Error W/ PROC GEOCODE - sas

Hopefully someone out there will have run into this before. I'm trying to use the street level geocoding capability of SAS' PROC GEOCODE, but I keep getting a cryptic error. I couldn't find anything on the net about it (although to be fair I only spent a half hour looking).
First, I'm using SAS Enterprise Guide (I've tried on both v4.2 and v4.3), although I still prefer to program as I find the point and click interface quite limiting. Maybe this right here is my problem?
Anyway I first get the lookup data sets from and follow the instructions in the readme. I also use the pre-written SAS program to import the CSV files. My input dataset contains just 4 variables: street address, city, state, and zip. I then run the following code:
libname josh 'C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\Geocode\SAS files';
proc geocode
However I get this error:
ERROR: Variable NAMENC not found in JOSH.USM data set.
Nowhere in the readme or the import program is a variable named "NAMENC" ever mentioned. This is what has me stumped. Is it something wrong with the simple PROC GEOCODE program I wrote? Is it due to me using SAS EG (although I've yet to run into a base SAS procedure that hasn't worked on EG)? Or something else?
Any help/guidance would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Check your SAS version. You can use the 'Help' menu in DMS mode or submit this statement:
%put &sysvlong;
It looks like you are using SAS 9.3 but your lookup data JOSH.USM is the lookup data formatted for SAS 9.4.
PROC GEOCODE street lookup data comes in two slightly different formats, one for SAS 9.3 and another for 9.4. When you download the nationwide lookup data from the SAS MapsOnline geocoding page, make sure to download the version appropriate for your SAS release.


Convert to STATA from other program?

I'm trying to convert SAS code to STATA and am encountering some difficulty. Is there an add-in that could do this for me? While I'm new to STATA I don't even have SAS and am unfamiliar with its rules.
Here is the first snippet of SAS code that is a problem:
Libname library 'C:\COFUL\LIB\'; Proc format lib=library;
Value $RCOMT
"D43"="NONE" /*NONE*/
"Z20"="LIT" /*LIT
Doing language translation from SAS to something else is hard: there is no getting around that. I have done SAS to C# and it is challenging. You need to know both, as Nick stated. You won't easily find a copy of SAS to use. Check with SAS for a University or Learning edition. That will be limited in the number of obs (recs). SAS is comprised of 2 main things: data steps and procs. These are known as step boundaries. The data step is a very powerful DO/WHILE loop. Procs are a separate beast.
Why would you want to convert to Stata? You would have better luck converting to Python. Read Randy Betancourt's book on Python for SAS users. That would be a start. If you have to use Stata, I am not aware of anyone doing that.

SAS : ODS and code highlighting

When using R markdown for making statistical reports, I have the ability to echo the R code in my output document. I'm learning SAS and I was wondering if it was possible to highlight or echo the SAS code in my final ODS report ? I'm using a dirty hack right know to display the code in my document, which is using "ods text = ", but it seems quite redundant. Plus it doesn't add syntax highlighting.
That feature does not exist in the SAS language right now, but it has been mentioned in several talks by Amy Peters, principal product manager of the SAS programing environments, as a planned feature for a near-future SAS release (with no specific date yet, but hopefully in the next 2 years). It would likely be implemented in a similar fashion to Jupyter Notebooks, in that you write your code and get your output inline.
That said, SAS does support Jupyter Notebooks, which is the best current (third party) solution. Contact your SAS administrator for more information.
I have an idea here, I'm the type of guy who dosent take no for answer and find a way to fiddle and get it done... but i think this is abit far fetch... you can try still I think it will work with mostly evrything but may have a hard time to play with quotes when you have multiple semi colomns....
I started by creating a dumbass dataset :
data tata;
then we do the following:
%let code= select * from tata;
proc sql;
create table report as
proc print data=report;
footnote "&code.";
The rationale:
I think it you put your code in macrovariables and then execute those macro variables you would be able to print show the code after by printing the macrovariable following your text...
See the sample

sas enterprise 5.1 guide export to excel template

I'm having a wee bit of a problem and I was hoping someone out there has a magic solution.
At present we run a bit of code on SAS 9.3 that uses DDE to populate an excel template - populating text from cells B2:M24 - these are character or text fields with no formulae. This does work, but we're moving to Enterprise Guide 5.1 and I need something that will work on there.
I'm pretty new to Enterprise Guide and I've googled this until my head is about to explode and so far, nothing has worked. We can't just do a manual export as this will be a scheduled job.
Presumably there is a way to do this that I'm missing. Can anyone point me in the right direction please?
Managed to get it done through PC Files server using named range in Excel.
libname xls PCFILES path="C:\Template.xls" server=<Server> port=<port>
user= pass= ;
proc datasets lib=xls nolist;
delete <named range>;
data xls.<named range>;
set <named range>;
libname xls clear;
Probably not the most elegant way but it got the job done.
Thanks anyway.

Export SAS data to SPSS, date and datetime

I have data inside SAS.
I want to store the datafile to SPSS format (*.sav)
I use the following program:
PROC export Data=SASdataToStoreInSPSS
dbms=sav replace;
This works great. Except when I open the file in SPSS the dates are strangly formatted.
For example:
156405 08:51:00
Should be
3-Jan-2011 08:51
I can manually change the data formats in SPSS. So the values are correct date values, except they are not automatically formatted in a readable format.
I tried to change the format in SAS before saving to DATETIME20. or DATETIME23.3. But this does not help.
I want this to work without having to open SPSS and run a Syntax there.
The SPSS files that SAS spits out have to be directly mailed to other users of the data.
I think this is either a bug with SAS's export, or an issue with SPSS where some default changed. What's happening is that SAS is storing it as a SPSS Date - but with width 16, which is not long enough to hold the complete datetime. I don't think you can use DBDSOPTS with DBMS=SPSS, so I don't know that there is a good workaround short of importing the file into SPSS.
You could do that automatically, though, using the SPSS Production facility; I've written an import script before and asked SAS to run spssprod with the batch file. That's an irritating workaround, but it might be the easiest, unless SAS Tech Support can help you (and certainly try that - they are usually only a few hours' turnaround for initial contact at least).
SAS mentioned it has to do with the SPSS driver they use. Apparently it is not an easy fix so they forwarded the issue to second-line tech support.
The workaround you will need is split the dates in two columns. One with date and one with time.
data SPSS2;
set SPSS;
date = put(datepart(DatumSPSS), date9.);
time = put(timepart(DatumSPSS), time8.);
Or you can tell the end user how to change the format of the date in SPSS.
For an automated approach, try this .NET app. You need SPSS, but SAS is not required to convert a large collection of SAS files automatically.
Manual Process included code samples or Application Download

How can I read a SAS dataset?

I have a lot of files in SAS format, and I'd like to be able to read them in programs outside of SAS. I don't have anything except the base SAS system installed. I could manually convert each one, but I'd like a way to do it automatically.
You'll need to have a running SAS session to act as a data server. You can then access the SAS data using ODBC, see the SAS ODBC drivers guide.
To get the local SAS ODBC server running, you need to:
Define your SAS ODBC server setup at described in the SAS ODBC drivers guide. In the example that follows, I'll connect to a server that is set up with the name "loclodbc".
Add an entry in your services file, (C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\services), like this:
loclodbc 9191/tcp
...set the port number (here: 9191) so that it fits into your local setup. The name of the service "loclodbc" must match the server name as defined in the ODBC setup. Note that the term "Server" has nothing to do with the physical host name of your PC.
Your SAS ODBC server is now ready to run, but is has no assigned data resources available. Normally you would set this in the "Libraries" tab in the SAS ODBC setup process, but since you want to point to data sources "on the fly", we omit this.
From your client application you can now connect to the SAS ODBC server, point to the data resources you want to access, and fetch the data.
The way SAS points to data resources is through the concept of the "LIBNAME". A libname is a logical pointer to a collection of data.
LIBNAME sasadhoc 'C:\sasdatafolder';
assigns the folder "C:\sasdatafolder" the logical handle "sasiodat".
If you from within SAS want access to the data residing in the SAS data table file "C:\sasdatafolder\test.sas7bdat", you would do something like this:
LIBNAME sasadhoc 'C:\sasdatafolder';
FROM sasadhoc.test
So what we need to do is to tell our SAS ODBC server to assign a libname to C:\sasdatafolder, from our client application. We can do this by sending it this resource allocation request on start up, by using the DBCONINIT parameter.
I've made some sample code for doing this. My sample code is also written in the BASE SAS language. Since there are obviously more clever ways to access SAS data, than SAS connecting to SAS via ODBC, this code only serves as an example.
You should be able to take the useful bits and create your own solution in the programming environment you're using...
SAS ODBC connection sample code:
CONNECT TO ODBC(DSN=loclodbc DBCONINIT="libname sasadhoc 'c:\sasdatafolder'");
The magic happens in the "CONNECT TO ODBC..." part of the code, assigning a libname to the folder where the needed data resides.
There's now a python package that will allow you to read .sas7bdat files, or convert them to csv if you prefer
You could make a SAS-to-CSV conversion program.
Save the following in
proc export data=&sysparm
outfile=stdout dbms=csv;
Then, assuming you want to access libname.dataset, call this program as follows:
sas sas_to_csv -noterminal -sysparm "libname.dataset"
The SAS data is converted to CSV that can be piped into Python. In Python, it would be easy enough to generate the "libname.dataset" parameters programmatically.
I have never tried, but it might be what you're looking for: "a simple command-line utility for working with datasets in the SAS7BDAT file format." But do note "This software should be considered experimental and is not guaranteed to be accurate. You use it at your own risk. It will only work on uncompressed Windows-format SAS7BDAT files for now. "
I think you might be able to use ADO,
See the SAS support site for more details.
I haven't looked at this for a while
I'm not 100% sure that this doesn't require additional licensing
I'm not sure if you can do this using Python