Convert to STATA from other program? - sas

I'm trying to convert SAS code to STATA and am encountering some difficulty. Is there an add-in that could do this for me? While I'm new to STATA I don't even have SAS and am unfamiliar with its rules.
Here is the first snippet of SAS code that is a problem:
Libname library 'C:\COFUL\LIB\'; Proc format lib=library;
Value $RCOMT
"D43"="NONE" /*NONE*/
"Z20"="LIT" /*LIT

Doing language translation from SAS to something else is hard: there is no getting around that. I have done SAS to C# and it is challenging. You need to know both, as Nick stated. You won't easily find a copy of SAS to use. Check with SAS for a University or Learning edition. That will be limited in the number of obs (recs). SAS is comprised of 2 main things: data steps and procs. These are known as step boundaries. The data step is a very powerful DO/WHILE loop. Procs are a separate beast.
Why would you want to convert to Stata? You would have better luck converting to Python. Read Randy Betancourt's book on Python for SAS users. That would be a start. If you have to use Stata, I am not aware of anyone doing that.


What are your top SAS PROCs for beginners?

What procs are easy to learn and essential for SAS programming? I have learned several like proc print, sort, freq, format, univariate, anova, glm, import, transpose. What ones should I learn next?
Welcome to Stack Overflow (and SAS). The procedures that AlanC mention are all important.
Probably your best bet is to pick up a copy of The little SAS book and learn the data processing as well as the analysis procedures. I have used many versions of it for years and students like it. SAS changes at a glacial pace. So, if money is tight, pick up an older edition.
You have already hit many of the main procedures. Focus on data processing with data step and PROC SQL. SQL is its own language and is extremely useful with or without SAS. Also do not neglect ODS. SAS can make very beautiful output and the aesthetics matter when you are showing your portfolio.
If you want to be a professional SAS programmer you will need to learn macro, to automate tasks, and also the intermediate to advanced magic that Ron Cody writes about. Get comfortable with the language then work on converting your code into macro. Along the way be sure to check Cody's data cleaning book

SAS : ODS and code highlighting

When using R markdown for making statistical reports, I have the ability to echo the R code in my output document. I'm learning SAS and I was wondering if it was possible to highlight or echo the SAS code in my final ODS report ? I'm using a dirty hack right know to display the code in my document, which is using "ods text = ", but it seems quite redundant. Plus it doesn't add syntax highlighting.
That feature does not exist in the SAS language right now, but it has been mentioned in several talks by Amy Peters, principal product manager of the SAS programing environments, as a planned feature for a near-future SAS release (with no specific date yet, but hopefully in the next 2 years). It would likely be implemented in a similar fashion to Jupyter Notebooks, in that you write your code and get your output inline.
That said, SAS does support Jupyter Notebooks, which is the best current (third party) solution. Contact your SAS administrator for more information.
I have an idea here, I'm the type of guy who dosent take no for answer and find a way to fiddle and get it done... but i think this is abit far fetch... you can try still I think it will work with mostly evrything but may have a hard time to play with quotes when you have multiple semi colomns....
I started by creating a dumbass dataset :
data tata;
then we do the following:
%let code= select * from tata;
proc sql;
create table report as
proc print data=report;
footnote "&code.";
The rationale:
I think it you put your code in macrovariables and then execute those macro variables you would be able to print show the code after by printing the macrovariable following your text...
See the sample

Sas program optimization to use less workspace

I had one main program in sas, in that another 2 sas programs are being called.
These 2 sas programs create formats using proc format cntlin from large data sets and are temporary means residing in workspace. These formats are used in sas program to assing format to some variables.
In main sas program almost 15 large data sets are created in work library.
Some proc sql joins and data step merges are happening
We have index creation on data sets using proc datasets.
We also used proc sort
Where ever possible used where instead of if
It had mprint mlogic symbolgen options enabled
And some small logic wise performance tuning is done.
Here most part of dataset creation is done in work library. If we clear total work space previously created formats are lost. We dont want to loose formats untill end of job because these are used in entire sas program.
It is taking 1TB of sas workspace to accomplish all this job. So i wanted to reduce this usage space.
Can you guys someone please suggest what are all optimizations we can do to use less space as well as memory.
Write the format catalogs to a different folder.

Why do I get different regression outputs in SAS and in Stata when using Prais-Winsten estimation?

I have a time series dataset with serious serial correlation problem, so I adopted Prais-Winsten estimator with iterated estimates to fix that. I did the regressions in Stata with the following command:
prais depvar indepvar indepvar2, vce(robust) rhotype(regress)
My colleague wanted to reproduce my results in SAS, so she used the following:
proc autoreg data=DATA;
model depvar = indepvar indepvar2/nlag=1 iter itprint method=YW;
For the different specifications we ran, some of them roughly match, while others do not. Also I noticed that for each regression specification, Stata has many more iterations than SAS. I wonder if there is something wrong with my (or my colleague's) code.
Inspired by Joe's comment, I modified my SAS code.
/*Iterated Estimation*/
proc autoreg data=DATA;
model depvar = indepvar indepvar2/nlag=1 itprint method=ITYW;
/*Twostep Estimation*/
proc autoreg data=DATA;
model depvar = indepvar indepvar2/nlag=1 itprint method=YW;
I have a few suggestions. Note that I'm not a real statistician and am not familiar with the specific estimators here, so this is just a quick read of the docs.
First off, the most likely issue is that it looks like SAS uses the OLS variance estimation method. That is, in your Stata code, you have vce(robust), which is in contrast to what I read SAS as using, the equivalent of vce(ols). See this page in the docs which explains how SAS does the Y-W method of autoregression, compared to this doc page that explains how Stata does it.
Second, you probably should not specify method=YW. SAS distinguishes between the simple Y-W estimation ("two-step" method) and iterated Y-W estimation. method=ITYW is what you want. You specify iter, so it may well be that you're getting this anyway as SAS tends to be smart about those sorts of things, but it's good to verify.
I would suggest actually turning the iterations off to begin with - have both do the two-step method (Stata option twostep, SAS by removing the iter request and specifying method=YW or no method specification). See how well they match there. Once you can get those to match, then move on to iterated; it's possible SAS has a different cutoff than Stata and may well not iterate past that.
I'd also suggest trying this with only one independent and dependent variable pair first, as it's possible the two programs handle things differently when you add in a second independent variable. Always start simple and then add complexity.


Hopefully someone out there will have run into this before. I'm trying to use the street level geocoding capability of SAS' PROC GEOCODE, but I keep getting a cryptic error. I couldn't find anything on the net about it (although to be fair I only spent a half hour looking).
First, I'm using SAS Enterprise Guide (I've tried on both v4.2 and v4.3), although I still prefer to program as I find the point and click interface quite limiting. Maybe this right here is my problem?
Anyway I first get the lookup data sets from and follow the instructions in the readme. I also use the pre-written SAS program to import the CSV files. My input dataset contains just 4 variables: street address, city, state, and zip. I then run the following code:
libname josh 'C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\Geocode\SAS files';
proc geocode
However I get this error:
ERROR: Variable NAMENC not found in JOSH.USM data set.
Nowhere in the readme or the import program is a variable named "NAMENC" ever mentioned. This is what has me stumped. Is it something wrong with the simple PROC GEOCODE program I wrote? Is it due to me using SAS EG (although I've yet to run into a base SAS procedure that hasn't worked on EG)? Or something else?
Any help/guidance would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Check your SAS version. You can use the 'Help' menu in DMS mode or submit this statement:
%put &sysvlong;
It looks like you are using SAS 9.3 but your lookup data JOSH.USM is the lookup data formatted for SAS 9.4.
PROC GEOCODE street lookup data comes in two slightly different formats, one for SAS 9.3 and another for 9.4. When you download the nationwide lookup data from the SAS MapsOnline geocoding page, make sure to download the version appropriate for your SAS release.