how to use ar.js studio for pixel 4XL phone - ar.js

I used ar.js studio to create this:
it should react to the default marker:
but for some reason, it's not working.
(It works on with my notebook browser/camera but not with my pixel 4xl)
Can anybody help?

Could you please explain what exactly is not working for you? I Used my pixel 3 and it seems to have worked fine. It may take a while to load if you have a heavy 3D model. Make sure you give camera permission to the browser and that your browser version is up to date.


UE4 - I want to make an ingame camera/photography mode and save the pictures

for my game project I want to include a "camera mode".
This means, that on a press of a button the current camera view gets saved in an in-game gallery.
After some search, I only found ways to save a screenshot on the disk (BP for saving Screenshot, semi functional)
, but I want the picture to be still available in my game, maybe as a texture or in a struct. So I can later use it, well in an in-world picture frame or newspaper.
I did try SceneCaptureComponent2D, but I never got that one really working and searching online got no satisfactory results.
By the way, I'm fine with C++, I'm just building my current prototype with BP for faster testing and altering.
I hope you can help me.
I would have commented on your question, but I do not have enough reputation to do so, because this answer I am providing you is more a hint on how you could do it rather than a straight solution for your problem.
Check out this repository on how to capture images with C++ during a running application which is actually meant for recording data.

og:image is not being fetched correctly by Facebook on liking or sharing

I'll try to be direct explaining my problem:
When liking/sharing an article from my website ( og:image does not work well (you can try with this url for example:
on the debugger I always get the corret image url
It never shows the image
If I click the image I get a not found error.. if I copy the url and past it on the address bar I get the image
Sometimes it says image is to small.. it is wrong, because it is very larger then the minimum sizes facebook encourage. Also there is no ratio problem
When I try to post the address on facebook it never shows the picture
I have tried to add a time var (?T=...) after the address to make sure it is not caching
I have put multiple og:images.. still does not works.
I have read and tried all the "tricks" I find here (Stackoverdlow) or on google
Thanks for your support and best wishes on resolving this mystery
I notice that your image is technically not defined at 72 dpi, but rather at 300 dpi:
I cannot say definitively that this would cause your problem. Browsers are generally smart enough to display an image at 72 dpi (using the pixel dimensions) regardless of the "Resolution" that is defined within the image. However, it might be worth re-saving the image with the resolution correctly set for the web at 72dpi. Perhaps Facebook is getting confused about the image size due to the resolution setting.
Also, just to eliminate potential problems with the image, if you have Photoshop, use the Save for Web command to re-save the image, which will automatically define the re-saved image at 72dpi AND save it without a built-in preview, which you should always do for the web anyway to reduce file size. Then try again. Again, I'm not sure that these suggestions will work, but it seems like a good idea to eliminate the resolution, embedded preview and potential issues with the original file by re-saving.
Debuging your link
I see linter response is 206.
I don't know if it can help u but I've found this
check it out ;)

How do I find a pattern on the screen?

I thought I would try out making a bot to play a game on a website for me. How can I read the pixels of the screen? My best idea so far is basically:
Take screenshot
Scan screenshot for other images (bit comparison of one row in image?)
Click somewhere on the screen depending on what image was found.
Loop a few times per second
If this is the best/easiest way to do this: How do I do these things? I know some c++ but I've only worked with CLI programs and text/file IO so far. If you can think of a better way please tell me.
Using something like C# you can take screenshots of the screen and convert the resulting image to a Bitmap to do this, but it seems to me that you'd be better off looking at the HTML page on the wire (lookup a tutorial on how HTTP works or run wireshark to see how the page is transmitted on the wire). This will almost certainly be easier for you.

persist image or video into voldemort

I am working on my web service, and required to persist some image (jpg whatever) and video(wmv) into memmory. Just want to use single_node_cluster to feel voldemort.
Can anybody give me a hint of the configuration and sample code of voldemort? I mean how to configure the value type in stores.xml? protobuf? java-serialization?
Any sample or link would be helpful. Thanks
sample code is here. The same code is also in SAMPLE folder of voldemort installation.
Regarding image store in voldemort, you need to encode the image using base64encoding and then save the text generated in to the value.

Qt Dropsite Example

In QtDemo there is an example called Dropsite in which an image can be dragged and dropped into the field to be displayed. This example used to work in an older version of Qt and works initially in 4.6 if you run it from qt\examples\draganddrop\dropsite\release folder. But if you load the project file into Qt Creator and recompile it, it no longer displays the image correctly and gives a generic image in the box. I cannot figure out how to fix this and I need to use drag and drop in a project I am working on. Please help. Thank you.
Drag and drop an image into the drop area, you'll not able to get "application/x-qt-image" in minedata since Qt4.6. But if you drag&drop an image from web page, you'll still be able to see the image. I think it's reasonable for drop area to check if the dropped file is an image or not, instead of depending on mine data.