persist image or video into voldemort - web-services

I am working on my web service, and required to persist some image (jpg whatever) and video(wmv) into memmory. Just want to use single_node_cluster to feel voldemort.
Can anybody give me a hint of the configuration and sample code of voldemort? I mean how to configure the value type in stores.xml? protobuf? java-serialization?
Any sample or link would be helpful. Thanks

sample code is here. The same code is also in SAMPLE folder of voldemort installation.
Regarding image store in voldemort, you need to encode the image using base64encoding and then save the text generated in to the value.


How to convert food-101 dataset into usable format for AWS SageMaker

I'm still very new to the world of machine learning and am looking for some guidance for how to continue a project that I've been working on. Right now I'm trying to feed in the Food-101 dataset into the Image Classification algorithm in SageMaker and later deploy this trained model onto an AWS deeplens to have food detection capabilities. Unfortunately the dataset comes with only the raw image files organized in sub folders as well as a .h5 file (not sure if I can just directly feed this file type into sageMaker?). From what I've gathered neither of these are suitable ways to feed in this dataset into SageMaker and I was wondering if anyone could help point me in the right direction of how I might be able to prepare the dataset properly for SageMaker i.e convert to a .rec or something else. Apologies if the scope of this question is very broad I am still a beginner to all of this and I'm simply stuck and do not know how to proceed so any help you guys might be able to provide would be fantastic. Thanks!
if you want to use the built-in algo for image classification, you can either use Image format or RecordIO format, re:
Image format is straightforward: just build a manifest file with the list of images. This could be an easy solution for you, since you already have images organized in folders.
RecordIO requires that you build files with the 'im2rec' tool, re:
Once your data set is ready, you should be able to adapt the sample notebooks available at

Export Microstrategy grid data in text format to a FTP server

Can anybody please let me know whether it is possible to export microstrategy grid data in text format to a FTP server (required access will be provided). If not directly, then can we use some kind of java coding/web services to achieve this. I don't want the process but want to understand whether this can be achieved or not?
Thanks in Advance!
You can retrieve report results (and build a new report from scratch at that) via the SDK and from there you can process the data to your liking, i.e. transform & upload to a ftp-server.
Possibly easier would be to create a file-subscription and store the file to a specific directory where you automatically pick it up and deliver it to your ftp.
There might be other solutions as well, but Yes is the answer to the "Yes/No" part of your question.

Under linux, how to run application via .html

I am working on a image processing project. I am not familiar with html. Here is what I think.
My C++ application is able to read an image and write the image to file after processing. The procedural is that user can click mouse in a fixed region of my web, and the position data could be passed as parameter to my application, and then my C++ application will use the position data to process the image and output image to file, finally my web display the image.
So is that possible to implement this?
I'm afraid it's not possible only with HTML.
It should be possible with any server-side scripts written in PHP (for example). Anyway, you can make you program to watch folder uploaded and processed images save into another folder. You will need PHP or something like this though.

Insert Image to a Document

I am new to VC++, I want to know if it is possible to insert an image created by my kinect camera to a RTF doc or MSWord doc using VC++ in a Win32Console Application? Any pointers on how can I achieve my goal? Thanks!
Yes, it is possible. I assume that you already have a way to get the image from the camera and save it to a file. RTF (specification) is an utter pig, but the spec will tell you how to add an image. Parsing an existing file to figure out where to add the image though, or creating a new file with the image already present, is an exercise I'll leave to you.
If you have any experience with COM then adding an image to a Word document might prove easier. This MSDN page (link) will help.

How to modify EXIF metadata for JPEG images using Coldfusion?

I am using Coldfusion to view images stored in the file system and I can READ the EXIF metadata of JPEGs, but I'd like to know if it is possible to modify this information and re-save the image.
I know that there are XMP and IPTC custom tags out there, I googled now and seems that javaloader.cfc + some java lib are your only sure option.
EDIT: Since I work on stock photography application I got interested and found this command line tool which could do the trick: