I am not able to add command-line arguments in edit configuration. I cannot see Additional options in the edit configuration which is mentioned in the docs.
Here is the step I have followed:
Run > Edit Configurations...
Click green + (plus sign)
In the drop-down menu, choose Django Server.
Check "Custom run command" and enter your command (the part that goes after manage.py in the console.
Make sure "Port" and "Host" are empty. If not—make them empty.
5."Apply" and "Close"
but my query is how to pass command-line arguments in the debugger?
Here is my script:
python manage.py insert -n "subhanshu" -tz " Africa/Abidjan" --activityperiod '[{"starttime":"24/11/1995-11:00PM"}]'
The subject basically says it all.
I am using gcloud app deploy but I'd like to tweak the build process, is there a way to get the cloudbuild.yaml file that is used by default to have something to start from?
Follow below steps if you already have a app deployed to find the 'cloudbuild.yaml' file:
Open Cloud shell.
On the Cloud Shell window menu bar click 'Open Terminal' and click 'Open in a New Window'.
In the new Editor window, you have Search option on the left pane, use it to find the file.
To create a basic build config file follow this guide:
Hi Jenkins and AWS Guru's
I already look online for any possible solutions but not getting a solution for my problem. I just issued an "eb --version" on Jenkins execute shell under a test project but getting "eb: command not found" during the execution.
Wierd thing is if I issue the same command on the Jenkins box via CLI I'm getting a good response from it. Any suggestions for the fix please? thanks in advance
Your Jenkins setup has a different path than the user you logged in with.
There are two solutions:
Add the path to the executable in the PATH environment variable. Use where eb to find the correct path. Then in Jenkins, click on
Manage Jenkins -> Configure System, Global Properties. Check Environment Variables. Set Name to PATH. Set Value to $PATH:/path/to/eb. Then restart Jenkins.
Call the eb command with its fully qualified path.
EDIT: Added steps to update path in Jenkins.
this is now fixed, need to create a properties file that was basically a copy of /var/lib/jenkins/.bash_profile file which would have the correct paths and add that in Jenkins settings. Allowing it to get the required paths. After properties file is created you need to set it on Jenkins-Configure section, Place a check on Prepare jobs environment then set the full path of the properties file (/var/lib/jenkins/environment_variables.properties) on the Properties File Path and restart Jenkins
My setup is the following one :
- a django server running in a docker with port mapping: 8090:8090
- Eclipse with PyDev
I want to be able to put breakpoint on Pydev (click on a line, step by step)
I found several articles like;
but it's still not working.
1) Should I update the manage.py to "import pydev" ? which lines to add and do I have to copy inside the docker container the pysrc of pydev plugin in order to be able to do the module import ?
2) Is there a port forwarding needed ? python instance running into docker should have access to remote debug server on host machine ?
3) I found article about pycharm and remote debug using ssh ? not possible to do similar with pydev ?
4) How to "link" my local directory and docker "directory" ?
[EDIT] I found the solution
Copy the eclipse/path_to\pydev\plugins\org.python.pydev\pysrc directory into a place where your docker container can access it.
Edit pysrc/pydevd_file_utils.py, and add directory mapping between your host and docker container like:
PATHS_FROM_ECLIPSE_TO_PYTHON = [(r'C:/django',r'/.../lib/django'),
you can set several tuples if you have several paths containing python code
edit manage.py and add the following
import pydevd
pydevd.settrace(host='') #IP of your host
In Pydev, in preferences > Pydev > Run/Debug > Port for remote debugger: 5678
In Debug Perspective, click on "Start the Pydev server"
in your docker, run: python manage.py runserver --noreload
(replace 8090 by your http port)
In Pydev: you will see that the code just break after settrace !
Now You can add some breakpoint and use the debug CLI of Pydev:) Enjoy !
I had the similar issue - django project in docker, connect to docker by pycharm 145.1504 & 162.1120 via docker interpreter, run server works OK, but debug is stack after pycharm runs
/usr/bin/python2.7 -u /root/.pycharm_helpers/pydev/pydevd.py --multiproc --qt-support --client '' --port 38324 --file /opt/project/manage.py runserver
I tried to find out why for a few days, then connected pycharm to docker by ssh connection and everything works fine, run and debug.
Ok, from what you wrote I will assume you have a Django docker container running on your local machine.
From inside your container (e.g. docker-compose exec <container name> bash to get into it)
pip install pydevd
in Eclipse, put a breakpoint like this:
import pydevd; pydevd.settrace('docker.for.mac.localhost')
If you're not using Docker for Mac, you have to do a bit of work to get the IP of your machine from inside of your container, e.g. see this.
go to Debug Perspective and start the PyDev debug server
start your application or test
... and you should see your views for stack, variables, etc., populate as the code stops at the breakpoint.
In Python 3.7, there is now a builtin breakpoint, which you can configure to point to your favorite debugger using an environment variable (the default is pdb):
It also takes arguments, so you can do:
I found that a bit annoying to type, so I ended up putting inside an app a module that looks like this:
# my_app/pydevd.py
import pydevd
def set_trace():
I then set the environment variable for the builtin breakpoint (say in your docker-compose.yml):
I know how to run commands with PyCharm (Tools -> Run manage.py Task), but I would like to debug them also, including my commands and third party app's commands.
You can debug a custom Django admin/management command in PyCharm by creating a custom Django server entry on the Run/Debug Configuration menu:
Click Edit Configurations....
Click the plus sign and choose Django server.
Fill in the Name as you please, clear the Host and Port fields,
check Custom run command and enter the name of your command to the
right of the checkbox.
Enter any extra command-line arguments into the separate field Additional options, not appended in the run command.
Click OK.
Now set a breakpoint, choose your new configuration from the Run/Debug Configuration menu and click the Debug button. Et voilà!
Since clearing Host and Port will not make the command run at all (PyCharm 5), the solution I found is to use a Python run configuration instead of a Django server. Fill Script with your manage.py script, other parameters in Script Parameters, and adjust your environment such as Working directory.
I am explaining using my following custom Django command:
python manage.py execute_algorithm -f input_data.json
Steps to configure Django Command:
Step: From Django toolbar go to:
Run > Edit Configurations
Click on the '+' icon at top left, to create new command >
select 'Django server' from the drop down.
Fill following details:
Name: any suitable name that you want to give to this config e.g. execute_algorithm_command
Host: Clear the field
Port: It's 8000 by default, clear it.
Custom Run Command: Check this box fist.
Provide your command name there. You can get that from apps/module/management/command/execute_algorithm.
e.g value: execute_algorithm
Additional options: Whatever is there, after you command name. value is: -f input_data.json
I am new to django. I have downloaded the django-admin-tools and extraced it then I put it in the location "C:\Python27". Then I entered into the location "C:\Python27\django-admin-tools-0.5.1" and type the command
python setup.py install
but the error is
'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
What may be the solution ?
Add the python on the environment variable list by following steps listed below.
Go to Control Panel \System and Security\System
Click on Change Settings
Go to “Advance” tab
Click on Environment Variables
for details :- go here