Testing a c++ class for features - c++

I have a set of classes that describe a set of logical boxes that can hold things and do things to them. I have
struct IBox // all boxes do these
struct IBoxCanDoX // the power to do X
void x();
struct IBoxCanDoY // the power to do Y
void y();
I wonder what is the 'best' or maybe its just 'favorite' idiom for a client of these classes to deal with these optional capabilities
if(typeid(box) == typeid(IBoxCanDoX))
IBoxCanDoX *ix = static_cast<IBoxCanDoX*>(box);
IBoxCanDoX *ix = dynamic_cast<IBoxCanDoX*>(box);
IBoxCanDoX *ix = static_cast<IBoxCanDoX*>(box);
d) different class struct now
struct IBox
void x();
void y();
box->x(); /// ignored by implementations that dont do x
e) same except
box->x() // 'not implemented' exception thrown
f) explicit test function
I am sure there are others too.
Just to make the use case clearer
I am exposing this stuff to end users via interactive ui. They can type 'make box do X'. I need to know if box can do x. Or I need to disable the 'make current box do X' command
EDIT2: Thx to all answerers
as Noah Roberts pointed out (a) doesnt work (explains some of my issues !).
I ended up doing (b) and a slight variant
template<class T>
T* GetCurrentBox()
if (!current_box)
throw "current box not set";
T* ret = dynamic_cast<T*>(current_box);
throw "current box doesnt support requested operation";
return ret;
IBoxCanDoX *ix = GetCurrentBox<IBoxCanDoX>();
and let the UI plumbing deal nicely with the exceptions (I am not really throwing naked strings).
I also intend to explore Visitor

I suggest the Visitor pattern for double-dispatch problems like this in C++:
class IVisitor
virtual void Visit(IBoxCanDoX *pBox) = 0;
virtual void Visit(IBoxCanDoY *pBox) = 0;
virtual void Visit(IBox* pBox) = 0;
class IBox // all boxes do these
virtual void Accept(IVisitor *pVisitor)
class BoxCanDoY : public IBox
virtual void Accept(IVisitor *pVisitor)
class TestVisitor : public IVisitor
// override visit methods to do tests for each type.
void Main()
BoxCanDoY y;
TestVisitor v;

Of the options you've given, I'd say that b or d are "best". However, the need to do a lot of this sort of thing is often indicative of a poor design, or of a design that would be better implemented in a dynamically typed language rather than in C++.

If you are using the 'I' prefix to mean "interface" as it would mean in Java, which would be done with abstract bases in C++, then your first option will fail to work....so that one's out. I have used it for some things though.
Don't do 'd', it will pollute your hierarchy. Keep your interfaces clean, you'll be glad you did. Thus a Vehicle class doesn't have a pedal() function because only some vehicles can pedal. If a client needs the pedal() function then it really does need to know about those classes that can.
Stay way clear of 'e' for the same reason as 'd' PLUS that it violates the Liskov Substitution Principle. If a client needs to check that a class responds to pedal() before calling it so that it doesn't explode then the best way to do that is to attempt casting to an object that has that function. 'f' is just the same thing with the check.
'c' is superfluous. If you have your hierarchy set up the way it should be then casting to ICanDoX is sufficient to check if x can do X().
Thus 'b' becomes your answer from the options given. However, as Gladfelter demonstrates, there are options you haven't considered in your post.
Edit note: I did not notice that 'c' used a static_cast rather than dynamic. As I mention in an answer about that, the dynamic_cast version is cleaner and should be preferred unless specific situations dictate otherwise. It's similar to the following options in that it pollutes the base interface.
Edit 2: I should note that in regard to 'a', I have used it but I don't use types statically like you have in your post. Any time I've used typeid to split flow based on type it has always been based on something that is registered during runtime. For example, opening the correct dialog to edit some object of unknown type: the dialog governors are registered with a factory based on the type they edit. This keeps me from having to change any of the flow control code when I add/remove/change objects. I generally wouldn't use this option under different circumstances.

A and B require run time type identification(RTTI) and might be slower if you are doing a lot checks. Personally I don't like the solutions of "canDoX" methods, if situations like this arise the design probably needs an upgrade because you are exposing information that is not relevant to the class.
If you only need to execute X or Y, depending on the class, I would go for a virtual method in IBox which get overridden in subclasses.
class IBox{
virtual void doThing();
class IBoxCanDoX: public IBox{
void doThing() { doX(); }
void doX();
class IBoxCanDoY: public IBox{
void doThing() { doY(); }
void doY();
If that solution is not applicable or you need more complex logic, then look at the Visitor design pattern. But keep in mind that the visitor pattern is not very flexible when you add new classes regularly or methods change/are added/are removed (but that also goes true for your proposed alternatives).

If you are trying to call either of these classes actions from contingent parts of code, you I would suggest you wrap that code in a template function and name each class's methods the same way to implement duck typing, thus your client code would look like this.
template<class box>
void box_do_xory(box BOX){

There is no general answer to your question. Everything depends. I can say only that:
- don't use a), use b) instead
- b) is nice, requires least code, no need for dummy methods, but dynamic_cast is a little slow
- c) is similar to b) but it is faster (no dynamic_cast) and requires more memory
- e) has no sense, you still need to discover if you can call the method so the exception is not thrown
- d) is better then f) (less code to write)
- d) e) and f) produce more garbage code then others, but are faster and less memory consuming

I assume that you will not only be working with one object of one type here.
I would lay out the data that you are working with and try to see how you can lay it out in memory in order to do data-driven programming. A good layout in memory should reflect the way that you store the data in your classes and how the classes are layed out in memory. Once you have that basic design structured (shouldn't take more than a napkin), I would begin organizing the objects into lists dependent on the operations that you plan to do on the data. If you plan to do X() on a collection of objects { Y } in the subset X, I would probably make sure to have a static array of Y that I create from the beginning. If you wish to access the entire of X occasionally, that can be arranged by collecting the lists into a dynamic list of pointers (using std::vector or your favorite choice).
I hope that makes sense, but once implemented it gives simple straight solutions that are easy to understand and easy to work with.

There is a generic way to test if a class supports a certain concept and then to execute the most appropriate code. It uses SFINAE hack. This example is inspired by Abrahams and Gurtovoy's "C++ Template Metaprogramming" book. The function doIt will use x method if it is present, otherwise it will use y method. You can extend CanDo structure to test for other methods as well. You can test as many methods as you wish, as long as the overloads of doIt can be resolved uniquely.
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
typedef char yes; // sizeof(yes) == 1
typedef char (&no)[2]; // sizeof(no) == 2
template<typename T>
struct CanDo {
template<typename U, void (U::*)()>
struct ptr_to_mem {};
template<typename U>
static yes testX(ptr_to_mem<U, &U::x>*);
template<typename U>
static no testX(...);
BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, value = sizeof(testX<T>(0)) == sizeof(yes));
struct DoX {
void x() { std::cout << "doing x...\n"; }
struct DoAnotherX {
void x() { std::cout << "doing another x...\n"; }
struct DoY {
void y() { std::cout << "doing y...\n"; }
struct DoAnotherY {
void y() { std::cout << "doing another y...\n"; }
template <typename Action>
typename boost::enable_if<CanDo<Action> >::type
doIt(Action* a) {
template <typename Action>
typename boost::disable_if<CanDo<Action> >::type
doIt(Action* a) {
int main() {
DoX doX;
DoAnotherX doAnotherX;
DoY doY;
DoAnotherY doAnotherY;


Use case of dynamic_cast

In many places you can read that dynamic_cast means "bad design". But I cannot find any article with appropriate usage (showing good design, not just "how to use").
I'm writing a board game with a board and many different types of cards described with many attributes (some cards can be put on the board). So I decided to break it down to the following classes/interfaces:
class Card {};
class BoardCard : public Card {};
class ActionCard : public Card {};
// Other types of cards - but two are enough
class Deck {
Card* draw_card();
class Player {
void add_card(Card* card);
Card const* get_card();
class Board {
void put_card(BoardCard const*);
Some guys suggested that I should use only one class describing a card. But I would mean many mutually excluding attributes. And in the case of the Board class' put_card(BoardCard const&) - it is a part of the interface that I cannot put any card on the board. If I had only one type of card I would have to check it inside the method.
I see the flow like the following:
a generic card is in the deck (it's not important what its type is)
a generic card is drawn from the deck and given to a player (the same as above)
if a player chosen a BoardCard then it can be put on the board
So I use dynamic_cast before putting a card on the board. I think that using some virtual method is out of the question in this case (additionally I wouldn't make any sense to add some action about board to every card).
So my question is: What have I designed badly? How could I avoid dynamic_cast? Using some type attribute and ifs would be a better solution...?
Any source treating about dynamic_cast usage in the context of design is more than appreciated.
Yes, dynamic_cast is a code smell, but so is adding functions that try to make it look like you have a good polymorphic interface but are actually equal to a dynamic_cast i.e. stuff like can_put_on_board. I'd go as far as to say that can_put_on_board is worse - you're duplicating code otherwise implemented by dynamic_cast and cluttering the interface.
As with all code smells, they should make you wary and they don't necessarily mean that your code is bad. This all depends on what you're trying to achieve.
If you're implementing a board game that will have 5k lines of code, two categories of cards, then anything that works is fine. If you're designing something larger, extensible and possibly allowing for cards being created by non-programmers (whether it's an actual need or you're doing it for research) then this probably won't do.
Assuming the latter, let's look at some alternatives.
You could put the onus of applying the card properly to the card, instead of some external code. E.g. add a play(Context& c) function to the card (the Context being a means to access the board and whatever may be necessary). A board card would know that it may only be applied to a board and a cast would not be necessary.
I would entirely give up using inheritance however. One of its many issues is how it introduces a categorisation of all cards. Let me give you an example:
you introduce BoardCard and ActionCard putting all cards in these two buckets;
you then decide that you want to have a card that can be used in two ways, either as an Action or a Board card;
let's say you solved the issue (through multiple-inheritance, a BoardActionCard type, or any different way);
you then decide you want to have card colours (as in MtG) - how do you do this? Do you create RedBoardCard, BlueBoardCard, RedActionCard etc?
Other examples of why inheritance should be avoided and how to achieve runtime polymorphism otherwise you may want to watch Sean Parent's excellent "Inheritance is the Base Class of Evil" talk. A promising looking library that implements this sort of polymorphism is dyno, I have not tried it out yet though.
A possible solution might be:
class Card final {
template <class T>
Card(T model) :
void play(Context& c) const {
// ... any other functions that can be performed on a card
class Context {
virtual ~Context() = default;
virtual void play(Context& c) const = 0;
template <class T>
class Model : public Context {
void play(Context& c) const override {
play(model_, c);
// or
// depending on what contract you want to have with implementers
T model_;
std::shared_ptr<const Context> model_;
Then you can either create classes per card type:
class Goblin final {
void play(Context& c) const {
// apply effects of card, e.g. take c.board() and put the card there
Or implement behaviours for different categories, e.g. have a
template <class T>
void play(const T& card, Context& c);
template and then use enable_if to handle it for different categories:
template <class T, class = std::enable_if<IsBoardCard_v<T>>
void play(const T& card, Context& c) {
template <class T>
struct IsBoardCard {
static constexpr auto value = T::IS_BOARD_CARD;
template <class T>
using IsBoardCard_v = IsBoardCard<T>::value;
then defining your Goblin as:
class Goblin final {
static constexpr auto IS_BOARD_CARD = true;
static constexpr auto COLOR = Color::RED;
static constexpr auto SUPERMAGIC = true;
which would allow you to categorise your cards in many dimensions also leaving the possibility to entirely specialise the behaviour by implementing a different play function.
The example code uses std::shared_ptr to store the model, but you can definitely do something smarter here. I like to use a static-sized storage and only allow Ts of a certain maximum size and alignment to be used. Alternatively you could use a std::unique_ptr (which would disable copying though) or a variant leveraging small-size optimisation.
Why not use dynamic_cast
dynamic_cast is generally disliked because it can be easily abused to completely break the abstractions used. And it is not wise to depend on specific implementations. Of course it may needed, but really rarely, so nearly everyone takes a rule of thumb - probably you should not use it. It's a code smell that may imply that you should rethink Your abstractions because they may be not the ones needed in Your domain. Maybe in Your game the Board should not have put_card method - maybe instead card should have method play(const PlaySpace *) where Board implements PlaySpace or something like that. Even CppCoreGuidelines discourage using dynamic_cast in most cases.
When use
Generally few people ever have problems like this but I came across it multiple times already. The problem is called Double (or Multiple) Dispatch. Here is pretty old, but quite relevant article about double dispatch (mind the prehistoric auto_ptr):
Also Scott Meyers in one of his books wrote something about building double dispatch matrix with dynamic_cast. But, all in all, these dynamic_casts are 'hidden` inside this matrix - users don't know what kind of magic happens inside.
Noteworthy - multiple dispatch is also considered code smell :-).
Reasonable alternative
Check out the visitor pattern. It can be used as replace for dynamic_cast but it is also some kind of code smell.
I generally recommend using dynamic_cast and visitor as a last resort tools for design problems as they break abstraction which increases complexity.
You could apply the principles behind Microsoft's COM and provide a series of interfaces, with each interface describing a set of related behaviors. In COM you determine if a specific interface is available by calling QueryInterface, but in modern C++ dynamic_cast works similarly and is more efficient.
class Card {
virtual void ~Card() {} // must have at least one virtual method for dynamic_cast
struct IBoardCard {
virtual void put_card(Board* board);
class BoardCard : public Card, public IBoardCard {};
class ActionCard : public Card {};
// Other types of cards - but two are enough
class Deck {
Card* draw_card();
class Player {
void add_card(Card* card);
Card const* get_card();
class Board {
void put_card(Card const* card) {
const IBoardCard *p = dynamic_cast<const IBoardCard*>(card);
if (p != null) p->put_card(this);
That may be a bad example, but I hope you get the idea.
It seems to me that the two types of cards are quite different. The things a board card and an action card can do are mutually exclusive, and the common thing is just that they can be drawn from the deck. Moreover, that's not a thing a card does, it's a player / deck action.
If this is true, a question one should ask is whether they should really descend from a common type, Card. An alternative design would be that of a tagged union: let Card instead be a std::variant<BoardCard, ActionCard...>, and contain an instance of the appropriate type. When deciding what to do with the card, you use a switch on the index() and then std::get<> only the appropriate type. This way you don't need any *_cast operator, and get a complete freedom of what methods (neither of which would make sense for the other types) each type of card supports.
If it's only almost true but not for all types, you can variate slightly: only group together those types of cards that can sensibly be superclassed, and put the set of those common types into the variant.
I always found the usage of a cast a code smell, and in my experience, the 90% of the time the cast was due to bad design.
I saw usage of dynamic_cast in some time-critical application where it was providing more performance improvement than inherit from multiple interfaces or retrieving an enumeration of some kind from the object (like a type). So the code smelt, but the usage of the dynamic cast was worth it in that case.
That said, I will avoid dynamic cast in your case as well as multiple inheritances from different interfaces.
Before reaching my solution, your description sounds like there are a lot of details omitted about the behavior of the cards or the consequence they have on the board
and the game itself. I used that as a further constraint, trying to keep thing boxed and maintainable.
I would go for a composition instead of an inheritance. It will provide you evenly the chance of using the card as a 'factory':
it can spawn more game modifiers - something to be applied to the board, and one to a specific enemy
the card can be reused - the card could stays in the hands of the player and the effect on the game is detached from it (there is no 1-1 binding between cards and effects)
the card itself can sit back on the deck, while the effects of what it did are still alive on the board.
a card can have a representation (drawing methods) and react to the touch in a way, where instead the BoardElement can be evenly a 3d miniature with animation
See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Composition_over_inheritance for further details]. I'd like to quote:
Composition also provides a more stable business domain in the long term as it is less prone to the quirks of the family members.In other words, it is better to compose what an object can do (HAS - A) than extend what it is(IS - A).[1]
A BoardCard/Element can be something like this:
//the card placed on the board.
class BoardElement {
BoardElement() {}
virtual ~BoardElement() {};
//up to you if you want to add a read() methods to read data from the card description (XML / JSON / binary data)
// but that should not be part of the interface. Talking about a potential "Wizard", it's probably more related to the WizardCard - WizardElement relation/implementation
//some helpful methods:
// to be called by the board when placed
virtual void OnBoard() {}
virtual void Frame(const float time) { /*do something time based*/ }
virtual void Draw() {}
// to be called by the board when removed
virtual void RemovedFromBoard() {}
the Card could represent something to be used in a deck or in the user's hands, I'll add an interface of that kind
class Card {
Card() {}
virtual ~Card() {}
//that will be invoked by the user in order to provide something to the Board, or NULL if nothing should be added.
virtual std::shared_ptr<BoardElement*> getBoardElement() { return nullptr; }
virtual void Frame(const float time) { /*do something time based*/ }
virtual void Draw() {}
//usefull to handle resources or internal states
virtual void OnUserHands() {}
virtual void Dropped() {}
I'd like to add that this pattern allows many tricks inside the getBoardElement() method, from acting as a factory (so something should be spawned with its own lifetime),
returning an Card data member such as a std:shared_ptr<BoardElement> wizard3D; (as example), create a binding between the Card and the BoardElement as for:
class WizardBoardElement : public BoardElement {
WizardBoardElement(const Card* owner);
// other members omitted ...
The binding can be useful in order to read some configuration data or whatever...
So inheritance from Card and from BoardElement will be used to implement the features exposed by the base classes and not for providing other methods that can be reached only through a dynamic_cast.
For completeness:
class Player {
void add(Card* card) {
void useCard(Card* card) {
//someway he's got to retrieve the board...
Card const* get_card();
class Board {
void add(BoardElement* el) {
In that way, we have no dynamic_cast, Player and board do simple things without knowing about the inner details of the card they are handled, providing good separations between the different objects and increasing maintainability.
Talking about the ActionCard, and about "effects" that may be applied to other players or your avatar, we can think about having a method like:
enum EffectTarget {
MySelf, //a player on itself, an enemy on itself
class Effect {
virtual void Do(Target* target) = 0;
class Card {
struct Modifiers {
EffectTarget eTarget;
std::shared_ptr<Effect> effect;
virtual std::vector<Modifiers> getModifiers() { /*...*/ }
class Player : public Target {
void useCard(Card* card) {
//someway he's got to retrieve the board...
auto modifiers = card->getModifiers();
for each (auto modifier in modifiers)
//this method is supposed to look at the board, at the player and retrieve the instance of the target
Target* target = getTarget(modifier.eTarget);
That's another example of the same pattern to apply the effects from the card, avoiding the cards to know details about the board and it's status, who is playing the card, and keep the code in Player pretty simple.
Hope this may help,
Have a nice day,
What have I designed badly?
The problem is that you always need to extend that code whenever a new type of Card is introduced.
How could I avoid dynamic_cast?
The usual way to avoid that is to use interfaces (i.e. pure abstract classes):
struct ICard {
virtual bool can_put_on_board() = 0;
virtual ~ICard() {}
class BoardCard : public ICard {
bool can_put_on_board() { return true; };
class ActionCard : public ICard {
bool can_put_on_board() { return false; };
This way you can simply use a reference or pointer to ICard and check, if the actual type it holds can be put on the Board.
But I cannot find any article with appropriate usage (showing good design, not just "how to use").
In general I'd say there aren't any good, real life use cases for dynamic cast.
Sometimes I have used it in debug code for CRTP realizations like
template<typename Derived>
class Base {
void foo() {
#ifndef _DEBUG
// may throw in debug mode if something is wrong with Derived
// not properly implementing the CRTP
I think that I would end up with something like this (compiled with clang 5.0 with -std=c++17). I'm couroius about your comments. So whenever I want to handle different types of Cards I need to instantiate a dispatcher and supply methods with proper signatures.
#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
template <class T, class... Args>
struct any_abstract {
static bool constexpr value = std::is_abstract<T>::value || any_abstract<Args...>::value;
template <class T>
struct any_abstract<T> {
static bool constexpr value = std::is_abstract<T>::value;
template <class T, class... Args>
struct StaticDispatcherImpl {
template <class P, class U>
static void dispatch(P* ptr, U* object) {
if (typeid(*object) == typeid(T)) {
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args)) {
StaticDispatcherImpl<Args...>::dispatch(ptr, object);
template <class Derived, class... Args>
struct StaticDispatcher {
static_assert(not any_abstract<Args...>::value);
template <class U>
void dispatch(U* object) {
if (object) {
StaticDispatcherImpl<Args...>::dispatch(static_cast<Derived *>(this), object);
struct Card {
virtual ~Card() {}
struct BoardCard : Card {};
struct ActionCard : Card {};
struct Board {
void put_card(BoardCard const& card, int const row, int const column) {
std::cout << "Putting card on " << row << " " << column << std::endl;
struct UI : StaticDispatcher<UI, BoardCard, ActionCard> {
void do_dispatch(BoardCard const& card) {
std::cout << "Get row to put: ";
int row;
std::cin >> row;
std::cout << "Get row to put:";
int column;
std::cin >> column;
board.put_card(card, row, column);
void do_dispatch(ActionCard& card) {
std::cout << "Handling action card" << std::endl;
Board board;
struct Game {};
int main(int, char**) {
Card* card;
ActionCard ac;
BoardCard bc;
UI ui;
card = &ac;
card = &bc;
return 0;
As I can't see why you wouldn't use virtual methods, I'm just gonna present, how I would do it. First I have the ICard interface for all cards. Then I would distinguish, between the card types (i.e. BoardCard and ActionCard and whatever cards you have). And All the cards inherit from either one of the card types.
class ICard {
virtual void put_card(Board* board) = 0;
virtual void accept(CardVisitor& visitor) = 0; // See later, visitor pattern
class ActionCard : public ICard {
void put_card(Board* board) final {
// std::cout << "You can't put Action Cards on the board << std::endl;
// Or just do nothing, if the decision of putting the card on the board
// is not up to the user
class BoardCard : public ICard {
void put_card(Board* board) final {
// Whatever implementation puts the card on the board, mb something like:
class SomeBoardCard : public BoardCard {
void accept(CardVisitor& visitor) final { // visitor pattern
void print_information(); // see BaseCardVisitor in the next code section
class SomeActionCard : public ActionCard {
void accept(CardVisitor& visitor) final { // visitor pattern
void print_information(); // see BaseCardVisitor
class Board {
void put_card(ICard* const card) {
void place_card_on_board(BoardCard* card) {
// place it on the board
I guess the user has to know somehow what card he has drawn, so for that I would implement the visitor pattern. You could also place the accept-method, which I placed in the most derived classes/cards, in the card types (BoardCard, ActionCard), depeneding on where you want to draw the line on what information shall be given to the user.
template <class T>
class BaseCardVisitor {
void visit(T* card) {
class CardVisitor : public BaseCardVisitor<SomeBoardCard>,
public BaseCardVisitor<SomeActionCard> {
class Player {
void add_card(ICard* card);
ICard const* get_card();
void what_is_this_card(ICard* card) {
CardVisitor visitor;
Hardly a complete answer but just wanted to pitch in with an answer similar to Mark Ransom's but just very generally speaking, I've found downcasting to be useful in cases where duck typing is really useful. There can be certain architectures where it is very useful to do things like this:
for each object in scene:
if object can fly:
make object fly
for each object in scene that can fly:
make object fly
COM allows this type of thing somewhat like so:
for each object in scene:
// Request to retrieve a flyable interface from
// the object.
IFlyable* flyable = object.query_interface<IFlyable>();
// If the object provides such an interface, make
// it fly.
if (flyable)
for each flyable in scene.query<IFlyable>:
This implies a cast of some form somewhere in the centralized code to query and obtain interfaces (ex: from IUnknown to IFlyable). In such cases, a dynamic cast checking run-time type information is the safest type of cast available. First there might be a general check to see if an object provides the interface that doesn't involve casting. If it doesn't, this query_interface function might return a null pointer or some type of null handle/reference. If it does, then using a dynamic_cast against RTTI is the safest thing to do to fetch the actual pointer to the generic interface (ex: IInterface*) and return IFlyable* to the client.
Another example is entity-component systems. In that case instead of querying abstract interfaces, we retrieve concrete components (data):
Flight System:
for each object in scene:
if object.has<Wings>():
make object fly using object.get<Wings>()
for each wings in scene.query<Wings>()
make wings fly
... something to this effect, and that also implies casting somewhere.
For my domain (VFX, which is somewhat similar to gaming in terms of application and scene state), I've found this type of ECS architecture to be the easiest to maintain. I can only speak from personal experience, but I've been around for a long time and have faced many different architectures. COM is now the most popular style of architecture in VFX and I used to work on a commercial VFX application used widely in films and games and archviz and so forth which used a COM architecture, but I've found ECS as popular in game engines even easier to maintain than COM for my particular case*.
One of the reasons I find ECS so much easier is because the bulk of the systems in this domain like PhysicsSystem, RenderingSystem, AnimationSystem, etc. boil down to just data transformers and the ECS model just fits beautifully for that purpose without abstractions getting in the way. With COM in this domain, the number of subtypes implementing an interface like a motion interface like IMotion might be in the hundreds (ex: a PointLight which implements IMotion along with 5 other interfaces), requiring hundreds of classes implementing different combinations of COM interfaces to maintain individually. With the ECS, it uses a composition model over inheritance, and reduces those hundreds of classes down to just a couple dozen simple component structs which can be combined in endless ways by the entities that compose them, and only a handful of systems have to provide behavior: everything else is just data which the systems loop through as input to then provide some output.
Between legacy codebases that used a bunch of global variables and brute force coding (ex: sprinkling conditionals all over the place instead of using polymorphism), deep inheritance hierarchies, COM, and ECS, in terms of maintainability for my particular domain, I'd say ECS > COM, while deep inheritance hierarchies and brute force coding with global variables all over the place were both incredibly hard to maintain (OOP using deep inheritance with protected data fields is almost as hard to reason about in terms of maintaining invariants as a boatload of global variables IMO, but further can invite the most nightmarish cascading changes spilling across entire hierarchies if designs need to change -- at least the brute force legacy codebase didn't have the cascading problem since it was barely reusing any code to begin with).
COM and ECS are somewhat similar except with COM, the dependencies flow towards central abstractions (COM interfaces provided by COM objects, like IFlyable). With an ECS, the dependencies flow towards central data (components provided by ECS entities, like Wings). At the heart of both is often the idea that we have a bunch of non-homogeneous objects (or "entities") of interest whose provided interfaces or components are not known in advance, since we're accessing them through a non-homogeneous collection (ex: a "Scene"). As a result we need to discover their capabilities at runtime when iterating through this non-homogeneous collection by either querying the collection or the objects individually to see what they provide.
Either way, both involve some type of centralized casting to retrieve either an interface or a component from an entity, and if we have to downcast, then a dynamic_cast is at least the safest way to do that which involves runtime type checking to make sure the cast is valid. And with both ECS and COM, you generally only need one line of code in the entire system which performs this cast.
That said, the runtime checking does have a small cost. Typically if dynamic_cast is used in COM and ECS architectures, it's done in a way so that a std::bad_cast should never be thrown and/or that dynamic_cast itself never returns nullptr (the dynamic_cast is just a sanity check to make sure there are no internal programmer errors, not as a way to determine if an object inherits a type). Another type of runtime check is made to avoid that (ex: just once for an entire query in an ECS when fetching all PosAndVelocity components to determine which component list to use which is actually homogeneous and only stores PosAndVelocity components). If that small runtime cost is non-negligible because you're looping over a boatload of components every frame and doing trivial work to each, then I found this snippet useful from Herb Sutter in C++ Coding Standards:
template<class To, class From> To checked_cast(From* from) {
assert( dynamic_cast<To>(from) == static_cast<To>(from) && "checked_cast failed" );
return static_cast<To>(from);
template<class To, class From> To checked_cast(From& from) {
assert( dynamic_cast<To>(from) == static_cast<To>(from) && "checked_cast failed" );
return static_cast<To>(from);
It basically uses dynamic_cast as a sanity check for debug builds with an assert, and static_cast for release builds.

Advice for best approach at extending class capability

I want to extend a class to include extra data and capabilities (I want polymorphic behavior). It seemed obvious to use inheritance and multiple inheritance.
Having read various posts that inheritance (and especially multiple inheritance) can be problematic, I've begun looking into other options:
Put all data and functions in one class and not use inheritance
Composite pattern
Is there a suggested approach for the following inheritance example? Is this a case where inheritance is reasonable? (but I don't like having to put default functions in the base-class)
#include <iostream>
class B {
virtual ~B() { }
void setVal(int val) { val_ = val; }
// I'd rather not have these at base class level but want to use
// polymorphism on type B:
virtual void setColor(int val) { std::cout << "setColor not implemented" << std::endl; }
virtual void setLength(int val) { std::cout << "setLength not implemented" << std::endl; }
int val_;
class D1 : virtual public B {
void setColor(int color) {
std::cout << "D1::setColor to " << color << std::endl;
color_ = color;
int color_;
class D2 : virtual public B {
void setLength(int length) {
std::cout << "D2::setLength to " << length << std::endl;
length_ = length;
int length_;
// multi-inheritance diamond - have fiddled with mixin
// but haven't solved using type B polymorphically with mixins
class M1 : public D1, public D2 {
int main() {
B* d1 = new D1;
B* m1 = new M1;
return 0;
Suspected problems with the original example code
There are a number of issues with your example.
In the first place, you don't have to supply function bodies in the base class. Use pure virtual functions instead.
Secondly, both your classes D1 and D2 miss functionality, so they should be abstract (which will prevent you from creating deprived objects from them). This second issue will become clear if you indeed use pure virtual functions for your base class. The compiler will start to issue warnings then.
Instantiating D1 as you do with new D1, is bad design, because D1 has no truly functional implementation of the setLength method, even if you give it a 'dummy' body. Giving it a 'dummy' body (one that doesn't do anything useful) so masks your design error.
So your remark (but I don't like having to put default functions in the base-class) testifies of a proper intuition. Having to do that signals flawed design. A D1 object cannot understand setLength, while its inherited public interface promises it can.
And: There's nothing wrong with multiple inheritance, if used correctly. It is very powerful and elegant. But you have to use it where appropiate. D1 and D2 are partial implementations of B, so abstract, and inheriting from both will indeed give you a complete implementation, so concrete.
Maybe a good rule to start with is: Use multiple inheritance only if you see a compelling need for it. But if you do, as said, it's very useful. It can prevent quite some ugly asymmetry and code duplication, compared to e.g. a language like Java, that has banned it.
I am not a tree doctor. When I use a chainsaw I endanger my leg. But that is not to say chainsaws ain't useful.
Where to put the dummy: Nowhere please, do not disinherit...
[EDIT after first comment of OP]
If you derive a class D1 from B that would print 'setLength not implemented' if you call its setLength method, how should the caller react? It shouldn't have called it in the first place, which the caller could have known if D1 did not derive from a B that has this methods, pure virtual or not. Then it would have been clear that it just doesn't support this method. Having the B baseclass makes D1 feel at home in a polymorphic datastructure who'se element type, B* or B&, promises its users that its objects properly support getLength, which they don't.
While this is not the case in your example (but maybe you left things out), there may of course be a good reason to derive D1 and D2 from B. B could hold a part of the eventual interface or implementation of its derived classes that both D1 an D2 need.
Suppose B had a method setAny (key, value) (setting a value in a dictionary), which D1 and D2 both use, D1 calls it in setColor and D2 calls it in setLength.
In that case use of a common base class is justified. In that case B should not have virtual methods setColor or setLength at all, neither dummies nor pure. You should just have a setColor in your D1 class and a setLength in your D2 class, but neither of both in your B class.
There's a basic rule in Object Oriented Design:
Do not disinherit
By introducing the concept of a "method that's not applicable" in a concrete class that's just what you're doing. Now rules like this aren't dogma's. But violating this rule almost always points to a design flaw.
All B's in one datastructure is only useful to have them do a trick that they all understand...
[EDIT2 after second coment of OP]
OP wants to have a map that can hold objects of any class derived from B.
This is exactly where the problem starts. To find out how to store pointers and references to our objects, we have to ask: what is the storage used for. If a map, say mapB is used to store pointers to B, there must be some point in that. With data storage the fun is in retrieving the data and doing something useful with it.
Let's make this a bit simpler by working with lists from everyday life. Suppose I have a personList of say 1000 persons, each with their fullName and phoneNumber. And now say I have a problem with the kitchen sink. I could in fact read through the list, call every single Person on it and ask: can you repair my kitchen sink. In other words: do you support the repairKitchenSink method. Or: are you by any chance an instance of class Plumber (are you a Plumber). But then I spend quite some time calling, and maybe after 500 calls or so, I'll be lucky.
Now all 1000 persons on my personList do support the talkToMe method. So whenever I feel lonely I can call any person from that list and invokate that Person's talkToMe method. But they should not all have a repairKitchenSink method, even not a pure virtual or a dummy variation that does something else, because if I would call this method for a person of class Burglar, he'd probably respond to the call, but in an unexpected way.
So class Person shouldn't contain a method repairKitchenSink, even not a pure virtual one. Because it should never called as part of iteration of personList. It should be called when iterating plumberList. This lists only holds objects that support the repairKitchenSink method.
Use pure virtual functions only where appropriate
They may support it in different ways though. In other words, in class Plumber, method repairKitchenSink can e.g. be pure virtual. There may e.g. be 2 derived classes, PvcPlumber and CopperPlumber. CopperPlumber would implement (code) the repairKitchenSink method by calling lightFlame, followed by a call to solderDrainToSink whereas PvcPlumber would implement it as successive calls to applyGlueToPvcTube and glueTubeToSinkOutlet. But both plumber subclasses implement repairKitchenSink, only in different ways. This and only this justifies having the pure virtual function repairKitchenSink in their base class Plumber. Now of course a class may be derived from Plumber that doesn't implement that method, say class WannabePlumber. But since it will be abstract, you cannot instantiate objects from it, which is good, unless you want wet feet.
There may be many different subclasses of Person. They e.g. represent different professions, or different political preferences, or different religions. If a Person is a Democrat Budhist Plumber, than he (M/F) may be in a derived class that inherits from classes Democrat, Budhist and Plumber. Using inheritance or even typing for something so volatile as political preferences or religious beliefs, or even profession and the endless amount of combinations of those, would not be handy in practice, but it's just an example. In reality profession, religion and politicalPreference would probably be attributes. But that doesn't change the point that matters here. IF something is of a class does not support a certain operation, THEN it shouldn't be in a datastructure that suggests it does.
By, besides personList, having plumberList, animistList and democratList, you're sure to call a person that understands your call to method inviteBillToPlayInMyJazzBand, or worshipTheTreeInMyBackyard.
Lists don't contain objects, they only contain pointers or references to objects. So there's nothing wrong with our Democratic Budhist Plumber being contained in personList, democratList, budhistList and plumberList. Lists are like database indexes. The don't contain the records, they just refer to them. You can have many indexes on one table, and you should, because indexes are small and make your database fast.
The same holds for polymorphic datastructures. At the moment that even personList, democratList, budhistList and plumberList become so large that you're running out of memory, the solution is generally NOT to only have a personList. Because then you exchange your memory problem for a perfomance problem and a code complexity problem that, in general, is far worse.
So, back to your comment: You say you want all your derived classes to be in a list of B's. Fine, but still the interface of a B should only contain methods that are implemented for everything in the list, so no dummy methods. That would be like going through the library and going through all books, in search for one that supports the teachMeAboutTheLovelifeOfGoldfishes method.
To be honest, in telling you all this, I've been committing a capital sin. I've been selling general truths. But in software design these don't exist. I've been trying to sell them to you because I've been teaching OO design for some 30 years now, and I think I recognize the point where your stuck. But to every rule there are many exceptions. Still, if I've properly fathomed your problem, in this case I think you should go for separate datastructures, each holding only references or pointers to objects that really can do trick that you were after when you iterated through that particular datastructure.
A point is a square circle
Part of the confusion in properly using polymorphic datastructures (datastructures holding pointers or references to different object types) comes for the world of relational databases. RDB's work with tables of flat records, each record having the same fields. Since some fields may not apply, something called 'constraint' was invented. In C++ class Point would contain field x and y. Class Circle could inherit from it and additionally contain field 'radius'. Class Square could also inherit from Point, but contain field 'side' in addition to x and y. In the RDB world constraints, not fields, are inherited. So a Circle would have constraint radius == 0. And a Square would have constraint side == 0. And a Point would inherit both constraints, so it would meet the conditions for both being a square and a circle: A point is a square circle, which in mathematics indeed is the case. Note that the constraint inheritance hierarchy is 'upside down', compared to C++. Which can be confusing.
What doesn't help either is the generally held belief that inheritance goes hand in hand with specialization. While this is often the case it isn't always. In many cases in C++ inheritance is extension rather than specialization. The two often coincide, but the Point, Square, Circle example shows that this isn't a general truth.
If inheritance is used, in C++ Circle should derive from Point, since it has extra fields. But a Circle certainly isn't a special type of Point, it's the other way round. In many practical libraries, by the way, Circle will contain an object of class Point, holding x and y, rather than inherit from it, bypassing the whole problem.
Welcome to the world of design choices
What you bumped into is a real design choice, and an important one. Thinking very carefully about things like this, as you are doing, and trying them all in practice, including the allegedly 'wrong' ones, will make you a programmer, rather than a coder.
Let me first state that what you are trying to do is a design smell: Most probably what you are actually trying to achieve could be achieved in a better way. Unfortunately we can't know what it is you actually want to achieve since you only told us how you want to achieve it.
But anyway, your implementation is bad, as the methods report "not implemented" to the users of the program, rather than to the caller. There is no way for the caller to react on the method not doing what is intended. Even worse, you don't even output it to the error stream, but to the regular output stream, so if you use that class in any program that produces regular output, that output will be interrupted by your error message, possibly confusing a program further on in a pipeline).
Here's a better way to do it:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib> // for EXIT_FAILURE
class B {
virtual ~B() { }
void setVal(int val) { val_ = val; }
// note: No implementation of methods not making sense to a B
int val_;
class D1 : virtual public B {
void setColor(int color) {
std::cout << "D1::setColor to " << color << std::endl;
color_ = color;
int color_;
class D2 : virtual public B {
void setLength(int length) {
std::cout << "D2::setLength to " << length << std::endl;
length_ = length;
int length_;
class M1 : public virtual D1, public virtual D2 {
int main() {
B* d1 = new D1;
if (D1* p = dynamic_cast<D1*>(d1))
// note: Use std::cerr, not std::cout, for error messages
std::cerr << "Oops, this wasn't a D1!\n";
// Since this should not have happened to begin with,
// better exit immediately; *reporting* the failure
B* m1 = new M1;
if (D2* p = dynamic_cast<D2*>(m1))
// note: Use std::cerr, not std::cout, for error messages
std::cerr << "Oops, this wasn't a D1!\n";
// Since this should not have happened to begin with,
// better exit immediately; *reporting* the failure
if (D1* p = dynamic_cast<D1*>(m1))
// note: Use std::cerr, not std::cout, for error messages
std::cerr << "Oops, this wasn't a D1!\n";
// Since this should not have happened to begin with,
// better exit immediately; *reporting* the failure
return 0;
Alternatively, you could make use of the fact that your methods share some uniformity, and use a common method to set all:
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept> // for std::logic_error
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
enum properties { propValue, propColour, propLength };
std::string property_name(property p)
case propValue: return "Value";
case propColour: return "Colour";
case propLength: return "Length";
default: return "<invalid property>";
class B
virtual ~B() {}
// allow the caller to determine which properties are supported
virtual bool supportsProperty(property p)
return p == propValue;
void setProperty(property p, int v)
bool succeeded = do_set_property(p,v);
// report problems to the _caller_
if (!succeeded)
throw std::logic_error(property_name(p)+" not supported.");
virtual bool do_set_property(property p)
if (p == propValue)
value = v;
return true;
return false;
int value;
class D1: public virtual B
virtual bool supportsProperty(property p)
return p == propColour || B::supportsProperty(p);
virtual bool do_set_property(property p, int v)
if (p == propColour)
colour = v;
return true;
return B::do_set_property(p, v);
int colour;
class D2: public virtual B
virtual bool supportsProperty(property p)
return p == propLength || B::supportsProperty(p);
virtual bool do_set_property(property p, int v)
if (p == propLength)
length = v;
return true;
return B::do_set_property(p, v);
int length;
class M1: public virtual D1, public virtual D2
virtual bool supportsProperty(property p)
return D1::supportsProperty(p) || D2::supportsProperty(p);
bool do_set_property(property p, int v)
return D1::do_set_property(p, v) || D2::do_set_property(p, v);

Practical use of dynamic_cast?

I have a pretty simple question about the dynamic_cast operator. I know this is used for run time type identification, i.e., to know about the object type at run time. But from your programming experience, can you please give a real scenario where you had to use this operator? What were the difficulties without using it?
Toy example
Noah's ark shall function as a container for different types of animals. As the ark itself is not concerned about the difference between monkeys, penguins, and mosquitoes, you define a class Animal, derive the classes Monkey, Penguin, and Mosquito from it, and store each of them as an Animal in the ark.
Once the flood is over, Noah wants to distribute animals across earth to the places where they belong and hence needs additional knowledge about the generic animals stored in his ark. As one example, he can now try to dynamic_cast<> each animal to a Penguin in order to figure out which of the animals are penguins to be released in the Antarctic and which are not.
Real life example
We implemented an event monitoring framework, where an application would store runtime-generated events in a list. Event monitors would go through this list and examine those specific events they were interested in. Event types were OS-level things such as SYSCALL, FUNCTIONCALL, and INTERRUPT.
Here, we stored all our specific events in a generic list of Event instances. Monitors would then iterate over this list and dynamic_cast<> the events they saw to those types they were interested in. All others (those that raise an exception) are ignored.
Question: Why can't you have a separate list for each event type?
Answer: You can do this, but it makes extending the system with new events as well as new monitors (aggregating multiple event types) harder, because everyone needs to be aware of the respective lists to check for.
A typical use case is the visitor pattern:
struct Element
virtual ~Element() { }
void accept(Visitor & v)
struct Visitor
virtual void visit(Element * e) = 0;
virtual ~Visitor() { }
struct RedElement : Element { };
struct BlueElement : Element { };
struct FifthElement : Element { };
struct MyVisitor : Visitor
virtual void visit(Element * e)
if (RedElement * p = dynamic_cast<RedElement*>(e))
// do things specific to Red
else if (BlueElement * p = dynamic_cast<BlueElement*>(e))
// do things specific to Blue
// error: visitor doesn't know what to do with this element
Now if you have some Element & e;, you can make MyVisitor v; and say e.accept(v).
The key design feature is that if you modify your Element hierarchy, you only have to edit your visitors. The pattern is still fairly complex, and only recommended if you have a very stable class hierarchy of Elements.
Imagine this situation: You have a C++ program that reads and displays HTML. You have a base class HTMLElement which has a pure virtual method displayOnScreen. You also have a function called renderHTMLToBitmap, which draws the HTML to a bitmap. If each HTMLElement has a vector<HTMLElement*> children;, you can just pass the HTMLElement representing the element <html>. But what if a few of the subclasses need special treatment, like <link> for adding CSS. You need a way to know if an element is a LinkElement so you can give it to the CSS functions. To find that out, you'd use dynamic_cast.
The problem with dynamic_cast and polymorphism in general is that it's not terribly efficient. When you add vtables into the mix, it only get's worse.
When you add virtual functions to a base class, when they are called, you end up actually going through quite a few layers of function pointers and memory areas. That will never be more efficient than something like the ASM call instruction.
Edit: In response to Andrew's comment bellow, here's a new approach: Instead of dynamic casting to the specific element type (LinkElement), instead you have another abstract subclass of HTMLElement called ActionElement that overrides displayOnScreen with a function that displays nothing, and creates a new pure virtual function: virtual void doAction() const = 0. The dynamic_cast is changed to test for ActionElement and just calls doAction(). You'd have the same kind of subclass for GraphicalElement with a virtual method displayOnScreen().
Edit 2: Here's what a "rendering" method might look like:
void render(HTMLElement root) {
for(vector<HTLMElement*>::iterator i = root.children.begin(); i != root.children.end(); i++) {
if(dynamic_cast<ActionElement*>(*i) != NULL) //Is an ActionElement
ActionElement* ae = dynamic_cast<ActionElement*>(*i);
else if(dynamic_cast<GraphicalElement*>(*i) != NULL) //Is a GraphicalElement
GraphicalElement* ge = dynamic_cast<GraphicalElement*>(*i);
Operator dynamic_cast solves the same problem as dynamic dispatch (virtual functions, visitor pattern, etc): it allows you to perform different actions based on the runtime type of an object.
However, you should always prefer dynamic dispatch, except perhaps when the number of dynamic_cast you'd need will never grow.
Eg. you should never do:
if (auto v = dynamic_cast<Dog*>(animal)) { ... }
else if (auto v = dynamic_cast<Cat*>(animal)) { ... }
for maintainability and performance reasons, but you can do eg.
for (MenuItem* item: items)
if (auto submenu = dynamic_cast<Submenu*>(item))
auto items = submenu->items();
draw(context, items, position); // Recursion
which I've found quite useful in this exact situation: you have one very particular subhierarchy that must be handled separately, this is where dynamic_cast shines. But real world examples are quite rare (the menu example is something I had to deal with).
dynamic_cast is not intended as an alternative to virtual functions.
dynamic_cast has a non-trivial performance overhead (or so I think) since the whole class hierarchy has to be walked through.
dynamic_cast is similar to the 'is' operator of C# and the QueryInterface of good old COM.
So far I have found one real use of dynamic_cast:
(*) You have multiple inheritance and to locate the target of the cast the compiler has to walk the class hierarchy up and down to locate the target (or down and up if you prefer). This means that the target of the cast is in a parallel branch in relation to where the source of the cast is in the hierarchy. I think there is NO other way to do such a cast.
In all other cases, you just use some base class virtual to tell you what type of object you have and ONLY THEN you dynamic_cast it to the target class so you can use some of it's non-virtual functionality. Ideally there should be no non-virtual functionality, but what the heck, we live in the real world.
Doing things like:
if (v = dynamic_cast(...)){} else if (v = dynamic_cast(...)){} else if ...
is a performance waste.
Casting should be avoided when possible, because it is basically saying to the compiler that you know better and it is usually a sign of some weaker design decission.
However, you might come in situations where the abstraction level was a bit too high for 1 or 2 sub-classes, where you have the choice to change your design or solve it by checking the subclass with dynamic_cast and handle it in a seperate branch. The trade-of is between adding extra time and risk now against extra maintenance issues later.
In most situations where you are writing code in which you know the type of the entity you're working with, you just use static_cast as it's more efficient.
Situations where you need dynamic cast typically arrive (in my experience) from lack of foresight in design - typically where the designer fails to provide an enumeration or id that allows you to determine the type later in the code.
For example, I've seen this situation in more than one project already:
You may use a factory where the internal logic decides which derived class the user wants rather than the user explicitly selecting one. That factory, in a perfect world, returns an enumeration which will help you identify the type of returned object, but if it doesn't you may need to test what type of object it gave you with a dynamic_cast.
Your follow-up question would obviously be: Why would you need to know the type of object that you're using in code using a factory?
In a perfect world, you wouldn't - the interface provided by the base class would be sufficient for managing all of the factories' returned objects to all required extents. People don't design perfectly though. For example, if your factory creates abstract connection objects, you may suddenly realize that you need to access the UseSSL flag on your socket connection object, but the factory base doesn't support that and it's not relevant to any of the other classes using the interface. So, maybe you would check to see if you're using that type of derived class in your logic, and cast/set the flag directly if you are.
It's ugly, but it's not a perfect world, and sometimes you don't have time to refactor an imperfect design fully in the real world under work pressure.
The dynamic_cast operator is very useful to me.
I especially use it with the Observer pattern for event management:
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Subject; class Observer; class Event;
class Event { public: virtual ~Event() {}; };
class Observer { public: virtual void onEvent(Subject& s, const Event& e) = 0; };
class Subject {
vector<Observer*> m_obs;
void attach(Observer& obs) { m_obs.push_back(& obs); }
void notifyEvent(const Event& evt) {
for (vector<Observer*>::iterator it = m_obs.begin(); it != m_obs.end(); it++) {
if (Observer* const obs = *it) {
obs->onEvent(*this, evt);
// Define a model with events that contain data.
class MyModel : public Subject {
class Evt1 : public Event { public: int a; string s; };
class Evt2 : public Event { public: float f; };
// Define a first service that processes both events with their data.
class MyService1 : public Observer {
virtual void onEvent(Subject& s, const Event& e) {
if (const MyModel::Evt1* const e1 = dynamic_cast<const MyModel::Evt1*>(& e)) {
cout << "Service1 - event Evt1 received: a = " << e1->a << ", s = " << e1->s << endl;
if (const MyModel::Evt2* const e2 = dynamic_cast<const MyModel::Evt2*>(& e)) {
cout << "Service1 - event Evt2 received: f = " << e2->f << endl;
// Define a second service that only deals with the second event.
class MyService2 : public Observer {
virtual void onEvent(Subject& s, const Event& e) {
// Nothing to do with Evt1 in Service2
if (const MyModel::Evt2* const e2 = dynamic_cast<const MyModel::Evt2*>(& e)) {
cout << "Service2 - event Evt2 received: f = " << e2->f << endl;
int main(void) {
MyModel m; MyService1 s1; MyService2 s2;
m.attach(s1); m.attach(s2);
MyModel::Evt1 e1; e1.a = 2; e1.s = "two"; m.notifyEvent(e1);
MyModel::Evt2 e2; e2.f = .2f; m.notifyEvent(e2);
Contract Programming and RTTI shows how you can use dynamic_cast to allow objects to advertise what interfaces they implement. We used it in my shop to replace a rather opaque metaobject system. Now we can clearly describe the functionality of objects, even if the objects are introduced by a new module several weeks/months after the platform was 'baked' (though of course the contracts need to have been decided on up front).

How to return different classes from one function?

I have a question, though it is not limited to C++. How to return totally different class from one function?
f() {
in case one: return A;
in case two: return B;
in case three: return C;
For example, I have two balls in the space, according to the position and the size, there are three situations for the two balls to intersect with each other, i.e, non-intersection, at point, a and circle. How can I return different class in one function?
If you can afford Boost then this sounds like a perfect application for Boost.Variant.
struct NoIntersection {
// empty
struct Point {
// whatever
struct Circle {
// whatever
typedef boost::variant<NoIntersection, Point, Circle> IntersectionResult;
IntersectionResult intersection_test() {
return NoIntersection();
return Point(x, y);
return Circle(c, r);
throw std::runtime_error("unexpected");
You then process your result with a static visitor:
struct process_result_visitor : public boost::static_visitor<> {
void operator()(NoIntersection) {
std::cout << "there was no intersection\n";
void operator()(Point const &pnt) {
std::cout << "there was a point intersection\n";
void operator()(Circle const &circle) {
std::cout << "there was a circle intersection\n";
IntersectionResult result = intersection_test();
boost::apply_visitor(process_result_visitor(), result);
EDIT: The visitor class must derive from boost::static_visitor
UPDATE: Prompted by some critical comments I've written a little benchmark program. Four approaches are compared:
class hierarchy
These are the results in my home computer, when I compile in release mode with default optimizations (VC08):
test with boost::variant took 0.011 microseconds
test with union took 0.012 microseconds
test with hierarchy took 0.227 microseconds
test with boost::any took 0.188 microseconds
Using boost::variant is faster than a union and leads (IMO) to the most elegant code. I'd guess that the extremely poor performance of the class hierarchy approach is due to the need to use dynamic memory allocations and dynamic dispatch. boost::any is neither fast nor especially elegant so I wouldn't consider it for this task (it has other applications though)
The classes you want to return should be derived from a common base class. So, you can return the base type. For Example (this is not a code, just marking the pattern, you can use an interface if your language supports this abstraction or abstract class for example. If you use C++ you will have to return a pointer of the common class):
class A : public Common
class B : public Common
class C : public Common
Common f() {
in case one: return A;
in case two: return B;
in case three: return C;
In addition to #Manuel's Boost.Variant suggestion, take a look at Boost.Any: has similar purpose as Boost.Variant but different tradeoffs and functionality.
boost::any is unbounded (can hold any type) while boost::variant is bounded (supported types is encoded in variant type, so it can hold only values of these types).
// from Beyond the C++ Standard Library: An Introduction to Boost
// By Björn Karlsson
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "boost/any.hpp"
class A {
void some_function() { std::cout << "A::some_function()\n"; }
class B {
void some_function() { std::cout << "B::some_function()\n"; }
class C {
void some_function() { std::cout << "C::some_function()\n"; }
int main() {
std::cout << "Example of using any.\n\n";
std::vector<boost::any> store_anything;
// While we're at it, let's add a few other things as well
store_anything.push_back(std::string("This is fantastic! "));
store_anything.push_back(std::make_pair(true, 7.92));
void print_any(boost::any& a);
// Defined later; reports on the value in a
void print_any(boost::any& a) {
if (A* pA=boost::any_cast<A>(&a)) {
else if (B* pB=boost::any_cast<B>(&a)) {
else if (C* pC=boost::any_cast<C>(&a)) {
In order to be able to do anything useful with the result, you have to return an object which has a common baseclass. In your case you might want to let A, B, and C inherit from a common "intersection-class"; a class which is common for all objects which represents some form of intersection. Your function f would then return an object of this type.
The classes you want to return should have a common parent class or interface.
If those classes do not have anything in common, that, I suppose, is untrue, you can return object.
This feature is also known as polymorphism.
In c++ base class pointer can point to derived class object. We can make use of this fact to code a function that meets your requirements:
class shape{};
class circle: public shape
class square: public shape
shape* function(int i){ // function returning a base class pointer.
switch(i) {
case 1: return new circle();
case 2: return new square();
There is one other option available. You can return a union of pointers to objects along with a tag that tells the caller which member of the union is valid. Something like:
struct result {
enum discriminant { A_member, B_member, C_member, Undefined } tag;
union result_data {
A *a_object;
B *b_object;
C *c_object;
} data;
result(): tag(Undefined) {}
explicit result(A *obj): tag(A_member) { data.a_object = obj; }
explicit result(B *obj): tag(B_member) { data.b_object = obj; }
explicit result(C *obj): tag(C_member) { data.c_object = obj; }
I would probably use Boost.variant as suggested by Manuel if you have the option.
You can't. You can only return a base pointer to different derived classes. If this is absolutely, 100% needed, you can use exceptions as a ugly hack, but that's obviously not recommended at all.
Even if you could return three different types of objects from the function, what would you do with the result? You need to do something like:
XXX ret_val = getIntersection();
If getIntersection returned three different types of objects, XXX would have to change based on what getIntersection was going to return. Clearly this is quite impossible.
To deal with this, you can define one type that defines enough to cover all the possibilities:
class Intersection {
enum { empty, point, circle, sphere};
point3D location;
size_t radius;
Now getIntersection() can return an Intersection that defines what kind of intersection you have (and BTW, you need to consider the fourth possibility: with two spheres of the same radius and same center point, the intersection will be a sphere) and the size and location of that intersection.
The limitation is based on the declared return type of your method. Your code states:
f() {
in case one: return A;
in case two: return B;
in case three: return C;
When in reality the compiler requires something like this:
FooType f() {
in case one: return A;
in case two: return B;
in case three: return C;
It must be possible to convert the A, B, and C to a FooType, typically through simple inheritance, though I won't get into the differences between subclasses vs subtyping.
There are approaches that can get around this. You could create a class or struct (C++) which has fields for each different type of possible return and use some flag field to indicate which field is the actual returned value.
class ReturnHolder {
public int fieldFlag;
public TypeA A;
public TypeB B;
public TypeC C;
The enum example in another answer is more of the same. The reason why that is a hack is that the code that handles the return from this method will have to have lots of code to handle each of the different possibilites, like so
FooType *x = new FooType();
ReturnHolder ret = x.f();
switch (ret.fieldFlag)
case: 1
//read ret.A
case: 2
//read ret.B
case: 3
//read ret.C
And that's without even going into trying to do it with Exceptions which introduce even bigger problems. Maybe I'll add that in later as an edit.
And by the way, as you said that question "is not limited to C++":
1) dynamic languages, of course, make it piece of cake:
# python
def func(i):
if i == 0:
return 0
elif i == 1:
return "zero"
return ()
2) some functional languages (Haskell, OCaml, Scala, F#) provide nice built-in variants that are called Algebraic Data Types (article has good samples).
In languages that reflection, it is easier to achieve. In cpp, if you have a standard set of classes to be returned (pointers), create an enumeration and return the enum value. Using this value you can infer the class type. This is a generic way in case there is no common parent class
You really shouldn't want to be doing that, and should really come up with a better design instead of forcing a square peg in a round hole. And with most languages you can't do it at all, by design. You will never really know what you are working with, and neither will the compiler ahead of time, ensuring extra bugs and weird behavior and incomprehensibility.

Storing a list of arbitrary objects in C++

In Java, you can have a List of Objects. You can add objects of multiple types, then retrieve them, check their type, and perform the appropriate action for that type.
For example: (apologies if the code isn't exactly correct, I'm going from memory)
List<Object> list = new LinkedList<Object>();
list.add("Hello World!");
for (object o : list)
if (o instanceof int)
; // Do stuff if it's an int
else if (o instanceof String)
; // Do stuff if it's a string
else if (o instanceof boolean)
; // Do stuff if it's a boolean
What's the best way to replicate this behavior in C++?
boost::variant is similar to dirkgently's suggestion of boost::any, but supports the Visitor pattern, meaning it's easier to add type-specific code later. Also, it allocates values on the stack rather than using dynamic allocation, leading to slightly more efficient code.
EDIT: As litb points out in the comments, using variant instead of any means you can only hold values from one of a prespecified list of types. This is often a strength, though it might be a weakness in the asker's case.
Here is an example (not using the Visitor pattern though):
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
vector<variant<int, string, bool> > v;
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) {
if (int* pi = get<int>(v[i])) {
// Do stuff with *pi
} else if (string* si = get<string>(v[i])) {
// Do stuff with *si
} else if (bool* bi = get<bool>(v[i])) {
// Do stuff with *bi
(And yes, you should technically use vector<T>::size_type instead of int for i's type, and you should technically use vector<T>::iterator instead anyway, but I'm trying to keep it simple.)
Your example using Boost.Variant and a visitor:
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
typedef variant<string, int, bool> object;
struct vis : public static_visitor<>
void operator() (string s) const { /* do string stuff */ }
void operator() (int i) const { /* do int stuff */ }
void operator() (bool b) const { /* do bool stuff */ }
int main()
list<object> List;
List.push_back("Hello World!");
BOOST_FOREACH (object& o, List) {
apply_visitor(vis(), o);
return 0;
One good thing about using this technique is that if, later on, you add another type to the variant and you forget to modify a visitor to include that type, it will not compile. You have to support every possible case. Whereas, if you use a switch or cascading if statements, it's easy to forget to make the change everywhere and introduce a bug.
C++ does not support heterogenous containers.
If you are not going to use boost the hack is to create a dummy class and have all the different classes derive from this dummy class. Create a container of your choice to hold dummy class objects and you are ready to go.
class Dummy {
virtual void whoami() = 0;
class Lizard : public Dummy {
virtual void whoami() { std::cout << "I'm a lizard!\n"; }
class Transporter : public Dummy {
virtual void whoami() { std::cout << "I'm Jason Statham!\n"; }
int main() {
std::list<Dummy*> hateList;
hateList.insert(new Transporter());
hateList.insert(new Lizard());
std::for_each(hateList.begin(), hateList.end(),
// yes, I'm leaking memory, but that's besides the point
If you are going to use boost you can try boost::any. Here is an example of using boost::any.
You may find this excellent article by two leading C++ experts of interest.
Now, boost::variant is another thing to look out for as j_random_hacker mentioned. So, here's a comparison to get a fair idea of what to use.
With a boost::variant the code above would look something like this:
class Lizard {
void whoami() { std::cout << "I'm a lizard!\n"; }
class Transporter {
void whoami() { std::cout << "I'm Jason Statham!\n"; }
int main() {
std::vector< boost::variant<Lizard, Transporter> > hateList;
std::for_each(hateList.begin(), hateList.end(), std::mem_fun(&Dummy::whoami));
How often is that sort of thing actually useful? I've been programming in C++ for quite a few years, on different projects, and have never actually wanted a heterogenous container. It may be common in Java for some reason (I have much less Java experience), but for any given use of it in a Java project there might be a way to do something different that will work better in C++.
C++ has a heavier emphasis on type safety than Java, and this is very type-unsafe.
That said, if the objects have nothing in common, why are you storing them together?
If they do have things in common, you can make a class for them to inherit from; alternately, use boost::any. If they inherit, have virtual functions to call, or use dynamic_cast<> if you really have to.
I'd just like to point out that using dynamic type casting in order to branch based on type often hints at flaws in the architecture. Most times you can achieve the same effect using virtual functions:
class MyData
// base classes of polymorphic types should have a virtual destructor
virtual ~MyData() {}
// hand off to protected implementation in derived classes
void DoSomething() { this->OnDoSomething(); }
// abstract, force implementation in derived classes
virtual void OnDoSomething() = 0;
class MyIntData : public MyData
// do something to int data
virtual void OnDoSomething() { ... }
int data;
class MyComplexData : public MyData
// do something to Complex data
virtual void OnDoSomething() { ... }
Complex data;
void main()
// alloc data objects
MyData* myData[ 2 ] =
new MyIntData()
, new MyComplexData()
// process data objects
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) // for each data object
myData[ i ]->DoSomething(); // no type cast needed
// delete data objects
delete myData[0];
delete myData[1];
Sadly there is no easy way of doing this in C++. You have to create a base class yourself and derive all other classes from this class. Create a vector of base class pointers and then use dynamic_cast (which comes with its own runtime overhead) to find the actual type.
Just for completeness of this topic I want to mention that you can actually do this with pure C by using void* and then casting it into whatever it has to be (ok, my example isn't pure C since it uses vectors but that saves me some code). This will work if you know what type your objects are, or if you store a field somewhere which remembers that. You most certainly DON'T want to do this but here is an example to show that it's possible:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int a = 4;
string str = "hello";
vector<void*> list;
list.push_back( (void*) &a );
list.push_back( (void*) &str );
cout << * (int*) list[0] << "\t" << * (string*) list[1] << endl;
return 0;
While you cannot store primitive types in containers, you can create primitive type wrapper classes which will be similar to Java's autoboxed primitive types (in your example the primitive typed literals are actually being autoboxed); instances of which appear in C++ code (and can (almost) be used) just like primitive variables/data members.
See Object Wrappers for the Built-In Types from Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++.
With the wrapped object you can use the c++ typeid() operator to compare the type.
I am pretty sure the following comparison will work:
if (typeid(o) == typeid(Int)) [where Int would be the wrapped class for the int primitive type, etc...]
(otherwise simply add a function to your primitive wrappers that returns a typeid and thus:
if (o.get_typeid() == typeid(Int)) ...
That being said, with respect to your example, this has code smell to me.
Unless this is the only place where you are checking the type of the object,
I would be inclined to use polymorphism (especially if you have other methods/functions specific with respect to type). In this case I would use the primitive wrappers adding an interfaced class declaring the deferred method (for doing 'do stuff') that would be implemented by each of your wrapped primitive classes. With this you would be able to use your container iterator and eliminate your if statement (again, if you only have this one comparison of type, setting up the deferred method using polymorphism just for this would be overkill).
I am a fairly inexperienced, but here's what I'd go with-
Create a base class for all classes you need to manipulate.
Write container class/ reuse container class.
(Revised after seeing other answers -My previous point was too cryptic.)
Write similar code.
I am sure a much better solution is possible. I am also sure a better explanation is possible. I've learnt that I have some bad C++ programming habits, so I've tried to convey my idea without getting into code.
I hope this helps.
Beside the fact, as most have pointed out, you can't do that, or more importantly, more than likely, you really don't want to.
Let's dismiss your example, and consider something closer to a real-life example. Specifically, some code I saw in a real open-source project. It attempted to emulate a cpu in a character array. Hence it would put into the array a one byte "op code", followed by 0, 1 or 2 bytes which could be a character, an integer, or a pointer to a string, based on the op code. To handle that, it involved a lot of bit-fiddling.
My simple solution: 4 separate stacks<>s: One for the "opcode" enum and one each for chars, ints and string. Take the next off the opcode stack, and the would take you which of the other three to get the operand.
There's a very good chance your actual problem can be handled in a similar way.
Well, you could create a base class and then create classes which inherit from it. Then, store them in a std::vector.
The short answer is... you can't.
The long answer is... you'd have to define your own new heirarchy of objects that all inherit from a base object. In Java all objects ultimately descend from "Object", which is what allows you to do this.
RTTI (Run time type info) in C++ has always been tough, especially cross-compiler.
You're best option is to use STL and define an interface in order to determine the object type:
public class IThing
virtual bool isA(const char* typeName);
void myFunc()
std::vector<IThing> things;
// ...
things.add(new FrogThing());
things.add(new LizardThing());
// ...
for (int i = 0; i < things.length(); i++)
IThing* pThing = things[i];
if (pThing->isA("lizard"))
// do this
// etc