Trouble detecting item used - if-statement

I am trying to check if the item the player used is the custom item I added but for some reason it is not detecting the item. Here is the code.
public void damage(EntityDamageByEntityEvent event){
if(event.getEntity() instanceof Player && event.getDamager() instanceof Player){
if(((Player) event.getDamager()).getInventory().getItemInMainHand() == CustomItems.potator()){
//When i looked # console this logged the same exact thing
System.out.println("Damager Main Item = " + ((Player) event.getDamager()).getInventory().getItemInMainHand());
System.out.println("Potator Item = " + CustomItems.potator());
Custom Item Class:
public static ItemStack potator(){
ArrayList<String> lore = new ArrayList<String>();
lore.add(ChatColor.GOLD + "Turns a random slot in the hotbar to a potato.");
lore.add(ChatColor.GRAY + "1/100% chance from dropping from a potato.");
ItemStack item = new ItemStack(Material.STONE_HOE);
ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta();
meta.setDisplayName(ChatColor.GOLD + "The Potator");
return item;

if(((Player) event.getDamager()).getInventory().getItemInMainHand() == CustomItems.potator())
In this line, by using ==, you're checking if the left and right-hand references are the same. You want to do content comparison, e.g. using .equals(). There's a good explanation of the differences on GeeksForGeeks.
Spigot provides a stack size independent method isSimilar() which would be better than .equals().
However, this would likely make your code execute for any stone hoe so you'll need to do your own checks. I would do something like this:
public boolean isPotator(ItemStack i){
if(i == null || !i.hasItemMeta())
return false;
ItemMeta meta = i.getItemMeta();
if(!meta.hasDisplayName() || !meta.hasLore())
return false;
return meta.getDisplayName().equals(ChatColor.GOLD + "The Potator");
And then perform your check like so:
public void damage(EntityDamageByEntityEvent event)
if(!(event.getEntity() instanceof Player && event.getDamager() instanceof Player))
Player damager = (Player) event.getDamager();
Since you have a CustomItem class, you can better this code by making a final string for the item name, which you can then use in both the ItemStack creation and the isPotator check.


Bukkit Player check achievements

I don't know what I should put into player.getAdvancementProgress(Here).
if (player.getAdvancementProgress().isDone()) {
Maybe someone knows something?
You should use an Advancement object, specially the advancement that you are looking for informations.
You can get it with Bukkit.getAdvancement(NamespacedKey.fromString("advancement/name")) where advancement/name can be nether/all_potions for example. You can get all here (column: "Resource location). If you are getting it from command, I suggest you to add tab complete.
Example of TAB that show only not-done success :
public List<String> onTabComplete(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] arg) {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
if(!(sender instanceof Player))
return list;
Player p = (Player) sender;
String prefix = arg[arg.length - 1].toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); // the begin of the searched advancement
Bukkit.advancementIterator().forEachRemaining((a) -> {
AdvancementProgress ap = p.getAdvancementProgress(a);
if((prefix.isEmpty() || a.getKey().getKey().toLowerCase().startsWith(prefix)) && !ap.isDone() && !a.getKey().getKey().startsWith("recipes"))
return list;
Then, in the command you can do like that:
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] arg) {
if(!(sender instanceof Player)) // not allowed for no-player
return false;
Player p = (Player) sender;
// firstly: try to get advancement
Advancement a = Bukkit.getAdvancement(NamespacedKey.fromString(arg[0]));
if(a == null)
a = Bukkit.getAdvancement(NamespacedKey.minecraft(arg[0]));
if(a == null) // can't find it
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Failed to find success " + arg[0]);
else { // founded :
AdvancementProgress ap = p.getAdvancementProgress(a);
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Achivement " + a.getKey().getKey() + " stay: " + ChatColor.YELLOW + String.join(", ", ap.getRemainingCriteria().stream().map(this::getCleaned).collect(Collectors.toList())));
return false;
private String getCleaned(String s) { // this method is only to make content easier to read
String[] args = s.split("/");
return args[args.length - 1].replace(".png", "").replace(".jpg", "").replace("minecraft:", "").replace("_", " ");
Else, if you want to get all advancements, you should use Bukkit.advancementIterator().

how to check if personID is in my_customers (see my example)

In C++, the interface for this file says
*If no soup left returns OUT_OF_SOUP
* If personID not found in my_customers AND numbBowlsSoupLeft>0 then give this person a bowl of soup (return BOWL_OF_SOUP)
* and record it by creating new customer struct using personID, numbBowlsSoup=1 and adding this struct to my_customers, be sure to decrement numbBowlsSoupLeft.
for my implementation, I'm trying to put
int Soupline::getSoup(int personID) {
if (numBowlsSoupLeft == 0) {
return OUT_OF_SOUP;
if (!(personID : my_customers) && numbBowlsSoupLeft > 0) {
But that second if statement is giving me syntax errros, I just want to know how to check to see if the personID is IN my_customers?
my_customers was created in the soupline interface using:
std::vector<customer> my_customers; // keeps track of customers
First you want to use find() to search a vector.
Second, please handle the case if numbBowlsSoupLeft < 0, because that can be a huge source of problem.
Third, your syntax error is the (personID : my_customers), the : is for iteration.
int Soupline::getSoup(int personID) {
if (numBowlsSoupLeft <= 0) { // handles negative numBowlsSoupLeft
return OUT_OF_SOUP;
bool found_customer = false;
for (auto c : my_customers) {
if (personID == c.person_id()) { // This is my guess on how the id is stored in customer class
// Logic to process soup for customer
found_customer = true;
if (!found_customer) {
// Logic to process non-customer asking for soup?
Sorry i dunno what is the return integer is supposed to be, so it is not defined in my code example.

Exception Handling with Multiple Variables

I'm trying to learn more about exception handling while working on my program. I have multiple test variables I want to test and make sure it is within range with:
public bool IsWithinRange(TextBox textbox, string name, int min, int max)
double number = double.Parse(textbox.Text);
if (number < min || number > max)
MessageBox.Show(name + " must be between " + min.ToString() + " and " + max.ToString() + ".", "Entry Error");
return false;
else { return true; }
And calling the method using:
bool condition;
condition = CheckAll();
if (condition == true) { condition = IsWithinRange(txtVar1, "Var1", 1, 50); }
if (condition == true) { condition = IsWithinRange(txtVar2, "Var2", -100, 100); }
if (condition == true) { condition = IsWithinRange(txtVar3, "Var3", 100, 200); }
This logic works, but I was curious to see if there was a more concise, better looking way of writing some form of systematic checking of variables one by one?
You can take advantage of a few things:
Are you able to assign meaningful names to the TextBox.Name properties? If so, you can omit the second parameter in "IsWithinRange" and simply call "Textbox.Name".
As of C# 6.0, there is now a syntax to interpolate strings. So the string passed into your your MessageBox.Show syntax can be made shorter and prettier.
You can immediately assign to "condition", and you can convert your "if" statements to combined "and" statements.
All together, your code can look like this:
bool condition =
&& IsWithinRange(txtVar1, 1, 50)
&& IsWithinRange(txtVar2, -100, 100)
&& IsWithinRange(txtVar3, 100, 200);
// Some other code here
With your method looking like this:
public bool IsWithinRange(TextBox textbox, int min, int max) {
double number = double.Parse(textbox.Text);
if (number < min || number > max) {
MessageBox.Show($"{textbox.Name} must be between {min} and {max}.", "Entry Error");
return false;
return true;
This is assuming you actually use "condition". If not, you can omit "bool condition = " and the code runs just the same.
But there are a few things to note. Your code will continue to run even if "CheckAll" is false or any "IsWithinRange" is false. This is true in my version above or in your own version. Yes, your user will get a message, but after he clicks "okay", the remaining code will run even if the checks fail.
Also, "IsWithinRange" might be misinterpreted by a teammate or even by yourself in the future. This is because it does more than just return true/false: it sends a message if false. This violates the principle of command-query separation.
An approach to these issues ignores brevity, as that is desired but never the highest goal. What you can do is create a class that validates, whose methods separate the tasks:
class Validator {
public bool isValid = true;
public List<string> messages = new List<string>();
public Validator CheckAll() {
// Whatever your logic is for this.
return this; // Return the instance of "Validator" that called this method
public Validator CheckRange (TextBox textbox, int min, int max) {
double number = double.Parse(textbox.Text);
if (number < min || number > max) {
messages.Add($"{textbox.Name} must be between {min} and {max}.");
isValid = false;
return this;
public void ShowErrorsToUser () =>
MessageBox.Show(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, messages));
Which you would use like this:
var validator =
new Validator()
.CheckRange(txtVar1, 1, 50)
.CheckRange(txtVar2, -100, 100)
.CheckRange(txtVar3, 100, 200);
if (!validator.isValid) {
return; // Stop code execution!
// Continue with your normal logic that utilizes your textbox values.
I'll leave it to you to decide whether the class-based approach is worth your time. But I present it to you as a different way to think.

C++ Create std::list in function and return through arguments

How to correct return created std::list through function argument? Now, I try so:
bool DatabaseHandler::tags(std::list<Tag> *tags)
QString sql = "SELECT * FROM " + Tag::TABLE_NAME + ";";
QSqlQueryModel model;
if(model.lastError().type() != QSqlError::NoError) {
tags = NULL;
return false;
const int count = model.rowCount();
if(count > 0)
tags = new std::list<Tag>(count);
tags = new std::list<Tag>();
//some code
return true;
After I can use it:
std::list<Tag> tags;
Now, I fix my function:
bool DatabaseHandler::tags(std::list<Tag> **tags)
QString sql = "SELECT * FROM " + Tag::TABLE_NAME + ";";
QSqlQueryModel model;
if(model.lastError().type() != QSqlError::NoError) {
*tags = NULL;
return false;
const int count = model.rowCount();
if(count > 0)
*tags = new std::list<Tag>(count);
*tags = new std::list<Tag>();
for(int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
auto record = model.record(i);
Tag tag(record.value(Table::KEY_ID).toInt());
return true;
It works but list return size 4 although loop executes only 2 iterations and empty child objects (if I just called their default constructor). The Tag class hasn't copy constructor.
Since you passed an already instantiated list as a pointer to the function, there is no need to create another list.
In that sense, you question is pretty unclear. I'd suggest you read up a bit on pointers, references and function calls in general.
UPDATE: I still strongly suggest you read up on the mentioned topics, since you don't know these fundamental points.
Anyway, this is what you probably want to do (event though I would suggest using references, here is the solution with pointers):
bool someFunc(std::list<Tag> **tags) {
// by default null the output argument
*tags = nullptr;
if (error) {
return false;
// dereference tags and assign it the address to a new instance of list<Tag>
*tags = new std::list<Tag>();
return true
std::list<Tag> *yourList;
if (someFunc(&yourList)) {
// then yourList is valid
} else {
// then you had an error and yourList == nullptr
However, this is not idiomatic C++. Please read a modern book or tutorial.
Use a reference.
bool DatabaseHandler::tags(std::list<Tag>& tags);
std::list<Tag> tags;
You'll have to change all the -> to ., of course. Every operation done on the reference in the function will be done to the original tags list it was called with.
EDIT: If you want to create the list inside the function and return it, you have a couple options. The closest, I think, is to just return a list pointer, and return nullptr if the function fails.
//beware, pseudocode ahead
std::list<Tag>* DatabaseHandler::tags() //return new list
if (success)
return new std::list<Tag>(...); //construct with whatever
return nullptr; //null pointer return, didn't work
std::list<Tag> tags* = mDB->tags();
You could alternatively have it return an empty list instead, depending on how you want it to work. Taking a reference to a pointer would work the same way, too.
bool DatabaseHandler::tags(std::list<Tag>*&); //return true/false
std::list<Tag>* tags;
mDB->tags(tags); //tags will be set to point to a list if it worked

How to handle and avoid Recursions

I'm using custom classes to manage a vending machine. I can't figure out why it keeps throwing a stack overflow error. There are two versions to my program, the first is a basic test to see whether the classes etc work, by pre-defining certain variables. The second version is what it should be like, where the variables in question can change each time the program is ran (depending on user input).
If anyone can suggest ways of avoiding this recursion, or stack overflow, I'd great. Below is the code for the three classes involved;
class Filling
vector<Filling*> selection;
string fillingChosen;
virtual float cost()
return 0;
virtual ~Filling(void)
//needs to be virtual in order to ensure Condiment destructor is called via Beverage pointer
class CondimentDecorator : public Filling
Filling* filling;
void addToPancake(Filling* customerFilling)
filling = customerFilling;
delete filling;
class Frosted : public CondimentDecorator
float cost()
return (.3 + filling->cost());
Below is the code used to call the above 'cost' function;
void displayCost(Filling* selectedFilling)
cout << selectedFilling->cost() << endl;
Below is part of the code that initiates it all (main method);
Filling* currentPancake = NULL;
bool invalid = true;
int selection = makeSelectionScreen(money, currentStock, thisState);
invalid = false;
if (selection == 1)
currentPancake = new ChocolateFilling;
else if...
invalid = true;
} while (invalid);
bool makingSelection = true;
CondimentDecorator* currentCondiment = NULL;
int coatingSelection = makeCoatingSelectionScreen(money, currentStock, thisState);
if (coatingSelection == 1)
currentCondiment = new Frosted;
else if (coatingSelection == 2)...
else if (coatingSelection == 0)
makingSelection = false;
currentCondiment = thisSelection;
currentPancake = currentCondiment;
//Below is the code that DOES work, however it is merely meant to be a test. The
//above code is what is needed to work, however keeps causing stack overflows
//and I'm uncertain as to why one version works fine and the other doesn't
/*currentCondiment = new Frosted;
currentPancake = currentCondiment;
currentCondiment = new Wildlicious;
currentPancake = currentCondiment;
} while (makingSelection);
delete currentPancake;
The infinite recursion happens when you call displayCostwith a Frosted whose filling is a Frosted as well. And that happens right here:
currentPancake = currentCondiment;
You set the filling of currentCondiment to currentPancake, then call displayCost with currentCondiment.
In the process you also leak the memory that was originally assigned to currentPancake.
Btw currentCondiment = thisSelection; also leaks memory.
Idea: Use smart pointers like std::unique_ptr to get rid of the leaks.