and - in the value field. As namecheap itself appends to it. I was not able to figure out a way to make it work for
above worked for me except for the root domain validation ; there I had to add entire string
instead of _cff0cda88701846cbe7a34cd737378e2. for the certificate to be issued.
For the others, _cff0cda88701846cbe7a34cd737378e2.www was enough. Hope it helps. Just did this today.

Moving DNS TXT records

My DNS service is cbeyond (MaxASP) and I want to move it to AWS route53 service.
In cbeyond I have 2 fields for TXT records: TXT record (looks like domain) and Record data.
In AWS and other DNS services I have only one field for each record (usually called "Content").
My questions is how can I copy my records to AWS? How it will identify the right data?
Thank you all!
Setting the (sub-) domain (there's a field for top at the top when you create a new entry) and providing the right content should be totally sufficient.
My TXT values look something like this, for example for mandrill._domainkey:
"v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=..."