Issue with copy pasting of double underlined content from soreadjs to textarea - spreadjs

While copy pasting double underlined content from soreadjs to textarea, underline not getting applied. But in the case of single underline, it is getting pasted.
When debugging it is observed that html getting from soreadjs after copying doesn't have any style for double underline. In the case of single underline content is wrapped with html tag for underline.
Please provide any solution for this issue.

Thank you for using SpreadJS. Double Underline is not supported in TextArea and many editors, it is custom painted in spreadjs to match Excel, however, it will not carry over in the clipboard.
This is not a limitation of the product.
Grapecity Team


Google Charts not displaying names on yaxis

I'm having a mare trying to get names to appear alongside data on a google bar chart. It should be simple!! Looking at the examples I should not have to add any options at all, they should appear by default but they dont. Even when I copy/paste the examples from
They render without the names against the rows. Can anyone take a guess as to why that might be?
If I position the vAxis.textposition as 'in' then they DO appear in the bars, but when I put them to 'out' they dont. I've configured the text colour to be black in case they're writing in white, but they still will NOT appear.
Any help or ideas gratefully received
This was because I had a style that was being applied within the generated chart HTML. Even though the rest of the content looked fine, the sizing meant the labels were not generated

sitecore - dot in rich text editor

I'm finding that some strange things are happening with my rich text editor in Sitecore 6.6. Some users have been entering content that is breaking items. Looking at the text it seems fine but when I copy the text into notepad I can see this dot character "·"
Any time this is in the text editor clicking Show Editor does nothing and I can't view raw values either. When I click Edit Html the edit box comes up but my changes will never save, the only way I can seem to fix these pages is if I update the content straight into the database.
Is there a way I can:
Prevent these characters from getting into the database,
Update the content without having to run update statements on the database?
Thanks in advance.

Horizontal scrollbar in APEX 4.2.1 Classic report

To enable horizontal scrollbars in a table I need to style the containing DIV with "overflow: auto", highlighted in blue.
I tried it with FireBug and got the desired result. Just can't figure out out how to put the setting into APEX.
Using the theme "Blue Responsive".
I've played with this a bit in Apex 4.2.2, it should work the same in 4.2.1 I think. That particular div doesn't come from any template but you can target it with some CSS.
In the page properties, for CSS Inline, I entered the following and it seemed to work:
#report_2583625959157728_catch {overflow:auto}
(I think I've transcribed the correct id from your screenshot - you may need to check)
Unfortunately this means you'd have to do this for each report in your application individually where you want the scrollbar to appear.
Note: I haven't tested this in IE, however - last time I was mucking around with scrolling areas I found it incredibly frustrating to get it working in IE without breaking other functionality in the region - especially for Interactive reports.
You can add to Region Header:
<div style="overflow:auto;">
and to Region Footer
You can also add your css line to a report region template, if you want the scrollbar to be added to each report.
Other wise you're better of putting the overflow on a class and add it to your application's stylesheet, eg:
.myClass {overflow:auto}
you get more flexibilty to style your region this way. You can add the class to your report by setting the region attributes to class="myClass".
Note that instead of "auto", you can also try to use the element option "scroll", check the w3schools docs:

OpenCart removes line breaks from description

I have a Opencart site that has free and paid code packages. I have been trying to find where in the code it is removing my line breaks. If you enter code into the text editor it saves the line breaks into the database.
When you go to edit the product it has removed all the line breaks when the page loads. Does anyone know where this can be fixed. My first thought is the WYSIWYG editor but I am lost on how to prevent this from happening.
Anyone know what file is causing this glitch.
Edit: If we cant fix the editor does anyone know what file contains the form for adding/editing a product so i can remove the id and just use the textarea
I have heard of this problem before... it is caused by ckeditor... you can remove ckeditor and paste raw html into the text area if you like... alternatively you could use a separate WYSIWYG editor such as tinymce or similar... look here for a few options or here Alternatives to CKEditor for WSYIWYG text area editor
Contact me if you need help installing any of them

How do I make django show empty cells with it's template system?

I am writing out a table using just the template system in Django, and it is not showing the border around empty table cells.
No problem I thought - I've solved this problem before. I put &nbsp in any cell that was to be left empty. Django kindly converted the ampersand to &amp so that I have &ampnbsp in the empty cells, and it shows the &nbsp when viewed in the browser.
I googled it, and tried putting {%autoescape off%} and {%endautoescape%} around the table in question, but it didn't do any good either.
I also tried adding autoescape=False to the context constructor, but that didn't help either.
What's the magic trick to make Django show the border around empty cells?
This is a known CSS/HTML 'problem.' You want to use Django's "default" filter.
(I'll be damned if I could get that to come out right. In SO, how do you write "nbsp;" without the & in front causing everything to disappear and be replaced by a blank?)
There is the empty cells CSS property.
I can't remember if it works in all browsers or not though
Django does in no way control the appearance of your table. Tinkering with autoescape is also superfluous and could turn out dangerous.
Are you using CSS for styling the table? By using a property like e.g.
td {
border: 1px solid red;
you can make each cell having a red border. No matter if it's empty or not.
What you really need to do is get a non-breaking space in those empty cells, and prevent Django from escaping the HTML entity. Could you chain a few filters together to achieve what you're looking for?
{{ value|default:" "|safe }}
Edit: I should mention that   is the same as , is just doesn't get mangled by the SO parser.