Disable email confirmation for super user in django allauth - django

I am using django-allauth for registering user into my django application. Here the super user can log in into the application (not the default django admin panel) and can do certain operations
How can I disable email authentication if someone log in using super user credentials?


Admin privileges for users authenticated to a Django site with social-auth-app-django against Auth0

I've got a Django site with authentication handled by Auth0 (following this quickstart guide). The issue I have is that users logged in don't have access to Django Admin section:
How can I assign certain Auth0-authenticated users the privileges to login Admin? Somehow link them with current Django-based users perhaps?
You need to use Auth0 roles, or extra data.
The flow works like this:
Log into Auth0 and add in roles or extra data to your user
Create a Django backend in your authentication pipeline to read in the roles/extra data infomration
Have your backend will check this role information and add set "is_staff" to True for the user

How to enable user self signup in django admin?

I am using Django admin for creating a simple user management portal. Is it possible for users to sign up using their email on Django admin?
Currently someone has to login to the admin interface and then create a user.
I tried searching for examples, but all the results are that regular user signup, without django admin

How to add disable password for django users

I have created a tool for my colleagues and i have integrated SSO with this django application as well.
Now the way i'm planning to authenticate users are like the following.
SSO page is sending the logged in user ID in cookie.
If the logged in user have an account in django users, i'll check for a match and i should authenticate the user.
The challenge i'm facing here is while creating users i have to provide password and i don't want to validate user password again.
Is there a way i can disable the password while we add the user in to django admin itself?
I'm using Django 1.11 with python 3.4.
Let me know your thoughts.

Can I login in with Facebook as an unregistered user? (Django, all-auth)

I'm building my Django RESTful Framework to retrieve and post data for Mobile. I'm using djang-rest-auth (which is just all-auth with RESTful functionality; more info: http://django-rest-auth.readthedocs.io/en/latest/).
Question: Social Auth in all-auth is not clear to me. Can you finish this use case?
Use Case: Unregistered User
User Login with Facebook on Mobile
Mobile gets facebook token from Facebook SDK
Mobile sends token to our DRF Backend server URL which is '/rest-auth/facebook'
And what happens? Can you complete this Use Case? <- This is my question
My guesses:
all-auth automatically create new user for facebook user token and return new token?
Then, it saves created user to settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL? Or...?
I found 'social account' in Django admin. Are we saving User in this account..?
Yes, you are correct. After receiving facebook token Django will create SocialAccount instance which include backend name (facebook in your case) and facebook id of user. This instance will be related with AUTH_USER_MODEL by ForeignKey so when next time user will try to login Django will find SocialAccount by specified facebook id and return related AUTH_USER_MODEL instance.

How to create a userprofile when the user first logs/ registers using django-allauth

I am using django-allauth for social registration and normal django registration process. I am also using a custom userprofiles app. How can I create a custom profile, as soon as a new user is registered by the app.
Also at the moment allauth after login redirects to /accounts/profile/ url, which is non-existent. How can I change this redirection?