Using parameter packs to automate dynamic_cast checks - c++

I'm trying to implement a communication system inside of a GUI. I would like to avoid the visitor pattern for maintainability reasons. Likewise making a dynamic_cast if else statement is not maintainable. The closest I've come is implementing multiple dispatch with tables from Scott Meyers' More Effective C++.
So far I have:
SubmitCommand(BaseCommand* pCommand)
Where I would like to be is:
SubmitCommand(BaseCommand* pCommand)
Where dispatch is a automated way of checking dynamic_cast results for incoming commands.
template<typename K>
void Dispatch(ICommand* pCommand)
auto pConcreteCommand = dynamic_cast<K*>(pCommand);
if (pConcreteCommand)
//call Recieve on the interface of the owner class
In this case the specific module would be checked at compile time to make sure it has a function for each argument in the template. Is code block 2 possible?

You might do something like:
template <typename ... Ts>
void Distpatcher::Dispatch(BaseCommand* pCommand)
(DispatchUnique<Ts>(pCommand), ...); // C++17
would be equivalent to


Generic Messaging when concrete Messages are autogenerated C++ classes from XML

I have auto generated concrete message types from a XML -> C++ generator.
GenMsg1, GenMsg2, ... , GenMsgN
All of these generated classes are from an XML schema. Technically I can edit their cpp and hpp files but I would prefer to not touch these as much as possible. They all have guaranteed functions that I would like to be able to call generically.
NOTE: I cannot get away from the above situation as this is a design limitation from another project. Also, I just used raw pointers in this simple example. I understand this is not best practice, its just for showing a general idea.
I am looking to process the above generated messages generically on my side.
Idea 1 and 2
My first idea was to just create and general "Message" class that was templated to hold one of the above types with a simple enum for identifying what type of message it is. The problem with this is I cannot just pass around a pointer to Message because it needs the template type parameter so this is obviously a no-go.
My next thought was to use the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern but that has the same issues as above.
Idea 3
After a lot of reading on messaging frameworks my next thought was that std::variant might be an option.
I have the following example which works but it uses double pointers and templated functions to access. If the wrong datatype is used this will throw an exception at runtime (which makes it quite clear this is the issue) but I could see this being annoying down the line as far as tracking the source of the throw.
I keep trying to read up on the std::visit but it does not make a whole lot of sense to me. I do not really want to implement a separate visitor class with a bunch of functions by hand when all of the functions in the generated classes are autogenerated already(like foo in the example below) and are ready to be called when the type is known. Additionally, they are guaranteed to exist. So it would be kind of nice to be able to call a foo() in Message and have it dive into the internal Representation and call its foo.
I have a MsgType enum in there that I could use as well. When the internal representation is set, I could set that and use it for deducing type... But this seems like its just duplicating effort already done by the std::variant so I scrapped its use but kept it in the code blow in case someone here had a new idea where something like that could be useful.
Any ideas on design moving forward? This seems like the most promising route, but I am open to ideas. Also, with my reality of having to conform to other peoples design decisions I realize that this code will "smell" a bit no matter what. I am just trying to make it as clean as possible on my end.
Idea 3 Code
#include <iostream>
#include <variant>
enum class MsgType { NOTYPE = 0, GenMessage1 = 1, GenMessage2 = 2, GenMessage3 = 3 };
class GenMessage1
void foo() {std::cout << "Msg 1" << std::endl;}
class GenMessage2
void foo() { std::cout << "Msg 2" << std::endl; }
class GenMessage3
void foo() { std::cout << "Msg 3" << std::endl; }
class Message
MsgType msgType;
std::string xmlStrRep;
std::variant<GenMessage1*, GenMessage2*, GenMessage3*> internalRep;
this->msgType = MsgType::NOTYPE;
this->xmlStrRep = "";
template <typename T>
void setInternalRep(T* internalRep)
this->internalRep = internalRep;
template <typename T>
void getInternalRep(T retrieved)
*retrieved = getInternalRepHelper(*retrieved);
template <typename T>
T getInternalRepHelper(T retrieved)
return std::get<T>(this->internalRep);
void foo()
//call into interal representation and call its foo
int main()
Message* msg = new Message();
GenMessage3* incomingMsg = new GenMessage3();
GenMessage3* retrievedMsg;
return 0;
Msg 3
I think std::visit is, as you suspected, what you need. You can implement your foo() function like this:
void foo()
std::visit([](auto* message) {message->foo();}, this->internalRep);
Using a generic lambda (taking auto), it can be thought of as a template function, where the lambda's argument message is the actual type of the message in the variant, and you can use it directly. Provided all the messages have the same interface that you want to use, then you can do this with all the interface functions.

Static duck typing in C++

C++ has some sort of duck typing for types given by template parameters. We have no idea what type DUCK1 and DUCK2 will be, but as long as they can quack(), it will compile and run:
template <class DUCK1, class DUCK2>
void let_them_quack(DUCK1* donald, DUCK2* daisy){
But it's a bit inconvenient to write. When I do absolutely not care what actual types DUCK1 and DUCK2 are but rather want to fully use the idea of duck typing, then I would like to have something sligthly different than above:
I'd like to omit writing a template parameter list that is repetitive and mostly meaningless (Just imagine what would happen if there are 7 ducks...)
I'd like to make it a bit more explicit that the types are never used and that it's only the interface that matters.
I'd like to have sort of an interface annotation/check. Make somehow clear what interface is expected behind the type. (That's, however, a bit in contrast of duck typing.)
Does C++ offer any features to achieve one or more of the 3 ideas?
(I know that virtual inheritance is the method of choice in most cases to implement such patterns, but the question here is specifically about the case of static polymorphism.)
Concerning questions 1 and 2: since C++14 you can omit explicit template <typename ... boilerplate and use auto, but only in lambdas:
auto let_them_quack = [] (auto & donald, auto & daisy){
(yes, I prefer references to pointers). GCC allows to do so in usual functions as an extension.
For the question 3, what you are talking about are called concepts. They existed in C++ for a long time, but only as a documentational term. Now the Concepts TS is in progress, allowing you to write something like
template<typename T>
concept bool Quackable = requires(T a) {
void let_them_quack (Quackable & donald, Quackable & daisy);
Note that it is not yet C++, only a technical specification in progress. GCC 6.1 already seems to support it, though. Implementations of concepts and constraints using current C++ are possible; you can find one in boost.
I'd like to omit writing a template parameter list that is repetitive
and mostly meaningless (Just imagine what would happen if there are 7
For that you could use variadic templates and do something like the following:
template<typename DUCK>
void let_them_quack(DUCK &&d) {
template<typename DUCK, typename... Args>
void let_them_quack(DUCK &&d, Args&& ...args) {
Live Demo
#2 and #3 are sort of taken care of by the fact that the code will not compile, and throw a compilation error, if the given classes don't implement the interface. You could also make this formal:
class duck {
virtual void quack()=0;
Then declare the parameters to the function as taking a pointer to a duck. Your classes will have to inherit from this class, making the requirements for let_them_quack() crystal clear.
As far as #1 goes, variadic templates can take care of this.
void let_them_quack()
template <typename ...Args>
void let_them_quack(duck* first_duck, Args && ...args) {
You will be able to make it look preetier with concept (not yet in standard - but very close):
#include <iostream>
template<typename T>concept bool ItQuacks(){
return requires (T a) {
{ a.quack() } -> void;
void let_them_quack2(ItQuacks* donald, ItQuacks* daisy){
struct DisneyDuck {
void quack(){ std::cout << "Quack!";}
struct RegularDuck {
void quack(){ std::cout << "Quack2!";}
struct Wolf {
void woof(){ std::cout << "Woof!";}
int main() {
DisneyDuck q1, q2;
let_them_quack2(&q1, &q2);
RegularDuck q3, q4;
let_them_quack2(&q3, &q4);
//Wolf w1, w2;
//let_them_quack2(&w1, &w2); // ERROR: constraints not satisfied
As you can see, you will be able to: omit writing a template parameter list, ItQuacks is quite explicit so types are never used and that it's only the interface that matters takes place. This I'd like to have sort of an interface annotation/check. also takes place, concept use will also give you meaningfull error message.
We only need to write one version of the function:
#include <utility>
template<typename... Quackers>
void let_them_quack(Quackers&& ...quackers) {
using expand = int[];
void(expand { 0, (std::forward<Quackers>(quackers).quack(), 0)... });
struct Duck {
void quack() {}
int main()
Duck a, b, c;
let_them_quack(a, b, c, Duck());

C++. Templates and run time user information

I've been trying to learn more about generic programming since it's something I think I don't know enough about. So I'm thinking about how I would implement a template version of one of my programs.
The program I am trying to do this with is a numerical integrator program in which the user selects which integrator to use (i.e. Euler, Runge Kutta, etc) and then integrates whatever function they choose.
My current method of doing this is by having an abstract base class called Integrator, and several derived classes that implement the integration method.
So the code would look something like this (much more going on but this is just to show the methodology). Note that I use Qt for this and I declare an Integrator *integrator; in the MainWindow class.
void MainWindow::on_integrateButton_clicked() {
string whichIntegrator = getUserChoice();
integrator = getIntegrator( whichIntegrator, whichFunction, order );
integrator->setUp( data ); // things like initial conditions, time, step size, etc...
with getIntegrator essentially using the factory method
// x being current data, xdot being the results of evaluating derivatives
typedef void (*pFunction)(const double t, const double x[], double *xdot);
Integrator* getIntegrator( const string &whichIntegrator, pFunction whichFunction, int order ) {
if (whichIntegrator == "Euler") {
return new Euler(whichFunction, order);
} else if (whichIntegrator == "RungeKutta") {
return new RungeKutta(whichFunction, order);
So this method works fine, and the integrator program runs very well. Now I know that template functions are generated at compile time and given that I'm using run time information, how would you implement this using templates? If the question is not clear, what I'm asking is... Given a user choice at run time, that being which integrator to use, how do I call the correct integration function using a template method?
Templates are not a silver bullet, while you can do a lot with them, don't discount the power of polymorphism which you are currently using.
Can this be done with templates? The answer is Yes and it looks like this using C++11 and shared_ptr:
template<class T>
std::shared_ptr<T> getIntegrator(pFunction whichFunction, int order)
return std::make_shared<T>(whichFunction, order);
And in your caller:
std::shared_ptr<Integrator> integrator;
if (whichIntegrator == "Euler")
integrator = getIntegrator<Euler>(whichFunction, order);
else if(whichIntegrator == "RungeKutta")
integrator = getIntegrator<RungeKutta>(whichFunction, order);
One other note, is you should be very careful about Memory Leaks here, you are newing up and object and if you're never releasing it, you will have a leak.
All that being said, I hope this answer shows that while you can use templates, I wouldn't recommend it in this case, Polymorphism works well here.
This example just shows templates in action, in an extremely simple and redundant case
Suppose I wanted to write this entire system with staticly typed integrators.
I would take your on_integrateButton_clicked, and change it to something like this:
void MainWindow::on_integrateButton_clicked() {
string whichIntegrator = getUserChoice();
runInNewThread( [whichIntegrator,whichFunction,order]() {
struct functor {
FunctionType func;
OrderType order;
functor( FunctionType func_in, OrderType order_in):func(std::move(func_in)), order(std::move(order_in)) {}
template<typename Integrator>
void operator()( Integrator* integrator ) {
// code using integrator here, not a virtual interface to it, an actual instance of the final type
RunWithChosenIntegrator( whichIntegrator, functor(whichFunction,order) );
} );
As you can see, the code seems a bit backwards.
We defer the type selection as long as possible, and at that point we have it call a functor with a pointer to the integrator. This means that the code that uses the integrator has full type information of the integrator, and isn't dealing with it abstractly.
Usually, runtime polymorphism or type erasure is sufficient for these kinds of problems, however.
Now, RunWithChosenIntegrator is a bit of a strange beast. It would have a signature lookling like this:
template<typename Functor>
void RunWithChosenIntegrator( std::string const&whichIntegrator, Functor&& func ) {
if (whichIntegrator == "bob") {
BobIntegrator bob;
func( &bob );
} else if (whichIntegrator == "alice" ) {
AliceIntegrator alice;
func( &alice ):
as you can see, we call func with a different type of object based on the whichIntegrator parameter. There are fun ways you can even generate the if/else if chains using metaprogramming, but that probably isn't worth learning until you are more comphy with basic template programming.
The Functor func needs to be able to accept pointers to any and all of the types we call it with. A simple example might be a func that just takes a pointer to a base class, and the one I gave above takes a T* template type.
All of this is only worth doing if either the overhead of runtime polymorphism is too high, or if you actually need to interact with the different integrator classes in non-uniform ways that is difficult or impossible to capture via runtime polymorphism.
I doubt that this is the case here.

Testing a c++ class for features

I have a set of classes that describe a set of logical boxes that can hold things and do things to them. I have
struct IBox // all boxes do these
struct IBoxCanDoX // the power to do X
void x();
struct IBoxCanDoY // the power to do Y
void y();
I wonder what is the 'best' or maybe its just 'favorite' idiom for a client of these classes to deal with these optional capabilities
if(typeid(box) == typeid(IBoxCanDoX))
IBoxCanDoX *ix = static_cast<IBoxCanDoX*>(box);
IBoxCanDoX *ix = dynamic_cast<IBoxCanDoX*>(box);
IBoxCanDoX *ix = static_cast<IBoxCanDoX*>(box);
d) different class struct now
struct IBox
void x();
void y();
box->x(); /// ignored by implementations that dont do x
e) same except
box->x() // 'not implemented' exception thrown
f) explicit test function
I am sure there are others too.
Just to make the use case clearer
I am exposing this stuff to end users via interactive ui. They can type 'make box do X'. I need to know if box can do x. Or I need to disable the 'make current box do X' command
EDIT2: Thx to all answerers
as Noah Roberts pointed out (a) doesnt work (explains some of my issues !).
I ended up doing (b) and a slight variant
template<class T>
T* GetCurrentBox()
if (!current_box)
throw "current box not set";
T* ret = dynamic_cast<T*>(current_box);
throw "current box doesnt support requested operation";
return ret;
IBoxCanDoX *ix = GetCurrentBox<IBoxCanDoX>();
and let the UI plumbing deal nicely with the exceptions (I am not really throwing naked strings).
I also intend to explore Visitor
I suggest the Visitor pattern for double-dispatch problems like this in C++:
class IVisitor
virtual void Visit(IBoxCanDoX *pBox) = 0;
virtual void Visit(IBoxCanDoY *pBox) = 0;
virtual void Visit(IBox* pBox) = 0;
class IBox // all boxes do these
virtual void Accept(IVisitor *pVisitor)
class BoxCanDoY : public IBox
virtual void Accept(IVisitor *pVisitor)
class TestVisitor : public IVisitor
// override visit methods to do tests for each type.
void Main()
BoxCanDoY y;
TestVisitor v;
Of the options you've given, I'd say that b or d are "best". However, the need to do a lot of this sort of thing is often indicative of a poor design, or of a design that would be better implemented in a dynamically typed language rather than in C++.
If you are using the 'I' prefix to mean "interface" as it would mean in Java, which would be done with abstract bases in C++, then your first option will fail to that one's out. I have used it for some things though.
Don't do 'd', it will pollute your hierarchy. Keep your interfaces clean, you'll be glad you did. Thus a Vehicle class doesn't have a pedal() function because only some vehicles can pedal. If a client needs the pedal() function then it really does need to know about those classes that can.
Stay way clear of 'e' for the same reason as 'd' PLUS that it violates the Liskov Substitution Principle. If a client needs to check that a class responds to pedal() before calling it so that it doesn't explode then the best way to do that is to attempt casting to an object that has that function. 'f' is just the same thing with the check.
'c' is superfluous. If you have your hierarchy set up the way it should be then casting to ICanDoX is sufficient to check if x can do X().
Thus 'b' becomes your answer from the options given. However, as Gladfelter demonstrates, there are options you haven't considered in your post.
Edit note: I did not notice that 'c' used a static_cast rather than dynamic. As I mention in an answer about that, the dynamic_cast version is cleaner and should be preferred unless specific situations dictate otherwise. It's similar to the following options in that it pollutes the base interface.
Edit 2: I should note that in regard to 'a', I have used it but I don't use types statically like you have in your post. Any time I've used typeid to split flow based on type it has always been based on something that is registered during runtime. For example, opening the correct dialog to edit some object of unknown type: the dialog governors are registered with a factory based on the type they edit. This keeps me from having to change any of the flow control code when I add/remove/change objects. I generally wouldn't use this option under different circumstances.
A and B require run time type identification(RTTI) and might be slower if you are doing a lot checks. Personally I don't like the solutions of "canDoX" methods, if situations like this arise the design probably needs an upgrade because you are exposing information that is not relevant to the class.
If you only need to execute X or Y, depending on the class, I would go for a virtual method in IBox which get overridden in subclasses.
class IBox{
virtual void doThing();
class IBoxCanDoX: public IBox{
void doThing() { doX(); }
void doX();
class IBoxCanDoY: public IBox{
void doThing() { doY(); }
void doY();
If that solution is not applicable or you need more complex logic, then look at the Visitor design pattern. But keep in mind that the visitor pattern is not very flexible when you add new classes regularly or methods change/are added/are removed (but that also goes true for your proposed alternatives).
If you are trying to call either of these classes actions from contingent parts of code, you I would suggest you wrap that code in a template function and name each class's methods the same way to implement duck typing, thus your client code would look like this.
template<class box>
void box_do_xory(box BOX){
There is no general answer to your question. Everything depends. I can say only that:
- don't use a), use b) instead
- b) is nice, requires least code, no need for dummy methods, but dynamic_cast is a little slow
- c) is similar to b) but it is faster (no dynamic_cast) and requires more memory
- e) has no sense, you still need to discover if you can call the method so the exception is not thrown
- d) is better then f) (less code to write)
- d) e) and f) produce more garbage code then others, but are faster and less memory consuming
I assume that you will not only be working with one object of one type here.
I would lay out the data that you are working with and try to see how you can lay it out in memory in order to do data-driven programming. A good layout in memory should reflect the way that you store the data in your classes and how the classes are layed out in memory. Once you have that basic design structured (shouldn't take more than a napkin), I would begin organizing the objects into lists dependent on the operations that you plan to do on the data. If you plan to do X() on a collection of objects { Y } in the subset X, I would probably make sure to have a static array of Y that I create from the beginning. If you wish to access the entire of X occasionally, that can be arranged by collecting the lists into a dynamic list of pointers (using std::vector or your favorite choice).
I hope that makes sense, but once implemented it gives simple straight solutions that are easy to understand and easy to work with.
There is a generic way to test if a class supports a certain concept and then to execute the most appropriate code. It uses SFINAE hack. This example is inspired by Abrahams and Gurtovoy's "C++ Template Metaprogramming" book. The function doIt will use x method if it is present, otherwise it will use y method. You can extend CanDo structure to test for other methods as well. You can test as many methods as you wish, as long as the overloads of doIt can be resolved uniquely.
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
typedef char yes; // sizeof(yes) == 1
typedef char (&no)[2]; // sizeof(no) == 2
template<typename T>
struct CanDo {
template<typename U, void (U::*)()>
struct ptr_to_mem {};
template<typename U>
static yes testX(ptr_to_mem<U, &U::x>*);
template<typename U>
static no testX(...);
BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, value = sizeof(testX<T>(0)) == sizeof(yes));
struct DoX {
void x() { std::cout << "doing x...\n"; }
struct DoAnotherX {
void x() { std::cout << "doing another x...\n"; }
struct DoY {
void y() { std::cout << "doing y...\n"; }
struct DoAnotherY {
void y() { std::cout << "doing another y...\n"; }
template <typename Action>
typename boost::enable_if<CanDo<Action> >::type
doIt(Action* a) {
template <typename Action>
typename boost::disable_if<CanDo<Action> >::type
doIt(Action* a) {
int main() {
DoX doX;
DoAnotherX doAnotherX;
DoY doY;
DoAnotherY doAnotherY;

Where do you find templates useful?

At my workplace, we tend to use iostream, string, vector, map, and the odd algorithm or two. We haven't actually found many situations where template techniques were a best solution to a problem.
What I am looking for here are ideas, and optionally sample code that shows how you used a template technique to create a new solution to a problem that you encountered in real life.
As a bribe, expect an up vote for your answer.
General info on templates:
Templates are useful anytime you need to use the same code but operating on different data types, where the types are known at compile time. And also when you have any kind of container object.
A very common usage is for just about every type of data structure. For example: Singly linked lists, doubly linked lists, trees, tries, hashtables, ...
Another very common usage is for sorting algorithms.
One of the main advantages of using templates is that you can remove code duplication. Code duplication is one of the biggest things you should avoid when programming.
You could implement a function Max as both a macro or a template, but the template implementation would be type safe and therefore better.
And now onto the cool stuff:
Also see template metaprogramming, which is a way of pre-evaluating code at compile-time rather than at run-time. Template metaprogramming has only immutable variables, and therefore its variables cannot change. Because of this template metaprogramming can be seen as a type of functional programming.
Check out this example of template metaprogramming from Wikipedia. It shows how templates can be used to execute code at compile time. Therefore at runtime you have a pre-calculated constant.
template <int N>
struct Factorial
enum { value = N * Factorial<N - 1>::value };
template <>
struct Factorial<0>
enum { value = 1 };
// Factorial<4>::value == 24
// Factorial<0>::value == 1
void foo()
int x = Factorial<4>::value; // == 24
int y = Factorial<0>::value; // == 1
I've used a lot of template code, mostly in Boost and the STL, but I've seldom had a need to write any.
One of the exceptions, a few years ago, was in a program that manipulated Windows PE-format EXE files. The company wanted to add 64-bit support, but the ExeFile class that I'd written to handle the files only worked with 32-bit ones. The code required to manipulate the 64-bit version was essentially identical, but it needed to use a different address type (64-bit instead of 32-bit), which caused two other data structures to be different as well.
Based on the STL's use of a single template to support both std::string and std::wstring, I decided to try making ExeFile a template, with the differing data structures and the address type as parameters. There were two places where I still had to use #ifdef WIN64 lines (slightly different processing requirements), but it wasn't really difficult to do. We've got full 32- and 64-bit support in that program now, and using the template means that every modification we've done since automatically applies to both versions.
One place that I do use templates to create my own code is to implement policy classes as described by Andrei Alexandrescu in Modern C++ Design. At present I'm working on a project that includes a set of classes that interact with BEA\h\h\h Oracle's Tuxedo TP monitor.
One facility that Tuxedo provides is transactional persistant queues, so I have a class TpQueue that interacts with the queue:
class TpQueue {
void enqueue(...)
void dequeue(...)
However as the queue is transactional I need to decide what transaction behaviour I want; this could be done seperately outside of the TpQueue class but I think it's more explicit and less error prone if each TpQueue instance has its own policy on transactions. So I have a set of TransactionPolicy classes such as:
class OwnTransaction {
begin(...) // Suspend any open transaction and start a new one
commit(..) // Commit my transaction and resume any suspended one
class SharedTransaction {
begin(...) // Join the currently active transaction or start a new one if there isn't one
And the TpQueue class gets re-written as
template <typename TXNPOLICY = SharedTransaction>
class TpQueue : public TXNPOLICY {
So inside TpQueue I can call begin(), abort(), commit() as needed but can change the behaviour based on the way I declare the instance:
TpQueue<SharedTransaction> queue1 ;
TpQueue<OwnTransaction> queue2 ;
I used templates (with the help of Boost.Fusion) to achieve type-safe integers for a hypergraph library that I was developing. I have a (hyper)edge ID and a vertex ID both of which are integers. With templates, vertex and hyperedge IDs became different types and using one when the other was expected generated a compile-time error. Saved me a lot of headache that I'd otherwise have with run-time debugging.
Here's one example from a real project. I have getter functions like this:
bool getValue(wxString key, wxString& value);
bool getValue(wxString key, int& value);
bool getValue(wxString key, double& value);
bool getValue(wxString key, bool& value);
bool getValue(wxString key, StorageGranularity& value);
bool getValue(wxString key, std::vector<wxString>& value);
And then a variant with the 'default' value. It returns the value for key if it exists, or default value if it doesn't. Template saved me from having to create 6 new functions myself.
template <typename T>
T get(wxString key, const T& defaultValue)
T temp;
if (getValue(key, temp))
return temp;
return defaultValue;
Templates I regulary consume are a multitude of container classes, boost smart pointers, scopeguards, a few STL algorithms.
Scenarios in which I have written templates:
custom containers
memory management, implementing type safety and CTor/DTor invocation on top of void * allocators
common implementation for overloads wiht different types, e.g.
bool ContainsNan(float * , int)
bool ContainsNan(double *, int)
which both just call a (local, hidden) helper function
template <typename T>
bool ContainsNanT<T>(T * values, int len) { ... actual code goes here } ;
Specific algorithms that are independent of the type, as long as the type has certain properties, e.g. binary serialization.
template <typename T>
void BinStream::Serialize(T & value) { ... }
// to make a type serializable, you need to implement
void SerializeElement(BinStream & strean, Foo & element);
void DeserializeElement(BinStream & stream, Foo & element)
Unlike virtual functions, templates allow more optimizations to take place.
Generally, templates allow to implement one concept or algorithm for a multitude of types, and have the differences resolved already at compile time.
We use COM and accept a pointer to an object that can either implement another interface directly or via [IServiceProvider]( this prompted me to create this helper cast-like function.
// Get interface either via QueryInterface of via QueryService
template <class IFace>
CComPtr<IFace> GetIFace(IUnknown* unk)
CComQIPtr<IFace> ret = unk; // Try QueryInterface
if (ret == NULL) { // Fallback to QueryService
if(CComQIPtr<IServiceProvider> ser = unk)
ser->QueryService(__uuidof(IFace), __uuidof(IFace), (void**)&ret);
return ret;
I use templates to specify function object types. I often write code that takes a function object as an argument -- a function to integrate, a function to optimize, etc. -- and I find templates more convenient than inheritance. So my code receiving a function object -- such as an integrator or optimizer -- has a template parameter to specify the kind of function object it operates on.
The obvious reasons (like preventing code-duplication by operating on different data types) aside, there is this really cool pattern that's called policy based design. I have asked a question about policies vs strategies.
Now, what's so nifty about this feature. Consider you are writing an interface for others to use. You know that your interface will be used, because it is a module in its own domain. But you don't know yet how people are going to use it. Policy-based design strengthens your code for future reuse; it makes you independent of data types a particular implementation relies on. The code is just "slurped in". :-)
Traits are per se a wonderful idea. They can attach particular behaviour, data and typedata to a model. Traits allow complete parameterization of all of these three fields. And the best of it, it's a very good way to make code reusable.
I once saw the following code:
void doSomethingGeneric1(SomeClass * c, SomeClass & d)
// three lines of code
callFunctionGeneric1(c) ;
// three lines of code
repeated ten times:
void doSomethingGeneric2(SomeClass * c, SomeClass & d)
void doSomethingGeneric3(SomeClass * c, SomeClass & d)
void doSomethingGeneric4(SomeClass * c, SomeClass & d)
// Etc
Each function having the same 6 lines of code copy/pasted, and each time calling another function callFunctionGenericX with the same number suffix.
There were no way to refactor the whole thing altogether. So I kept the refactoring local.
I changed the code this way (from memory):
template<typename T>
void doSomethingGenericAnything(SomeClass * c, SomeClass & d, T t)
// three lines of code
t(c) ;
// three lines of code
And modified the existing code with:
void doSomethingGeneric1(SomeClass * c, SomeClass & d)
doSomethingGenericAnything(c, d, callFunctionGeneric1) ;
void doSomethingGeneric2(SomeClass * c, SomeClass & d)
doSomethingGenericAnything(c, d, callFunctionGeneric2) ;
This is somewhat highjacking the template thing, but in the end, I guess it's better than play with typedefed function pointers or using macros.
I personally have used the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern as a means of enforcing some form of top-down design and bottom-up implementation. An example would be a specification for a generic handler where certain requirements on both form and interface are enforced on derived types at compile time. It looks something like this:
template <class Derived>
struct handler_base : Derived {
void pre_call() {
// do any universal pre_call handling here
static_cast<Derived *>(this)->pre_call();
void post_call(typename Derived::result_type & result) {
static_cast<Derived *>(this)->post_call(result);
// do any universal post_call handling here
typename Derived::result_type
operator() (typename Derived::arg_pack const & args) {
typename Derived::result_type temp = static_cast<Derived *>(this)->eval(args);
return temp;
Something like this can be used then to make sure your handlers derive from this template and enforce top-down design and then allow for bottom-up customization:
struct my_handler : handler_base<my_handler> {
typedef int result_type; // required to compile
typedef tuple<int, int> arg_pack; // required to compile
void pre_call(); // required to compile
void post_call(int &); // required to compile
int eval(arg_pack const &); // required to compile
This then allows you to have generic polymorphic functions that deal with only handler_base<> derived types:
template <class T, class Arg0, class Arg1>
typename T::result_type
invoke(handler_base<T> & handler, Arg0 const & arg0, Arg1 const & arg1) {
return handler(make_tuple(arg0, arg1));
It's already been mentioned that you can use templates as policy classes to do something. I use this a lot.
I also use them, with the help of property maps (see boost site for more information on this), in order to access data in a generic way. This gives the opportunity to change the way you store data, without ever having to change the way you retrieve it.