Horizontal scrollbar in APEX 4.2.1 Classic report - oracle-apex

To enable horizontal scrollbars in a table I need to style the containing DIV with "overflow: auto", highlighted in blue.
I tried it with FireBug and got the desired result. Just can't figure out out how to put the setting into APEX.
Using the theme "Blue Responsive".

I've played with this a bit in Apex 4.2.2, it should work the same in 4.2.1 I think. That particular div doesn't come from any template but you can target it with some CSS.
In the page properties, for CSS Inline, I entered the following and it seemed to work:
#report_2583625959157728_catch {overflow:auto}
(I think I've transcribed the correct id from your screenshot - you may need to check)
Unfortunately this means you'd have to do this for each report in your application individually where you want the scrollbar to appear.
Note: I haven't tested this in IE, however - last time I was mucking around with scrolling areas I found it incredibly frustrating to get it working in IE without breaking other functionality in the region - especially for Interactive reports.

You can add to Region Header:
<div style="overflow:auto;">
and to Region Footer

You can also add your css line to a report region template, if you want the scrollbar to be added to each report.
Other wise you're better of putting the overflow on a class and add it to your application's stylesheet, eg:
.myClass {overflow:auto}
you get more flexibilty to style your region this way. You can add the class to your report by setting the region attributes to class="myClass".
Note that instead of "auto", you can also try to use the element option "scroll", check the w3schools docs: http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_pos_overflow.asp


Popup LOV with multi select in Inline Dialogue has trouble with manual insert

I had an Inline Dialogue region with a page item being a Popup LOV. I needed to be able to select multiple values and be able to manually add more. But once I switched on multi-select the input field contracted to max-width 4px, the only way I found to fix that was to set the item to Stretch Form Item on and have it stretch out. But now came another problem. Now the manual entry was weird, you could only click on the first 4px(or the 4px after the last value if there were already values in there), and text you were writing was not visible until you stopped writing and clicked away.
So I was wondering how to fix this.
Running on APEX 19.2 btw, maybe this gets fixed in next versions
I found that if I hadnt set the Stretch Form Item parameter, max-width was set to 4px no matter what else I tried. If I did set it though, then flex-grow was set to 0.
So I just had the js that shows the Inline Dialogue fix this with a simple js command:
apex.item("P1_LOV").node.style.flexGrow = 60;
Its a simple fix, but it took me a bit to figure out so I wanted to show the answer here in case it helps anyone else

Listing customization ServiceNow

How can I personalize a list within ServiceNow?
I mean, I have this list:
But I think its very confusing to see the position on the right side.. How can I center it?
Like CSS customization or JS or something like that.. where can I find the customization form?
You can customise the position of the field content by using Field Styles.
If you mean customising the position of the field header, I have had a play around with doing this and I seem to have got it working.
If you inspect the HTML of the column header you want to target (the th tag), you'll see that there's an attribute on it called glide_type which contains in it the type of column. You can use this to create a CSS rule to target only headers of a particular type.
For example, I have a field of type decimal, and the th tag has the following attribute:glide_type="decimal". So to target that element, I could create a CSS rule like the below:
th.text-align-left.list_header_cell[glide_type="decimal"] {
text-align: right;
The hacky part is including that CSS so that it applies throughout the SN interface. You can use a UI Script to run some JavaScript which includes the Style Sheet. So if you put the above CSS inside a new Style Sheet (navigate to Content Management > Design > Style Sheets), and copy that new Style Sheet's Sys ID, you can create a UI Script with the below in it to include that Style Sheet on all pages:
link = document.createElement("link");
link.href = "STYLE_SHEET_SYS_ID_GOES_HERE.cssdbx?";
link.type = "text/css";
link.rel = "stylesheet";
link.media = "screen,print";
After doing that, you'll see that the Style Sheet is getting loaded on all pages, and if you've written your CSS right then you should find that the column header is now right-aligned!
As #Kirk said, performing this kind of customisation will mean that it's hard for ServiceNow Customer Support to assist if there's something you've customised getting in the way of their troubleshooting. Take this into account if you decide to implement something like this, and also thoroughly test this on a non-production instance.
In addition to the above, this solution may break in future releases as ServiceNow may decide to change the way that lists work and thus the CSS selector may no longer target the right/any element.
Hope this helps!
It's not suggested to customize any sort of CSS or JS with that, we were told that is voids your support for that section if you do so.
You could just add a few more display fields if you really desire to remove the extra white-space.
For a complete description of that (which you may know how to do):
Click the Gear icon
Then select some relevant fields from the Available section, and click the Right arrow to add them.

Customized section below quick info section developed in Sitecore 7 behaving differently in Sitecore 8

I created a custom section named Created/Updated in Sitecore 7 just below the default “Quick info” section as shown below:
Recently we migrated our project from Sitecore 7 to Sitecore 8 but “Created/Updated” section developed by us is no more looking like quick info of Sitecore 7.
The code is similar to Quick info default code used in Sitecore.Shell.Applications.ContentEditor.Pipelines.RenderContentEditor namespace in Sitecore.Client.dll
As shown above the fields present in “Created/Updated” are not looking like “Quick info” section. Instead, we can see a distinct table and rows for fields and width of these fields is less because of which entire time in Created Time field is not visible at the moment and it is getting cropped. I am not sure how it changed in Sitecore8 and how it can be switched back to the correct view like Quick info of Sitecore 7.
Instead of outputting <input> HTML in your second column, just do straight values.
You will need to change CSS for your custom component.
First of all, make sure first column has fixed width and second column has nowrap style set:
td:nth-of-type(1) { width: 110px; }
td { white-space: nowrap; }
This will make second column that contains info to occupy whole rest of space after first column.
Important: CSS order does matter; also you would prefix td from example above with selector of your parent container element for your custom panel (not to mess with rest of tables on a page).
Also, you'd probably want to remove borders, to have look and feel like Quick View section has, but from your post it is unclear which element makes borders, likely to be the same TD.
Hope this helps!

Page Region not display full page width

This is an odd one to me because it only started happening since we moved to Apex 4.2. To get round the problem i have to copy and paste regions I already have in the application, rather than simply creating a new one.
When i create a new application and try to create a region on a page the attached always occurs. This also occurs if i create a new page in a current applications that were already in place before the Apex 4.2 upgrade. Was it even to do with the upgrade?
I assume its something in the Templates or Themes under Shared Componants but i cannot see anything that sticks out.
I thought i would try an HTML5 template to see if that made any difference however the same occurs, see screenprint.
Is there an answer why this is happening and how it could be resolved?
This really looks like it is a template "issue". You need to check your page template: what is it named?
For example, in Theme 23 there are several page templates which include a left, right or both sidebars. When your page uses a template with this sidebar, then the sidebar will always use up a portion of the screen.
If you have no template specified but rather use the "Application Default", then go to "Shared Components > Templates" and look at the page templates section for the template which has a check in the "Default" column. Most likely it is a template including a sidebar.
Aside from that you could also always use a tool to inspect the HTML and CSS. For example, with Firebug in Firefox you could rightclick on the empty space left of your region and choose "inspect element with firebug". It might be a TD element. It might be a div with a fixed width. It might be custom css pushing things about.

Adding buttons for HTML elements to the Sitecore rich text editor

I would like to add a button to the Sitecore rich text editor toolbar, specifically one that inserts the H2 element.
I know the H2 element can be inserted using the paragraph styles pulldown menu, but all my editors are now using the bold button for their headings because they don't "see" the paragraph styles pulldown. So, I want to make the H2 easily available using a toolbar button. (And maybe even removing the bold buttons, since it's not semantic at all.)
But no matter how I go through the documentation, I cannot find a good explanation on how to do this.
In addition to the guide Yan posted, here's another guide.
I found a couple of walkthroughs for this...
Sitecore v6.3 and previous: link
Sitecore v6.4: link
Make sure that you select the core database (bottom right of Sitecore desktop) so that you can see the /sitecore/system/Settings/Html Editor Profiles area.
In my article here the first step of wiring up an event to a button is in javascript. From there you can insert text or tags. You can also get the selected text and wrap it in tags. You don't need to compile anything I was just showing how you would if you needed to, but you can entirely cut that piece out and just use the editor to send whatever text you want back to the wysiwyg editor.