Resizing and copying elements in a Hashtable Array - c++

Right now I have struct IndexLocation that defines a page number pageNum and a word number wordNum on a page, and a struct IndexRecord that consists of a specific word and its locations that is a vector of IndexLocations.
In IndexRecord.h:
struct IndexLocation {
int pageNum; //1 = first page
int wordNum; //1 = first word on page
IndexLocation(int pageNumber, int wordNumber);
struct IndexRecord {
//indexed word
std::string word;
//list of locations it appears
std::vector<IndexLocation> locations;
//Constructor - make a new index record with no locations
explicit IndexRecord(const std::string& wordVal);
//Add an IndexLocation to the record
// Does NOT check for duplicate records
void addLocation(const IndexLocation& loc);
//Returns true if the record contains the indicated location
bool hasLocation(const IndexLocation& loc) const;
Then, I have a Hash Map IndexMap which stores values of IndexRecords using the word as the key. Within one, an IndexRecord may be stored at bucket 3, have a word apple, and have locations be 1,2 and 2,5.
#include "IndexRecord.h"
class IndexMap
int numBuckets;
int keyCount;
IndexRecord* buckets;
//handle resizing the hash table into a new array with twice as many buckets
void grow();
//Get the location this key should be placed at.
// Will either containt IndexRecord with that key or an empty IndexRecord
unsigned int getLocationFor(const std::string& key) const;
//Construct HashMap with given number of buckets
IndexMap(int startingBuckets = 10);
//Copy constructor and assignment operators
IndexMap(const IndexMap &other);
IndexMap& operator=(const IndexMap& other);
//Returns true of indicated key is in the map
bool contains(const std::string& key) const;
//Add indicated location to the map.
// If the key does not exist in the map, add an IndexRecord for it
// If the key does exist, add a Location to its IndexRecord
void add(const std::string& key, int pageNumber, int wordNumber);
void IndexMap::add2(const std::string &key, IndexLocation location)
Furthermore, in IndexMap.cpp, I have the add function, the add2 function, and grow function.
void IndexMap::add(const std::string &key, int pageNumber, int wordNumber) {
if (keyCount == numBuckets)
int bucketNumber = getLocationFor(key);
if (this->contains(key) == true)
buckets[bucketNumber].addLocation(IndexLocation(pageNumber, wordNumber));
else if (this->contains(key) == false) {
while (buckets[bucketNumber].word != "?") {
if (bucketNumber < numBuckets)
else if (bucketNumber == numBuckets)
bucketNumber = 0;
string foo = key;
buckets[bucketNumber].word = key;
buckets[bucketNumber].addLocation(IndexLocation(pageNumber, wordNumber));
void IndexMap::add2(const std::string &key, IndexLocation location) {
if (keyCount > 0.7 * numBuckets)
int bucketNumber = getLocationFor(key);
if (this->contains(key) == true)
else if (this->contains(key) == false) {
while (buckets[bucketNumber].word != "?") {
if (bucketNumber < numBuckets)
else if (bucketNumber == numBuckets)
bucketNumber = 0;
string foo = key;
buckets[bucketNumber].word = key;
void IndexMap::grow() {
IndexRecord* oldTable = buckets;
int oldSize = numBuckets;
numBuckets = numBuckets * 2 + 1;
IndexRecord* newArray = new IndexRecord[numBuckets];
keyCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < oldSize; i++) {
if (oldTable[i].word != "?") {
this->add2(oldTable[i].word, oldTable[i].locations[i]); // having trouble here
buckets = newArray;
delete [] oldTable;
My issue begins here. I believe my basic logic is sound: keep the old array around with a pointer, make a new, larger one and reset the size of the HashTable, iterate through the old array and add anything it contains back into the hashtable with the add function, and then delete the old array, but this just results in a segmentation fault (SIGSEGV) once keyCount hits numBuckets. (The reason I have an add2 function which is almost identical to my add function and use it in grow is because I didn't know how to modify get a pageNumber and a wordNumber for the this->add2 line within grow; the assignment specifications say we cannot modify the original add function's header).

You never assign to buckets in grow, so the newly enlarged array is not accessible by your other functions.


Counting number of occurrences of a string in a Hash Table

I am writing my own HashTable class in C++ and need to output to the user the number of occurrences of each string in the table. For example, if this is the input: testing, 1, 2, testing, and this is the hash table (done with chaining, and node pointers):
[0]->testing, testing
this would be the output to the user (the count, followed by the word):
2 testing
1 2
1 1
The problem I'm having is how to keep track of how many of each word is in the Hash Table, or how to find it. I started with this question but was unable to implement another array in my code.
I also tried the solution in this question, but it didn't work because of my use of pointers/chained hashing.
My question is, do I need to use a separate array of strings to keep track of what's already been used, or is there an easy way to recursively go through each index of the Hash Table and print out the number of occurrences of each string? I think I need to accomplish this in either my insert function or my printData function.
For reference, here is my code:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Entry {
string word;
Entry* next;
class HashTable {
int hash(string);
void insert(string);
void printData();
int getCapacity() const;
//Member variables
int CAPACITY; // The initial capacity of the HashTable
Entry **data; // The array to store the data of strings (Entries)
#include "HashTable.h"
data = new Entry*[0];
HashTable::HashTable(int _cap)
CAPACITY = _cap;
data = new Entry*[_cap];
for (int i = 0; i < CAPACITY; i++) {
data[i] = new Entry;
data[i]->word = "empty";
data[i]->next = nullptr;
int HashTable::hash(string key)
int hash = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < key.length(); i++) {
hash = hash + (int)key[i];
return hash % CAPACITY;
void HashTable::insert(string entry)
int index = hash(entry);
if (data[index]->word == "empty") {
data[index]->word = entry;
} else {
Entry* temp = data[index];
Entry* e = new Entry;
e->word = entry;
e->next = nullptr;
while (temp->next != nullptr) {
temp = temp->next;
temp->next = e;
void HashTable::printData()
for (int i = 0; i < CAPACITY; i++) {
if (data[i]->next != nullptr) {
while(data[i]->next != nullptr) {
cout << data[i]->word << " -> ";
data[i] = data[i]->next;
cout << data[i]->word << endl;
} else {
cout << data[i]->word << endl;
int HashTable::getCapacity() const
return CAPACITY;
NOTE: I can't use any function/data structure from the standard C++ Library.
I only see two options here
Traverse entire linked list to count occurances. Use a map< string, int > to count occurances for each string.
You should make your linked list sorted. So when you insert a new node, you will insert it in its exact place. You can use strcmp for comparison. This way you can count every word exactly in one traverse and using just one integer variable, but your insert time and complexity will increase.

Solving leaky memory and syntax issues in a simple hash table

I'm implementing a basic hashtable. My logic for the table makes sense (at least to me), but I'm a bit rusty with my C++. My program returns a free memory error when I run it, but I can't seem to figure out where my problem is. I think is has to do with how I call the pointers in the various class functions.
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <exception>
using namespace std;
int hashU(string in/*, int M*/){ //hThe hash function that utilizes a smal pseusorandom number
char *v = new char[in.size() + 1]; //generator to return an number between 0 and 50. (I arbitrarily chose 50 as the upper limit)
copy(in.begin(), in.end(), v); //First the input string is turned into a char* for use in the the function.
v[in.size()] = '\0';
int h, a = 31415, b = 27183;
h = (a*h + *v)%50;
delete[] v; //Delete the char* to prevent leaky memory.
return (h<0) ? (h+50) : h; //Return number
struct hashNode{ //The node that will store the key and the values
string key;
float val;
struct hashNode *next;
struct hashLink{ //The linked list that will store additional keys and values should there be a collision.
struct hashNode *start; //Start pointer
struct hashNode *tail; //Tail pointer
hashLink(){ //hashLink constructor
void push(string key, float val); //Function to push values to stack. Used if there is a collision.
void hashLink::push(string key, float val){
struct hashNode *ptr;
ptr = new hashNode;
ptr->key = key;
ptr->val = val;
ptr->next = NULL;
if(start != NULL){
ptr->next = tail;
tail = ptr;
struct hashTable{ //The "hash table." Creates an array of Linked Lists that are indexed by the values returned by the hash function.
hashLink hash[50];
hashTable(){ //Constructor
void emplace(string in, float val); //Function to insert a new key and value into the table.
float fetch(string in); //Function to retrieve a stored key.
void hashTable::emplace(string in, float val){
int i = hashU(in); //Retrieve index of key from hash function.
hashNode *trav; //Create node traveler
trav = hash[i].start; //Set the traveler to the start of the desired linked list
while(trav!=hash[i].tail){ //Traverse the list searching to see if the input key already exists
if(trav->{ //If the input key already exists, its associated value is updated, and the function returns.
trav->val = val;
else //Travler moves to next node if the input key in not found.
trav = trav->next;
hash[i].push(in,val); //If the traveler does not see the input key, the request key must not exist and must be created by pushing the input key and associated value to the stack.
float hashTable::fetch(string in){
int i = hashU(in); //Retrieve index of key
hashNode *trav; //Create node traveler and set it to the start of the appropriate list.
trav = hash[i].start;
while(trav!=hash[i].tail){ //Traverse the linked list searching for the requested key.
if(trav->{ //If the the requested key is found, return the associated value.
return trav->val;
trav = trav->next; //If not found in the current node, move to the next.
return false; //If the requested key is not found, return false.
int main(){
hashTable vars; //initialize the hash table
float num = 5.23; //create test variable
return 0;
The problem is that when you call delete[] v, you have advanced v such that it is pointing to the 0 at the end of the string, which is the wrong address to delete.
Also, you're wasting a lot of code unnecessarily copying the string out of where it is already available as a c-string.
unsigned int hashU(string in/*, int M*/) {
const char* v = in.c_str();
unsigned int h, a = 31415, b = 27183;
h = (a*h + *v);
return h % 50;
h = (a*h + *v)%50;
delete[] v; //Delete the char* to prevent leaky
You are incrementing v, then deleting an invalid memory location.

Calling new on object with pointer to of same type, seems to allocate memory to pointer

I'm trying to implement a Trie data structure on my own, without looking at other implementations, so simply based on my conceptual knowledge of the structure. I would like to avoid using vectors, simply because they are easy to use... I prefer to use pointers for dynamically allocating memory for arrays when I'm programming as practice. That said, with the structure that I currently have, I have a Node class that contains a pointer to a Node array, a letter (bool), and a marker (bool). My Trie class has a pointer to the starting Node array. Each node array has 26 elements to refer to each letter of the English alphabet from 'a' to 'z' lowercase (I convert each word inserted to lowercase). When a letter is set to 'true' then its letterArray is allocated new memory. Node has a constructor to set letter and marker to false and letterArray to nullptr. I can insert the first letter no problem and go to the next letterArray (which is nullptr at this point) after which memory is allocated to the new array. The problem is, the next letterArray of each Node is also allocated memory, but the constructor is not called on them, resulting in their letter and marker containing garbage, and I'm wondering what is the reason the constructor is not called? Hopefully the code will make this more clear:
class Node {
bool letter;
bool marker;
Node* letterArray;
void initNode();
bool setLetter(bool set);
bool setMarker(bool set);
bool checkLetter();
bool checkMarker();
char getLetter();
Node*& getNextLetterArray();
class Trie {
Node* start;
int wordCount;
int letterCount;
const int totalLetters = 26;
void destroyTrie();
bool initBranch(Node*& nextBranch);
void insertCharAndMove(Node*& ptr, int, int, int);
Trie(string firstWord);
bool insertWord(string word);
bool deleteWord(string word);
bool getToLetter(char letter);
string getLowerCase(string word);
bool wordExists(string word);
bool Trie::insertWord(string word) {
Node* ptr = start;
string wordLower = getLowerCase(word);
int wordLength = word.length();
if (wordLength <= 0) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < wordLength; i++) {
int charIndex = (word[i] - 'a');
insertCharAndMove(ptr, charIndex, wordLength, i);
return true;
void Trie::insertCharAndMove(Node*& ptr, int charIndex, int wordLength, int i) {
if (ptr[charIndex].setLetter(true)) letterCount++;
if (i < wordLength) {
ptr = ptr[i].getNextLetterArray();
else ptr[i].setMarker(true);
bool Trie::initBranch(Node*& nextBranch) {
if (nextBranch != nullptr) return false;
nextBranch = new Node[letterCount];
return true;
Trie Constructor:
Trie::Trie() {
start = new Node[totalLetters];
wordCount = 0;
letterCount = 0;
Node Constructor:
Node::Node() {
void Node::initNode() {
letter = false;
marker = false;
letterArray = nullptr;
Node*& Node::getNextLetterArray() {
return letterArray;

No Appropriate Default Constructor Available despite default constructor made?

Trying to make my own Map struct to store my own-created 'Strings,' and after 8 hours or so finally got it down to only a few compiler errors (six of them). I've spent the last hour and forty minutes searching the web for answers, only to find people forgot default constructors, and tried mixing things up in my own program. Since I'm not really sure where the problem is in advance, I apologize for posting all this code...I put what I thought were the most relevant files first; I think only the first 3 are necessary. The error is
"SubdomainPart' : No appropriate default constructor available" for lines 12 and 20 of the Map.h file.
// Map.h - Map template class declaration
// Written by -----
#pragma once
template<typename KEY_TYPE, typename VALUE_TYPE>
struct Map
// Default / initial constructor hybrid
Map(int initialCapacity = 10)
Size = 0;
Capacity = initialCapacity;
//Allocate the C-Array elements using HEAP
Data = new VALUE_TYPE[Capacity];
struct iterator
KEY_TYPE * current;
KEY_TYPE * prev;
KEY_TYPE * next;
iterator operator ++ ()
iterator it = this;
iterator itNext =; =; // pushes iterator forward.
it.prev = it.current;
it.current =;
iterator operator -- ()
iterator it = this;
iterator itPrev = it.prev;
it.prev = itPrev.prev; // pushes iterator backward. = it.current;
it.current = it.prev;
Map(const Map& copyFrom)
// Necessary to prevent the delete[] Data; statement in the assignment operator from
// freezing because Data has some garbage address in it.
Data = NULL;
*this = copyFrom; //'this' points to the current instance of the object. (in this case, 'Map')
// Destructor: MUST HAVE because we allocate memory
delete[] Data;
Map& operator = (const Map& copyFrom)
// 0) delete the old one!
delete[] Data;
// 1) copy Size and Capacity
Size = copyFrom.Size;
Capacity = copyFrom.Capacity;
// 2) Allocate Memory
Map* Data = new Map[Capacity];
// 3) Copy the Map Elements
for(int i = 0; i<Size; i++)
Data[i] = copyFrom.Data[i];
return *this;
// Index Operator
VALUE_TYPE& operator[] (KEY_TYPE key) const
return Data[key];
// Accessor functions: read-only access to Size and Capacity
int GetSize() const //const does not modify ANY data members of the class (size, capacity, or data)
return Size;
int GetCapacity() const
return Capacity;
void PushBack(const VALUE_TYPE& newElement) //adds value to end of Map as default
if(Size >= Capacity)
increaseCapacity(2 * Capacity);
Data[Size] = newElement;
Size++; // increases size of the array so it can be used later.
// Overloaded Add function, inserts a value at specified index, calls in "Insert" to do so.
void Add(const VALUE_TYPE& newElement, int index)
if( (index<0) || (index > Size))
throw ("Index to insert is out of range");
//Make sure there's space!
if (Size >= Capacity)
increaseCapacity(2*Capacity); //increase size of array if too small!
Insert(index, newElement);
void Remove(int index) // index = index to be removed.
// Make sure it's inside the bounds
if( (index<0) || (index > Size))
throw ("Index to Remove is out of range.");
// it's going to remove the unneeded space by having its capacity one above the Size.
Map* new_Data = new Map[Size];
//Copy data onto new pointer section.
for(int x = 0; x<Size; x++)
new_Data[x] = Data[x];
delete[] Data; //deallocates old memory and uneeded capacity slots.
for(int x = index; x < (Size - 1); x++) //removes the value at index 'index.' Now Data has a capacity of the amount of slots used and one more for a NULL value.
new_Data[x] = new_Data[x+1];
Data = new_Data;
Data[Size-1] = NULL;
void increaseCapacity(int new_capacity)
if(new_capacity> 2* Capacity)
Capacity = new_capacity;
Capacity *= 2;
//create Map with a new capacity!
Map* new_Map = new Map[Capacity];
for(int x = 0; x<Size; x++)
new_Map[x] = Data[x];
//clear out old memory
delete[] Data;
//set data pointer to the new Map
Data = new_Map;
KEY_TYPE * Key; // Used to identify mapped values.
VALUE_TYPE MappedValue; // The value actually contained.
int Size; // The count of actual C-Array elements used
int Capacity; // The count of C-array elements allocated
// The encapsulated C-array
VALUE_TYPE * Data; // pointer of type 'DATA_TYPE' called data (will be name of our array).
void Insert(const int index, const VALUE_TYPE& insertValue)
if( (index<0) || (index > Size))
throw out_of_range ("Index to insert is out of range");
//Time to shuffle the array down!
for(int x = Size; x>index; x--)
Data[x] = Data[x-1];
//Insert the new item at index 'Index!'
Data[index] = insertValue;
// SubdomainPart.h - SubdomainPart validation class declaration
// Written by -------
#pragma once
#include "String.h"
using namespace std;
class SubdomainPart
// Takes the address and stores into the Address data member
SubdomainPart(const String& address);
// Returns true when the Address is valid or false otherwise
virtual bool IsValid();
String Address;
// SubdomainPart.cpp - Subdomain validation class implementation
// Written by ---------
#pragma once
#include "SubdomainPart.h"
// Takes the address and stores into the Address data member
SubdomainPart::SubdomainPart(const String& address)
Address = address;
// Returns true when the Address is valid or false otherwise
bool SubdomainPart::IsValid()
int currentDotIndex = 0;
int nextDotIndex = 0;
int found = 0; // first index of a found invalid character
int hyphenIndex = 0; // used to check hyphen rule
// 1. Check the size, 255 total characters
if(Address.GetLength() < 1 || Address.GetLength() > 255)
return false;
// Checks for valid amount of 1-63 characters between dots
currentDotIndex = Address.FindFirstOf('.');
if(currentDotIndex == 0 || currentDotIndex == Address.GetLength()-1)
return false;
else if(currentDotIndex!=(-1))
nextDotIndex = Address.Find('.', currentDotIndex+1);
nextDotIndex = (-1); // if no '.' is found, ensures the following loop doesn't run.
if((nextDotIndex-currentDotIndex) == 1 || (nextDotIndex-currentDotIndex) > 63)
return false;
currentDotIndex = nextDotIndex;
nextDotIndex = Address.Find('.', currentDotIndex+1);
// 2. Check for valid characters
found = Address.FindFirstNotOf("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890-.");
if(found!=(-1)) // if a character not listed above is found.
return false;
// 3. Check for dash rule
// Making sure hyphens aren't located at the first or last index of a subdomain.
hyphenIndex = Address.FindFirstOf('-');
if(hyphenIndex == 0)
return false;
hyphenIndex = Address.FindLastOf('-');
if(hyphenIndex == Address.GetLength()-1)
return false;
// Makes sure two hyphens aren't in a row.
for(int x = 1; x<Address.GetLength(); x++)
if(Address[x] == '-' && Address[x] == Address[x-1])
return false;
return true;
I don't see a default constructor in this class:
class SubdomainPart
// Takes the address and stores into the Address data member
SubdomainPart(const String& address);
// Returns true when the Address is valid or false otherwise
virtual bool IsValid();
String Address;
Keep in mind that this map constructor is default-constructing every member rather than initializing them:
Map(int initialCapacity = 10)
Size = 0;
Capacity = initialCapacity;
//Allocate the C-Array elements using HEAP
Data = new VALUE_TYPE[Capacity];
You don't have a default constructor for SubdomainPart you have only provided a copy constructor. A default constructor takes no argument.
The compiler is complaining that SubdomainPart doesn't have a default constructor, and indeed it doesn't. It's required because your Map contains an object of type VALUE_TYPE:
VALUE_TYPE MappedValue;
Also, your Map constructor contains very weird code. I assume you actually wanted to use an initialiser list:
Map(int initialCapacity = 10)
: Key()
, MappedValue()
, Size(0)
, Capacity(initialCapacity)
, Data(new VALUE_TYPE[Capacity])
The problem is with Data = new VALUE_TYPE[Capacity]; part.
The compiler generates code to allocate the array and instantiate each element by calling the parameterless constructor for VALUE_TYPE. As SubdomainPart doesn't have one (since you have defined a custom one), the compiler throws an error.
The reason that compiler reports error in map.h is that it is exactly the place where the constructor is called from. It is not used in SubdomainPart code, it is just defined there.

dynamic memory allocation with arrays in c++

I am trying to insert an int into an array that is in a class object, and I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong. The current state of my code never inserts the int into the array.
Basically what I am trying to do is when i call insert(int) it will check to to see if there is any room left in the array, and if there is it will add it, otherwise it would reallocate with 8 more spaces in the array.
here is some relevant class info
unsigned Cap; // Current capacity of the set
unsigned Num; // Current count of items in the set
int * Pool; // Pointer to array holding the items
// Return information about the set
bool is_empty() const { return Num == 0; }
unsigned size() const { return Num; }
unsigned capacity() const { return Cap; }
// Initialize the set to empty
Cap = Num = 0;
Pool = NULL;
here is the code i am working on
bool Set::insert(int X)
bool Flag = false;
if (Num == Cap)
const unsigned Inc = 8;
int * Temp = new int[Cap+Inc];
for (unsigned J=0;J<Num;J++)
Temp[J] = Pool[J];
delete [] Pool;
Pool = Temp;
Cap = Cap+Inc;
if(Num < Cap)
Pool[Num+1] = X;
Flag = true;
return Flag;
Your insert function never updates Num. Try Pool[Num++] = X; or something like that.
You probably want to increment the number of element but only after copying the new element in: the first element should have index 0. Basically, your insert() function should look something like this:
bool Set::insert(int X)
if (Num == Cap)
const unsigned Inc(std::max(8, 2 * Cap));
std::unique_ptr<int[]> Temp(new int[Cap+Inc]);
std::copy(Pool.get(), Pool.get() + Num, Temp.get());
Cap += Inc;
Pool[Num] = X;
return true;
Of course, this assumes that Pool is reasonably declared as std::unique_ptr<int[]> (or something with similar functionality which is easy to write if necessary). The reason to use std::unique_ptr<int[]> rather than raw pointers is that they automatically clean up resources when they are destroyed. Copying a sequence of ints won't throw an exception but if int get's replaced by a std::string or a template parameters there is potential to throw exceptions.