Errors importing large CSV file to DynamoDB using Lambda - amazon-web-services

I want to import a large csv file (around 1gb with 2.5m rows and 50 columns) into a DynamoDb, so have been following this blog from AWS.
However it seems I'm up against a timeout issue. I've got to ~600,000 rows ingested, and it falls over.
I think from reading the CloudWatch log that the timeout is occurring due to the boto3 read on the CSV file (it opens the entire file first, iterates through and batches up for writing)... I tried to reduce the file size (3 columns, 10,000 rows as a test), and I got a timeout after 2500 rows.
Any thoughts here?!
TIA :)

I really appreciate the suggestions (Chris & Jarmod). After trying and failing to break things programmatically into smaller chunks, I decided to look at the approach in general.
Through research I understood there were 4 options:
Lambda Function - as per the above this fails with a timeout.
AWS Pipeline - Doesn't have a template for importing CSV to DynamoDB
Manual Entry - of 2.5m items? no thanks! :)
Use an EC2 instance to load the data to RDS and use DMS to migrate to DynamoDB
The last option actually worked well. Here's what I did:
Create an RDS database (I used the db.t2.micro tier as it was free) and created a blank table.
Create an EC2 instance (free Linux tier) and:
On the EC2 instance: use SCP to upload the CSV file to the ec2 instance
On the EC2 instance: Firstly Sudo yum install MySQL to get the tools needed, then use mysqlimport with the --local option to import the CSV file to the rds MySQL database, which took literally seconds to complete.
At this point I also did some data cleansing to remove some white spaces and some character returns that had crept into the file, just using standard SQL queries.
Using DMS I created a replication instance, endpoints for the source (rds) and target (dynamodb) databases, and finally created a task to import.
The import took around 4hr 30m
After the import, I removed the EC2, RDS, and DMS objects (and associated IAM roles) to avoid any potential costs.
Fortunately, I had a flat structure to do this against, and it was only one table. I needed the cheap speed of the dynamodb, otherwise, I'd have stuck to the RDS (I almost did halfway through the process!!!)
Thanks for reading, and best of luck if you have the same issue in the future.


Fastest way to get exact count of rows for a 100GB CSV file stored on S3

What is the fastest way of getting an exact count of rows for a 100GB CSV file stored on Amazon S3 without using Athena nor any Fargate or EC2 VM? I can't use Athena, because the CSV file isn't clean-enough for it. I can't use Fargates or EC2 VMs, because I need a purely serverless solution. I can't use third-party services like Snowflake (native AWS services only).
Also, 100GB is too large to fit within a Lambda Function's /tmp (limited to 10GB). I could try to run something like DuckDB (or any other streaming database engine) on a Lambda and scan the entire file with a SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "s3://myBucket/myFile.csv" query, but the Lambda is quite likely to timeout, because its read bandwidth from S3 is 100MB/s at best, and it cannot run for more than 15 minutes (900s).
I know the approximate size of the file.
Note: I have an inaccurate estimate of the number of rows provided by AWS Glue Data Catalog's crawler, with an error margin of -50%/+100%. This could be used for some kind of iterative or dichotomous process, but I could not figure any out. For example, I tried adding an OFFSET with a value lower than but close to the number of rows to the aforementioned query, but the Lambda running DuckDB timed out. That was disappointing and somewhat surprising, because a query like SELECT * FROM "s3://myBucket/myFile.csv" LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10000000 worked well.
The fastest solution is probably to use SelectObjectContent with ScanRange to parallelize the request on chunks of 50MB or so.
Have you tried "AWS S3 select": It lets you run queries on S3 files. I use the service to get basic insight into any file on S3(Provided it can be queried).

How to skip slave replication errors on Google Cloud SQL 2nd Gen

I am in the process of migrating a database from an external server to cloud sql 2nd gen. Have been following the recommended steps and the 2TB mysqlsump process was complete and replication started. However, got an error:
'Error ''Access denied for user ''skip-grants user''#''skip-grants host'' (using password: NO)'' on query. Default database: ''mondovo_db''. Query: ''LOAD DATA INFILE ''/mysql/tmp/'' IGNORE INTO TABLE seoi_volume_update_tracker FIELDS TERMINATED BY ''^#^'' ENCLOSED BY '''' ESCAPED BY ''\'' LINES TERMINATED BY ''^|^'' (keyword_search_volume_id)'''
2 questions,
1) I'm guessing the error has come about because cloud sql requires LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE instead of LOAD DATA INFILE? However am quite sure on the master we run only LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE so not sure how it changes to remove LOCAL while in replication, is that possible?
2) I can't stop the slave to skip the error and restart since SUPER privileges aren't available and so am not sure how to skip this error and also avoid it for the future while the the final sync happens. Suggestions?
There was no way to work around the slave replication error in Google Cloud SQL, so had to come up with another way.
Since replication wasn't going to work, I had to do a copy of all the databases. However, because of the aggregate size of all my DBs being at 2TB, it was going to take a long time.
The final strategy that took the least amount of time:
1) Pre-requisite: You need to have at least 1.5X the amount of current database size in terms of disk space remaining on your SQL drive. So my 2TB DB was on a 2.7TB SSD, I needed to eventually move everything temporarily to a 6TB SSD before I could proceed with the steps below. DO NOT proceed without sufficient disk space, you'll waste a lot of your time as I did.
2) Install cloudsql-import on your server. Without this, you can't proceed and this took a while for me to discover. This will facilitate in the quick transfer of your SQL dumps to Google.
3) I had multiple databases to migrate. So if in a similar situation, pick one at a time and for the sites that access that DB, prevent any further insertions/updates. I needed to put a "Website under Maintenance" on each site, while I executed the operations outlined below.
4) Run the commands in the steps below in a separate screen. I launched a few processes in parallel on different screens.
screen -S DB_NAME_import_process
5) Run a mysqldump using the following command and note, the output is an SQL file and not a compressed file:
mysqldump {DB_NAME} --hex-blob --default-character-set=utf8mb4 --skip-set-charset --skip-triggers --no-autocommit --single-transaction --set-gtid-purged=off > {DB_NAME}.sql
6) (Optional) For my largest DB of around 1.2TB, I also split the DB backup into individual table SQL files using the script mentioned here:
7) For each of the files dumped, I converted the INSERT commands into INSERT IGNORE because didn't want any further duplicate errors during the import process.
cat {DB_OR_TABLE_NAME}.sql | sed s/"^INSERT"/"INSERT IGNORE"/g > new_{DB_OR_TABLE_NAME}_ignore.sql
8) Create a database by the same name on Google Cloud SQL that you want to import. Also create a global user that has permission to access all the databases.
9) Now, we import the SQL files using the cloudsql-import plugin. If you split the larger DB into individual table files in Step 6, use the cat command to combine a batch of them into a single file and make as many batch files as you see appropriate.
Run the following command:
10) While the process is running, you can step out of the screen session using Ctrl+a
+ Ctrl+d (or refer here) and then reconnect to the screen later to check on progress. You can create another screen session and repeat the same steps for each of the DBs/batches of tables that you need to import.
Because of the large sizes that I had to import, I believe it did take me a day or two, don't remember now since it's been a few months but I know that it's much faster than any other way. I had tried using Google's copy utility to copy the SQL files to Cloud Storage and then use Cloud SQL's built-in visual import tool but that was slow and not as fast as cloudsql-import. I would recommend this method up until Google fixes the ability to skip slave errors.

Export Data from AWS S3 bucket to MySql RDS instance using JDBC

I want to import CSVs in my s3 bucket into my MySql rds instance using jdbc. It is a one time process and not an ongoing one. Interested in knowing the end to end process.
As you mentioned its one time activity, hence I would like you to suggest direct CSV import to MySQL rather then using JDBC unless there is specific reason you might have that you have not mentioned into the question.
Here is approach you could utilize,
for loop of your files in S3, the use following command to import data to MySQL RDS.
>mysqlimport [options] db_name textfile1 [textfile2 ...]
Please refer following for more details.
I hope this provides you way to move forward. If I'm missing something, re-frame your question, I could reattempt the answer.

Amazon redshift query aborts automatically after 1 hour

I have around 500GB compressed data in amazon s3. I wanted to load this data to Amazon Redshift. For that, I have created an internal table in AWS Athena and I am trying to load data in the internal table of Amazon Redshift.
Loading of this big data into Amazon Redshift is taking more than an hour. The problem is when I fired a query to load data it gets aborted after 1hour. I tried it 2-3 times but it's getting aborted after 1 hour. I am using Aginity Tool to fire the query. Also, in Aginity tool it is showing that query is currently running and the loader is spinning.
More Details:
Redshift cluster has 12 nodes with 2TB space for each node and I used 1.7 TB space.
S3 files are not the same size. One of them is 250GB. Some of them in MB.
I am using the command
create table table_name as select * from athena_schema.table_name
it stops exactly after 1hr.
Note: I have set the current query timeout in Aginity to 90000 sec.
I know this is an old thread, but for anyone coming here because of the same issue, I've realised that, at least for my case, the problem was the Aginity client; so, it's not related with Redshift or its Workload Manager, but only with such third party client called Aginity. In summary, use a different client like SQL Workbench and run the COPY command from there.
Hope this helps!
Carlos C.
More information, about my environment:
Cluster TypeThe cluster's type: Multi Node
Cluster: ds2.xlarge
NodesThe cluster's type: 4
Cluster Version: 1.0.4852
Client Environment:
Aginity Workbench for Redshift
Version (build 05/11/17)
Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 (64-bit)
Connected to OpenVPN, via SSH Port tunneling.
The connection is not being dropped. This issue is only affecting the COPY command. The connection remains active.
copy tbl_XXXXXXX
from 's3://***************'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::***************:role/***************';
S3 Structure:
120 files of 6.2 GB each. 20 files of 874MB.
ERROR: 57014: Query (22381) cancelled on user's request
Start: ***************
End: ***************
Duration: 3,600.2420863
I'm not sure if following answer will solve your exact problem of timeout at exactly 1 Hr.
But, based on my experience, in case of Redshift loading data via Copy command is best and fast way. SO I feel that timeout issue shouldn't happen at all in your case.
The copy command in RedShift could load data from S3 or via SSH.
Simple copy
copy sales from 'emr://j-SAMPLE2B500FC/myoutput/part-*' iam_role
delimiter '\t' lzop;
e.g. Using Menifest
copy customer
from 's3://mybucket/cust.manifest'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:role/MyRedshiftRole'
PS: Even if you do it using Menifest and divide your data into Multiple files, it will be more faster as RedShift loads data in parallel.

AWS Elastic Mapreduce optimizing Pig job

I am using boto 2.8.0 to create EMR jobflows over large log file stored in S3. I am relatively new to Elastic Mapreduce and am getting the feel for how to properly handle jobflows from this issue.
The logfiles in question are stored in s3 with keys that correspond to the dates they are emitted from the logging server, eg: /2013/03/01/access.log. These files are very, very large. My mapreduce job runs an Apache Pig script that simply examines some of the uri paths stored in the log files and outputs generalized counts that correspond to our business logic.
My client code in boto takes date times as input on cli and schedules a jobflow with a PigStep instance for every date needed. Thus, passing something like python 2013-02-01 2013-03-01 would iterate over 29 days worth of datetime objects and create pigsteps with the respective input keys for s3. This means that the resulting jobflow could have many, many steps, one for each day in the timedelta between the from_date and to_date.
My problem is that my EMR jobflow is exceedingly slow, almost absurdly so. It's been running for a night now and hasn't made it even halfway through that example set. Is there something wrong I am doing creating many jobflow steps like this? Should I attempt to generalize the pig script for the different keys instead, rather than preprocessing it in the client code and creating a step for each date? Is this a feasible place to look for an optimization on Elastic Mapreduce? It's worth mentioning that a similar job for a months worth of comparable data passed to the AWS elastic-mapreduce cli ruby client took about 15 minutes to execute (this job was fueled by the same pig script.)
Neglected to mention, job was scheduled for two instances of type m1.small, which admittedly may in itself be the problem.