Moving DNS TXT records - amazon-web-services

My DNS service is cbeyond (MaxASP) and I want to move it to AWS route53 service.
In cbeyond I have 2 fields for TXT records: TXT record (looks like domain) and Record data.
In AWS and other DNS services I have only one field for each record (usually called "Content").
My questions is how can I copy my records to AWS? How it will identify the right data?
Thank you all!

Setting the (sub-) domain (there's a field for top at the top when you create a new entry) and providing the right content should be totally sufficient.
My TXT values look something like this, for example for mandrill._domainkey:
"v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=..."


Can't get a domain verified on AWS after transfer

After transferring a domain from another registrar to AWS, I can't get it verified in the Certificate Manager. I created a hosted zone, the CNAME records created by the Certificate Manager are there, I tried with the DNS tester - the records seem good. However it still says "pending validation". I tried a few times, waited a couple of days and it doesn't seem it will work.
I'm totally out of ideas, any help?
DNS validation require 2 things to be setup correctly. Record Name and Record Value
Check if you're correctly setting these in Route53. Reference Doc here:
Now 2 issues which are very common
In the Record Name part confirm that you're not adding your domain name in the value. _X is the only part you have to copy-paste. If you copy _X.YourDomain then 'YourDomain' part is duplicated
Record Value ends with . (a period / dot). Don't remove that period
You can verify the settings from it has various configurations like A record, CNAME, DNS Validation, etc.

How to Search through AWS Route53 Domain records through boto3 sdk?

I want a webpage listing all the Records in a hosted zone from AWS Route 53 and use all the operations like Search, Add and Edit on those records.
Till now, I am able to list all the records using list_resource_record_sets(), also able to Add and Edit a record
using change_resource_record_sets().
But the problem is with searching. I am not able to find any parameter or function for Searching through all the records and get all matching results. The searching should be like it is in AWS console.
How to implement this searching part?
you already found it. It's the list_resource_records_sets
or boto:
you can pass in additional arguments that narrow down what you are listing. Thisis what the console does.
response = client.list_resource_record_sets(

"at-sign" in records with Google Cloud DNS

I have one question to define the dns records. In this url (, I read
Note: Adding the # symbol in this field causes the record to fail.
This generates some doubts, until now whenever I had defined the records in Google Cloud DNS, instead of using # I left it empty (thus referring to $ ORIGIN)
This is so?
that is, for example 300 IN TXT "v = spf1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" 300 IN MX 10
Thank you very much

AWS Route53: Wildcard in secondary record set (*-Secondary) not working on failover

I configured a primary and secondary record sets in AWS Route53.
I am using an ALB (Application Load Balancer) for my primary, and a Web hosted S3 static page for my secondary. So both Record Set type is set as CNAME.
The name of the Record Sets:
I was able to redirect my page to the secondary whenever the primary is down.
However I have one problem. My primary is consisted of several applications that works independently. When I say independently, I meant that I do the maintenance to each application separately so they are down at different times.
So, there's domain1, domain2, domain3 and so on set as my primary.
I wanted to set only one Secondary page for all my primary records and was hoping that it could work once I changed the domain name of the secondary to:
and leave the primary to,, etc...
This is the only approached I tried but it is not working.
I know that it will work if I set a different secondary for each primary but is there any easier and a better way to accomplish my goal above?
No, there isn't.
On the right hand side, the * is not interpreted the same way it is on the left. It gets no special treatment as a target.
There is no way in Route 53 to map * to reference e.g. * so that for any value, the answer contains the same prefix with a different suffix. You'll need to configure them individually.

Cheapest way to use AWS for simple response

What I wanted to achieve is pretty simple, if you send a request to some address, the response you get is a single integer number, like 13 for example. I think it is equivalent to hosting a .html page with single number on that page and then I can parse that string in my application. (It is a Unity game, using the WWW class to send the request.)
(This is actually a version number. If it is greater than what I stored in my app I would update it and then send another request to other place and retrieve something bigger)
I am looking for the cheapest way that can handle this. I planned to use AWS but confused what component should be use? S3? EC2? Lambda? CloudFront?
If you think doing this on a web hosting or Heroku or something else is better, I also wanted to hear about it.
To serve up a simple value, S3 should do the trick.
Create a bucket in the console, using lonely lowercase letters, digits, and dashes in the name. The name has to be globally unique among all of S3, so make up something unique. We'll call the bucket name example-bucket.
Create your file on your computer with the desired contents. If plain text, call it version.txt.
In the AWS console, select the bucket, and upload the file. While clicking through the "next" screens, put a check next to "make everything public" and accept the defaults. Upload the file.
Now, go to in your browser and verify (using your actual bucket name. That's your download link.
Done. As long as you don't expect to handle over about 800 requests per second, this will do exactly what you want.
Review the S3 pricing, of course.
Although this question is suitable for Server Fault,
EC2 using nginx or apache web server will be sufficient.
Put Load balancer in front of EC2 instances.