R markdown show markdown output in .Rmd - r-markdown

I remember there was a time that when you type # in R markdown it will immediately transfer to the heading output. Also, when you type **bold** it will immediately show the text in bold. But now I can't find a way to do this.
Is it possible to show the markdown output in the .rmd document? Thanks!

This behaviour will depend on the text editor you use. Some Markdown editors have a "What You See Is What You Get" (or WYSIWYG) philosophy that will do exactly what you describe. You can find examples of WYSIWYG Markdown editors online, I personally have only tried Typora. But as far as I can tell, none of them seem to support Rmarkdown (perhaps someone has made an Rstudio add-in?).
On the other hand, in the early days of knitr, it used to support Lyx (I don't know if it still does), which is maybe closer to what you have in mind? See this post for an example: https://yihui.org/knitr/demo/lyx/


Use markdown syntax in markdown chunks

I'm using bookdown to write my math notes, bookdown provide an feature that one can use
{theorem content}
to write theorems and auto numbered.
However, my preview tool does not realize i'm still wring markdown and the preview will look like
Is there any way to solve it?
Quoting cderv in the issue you reported on GitHub:
There is a new way to write this environment using custom blocks syntax. It is in NEWS but not yet documented in the book. Will do soon.
You can use
::: {.theorem #label name="name"}
<any markdown syntax content>
It works for HTML and PDF output.
I don't know what "other preview tool" you are referring but the content inside this block will be markdown, so I think it will be better for your usage.
The new RStudio Visual Markdown editor helps a lot to write and see those divs !

Multipage bookdown into article

I'm considering to use Bookdown to write an academic paper. This includes the data processing and analysis code, plus everything else.
I know how to use Bookdown to write books where each .Rmd document creates its own .html page and a book chapter in a LaTeX PDF. I can also see how to use bookdown to write a single .Rmd that becomes a multi-page website and an article-style PDF. At least, that is what I think I see in the bookdown documentation
But what I am trying to figure out is how to have multiple .Rmd files that become a single article-style PDF. I want to have more than one .Rmd to keep the runtime down and my work somewhat organized, but I am not writing a book. It seems as though bookdown is built to turn document breaks into chapters, and I want them to be turned into sections. Am I missing something obvious, or is this going to require a bit of hacking to make it work?
It seems your actual question is how to turn the top-level headers into sections instead of chapters. It depends on the documentclass field in index.Rmd. The default value of this field is article, which means you get sections instead of chapters. Top-level headers are converted to chapters only if the documentclass is for books (e.g., documentclass: book here: https://github.com/rstudio/bookdown-demo/blob/master/index.Rmd#L7).
Then, to render multiple Rmd files to a single PDF, use bookdown::render_book() instead of rmarkdown::render().

Generate inline rather than list-style footnotes in Pandoc Markdown output?

When converting from some format (say, HTML or Docx) to Markdown in Pandoc, is it possible to render all footnotes in the inline style ("this is the main text^[this is a footnote]") rather than as numbered references with a corresponding list at the end of the document? I want to work on my Markdown documents (converted from a Docx of my thesis) as master texts, but now if I add a new footnote it messes up the numbering.
Alternatively, is there another convenient way (i.e. not Pandoc) that this could be done? Cutting text in one part of a file and adding corresponding text in another part seems a bit beyond a simple regex.
Thanks in advance for any help.
EDIT: I've just hacked up an extremely simple Python script to do this, in case anyone else has the same issue.
Pandoc's Markdown syntax is quite flexible about footnotes:
The footnotes themselves need not be placed at the end of the document. They may appear anywhere except inside other block elements (lists, block quotes, tables, etc.).
Here is a footnote reference[^1] and some more text.
[^1]: Here is the footnote.
Here's the next paragraph.
However, the Markdown Writer (the module that generates markdown files, as opposed to reading them) currently simply places all of them at the end of the document. But this could be implemented behind a flag, similar to the --reference-links flag. Feel free to submit an issue or pull request!
Inline footnotes and references are quite nice for writing and editing markdown documents, but cumbersome for reading them.
I used ltrgoddard's inliner with success to process several files that I use with pandoc and latexmk to produce PDF. inliner works well for transforming end-style references to inline style references in an already-written document.
Cross references to other questions and clues for posterity:
Convert markdown links from inline to reference
Vim plugin for adding external links
Also see http://drbunsen.github.io/formd/
and https://instant-thinking.de/2014/02/20/markdown-footnotes-with-vim/ for more info re: formd, which should work for converting inline references end-style references, and vice-versa.
Note that formd works on URLs and ignores footnotes, so this may be seen as a similar project (with different goals) but not an alternative.

RTF to Wiki Converter?

I would like to convert 100+ RTF files to Wiki Markup, but I can only find "Wiki to RTF" converters on the web and even here on StackOverflow.
I only need RTF --> Wiki Markup
Is there anything like this out there?
I simply asked the wrong question.
Did some research and found out that there is no Converter which converts RTF directly to a "Wiki format".
The "better" question: Save Word file as Wiki markup.
There are some approaches using Microsoft Word to save as .txt (Wiki markup):
Good luck!
It may be unwieldy with hundreds of files, but I have used wikEd to convert RTF and Word formatted text to wiki markup.
Wikedbox is a usable implementation of wikEd without installing it:
'''Wikedbox HELPS YOU CONVERT HTML (WEB FORMATTED CONTENT) TO MEDIAWIKI.'''. More instructions at [[Appropedia:WikEd]].
If you're not in edit mode, click the "edit" tab now.
Paste in your content.
Click the red [W] to convert. (Middle row, second block from the left.)
Your text is ready to be copied and used on your wiki page. (You may need to make further corrections.)
'''DO NOT SAVE THIS PAGE'''. (You'll be blocked from doing so, anyway, unless you're an admin.)
You can use Pandoc:
pandoc -s README -o example.rtf
This will convert your file to Markdown. I don't know which Wiki you want to use and If it understands Markdown, but I thinl you can also convert it to MediaWiki or other output formats (see the Pandoc User manual).

Publishing toolchain

I have a book project which I'd like to start sooner than later. This would follow an agile-like publishing workflow, i.e: publish early and often. It is meant to be self-publsihed by me and I'm not really looking to paper-publish it, even though we never know.
If I weren't a geek, I'd probably have already started writting in Word or any other WYSIWYG tool and just export to PDF. However, we know it is not the best solution, and emacs rules my text-editing life, so, the output format should be as simple as possible and be text-based.
I've thought about the following options:
Just use orgmode and export to PDF (orgmode has this feature natively)
Use markdown mode and export to PDF (markdown->LaTeX->PDF should not be hard to setup);
Use something similar to what the guys # Pragmatic Progammers do: A XML + XSLT + LaTeX.
More complex, but much more control over the style.
EDIT: Someone just told me that he uses a combo of Textile+Adobe In Design and the XTags plugin. Not sure how they are glued together though, gotta do some research.
Any other ideas / references ?
I want to start writting as soon as possible. In fact, I already have a draft in an org-formatted file. However, I do want to have and use the full power of LaTex later on to format it the way I want and make it look fabulous :)
Thanks in advance,
I have done a TON of research on this lately, since I'm planning on starting my own small press soon.
It really depends on what you want your final output to be (PDF, HTML, other?), and what the book is about.
Org mode is great, as I'm sure you know, because it expands as you do. I often write my outlines in org mode, then just fill in the body text when I'm really ready to start writing.
IF it's prose, and you just need some simple divisions (chapters and sections and not much else), org mode -> latex should do you just fine. Then you also have the possibility of org mode -> html
IF you need math in it, you can just write the math right in the org mode file.
If it's really really technical information, docbook might be nice (emacs + nxml), then dockbook 4.5 -> jade -> jadetex -> pdf.
I'd stay away from docbook 5, because it uses FOP to generate PDFs, and the typesetting is really inferior to latex.
BOTTOM LINE: If you want a PDF, use org -> latex, the path of least resistance ;) -- whatever you do, concentrate on the content of the book first, and worry about what it looks like til after.
And why not paper publish? Have you looked at lulu.com? I recently formatted a book with latex, uploaded the pdf to lulu, and had them print it. The quality is pretty good, and definitely worth a look. I have a ton of bookmarks at home about publishing in general, if you're interested.
Typography is hard.
TeX/LaTeX are tools that can get you the best possible results, however they require knowledge about typography to be used correctly--especially with a big document like a book. And I haven't seen any other cheap (=not for professional use) software that would do things correctly automatically. (I haven't seen any professional software, so it is possible they don't do that either)
However, assuming that you'll write your book in some machine-readable format, putting it into TeX/LaTeX should not be very hard: once I had a set of documents in a custom XML format. Proper usage of XSLT, TeXML and LaTeX gave me something I could tweak manually (and this tweaking was necessary!) and get the best possible result.
My advice: prepare content in something that is easy to parse and easy to write in. I'd dismiss XML. Markdown seems to be good choice. This will also allow you to quickly show your work. Then if you decide to make the result better, write some simple script to translate that to TeX (it is not that hard to get basic functionality) and fix things by hand. This might actually be a good exercise to learn TeX.
Don't try to get everything right from the beginning. Firstly get the content, then play with formatting.
If you are really wanting to do online only, I would suggest you use org mode and just stay in HTML. Then you can use CSS to style it however you would like.
That being said, if you really want to output to PDF for technical stuff, I would strongly suggest using Docbook (www.docbook.org). It's made for that, it works great with Emacs.
You have already answered yourself. Not mentioning that you already started writing in org-mode. Org-mode is really extremely powerful and will enable you to publish to PDF and HTML eventually with no effort.
In case of PDF you can take advantage of LaTeX and how org-mode is working with exports. You can include any LaTeX code to your org file. Also IMHO it's way better to write the book/article in org-mode since something becomes even easier than in plain .tex files take for example tables.
Regarding Publishing it's a same story with one single function you can trigger exporting to HTML/PDF and uploading to your server. And notice that you are still using just plain text file which is human readable and very clean.
Org-mode really follows the Emacs philosphy just start using it and it will grow with you.
If you are writing a book, it would certainly be worth the overhead of learning tex.
Even something like,
\title{SERPA'S BOOK}
Then, in the same directory have files chapterA.tex, chapterB.tex, chapterC.tex that look like
\chapter{My chapter title}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit....
That alone will produce an extremely nice looking document. You can edit each chapter separately and then just compile the main tex file. I think if you try to learn intermediate tools that try to abstract away from tex, you'll only make it more difficult later to do what you actually want, because you will be both fighting tex and an abstraction of tex at the same time.
Best of luck on such an undertaking.
Also, no matter what you do, make sure to use some kind of version control system, such as SVN, to manage your files. It will be worth it.
I would write it in Latex and have an online repository that does nightly compiles to PDF of the 'publish-ready' branch, available to readers.
I would not start with using LaTeX these days. TeX input is unstructured and the only thing you can get out of TeX input is PDF. If you need HTML or anything else, you are screwed.
Use something structured, such as XML (DocBook is a good suggestion) or define your own XML subset as you need it. Use XSLT to transform it into something usable (HTML etc.) That way you are set for the future.
Depending on your typographical needs, you can then use TeX as a backend processor, or XSLT or whatever.
Also, have a look at ConTeXt, it can read XML directly and has great typography!