How to skip slave replication errors on Google Cloud SQL 2nd Gen - google-cloud-platform

I am in the process of migrating a database from an external server to cloud sql 2nd gen. Have been following the recommended steps and the 2TB mysqlsump process was complete and replication started. However, got an error:
'Error ''Access denied for user ''skip-grants user''#''skip-grants host'' (using password: NO)'' on query. Default database: ''mondovo_db''. Query: ''LOAD DATA INFILE ''/mysql/tmp/'' IGNORE INTO TABLE seoi_volume_update_tracker FIELDS TERMINATED BY ''^#^'' ENCLOSED BY '''' ESCAPED BY ''\'' LINES TERMINATED BY ''^|^'' (keyword_search_volume_id)'''
2 questions,
1) I'm guessing the error has come about because cloud sql requires LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE instead of LOAD DATA INFILE? However am quite sure on the master we run only LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE so not sure how it changes to remove LOCAL while in replication, is that possible?
2) I can't stop the slave to skip the error and restart since SUPER privileges aren't available and so am not sure how to skip this error and also avoid it for the future while the the final sync happens. Suggestions?

There was no way to work around the slave replication error in Google Cloud SQL, so had to come up with another way.
Since replication wasn't going to work, I had to do a copy of all the databases. However, because of the aggregate size of all my DBs being at 2TB, it was going to take a long time.
The final strategy that took the least amount of time:
1) Pre-requisite: You need to have at least 1.5X the amount of current database size in terms of disk space remaining on your SQL drive. So my 2TB DB was on a 2.7TB SSD, I needed to eventually move everything temporarily to a 6TB SSD before I could proceed with the steps below. DO NOT proceed without sufficient disk space, you'll waste a lot of your time as I did.
2) Install cloudsql-import on your server. Without this, you can't proceed and this took a while for me to discover. This will facilitate in the quick transfer of your SQL dumps to Google.
3) I had multiple databases to migrate. So if in a similar situation, pick one at a time and for the sites that access that DB, prevent any further insertions/updates. I needed to put a "Website under Maintenance" on each site, while I executed the operations outlined below.
4) Run the commands in the steps below in a separate screen. I launched a few processes in parallel on different screens.
screen -S DB_NAME_import_process
5) Run a mysqldump using the following command and note, the output is an SQL file and not a compressed file:
mysqldump {DB_NAME} --hex-blob --default-character-set=utf8mb4 --skip-set-charset --skip-triggers --no-autocommit --single-transaction --set-gtid-purged=off > {DB_NAME}.sql
6) (Optional) For my largest DB of around 1.2TB, I also split the DB backup into individual table SQL files using the script mentioned here:
7) For each of the files dumped, I converted the INSERT commands into INSERT IGNORE because didn't want any further duplicate errors during the import process.
cat {DB_OR_TABLE_NAME}.sql | sed s/"^INSERT"/"INSERT IGNORE"/g > new_{DB_OR_TABLE_NAME}_ignore.sql
8) Create a database by the same name on Google Cloud SQL that you want to import. Also create a global user that has permission to access all the databases.
9) Now, we import the SQL files using the cloudsql-import plugin. If you split the larger DB into individual table files in Step 6, use the cat command to combine a batch of them into a single file and make as many batch files as you see appropriate.
Run the following command:
10) While the process is running, you can step out of the screen session using Ctrl+a
+ Ctrl+d (or refer here) and then reconnect to the screen later to check on progress. You can create another screen session and repeat the same steps for each of the DBs/batches of tables that you need to import.
Because of the large sizes that I had to import, I believe it did take me a day or two, don't remember now since it's been a few months but I know that it's much faster than any other way. I had tried using Google's copy utility to copy the SQL files to Cloud Storage and then use Cloud SQL's built-in visual import tool but that was slow and not as fast as cloudsql-import. I would recommend this method up until Google fixes the ability to skip slave errors.


Errors importing large CSV file to DynamoDB using Lambda

I want to import a large csv file (around 1gb with 2.5m rows and 50 columns) into a DynamoDb, so have been following this blog from AWS.
However it seems I'm up against a timeout issue. I've got to ~600,000 rows ingested, and it falls over.
I think from reading the CloudWatch log that the timeout is occurring due to the boto3 read on the CSV file (it opens the entire file first, iterates through and batches up for writing)... I tried to reduce the file size (3 columns, 10,000 rows as a test), and I got a timeout after 2500 rows.
Any thoughts here?!
TIA :)
I really appreciate the suggestions (Chris & Jarmod). After trying and failing to break things programmatically into smaller chunks, I decided to look at the approach in general.
Through research I understood there were 4 options:
Lambda Function - as per the above this fails with a timeout.
AWS Pipeline - Doesn't have a template for importing CSV to DynamoDB
Manual Entry - of 2.5m items? no thanks! :)
Use an EC2 instance to load the data to RDS and use DMS to migrate to DynamoDB
The last option actually worked well. Here's what I did:
Create an RDS database (I used the db.t2.micro tier as it was free) and created a blank table.
Create an EC2 instance (free Linux tier) and:
On the EC2 instance: use SCP to upload the CSV file to the ec2 instance
On the EC2 instance: Firstly Sudo yum install MySQL to get the tools needed, then use mysqlimport with the --local option to import the CSV file to the rds MySQL database, which took literally seconds to complete.
At this point I also did some data cleansing to remove some white spaces and some character returns that had crept into the file, just using standard SQL queries.
Using DMS I created a replication instance, endpoints for the source (rds) and target (dynamodb) databases, and finally created a task to import.
The import took around 4hr 30m
After the import, I removed the EC2, RDS, and DMS objects (and associated IAM roles) to avoid any potential costs.
Fortunately, I had a flat structure to do this against, and it was only one table. I needed the cheap speed of the dynamodb, otherwise, I'd have stuck to the RDS (I almost did halfway through the process!!!)
Thanks for reading, and best of luck if you have the same issue in the future.

Compose Google Storage Objects without headers via CLI

I was wondering if it would be possible to compose Google Storage Objects (specifically csv files) without headers (i.e. without the row with column names) while using gsutil.
Currently, I can do the following:
gsutil compose gs://bucket/test_file_1.csv gs://bucket/test_file_2.csv gs://bucket/test-composition-files.csv
However, I will be unable to ingest test-composition-files.csv into Google BigQuery because compose blindly appended the files (including the column names).
One possible solution would be to download the file locally and process it with pandas, but this is not ideal for large files.
Is there any way to do this via the CLI? I could not find anything in the docs.
By reading the comment, I think you are spending effort in the wrong way. I understood that you wanted to load your files into big query, but the large number of file prevented you to do this (too many API calls). And dataflow is too slow.
Maybe you can think differently. I have 2 solutions to propose
If you need "near real time" ingestion, and if file size is bellow 1.5Gb, the best way is to build a function which read the file and perform a stream write to BigQuery. This function is triggered by a Cloud Storage event. If there is several file in the same time, several functions will be spawn. Be careful, stream write to BigQuery is not free
If you can wait up to 2 minutes when a file arrive, I recommend you to build a Cloud Functions, triggered every 2 minutes. This function read the file name in a bucket, move them to a sub directory and perform a load job of all the files in the sub directory. You are limited to 1000 load jobs per day (and per table), a day contains 1440 minutes. Batch every 2 minutes you are OK. The load job are free.
Is it acceptable alternatives?

amazon ( 600000 ) Error setting/closing connection : An Existing connection was forcibly closed by remote host

I am trying to load data from a text file which resides in Amazon S3 to Redshift Database. I am using SQL Workbench and loading by using the COPY command. The file is heavy ~ 360GB. After 2 hrs , the connections gets closed throwing the error message as shown here in the subject. I tried to set the timeout to '0' ( limitless )
I found the reason after getting some help.
The table to which I was loading data had this property called "COMPUPDATE" turned ON . This basically means, part of the copy command will try to analyze the table for appropriate compression and apply them.
That was one of the issue. Having the property set OFF in copy command saves time and reduce one of the task to the database.
We can always check for compression later using ANALYZE COMPRESSION command
Second, for large datasets i assume every column uses Zstandard(ZSTD). So before you load data try to check for whether compression is needed or not.
Third, It is recommended to GZIP the files and try to load the data. More information can be found here
Fourth and most important, large files should be split into smaller files to best use the clusters available to your account. This would help divide the workload among all of your nodes. More here
Hope this helps. Please let me know if you need anything else.

Backup MySQL Amazon RDS

I am trying to setup Replica outside of AWS and master is running at AWS RDS. And I do not want any downtime at my master. So I setup my slave node and now I want to backup my current database which is at AWS.
mysqldump -h RDS ENDPOINT -u root -p --skip-lock-tables --single-transaction --flush-logs --hex-blob --master-data=2 --all-databases > /root/dump.sql
I tested it on my VM and it worked fine but when tying it with RDS it gives me error
mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK': Access denied for user 'root'#'%' (using password: YES) (1045)
Is it because i do not have super user privilege or how to I fix this problem? Please someone suggest me.
RDS does not allow even the master user the SUPER privilege, and this is required in order to execute FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK. (This is an unfortunate limitation of RDS).
The failing statement is being generated by the --master-data option, which is, of course, necessary if you want to be able to learn the precise binlog coordinates where the backup begins. FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK acquires a global read lock on all tables, which allows mysqldump to START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT (as it does with --single-transaction) and then SHOW MASTER STATUS to obtain the binary log coordinates, after which it releases the global read lock because it has a transaction that will keep the visible data in a state consistent with that log position.
RDS breaks this mechanism by denying the SUPER privilege and providing no obvious workaround.
There are some hacky options available to properly work around this, none of which may be particularly attractive:
do the backup during a period of low traffic. If the binlog coordinates have not changed between the time you start the backup and after the backup has begin writing data to the output file or destination server (assuming you used --single-transaction) then this will work because you know the coordinates didn't change while the process was running.
observe the binlog position on the master right before starting the backup, and use these coordinates with CHANGE MASTER TO. If your master's binlog_format is set to ROW then this should work, though you will likely have to skip past a few initial errors, but should not have to subsequently have any errors. This works because row-based replication is very deterministic and will stop if it tries to insert something that's already there or delete something that's already gone. Once past the errors, you will be at the true binlog coordinates where the consistent snapshot actually started.
as in the previous item, but, after restoring the backup try to determine the correct position by using mysqlbinlog --base64-output=decode-rows --verbose to read the master's binlog at the coordinates you obtained, checking your new slave to see which of the events must have already been executed before the snapshot actually started, and using the coordinates determined this way to CHANGE MASTER TO.
use an external process to obtain a read lock on each and every table on the server, which will stop all writes; observe that the binlog position from SHOW MASTER STATUS has stopped incrementing, start the backup, and release those locks.
If you use any of these approaches other than perhaps the last one, it's especially critical that you do table comparisons to be certain your slave is identical to the master once it is running. If you hit subsequent replication errors... then it wasn't.
Probably the safest option -- but also maybe the most annoying since it seems like it should not be necessary -- is to begin by creating an RDS read replica of your RDS master. Once it is up and synchronized to the master, you can stop replication on the RDS read replica by executing an RDS-provided stored procedure, CALL mysql.rds_stop_replication which was introduced in RDS 5.6.13 and 5.5.33 which doesn't require the SUPER privilege.
With the RDS replica slave stopped, take your mysqldump from the RDS read replica, which will now have an unchanging data set on it as of a specific set of master coordinates. Restore this backup to your off-site slave and then use the RDS read replica's master coordinates from SHOW SLAVE STATUS Exec_Master_Log_Pos and Relay_Master_Log_File as your CHANGE MASTER TO coordinates.
The value shown in Exec_Master_Log_Pos on a slave is the start of the next transaction or event to be processed, and that's exactly where your new slave needs to start reading on the master.
Then you can decommission the RDS read replica once your external slave is up and running.
Thanks Michael, I think the most correct solution and the recommended by AWS is do the replication using a read replica as a source as explained here.
Having a RDS master, RDS read replica and an instance with MySQL ready, the steps to get an external slave are:
On master, increase binlog retention period.
mysql> CALL mysql.rds_set_configuration('binlog retention hours', 12);
On read replica stop replication to avoid changes during the backup.
mysql> CALL mysql.rds_stop_replication;
On read replica annotate the binlog status (Master_Log_File and Read_Master_Log_Pos)
On server instance do a backup and import it (Using mydumper as suggested by Max can speed up the process).
mysqldump -h RDS_READ_REPLICA_IP -u root -p YOUR_DATABASE > backup.sql
mysql -u root -p YOUR_DATABASE < backup.sql
On server instance set it as slave of RDS master.
mysql> CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='RDS_MASTER_IP',MASTER_USER='myrepladmin', MASTER_PASSWORD='pass', MASTER_LOG_FILE='mysql-bin-changelog.313534', MASTER_LOG_POS=1097;
Relace MASTER_LOG_FILE and MASTER_LOG_POS to the values of Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos you saved before, also you need an user in RDS master to be used by slave replication.
On server instance check if replication was success.
On RDS read replica resume replication.
mysql> CALL mysql.rds_start_replication;
for RDS binlog position you can use mydumper with --lock-all-tables, it will use LOCK TABLES ... READ just to get the binlog coordinates and then realease it instead of FTWRL.
Michael's answer is extremely helpful and focuses on the main sticking point: you simply cannot GRANT the required SUPER privilege on RDS, and therefore you can't use the --master-data flag that would make things so much easier.
I read that it may be possible to work around this by creating or modifying a Database Parameter Group via the API, but I think using the RDS procedures is a better option.
The multi-tiered replication approach works well, though, and can include tiers outside RDS/VPC so it's possible to replicate from "Classic" EC2 to VPC using this method.
A lot of the necessary functionality is only in later releases of MySQL 5.5 and 5.6, and I strongly recommend you run the same version on all the DBs involved in the replication stack, so you may have to do an upgrade of your old DB before all of this, which means yet more tedium and replication and so on.
I had faced a similar problem a quick workaround to this is:
Create a EBS Volume to have an extra space or extend current EBS volume on EC2. (or if you have an extra space you can use that).
Use mysqldump command without --master-data or --flush-data directive to generate a complete (FULL) backup of db.
mysqldump -h hostname --routines -uadmin -p12344 test_db > filename.sql
admin is DB name and 12344 is the password
Above is for taking backup of one single DB, if required to take all DBs then specify --all-databases and also mention DB Names.
Create a Cron of this command to run once a day that will automatically generate the dump.
Please note that this will incur an extra cost if your DB Size is huge. as it creates a complete DB dump.
hope this helps
You need to
1- create a read replica on aws
2- make sure that this instance is catching up with the master
3- stop the replication and get the log_file and log_position parameters by
show slave status \G
4- dump the database and use the parameters logged in step 3 to start the replication on your own server.
5- start the slave.
Detailed instructions here
Either things have changed, since #Michael - sqlbot 's response, or there is a misunderstanding going on here (could be on my part),
You can use COPY to import a csv file into rds, at least on the postgres version, you just need to use FROM STDIN instead of directly naming the file,
which means you end up piping things like:
cat data.csv | psql postgresql://server:5432/mydb -U user -c "COPY \"mytable\" FROM STDIN DELIMITER ',' "

Why LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE will work from the CLI but not in application?

The problem:
My C++ application connects to a MySQL server, reads the first/header line of each db export.txt, makes a create table statement to prepare for the import and executes that against the database (no problem with that, the table appears just as intended) -- but when I try and execute the LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE to import the data into the newly created table, I get the error "The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version". But, this works on the CLI! When I execute this command on the CLI using mysql -u <user> -p<password> -e "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'myfile.txt' INTO TABLE mytable FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n';" it works flawlessly?
The Situation:
My company gets a large quantity of database exports (160 files/10gb of .txt files that are '|' delimited) from our vendors on a monthly basis that have to replace the old vendor lists. I am working on a smallish C++ app to deal with it on my work desktop. The application is meant to set up the required tables, import the data, then execute a series of intermediate queries against multiple tables to assemble information in a series of final tables, which is then itself exported and uploaded to the production environment, for use in the companies e-commerce website.
My Setup:
Ubuntu 12.04
MySQL Server v. 5.5.29 + MySQL Command Line client
Linux GNU C++ Compiler
libmysqlcppconn is installed and I have the required mysqlconn library linked in.
I have already overcome/tried the following issues/combinations:
1.) I have already discovered (the hard way) that LOAD DATA [LOCAL] INFILE statements must be enabled in the config -- I have the "local-infile" option set in the configuration files for both client and server. (fixed by updating the /etc/mysql/my.cnf with "local-infile" statements for the client and server. NOTE: I could have used the --local-infile=1 to restart the mysql-server, but this is my local dev environment so I just wanted it turned on permanently)
2.) LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE seems to fail to perform the import (from the CLI) if the target import file does not have execute permissions enabled (fixed with chmod +x target_file.txt)
3.) I am using the mysql root account in my application code (because its my localhost, not production and this particular program will never run on a production server.)
4.) I have tried executing my compiled binary program using the sudo command (no change, same error "The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version")
5.) I have tried changing the ownership of the binary file from my normal login to root (no change, same error "The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version")
6.) I know the libcppmysqlconn is working because I am able to connect and perform the CREATE TABLE call without a problem, and I can do other queries and execute statements
What am I missing? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance :)
After much diligent trial and error working with the /etc/mysql/my.cfg file (I know this is a permissions issue because it works on the command line, but not from the connector) and after much googling and finding some back alley tech support posts I've come to conclude that the MySQL C++ connector did not (for whatever reason) decide to implement the ability for developers to be able to allow the local-infile=1 option from the C++ connector.
Apparently some people have been able to hack/fork the MySQL C++ connector to expose the functionality, but no one posted their source code -- only said it worked. Apparently there is a workaround in the MySQL C API after you initialize the connection you would use this:
mysql_options( &mysql, MYSQL_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE, 1 );
which apparently allows the LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE statements to work with the MySQL C API.
Here are some reference articles that lead me to this conclusion:
1.) How can I get the native C API connection structure from MySQL Connector/C++?
2.) Mysql 5.5 LOAD DATA INFILE Permissions
Essentially if you want the ability to use the LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE functionality from a programmatic Connector API -- you have to use the mysql C API or hack/fork the existing mysql C++ api to expose the connection structure. Or just stick to executing the LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE from the command line :(