Include sensitive environment variables to AWS EB Django app - django

I am deploying a django app to AWS Elastic Beanstalk and initially I am defining my environment variable in .ebextensions/django.config
Some of those variable are sensitive and I don't want to push them to Git, so I want to encapsulate those variables in a single file (for example: .env) that will not be pushed to Git.
Plan A:
A way to include .env in my config file, but I didn't find a way to do it supposedly like:
include .env
WSGIPath: mydjangoapp.wsgi:application
The environment variables are shown as plain text in AWS console at Elastic Beanstalk > Environments > my-environment > Configuration > Environment properties, although I know the fact that they are only readable by the authorised AWS users who have permission to it.
Ability to update only and directly the environment variables from AWS console without requiring new deployment.
Plan B:
Nearly same as plan A, but without including .env file in config file. It is by using eb setenv to set the sensitive environments, but it is should be typed explicitly one-by-one, not from an external file, so it is headache if they are a lot
Plan C:
Remove the sensitive variables at all from my config file and load the .env file from my django app itself.
If I want to update any of those variables, I have to deploy a new version of my application.
Although .env file will not pushed to Git and it can be shared between developers internally, it should be pushed with the deployment package and it will appear in the application ec2 instance directory.
Hide sensitive information even from the AWS console
Is plan A applicable by any means? I could do the same in google cloud app engine yaml files, but I could not find a way to do it in AWS EB configurations
What is the best practice here? Is there another plan to do?

Regarding plan B - this answer shows a great way to dump all vars from a .env into the eb setenv ... command!


How to clone an AWS EB environment across platform branches

Our AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment, running the latest version of the pre-configured "Python 3.7 on 64-bit Amazon Linux 2" platform branch, has a lot of custom configuration and environment properties.
Now we would like to switch this environment to the "Python 3.8 on 64-bit Amazon Linux 2" platform branch.
Basically, the goal is to clone the environment, keeping the current configuration (other than platform branch and version) and environment properties.
Unfortunately, when cloning, it is not possible to switch between different platform branches (we can only switch between platform versions within the same platform branch).
The documentation suggests that a blue/green deployment is required here. However, a blue/green deployment involves creating a new environment from scratch, so we would still need some other way to copy our configuration settings and environment properties.
What would be the recommended way to copy the configuration settings and/or environment properties from the original environment into a newly created environment?
I suppose we could use eb config to download the original configuration, modify the environment name, platform branch and version, and so on, and then use eb config --update on the new environment. However, that feels like a hack.
save current config: eb config save <env name>
use a text editor to modify the platform branch in the saved config file
create new environment based on modified config file: eb create --cfg <config name> (add --sample to use the sample application)
if necessary, delete local config files
if necessary, use eb printenv and eb setenv to copy environment properties
EDIT: For some reason the saved config does not include all security group settings, so it may be necessary to check those manually, using the EB console (configuration->instances).
AWS support have confirmed that using eb config is the way to go, and they referred to the online documentation for details.
Unfortunately, the documentation for the eb cli does not provide all the answers.
The following is based on my own adventures using the latest version of the eb cli (3.20.2) with botocore 1.21.50, and documentation at the time of writing (Sep 30, 2021). Note there's a documentation repo on github but it was last updated six months ago and does not match the latest online docs...
eb config
Here's a screenshot from the eb config docs:
Indeed, if you call eb config my-env or eb config my-env --display, environment properties are not shown.
However, this does not hold for eb config save: YAML files created using eb config save actually do include environment properties*.
*Beware, if your environment properties include secrets (e.g. passwords), these also end up in your saved configs, so make sure you don't commit those to version control.
Moreover, it is currently also possible to set environment properties using eb config --update.
This implies we should be able to "copy" both configuration settings and environment properties in one go.
EDIT: After some testing it turns out eb config save does not always get the complete set of environment properties: some properties may be skipped. Not yet sure why... Step 5 below might help in those cases.
Not sure if this is the best way to do it, but here's what seems to work for me:
Suppose we have an existing EB environment called py37-env with lots of custom configuration and properties, running the Python 3.7 platform branch.
The simplest way to "clone" this would be as follows:
Step 1: download the existing configuration
Download the configuration for the existing environment:
eb config save py37-env
By default, the config file will end up in our project directory as .elasticbeanstalk/saved_configs/py37-env-sc.cfg.yml.
The saved config file could look like this (just an example, also see environment manifest):
Description: Configuration created from the EB CLI using "eb config save".
DateCreated: '1632989892000'
DateModified: '1632989892000'
PlatformArn: arn:aws:elasticbeanstalk:eu-west-1::platform/Python 3.7 running on 64bit Amazon Linux 2/3.3.5
BatchSize: '30'
BatchSizeType: Percentage
ConnectionDrainingEnabled: true
CrossZone: true
ServiceRole: aws-elasticbeanstalk-service-role
SystemType: enhanced
IamInstanceProfile: aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role
EC2KeyName: my-key
RollingUpdateType: Health
RollingUpdateEnabled: true
Type: Standard
Name: WebServer
Also see the list of available configuration options in the documentation.
Step 2: modify the saved configuration
We are only interested in the Platform, so it is sufficient here to replace 3.7 by 3.8 in the PlatformArn value.
If necessary, you can use e.g. eb platform list to get an overview of valid platform names.
Step 3: create a new environment based on the modified config file
eb create --cfg py37-env-sc
This will deploy the most recent application version. Use --version <my version> to deploy a specific version, or use --sample to deploy the sample application, as described in the docs.
This will automatically look for files in the default saved config folder, .elasticbeanstalk/saved_configs/.
If you get a ServiceError or InvalidParameterValueError at this point, make sure only to pass in the name of the file, i.e. without the file extension .cfg.yml and without the folders.
Step 4: clean up local saved configuration file
Just in case you have any secrets stored in the environment properties.
Step 5: alternative method for copying environment properties
If environment properties are not included in the saved config files, or if some of them are missing, here's an alternative way to copy them (using bash).
This might not be the most efficient implementation, but I think it serves to illustrate the approach. Error handling was omitted, for clarity.
source_env="py37-env" # or "$1"
target_env="py38-env" # or "$2"
# get the properties from the source environment
source_env_properties="$(eb printenv "$source_env")"
# format the output so it can be used with `eb setenv`
mapfile -t arg_array < <(echo "$source_env_properties" | grep "=" | sed -e 's/ =/=/g' -e 's/= /=/g' -e 's/^ *//g')
# copy the properties to the target environment
eb setenv -e "$target_env" "${arg_array[#]}"
This has the advantage that it does not store any secrets in local files.

Same Application in a docker compose configuration mapping different ports on AWS EC2 instance

The app has the following containers
local mysql
app's API
datadog container
In the dev process many feature branches are created to add new features. such as
I have an AWS EC2 instance per feature branches running docker engine V.18 and docker compose to build the and run the docker stack that compose the php app.
To save operation costs 1 AWS EC2 instance can have 3 feature branches at the same time. I was thinking that there should be a custom docker-compose with special port mapping and docker image tag for each feature branch.
The goal of this configuration is to be able to test 3 feature branches and access the app through different ports while saving money.
I also thought about using docker networks by keeping the same ports and using an nginx to redirect traffic to the different docker network ports.
What recommendations do you give?
One straight forward way I can think of in this case is to use the .env file for your docker-compose.
docker-compose.yaml file will look something like this
- ${NGINX_PORT}:80
- ${API_PORT}:80
.env file for each stack will look something like this
for different projects.
.env must be in the same folder as your docker-compose.yaml.
Make sure that all the ports inside .env files will not be conflicting with each other. You can have some kind of conventions like having prefix for features like feature1 will have port starting with 301 i.e. 301xx.
In this way, your docker-compose.yaml can be as generic as you may like.
You're making things harder than they have to be. Your app is containerized- use a container system.
ECS is very easy to get going with. It's a json file that defines your deployment- basically analogous to docker-compose (they actually supported compose files at some point, not sure if that feature stayed around). You can deploy an arbitrary number of services with different container images. We like to use a terraform module with the image tag as a parameter, but easy enough to write a shell script or whatever.
Since you're trying to save money, create a single application load balancer. each app gets a hostname, and each container gets a subpath. For short lived feature branch deployments, you can even deploy on Fargate and not have an ongoing server cost.
It turns out the solution involved capabilities from docker-compose. In docker docs the concept is called Multiple Isolated environments on a single host
to achieve this:
I used an .env file with so many env vars. The main one is CONTAINER_IMAGE_TAG that defines the git branch ID to identify the stack.
A separate docker-compose-dev file defines ports, image tags, extra metadata that is dev related
Finally the use of --project-name in the docker-compose command allows to have different stacks.
an example docker-compose Bash function that uses the docker-compose command
docker_compose() {
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yaml -f docker/docker-compose-dev.yaml --project-name "project${CONTAINER_IMAGE_TAG}" --project-directory . "$#"
The separation should be done in the image tags, container names, network names, volume names and project name.

Deploy app from CircleCI with

I'm looking to automatically deploy my app once we release a new version. We use CircleCI, so firing these commands shouldn't be a big deal.
cf login -a -u myuser -p seret
cf push myapp
However I don't want to expose my personal credentials (Passeport acount) into our git repository. Is it possible to generate an API key for that purpose?
How do you handle that? I might also need to ssh into the instance to fire some migrations scripts after the deployment, same goes there.
Currently Swisscoms Application cloud does not offer technical accounts but you can create an additional account easily. Then add it to your org/space as developer and it should be able to fulfill your needs.
CircleCI documentation has a section about handling secrets: Using CircleCI Environment Variables
Setting environment variables for all commands without adding them to
Occasionally, you’ll need to add an API key or some other secret
as an environment variable. You might not want to add the value to
your git history. Instead, you can add environment variables using the
Project settings > Environment Variables page of your project.
This documentation describes how to store encrypted stuff within your VCS.
If you prefer to keep your sensitive environment variables checked
into git, but encrypted, you can follow the process outlined at

Lumen on AWS Elastic Beanstalk - .env

I'm trying to deploy a Lumen app in Elastic Beanstalk.
The problem is around the .env file, of course it's gitignored, so how can I put that file into the server?
I tried to manually create the file after deploying, but the next deploy the file disappear and I have to manually recreate that file again. I don't think this is a solution....
What's the correct the way?
I tried with this solution but looks like the env variable are not being created after the deploy, so, is the only way to add directly to the AWS console?
I manually added env variables through the AWS console, those variables are being displayed if I "echo" them (eg. echo $APP_ENV gives me the correct value production) but still those env variables are not being loaded in the Lumen app and ignored. Any thoughts?
Updating vlucas/phpdotenv from 1.0 to 2.2 solved the issue.

What's the best practice for including a .env file in a jenkins build?

Here is my situation:
I have a Django app, which depends on config values being stored in a .env file. This .env file is separate from source control, to keep sensitive info private. This Django app is deployed in a docker container, and I have jenkins set up to rebuild the container whenever changes are checked into our git repository. The build will fail unless there is a .env file present in the build environment. What is the best way to include that file?
I currently have jenkins set up to execute a shell command that writes the file to the build environment, but I can't help but feel like that is sub-optimal, security-wise. What would be a better way to do this?
The answer we have come up with is to store the file on s3, and use aws cli to fetch the file at build time. Since the build is destined to be uploaded to ec2 anyway, it makes sense to use the aws credentials for both operations.
Would including the file to source code with access granted only to you/authorised users break your privacy policy?
Else you can try to always keep the file in Jenkins workspace dir and never delete it when cleaning workspace.