FreeBSD mount failed with error: operation not supported by device - virtualbox

I'm using freeBSD on VirtualBox on Windows10.
I want to mount on Windows. (HOST:Windows GUEST:freeBSD)
I run mount command but got an error below.
mount -t vboxvfs -w mp /mnt/vbox
mount: mp: Operation not supported by device
How can I solve this error?
What I did:
I install virtualbox-ose-additions-nox11-5.2.34 and virtualbox-ose-kmod-5.2.34,
then append vboxguest_enable="YES" and vboxservice_enable="YES" to my /etc/rc.config.
mp is normal empty folder on C:
I also install Guest Additions following Virtualbox's dialog.

this error caused by typo.
wrong : vboxfs
correct: vboxvfs
(I write correct command in this Question but I enter wrong command to my machine.)


MinGW pacman -Sys Unable to lock database

To start Code and Compile C++, must install a compiler. For my case, it is MSYS2 through which MinGW is available. According to the installation guild mentioned on the website, I installed the software without any errors. Now I was supposed to update the package database and base packages by entering pacman -Sys but it has shown an error
error: failed to synchronize all databases (unable to lock database)
After searching online for a solution I found that deleting/removing the db.lck will work, for that, I used this command rm /var/lib/pacman/db.lck
but it showed another error. Right now there is no solution to this on the internet.
I've also pasted the terminal output of MSYS2 MSYS for refernce.
$ pacman -Sys
:: Synchronizing package databases...
error: failed to synchronize all databases (unable to lock database)
$ rm /var/lib/pacman/db.lck
rm: cannot remove '/var/lib/pacman/db.lck': No such file or directory
$ pacman -S --needed base-devel mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain
error: failed to init transaction (unable to lock database)
error: could not lock database: Permission denied
$ pacman -Su
error: failed to init transaction (unable to lock database)
error: could not lock database: Permission denied
As I found there 2 solutions for this error. Try both :
Solution : 1
C:\Users\your_account_name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\MSYS2 64bit
Run "MSYS2 MSYS" as administrator
Run the command : pacman -Syu
Solution - 2 :
C:\msys64\var\lib\pacman ( Go to the downloaded folder)
Delete the "db.lck" file
For solution 1 : Mr. Padro's ( solution helped me.
For solution 2
Try to run MSYS app under administrator privilege... worked for me

ERROR: Failed to build PhantomJS! Building Qt Base failed

I have Debian Linux(64-bit) in VirtualBox.
Ram: 8Gb (for Debian 4Gb)
CPU: i5-3470
If any other details are needed please tell me.
I have followed instructions written here, and here you can see the console log.
For some reason I am unable to to build phantomjs and I can't understand why its not working... Have searched a lot, but couldn't find any thread which would be about this error.
--- EDIT ---
When I executed this command:
./configure --with-openssl-includes=/usr/include/openssl-1.0/ --with-openssl-libraries=/usr/lib/openssl-1.0/
Output was this:
--with-openssl-includes=/usr/include/openssl-1.0/: invalid command-line switch
--with-openssl-libraries=/usr/lib/openssl-1.0/: invalid command-line switch
The output of the console has changed but I still get errors:
Looks like you are on stretch (or later) and that you are already aware of the libssl vs libssl1.0 case.
Therefore, if you don't have libssl-dev installed, this line will get you further:
python --qt-config "-I /usr/include/openssl-1.0/ -L /usr/lib/openssl-1.0/"
If you already have it installed and my suggestion doesn't work, you can uninstall libssl-dev for the time to build phantomjs which will likely avoid having to play further with configuration related variables.

Installing the Qt SDK shows the message: cannot execute binary file

My environment is Linux 11.04
When I want to install Qt SDK
I download the SDK:qt-creator-linux-x86_64-opensource-2.5.2.bin
I move this file to /opt
and then
chmod u+x qt-creator-linux-x86_64-opensource-2.5.2.bin
but it shows that: cannot execute binary file
I think whether if it is because my Ubuntu is belong to 32-bit architecture
so I download qt-creator-linux-x86-opensource-2.5.2.bin
also move it to /opt file
and give the command:
chmod u+x qt-creator-linux-x86-opensource-2.5.2.bin
The same message still shows.
I give another command:
sudo ./qt-creator-linux-x86-opensource-2.5.2.bin
but it shows that Syntax error: ")" unexpected
how can I resolve this problem?

updating tizen-2.1 on test device

I have trouble on updating tizen-2.1 on my test device
I follow manual step by step, but some errors when I use lthor tool.
Can you give me some insight?
my environment
current tizen version on test device => 2.0
ubuntu 13.04 (on vmware 9)
modemmanager off
Error Message:
line 345: failed to read signature bytes
line 629: handshake failed
line 958: failed to open port (null)
Unfortunatelly, sometimes it's needed to uninstall modemmanger at all:
sudo apt-get purge modemmanager
Also VMWare may be at the bottom of your problem.
please follow these steps
I updated my device by following these steps.

How do I tell ColdFusion 9.0.1 to use a directory besides /tmp?

I installed ColdFusion 9.0.0 today and I'm trying to upgrade to 9.0.1.
Linux 64bit environment.
I don't have root access.
/tmp doesn't seem to have enough room to install 9.0.1
I found the following errors in /opt/coldfusion9/Adobe_ColdFusion_9.0.1_InstallLog.log
Install File: /tmp/515453.tmp/cf-multi-startup
Status: ERROR
Additional Notes: ERROR - ZeroGlq: No space left on device
Install File: /tmp/515453.tmp/
Status: ERROR
Additional Notes: ERROR - ZeroGlq: No space left on device
I tried -D IATEMPDIR=/opt/temp, but installer says it's trying to use /home/coldfusion due to lack of space in /tmp. It tries to use /tmp anyway.
Any ideas?
Here's my final script that worked. I had to fill /tmp and /home to 100% to get a decent error response out of the bin file. I'm sure my Linux admins were very pleased.
cd /opt/coldfusion9/bin
export LAX_DEBUG