How to enable user self signup in django admin? - django

I am using Django admin for creating a simple user management portal. Is it possible for users to sign up using their email on Django admin?
Currently someone has to login to the admin interface and then create a user.
I tried searching for examples, but all the results are that regular user signup, without django admin


Disable email confirmation for super user in django allauth

I am using django-allauth for registering user into my django application. Here the super user can log in into the application (not the default django admin panel) and can do certain operations
How can I disable email authentication if someone log in using super user credentials?

Superuser account to dashboard in django

Is it possible that:
I will login to admin/ using a superuser account but I will be redirected to my app.
or I will login to my custom login form using my superuser account because I'm creating a system that only have one user. And only an admin.
Your app will do what you tell it to do. If you need this specific functionality you can read about customizing the admin here. It would need some type of check to see if the user is a superuser such as:
if request.user.is_superuser:
# redirect to send user to the site main domain here
Hope this helps!

How to add disable password for django users

I have created a tool for my colleagues and i have integrated SSO with this django application as well.
Now the way i'm planning to authenticate users are like the following.
SSO page is sending the logged in user ID in cookie.
If the logged in user have an account in django users, i'll check for a match and i should authenticate the user.
The challenge i'm facing here is while creating users i have to provide password and i don't want to validate user password again.
Is there a way i can disable the password while we add the user in to django admin itself?
I'm using Django 1.11 with python 3.4.
Let me know your thoughts.

django user authentication, shoulid admin be used or created from view?

I am completely new to Django. I have done all the tutorials and would now like to create a simple user authentication to be able to access a page in my site.
My question is as to whether I should use the admin authentication? Or should I create my own customer view with a user name and password and use the DJango authentication api?
To clarify, I have a page that I want secured and to only be view when a user has permission to view it. Is this a reasonable thing to do in the built in Django admin? It seems the Django admin is for giving permission to create new records related to an apps model.
I would prefer using Django's built in authentication system. Lets assume that you'd want to create you own customer model with say mobile number and twitter handle, you can extend Django's User model by following
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
class Customer(User):
mobile = models.CharField(max_length=12)
twitter = models.CharField(max_length=100)
In this case not only would you inherit attributes like email, username etc from Django's User model but you'll also add you custom attributes that you can store in database.
The easiest approach to securing your pages would be to use login_required decorator. Also take care of including right URLs while securing your pages to make sure you have included Django's login and logout URLs

How to create a userprofile when the user first logs/ registers using django-allauth

I am using django-allauth for social registration and normal django registration process. I am also using a custom userprofiles app. How can I create a custom profile, as soon as a new user is registered by the app.
Also at the moment allauth after login redirects to /accounts/profile/ url, which is non-existent. How can I change this redirection?