Building QT Project with MSVC2013? - c++

I am attempting to build some group's project with QT Creator and the only guide I got was that it should be built using MSVC2013. QT's regular kits do not have MSVC 2013 32-bit and 64-bit (I guess they don't go back that far), so I tried to download a legacy version (4.12.2) along with Visual Studio Express 2013 but I can't seem to find where to go from here.
Can someone suggest the cleanest way to build a complete QT project using MSVC2013? Preferably in a way that a VHDL developer would understand!


Setting up Qt for use in a project in Visual Studio

I am trying to use Qt to make a simple GUI program in C++ using Microsoft Visual Studio. It's for a school project, but my professor has given very little guidance on how to get the Qt library working in Visual Studio, and I can't seem to follow the information given on the website. I know it's a big ask, but would anyone be able to walk me through how to get things up and running?
I recently installed and used QT at home using VS19 Community and latest QT Open Source.
The following YouTube video should help you get started.
Configure VS19 to create QT5 Apps
The Summary:
Install QT: Choose advanced, and install the latest version of QT + the support for version of Visual Studio you are using.
Install the "QT Visual Studio Tools" extension via the Visual Studio "Manage Extensions"
After installed, From inside VS, set the QT version under the Extensions-->QT VS Tools-->QT Options.
Create a new project.
-- Search for "QT" as it may not appear in the list.
And you're off.

Integrating separate Qt and Visual studio 2008 projects together

I have a Qt project(.pro) which essentially uses Qt libraries and OpenGL and i need to integrate this project with an existing VS2008 project(.vcproj) which uses a 3rd party API on another system.
The VS project interfaces with a hardware(along with many other functions) through a serial port and i intend to use its event handler to trigger the actions in Qt( since a serial port cannot be opened by two programs simultaneously? )
I use Qt v4.8.1 with mingw complier. i did come across a VS plugin for Qt. but i'm not sure as to how the above task of integration can be done.
I'll be thankful if you can kindly shed some light on this.
My advice would be to completely integrate the source of the Qt project into the VS project. It's possible to compile Qt code in visual studio. Of course, this requires to configure your VS project to make it "qt-ready". In detail:
Integrate the source code of the qt project into the VS solution. This means, the header files, the cpp files and the ui files you might have.
You still need the Qt libraries on your system in order to compile QT source with visual studio. I recommend to install "qt-win-opensource-4.8.1-vs2008.exe". These are the special Qt 4.8.1 libaries for VS 2008 (pre-compiled). Can be found here:
You have to tell visual studio how to "pre-compile" the Qt source with the installed Qt binaries. This can be down in two ways:
I. You can configure the project properties of your VS project. Unfortunatelly I have never used this way, so I don't know exactly how to do this.
II. You can use CMake to setup your VS project. CMake allows the simple integration of Qt libaries and compilers. Using CMake means to write a CMakeLists.txt, which generates the VS project for you. Here you can find a sample, explaining how to write a CMakeLists.txt with Qt support:
Also, the Qt plugin for visual studio you mentioned is optional. You do not need it to build a Qt project with visual studio, but it makes some issues easier, e.g. debugging or calling the Qt designer from visual studio.
Hope this helps,

Gtkmm and cairomm with visual studio 11 (for the first time)?

I am learning c++ and wish to draw geometry to better enjoy the process and test my scripts.
I searched for a library to draw vectors in c++ and found Cairo came highly recommended on this site. I went ahead and downloaded Gtkmm that comes with Cairomm and installed it. I so far used this aweomse tutorial:
I followed the steps but I think this tutorial might be outdated or there may be an issue with one of the steps on MSVC 2012 with gtkmm-vc100-d-2_4.props (that is perhaps only supported on MSVC 2010).
In general I really want to get started but I am new to this and very confused atm.
It seems the current latest Project property file is not supported with Visual Studio 11 (2012).
I should have known that with the file name being, 'gtkmm-vc100-2_4'.
It works perfectly with VC10 so I reverted to using that for the time being.
I compiled gtkmm3 on Widnows 7 x64 (including cairo and others) for Visual Studio, see this
I have a CMake based project to build gtkmm on top of MSYS2 (it used to use OBS). It can be used with any version of Visual Studio supported by CMake as well as plain makefiles and jom makefiles.

installing Qt for VS2010

after finding that its too hard to write GUI applications with WIN32API today im going to learn Qt. so I installed qt as follows.
first I installed VS 2010 express. its OK.
then downloaded Qt libraries 4.8.3 for Windows (VS 2010, 235 MB) from and installed it as a normal software. (in C:\Qt\4.8.3) it automatically installed assistant, designer ... ect.
then downloaded Qt Creator 2.6.0 for Windows (51 MB) from and installed it also as a normal program.
now in qt creater when I try to creat a Qt project it says that no valide kits found.
here are some screenshots of the issue im facing.
what should I do now to start qt. please I need someones help to procced.
You don't need QtCreator AND visual studio.
QtCreator is Qt's own IDE and uses g++/mingw as the compiler (included in the download).
Qt includes QtDesigner - the graphical UI designer that you can use with visual studio or QtCreator.
If you want to use VS, install the qt-vs-addin and download the VS builds of the Qt libs.
If you want to use QtCreator, download the mingw builds of Qt.
Or in both cases you can download the source and build it from scratch using wither QtCreator or VS.
edit: You can make QtCreator use the VS compiler backend - in which case you should download the VS build of Qt. Personally I have never done this - if you are using VS then you may as well use the VS ide.
edit2: The free express version of VS can't use plugins - so its a bit of pain to use with Qt. In this case you should probably use QtCreator.

How do I configure Qt to work with Visual Studio 2010?

I downloaded open-source version of Qt from the site and have compiled it with nmake, but I'm having trouble using it in my projects. It seems that Visual Studio can't find the Qt headers, even though I added the paths to my PATH, INCLUDE, and LIB variables. I tried installing the Qt Visual Studio add-in but it only supports Visual Studio 2008.
Has anyone gotten Qt to work with Visual Studio 2010? Or do I have to wait until Qt 4.7 is officially released for Visual Studio 2010 support?
Either download the pre-built vs2008 package or build it using cmake's vs2008 profile and then open the resulting .sln file in vs2010 and let it do the conversion.
edit - annoying feature so far is that the vs plugin doesn't support vs2010 which makes it essentially impossible to use for desktop app development.
Traditionally VS support was part of the paid licences, with the OS package you only get mingw support. Things are changing, but might have some rough edges for a while.
OTOH, mingw has a HUGE advantage: deployment. You don't have to chase around the vcredist_x86 files and all the associated voodoo. Just be sure to include all the .DLLs you use and that's it.
Also, there's QtCreator. It's not as featureful or omniscient as VS; but it does feel a lot nicer and easier to use. It takes off all the tedious work of nmake, and embeds the UI editors. And it's cross platform!
honestly, for me VS can drop dead this minute and i won't miss it.
Qt V4.8.0 contains prebuilt binaries for Visual Studio 2010 so you don't need to build manually anymore: