Gmock const method not called instead calling the original method - c++

I have interface which is defined as
in .h file
namespace diagnostic{
class class1interface{
virtual int readpowerstate()const =0;
virtual int readparameters() = 0;
class class1 : public class1interface{
int readpowerstate()const;
int readparameters();}};
in .cc file i have the function
int diagnostic::readparameters(){
if(diagnostic::readpowerstate ==1)
{ //Dothis}
{return 0}}
i have to execute the else part since by default the if will get called when i run the program. So i tried to use gmock as follows.
class Mock_class : public diagnostic::class1interface{
and the gmock test i wrote as follows
// Test the failure of Read Parameters
TEST_F(TestBase, readParam_failure){
Mock_class mock_class;
class1 *class_dummmy = new class1();
EXPECT_CALL(mock_class, readpowerstate()).WillOnce(Return(0));
EXPECT_EQ(0, class_dummy->readparameters());}
when i'm executing this program i'm getting the error that
error: Actual function call count doesn't match
EXPECT_CALL(mock_class, readpowerstate())...
Expected: to be called at least once
Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active
what is the solution for this since i'm new to gmock.

Module tests are all about testing an isolated module (like an instance of a selected class) in a mocked environment, specifically, how that module communicates with other objects, and how it responds to various results of these calls. To make this possible, one uses mocks in place of that other real objects. Mock classes allow to both:
configure expectations regarding, e.g., the amount/sequence of calls and/or the values of arguments of these calls to specific functions, and verify those by registering all interactions;
program the results of these expected calls that are returned as if a real object performed some action and responded to the object under test.
This makes it possible to test an object as if it were surrounded by real components, without actually having those. E.g., a device manager can be tested on how it responds to device failures, by mocking a class representing a device and programming that mock to return an error code when some status function is invoked by the manager. That is, no real device class is used, and also, no real (faulty!) device itself is needed to be connected and configured. The mock will pretend to be that device, and what's important, this will all be on a software level.
This, however, is possible only if the class itself is designed in a way that allows us to somehow inject mocked objects in place of their real counterparts. Most importantly, the objects in the system need to communicate via interfaces and virtual calls. That is, the aforementioned device manager should not be communicating with, e.g., DeviceA (a concrete class name), but instead, some DeviceInterface, and so both DeviceA and a newly created mock DeviceMock could implement that interface and be used in that manager. This way the manager will not even know that it is beeing tested and communicates with a mocked object, and not the real device wrapper.
That is, currently, although you create a mock for class1interface you don't actually use that mock. Instead, you try to test class1. Creating a mock for class1interface is useful only if you aim to test some other component (like a class) that communicates with class1 through class1interface, not class1 itself.
So, having a mock for class1, you can e.g. test class2. But this requires this class design to meet the conditions I mentioned previously: communicating via interfaces and ability to inject a mock class.
So to meet the conditions, you'd have to rewrite the code:
int class2::readdata()
std::unique_ptr<diagnostic::class1interface> classint
= std::make_unique<diagnostic::class1>();
int value = classint->readparameters();
return value;
to (it's just an example of questionable usefulness, you'd have to adjust it to your needs):
int class2::readdata(diagnostic::classinterface* classint)
int value = classint->readparameters();
return value;
And so you could write a test for class2, injecting a mock of class1:
TEST_F( TestClass2, readParam_failure )
// Mocks configuration
Mock_class mock_class;
EXPECT_CALL( mock_class, readparameters() ).WillOnce(Return(0));
// System under test configuration
diagnostic::class2 sut;
// Test itself
EXPECT_EQ( 0, sut.readdata(&mock_class) );
This way you check that the call to class2::readdata is properly fowarded to class1interface::readparameters, and its result is returned.


Magento 2 : Proxy and Factory generation in unit tests scope

I'm trying to create an Unit Test for a Magento 2 (version 2.2.0) Class that have a Proxy Class injected in constructor.
According to the Magento documentation, Proxies are generated code, like Factories.
However, in Unit Test scope (code generation is in dev/tests/unit/tmp/generated directory), Proxies class are not generated. Only Factories is generated.
Is there any reason why Proxy Class is not generated in Unit Test scope ?
Hypothesis : according to the documentation, the Proxy injection should be in di.xml configuration file
<type name="FastLoading">
<argument name="slowLoading" xsi:type="object">SlowLoading\Proxy</argument>
instead of injecting directly in constructor :
class FastLoading
protected $slowLoading;
public function __construct(
SlowLoading\Proxy $slowLoading
$this->slowLoading = slowLoading;
So, inject a Proxy Class directly in constructor is a bad practice ?
Another question for Factory generation in unit test scope, assuming the following Factory generated :
// dev/tests/unit/tmp/generated/code/Magento/Framework/Api/SearchCriteriaBuilderFactory.php
namespace Magento\Framework\Api;
class SearchCriteriaBuilderFactory
public function create(array $data = [])
What is the reason that the create() method generated is empty and so return null in unit test scope ?
Firstly, assumption that proxy class should be configured in xml instead of injecting it in constructor is wrong because you are not able to configure arguments that are not already expected by constructor. Therefore both are complementary.
You can configure the class constructor arguments in your di.xml in the argument node. The object manager injects these arguments into the class during creation. The name of the argument configured in the XML file must correspond to the name of the parameter in the constructor in the configured class.
Secondly, in production you are using different Object Manager with different configuration of dependencies. When you are creating factory with developer/production object manager at some stage there is injected dynamic factory object responsible for generation of factory (see pic below)
Respectively, for developer mode dynamic class is
vendor/magento/framework/ObjectManager/Factory/Dynamic/Developer.php and for
production mode
In case of ObjectManager for UT it is a more or less a wrapper for mockery with some additional utilities and therefore it will not generate any real class. Actually, ::getObject() will throw an exception on 161 line of code. As you can see there it is because there is nothing more but some reflection magic.
Regarding the proxy question, in light of ad.1, you solution is not even possible plus, the proxy class is not generated for the same reasons as with factory.
A little bit more from UT perspective, I can't imagine situation when you would need any of the autogenerated class. All dependencies should be mocked and generated class will never be tested directly. Either, for factory or proxy, create mock like:
$mockSearachCriteriaBuilder = $this->getMockBuilder(Magento\Framework\Api\SearchCriteriaBuilderFactory::class)->disableOriginalConstructor()->setMethods([set_your_methods_stubs]->getMock()
And then inject it as a dependency in constructor of class under test eg.
$this->om = new \Magento\Framework\TestFramework\Unit\Helper\ObjectManager($this);
$this->om->getObject('your\class\name', ['searchCriteriaBuilder' => $this->mockSearchCriteriaBuilder];
This is just an example but it shows that even if your question was interesting, the problem does not exist because the real solution lies in a totally different approach.
No, presence of class is not required for a mock, the type is what is all about so if mock can act like a given type then source class do not have to exist.
class FactoryTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testSomething()
$mock = $this->getMock(UnknownClass::class, ['test']);
The test above will pass but there is nothing like UnknownClass. Also, there is no createMock method. Unit Test is all about isolation. If test requires anything more than class under test then it violate this principle. And here is where mockery comes in handy.

C++: Separating object's creation from use (for testing purposes)

Suppose I have code like below. http_client is an external dependency (a 3rd party API) I don't have control over. transaction_handler is a class I control and would like to write unit tests for.
// 3rd party
class http_client
std::string get(std::string url)
// makes an HTTP request and returns response content as string
// throws if status code is not 200
//code to be tested
enum class transaction_kind { sell, buy };
enum class status { ok, error };
class transaction_handler
http_client client;
status issue_transaction(transaction_kind action)
auto response =
client.get(std::string("http://fake.uri/") +
(action == transaction_kind::buy ? "buy" : "sell"));
return response == "OK" ? status::ok : status::error;
catch (const std::exception &)
return status::error;
Because http_client makes network calls I would like to be able to substitute it in my tests with a mock implementation which cuts off the network and allows for testing different conditions (ok/error/exception). Because transaction_handler is supposed to be internal I can modify it to make it testable but I wouldn't want to go over the border (i.e. I would like to avoid pointers or dynamic polymorphism if possible). Ideally I would like to use a kind of dependency injection where my tests would inject a mock http_client. I don't think I can/want to use a 'poor man's DI' where I would create an http_client implementation in the caller and pass it to the transaction_handler (by const reference? std::shared_ptr?) - because I don't control the http_client I would have to come up with an interface and -in the product code - I would have to wrap the http_client in a wrapper class that implements this interface and forwards the calls to the actual/wrapped http_client instance. In the test code I would create a mock implementation of that interface. The interface would have to be a pure abstract method which entails using runtime polymorphism which I wanted to avoid. Another option is to use templates. If I changed the transaction_handler class to look as follows:
template <typename T = http_client>
class transaction_handler
T client;
transaction_handler(const std::function<T()> &create) : client(create())
status issue_transaction(transaction_kind action)
// same as above, omitted for brevity
I could now create a mock http_client class:
class http_client_mock
std::string get(std::string url)
return std::string("OK");
and create the transaction_class object in my tests like this:
transaction_handler<http_client_mock> t(
[]() -> http_client_mock { return http_client_mock(); });
while I could use the following in my product code:
transaction_handler<> t1(
[]() -> http_client { return http_client(); });
While it seems to work and fullfill most of my requirements (even though I don't like the fact that the code instantiating transaction_handler need to be aware of the http_client type - maybe it can be somehow hidden as a factory class) - does it make sense at all? Or may be there are better ways of doing this kind of things? I spent a considerable amount of time looking for some simple DI patterns to make unit testing easier bud had hard time finding something that would suit my needs. Also, my background is mostly C so maybe I approach the problem from a wrong angle?
I'm maintaining a DI library, and your case is really interesting for me.
Mocking is about dynamic polymorphism or compile time mocking (at least when using C++). You pay 1 indirection to obtain ability to inject what you want (dependence only on 1 interface).
If you want to make code testable, the best way is using interfaces (pure virtual classes in C++ wich does not have interfaces) and inject dependencies only through constructor.
If you really want to avoid polymorphism (or you can't because of external API) you could still accept to have some code that is not fully testable.
Conventional way of doing things:
class ConcreteHttpClient : public virtual AbstractHttpClient { /*...*/}
class MockHttpClient : public virtual AbstractHttpClient{ /*...*/ }
You just choose what to inject based on needs ( I intentionally use "new" instead of showing some DI framwork at work).
Production code.
new TransactionHandler ( static_cast< AbstractService>( ConcreteService));
Unit testing the transaction handler
new TransactionHandler ( static_cast< AbstractService>( MockService));
If you later need to test some class using the transaction handler and the transaction handler implements a interface
class TransactionHandler: public virtual AbstractTransactionHandler { /*...*/}
You have just to create a TransactionHandlerMock inheriting from AbstractTransactionHandler
When you use interfaces the advantage is that you can use a Dependency Injection framework to avoid poor man's injection.
Compile time mocking.
What you proposed is a viable alternative, basically you assume a "static polymorphism" thanks to templates
Production code:
template <typename T = http_client>
class transaction_handler{/*...*/};
new transaction_handler( /*...*/ );
Unit test code:
using transaction_handler_mocked = transaction_handler< http_client_mock>;
new transaction_handler_mocked( /*...*/ );
However this has few Issues:
You are depending on "transaction_handler" type on each part of your production code so if you change it you have to recompile every file depending on it.
You can't inject a mocked handler as a mock itself, unless you change all classes depending on it to become templates accepting the handler.
Point number 2 means that basically in a complex project you have each class depending on each other, increasin compile times and forcing to whole recompiles of your project just for little changes
You are not using a Interface (pure virtual class) that means that you can still accidentally access fields or members of template parameters that were not intended to be accessed making your debuggin harder.
Other alternatives
Provide mock at link time, you don't have to mock a whole 3rd party library. Just the classes you are testing. Most IDEs are not thinked to work that way, but probably you can work around with some bash script or custom makefile. (In example, I do that for testing code dependent on C functions, in particular OpenGL)
Wrap interesting functionalities of libraries you want to test behind a class implementing a pure virtual class (don't know why you want to avoid it). You have good chances that you don't need to wrap all methods and you'll end with a smaller API to test against (just wrap parts you need to use, don't start up front wrapping the whole library)
Use a mocking framework, and possibly a dependency Injection framework.
Just write test routines that match whichever exports of http_client you're using. You're source will be linked in preference to any lib.
I think it's a good idea to mock it. Since http_client is an external dependency, I chose Typemock Isolator++ to handle with it. Look at the code below:
string okStr = "OK";
http_client* mock_client = FAKE_ALL<http_client>();
transaction_handler my_handler;
status result = my_handler.issue_transaction(transaction_kind::buy);
Assert::AreEqual((int)status::ok, (int)result);
Method FAKE_ALL<> allows me to set the behavior of all http_client instances, so no injection needed. Simple API, the code looks accurate, and you don't need to change the production code.
Hope it helps!

How to test a method that calls another class' method?

I'm fairly new to unit testing. I've recently encountered a problem where I test a method that does one thing only - it calls a method of an object that's part of the class. The class that this object represents has it's own unit tests.
I understand that this method may change in time, and when it does the test should inform me about if the expected result it. But what can I test in such a method?
My code:
public class MyClassToBeTested
private CustomType myObject;
private const myParameter = 2;
public string MyProperty
return myObject.DoYourStuff(myParameter);
This sounds like you need to capture the call to the underlying object and inspect it (or at least verify that the call has been made). I would mock this object and inject a reference to it (Inversion of Control).
By injecting the object you can provide the real object at deploy time, and the mock during testing.
If something is dependent on something else. i.e. method calls another method, then you should mock it, or simulate its behaviour.

Unit testing with ServiceLocator

I am doing a unit test on a class that uses the unity dependency injection framework.
This returns null:
How can I get it to return a mock object or just the object itself?
You could make use of Poor Man's injection. Create a default constructor which retrieves the dependencies from the service locator, and forward those dependencies to a "real" constructor which takes them as parameters. That takes care of production situations.
Then when testing the class in question, pass in a fake/mock version of the dependencies to the "real" constructor, bypassing the default one altogether.
MSDN has this example that shows how to implement the service locator pattern with Unity. Essentially, you should pass the service locator object as a constructor argument of your class. This enables you to pass a MockUnityResolver, allowing you to take full control in a unit test.
public void InitCallsRunOnNewsController()
MockUnityResolver container = new MockUnityResolver();
var controller = new MockNewsController();
container.Bag.Add(typeof(INewsController), controller);
var newsModule = new NewsModule(container);
Are you testing your core "DI integration" code? If not, your normal code should never (well, rarely) be interacting with your DI framework.
Normally your dependencies will be injected via constructor injection, and when testing, you can instead supply mock objects as those constructor dependencies. For example:
public class Foo {
public Foo (IBar bar) {
bar.Lift ();
With the above code, you can simply mock IBar, and pass it to the Foo constructor.
You can always setup a Container+ServiceLocator and actually fulfill the required dependencies, for example, by registering mocks. See code examples #4 for how to setup a container/locator:

Testing a function that throws on failure

What is the best way of testing a function that throws on failure? Or testing a function that is fairly immune to failure?
For instance; I have a I/O Completion Port class that throws in the constructor if it can't initialise the port correctly. This uses the Win32 function of CreateIoCompletionPort in the initialiser list. If the handle isn't set correctly - a non-null value - then the constructor will throw an exception. I have never seen this function fail.
I am pretty certain that this (and other functions like it in my code) if they fail will behave correctly, the code is 50 lines long including white-space, so my questions are
a) is it worth testing that it will throw
b) and if it is worth testing, how to?
c) should simple wrapper classes as these be unit-tested?
For b) I thought about overriding CreateIoCompletionPort and passing the values through. In the unit test override it and cause it to return 0 when a certain value is passed in. However since this is used in the constructor then this needs to be static. Does this seem valid or not?
If you are doing this in .NET, there is an ExpectedException attribute that you can add to your test:
[Test, ExpectedException(typeof(SpecificException), "Exception's specific message")]
public void TestWhichHasException()
Test will pass if the exception of that type and with the specified message is thrown. The attribute has other overloads including having InnerExceptions, etc.
It is definitely worthwhile to test failure conditions, both that your class properly throws an exception when you want it to and that exceptions are handled properly in the class.
This can easily be done if you are acting on an object passed in to the constructor... just pass in a mock. If not, I tend to prefer to have the functionality moved to a protected method, and override the protected method to evoke my failure case. I will use Java as an example, but it should be easy enough to port the ideas to a C# case:
public class MyClass {
public MyClass() throws MyClassException {
// Whatever, including a call to invokeCreateIoCompletionPort
protected int invokeCreateIoCompletionPort(String str, int i) {
return StaticClass.createIoCompletionPort(str, i);
public class MyTest {
public void myTest() {
try {
new MyClass();
fail("MyClassException was not thrown!");
} catch (MyClassException e) {
private static class MyClassWrapper extends MyClass {
protected int invokeCreateIoCompletionPort(String str, int i) {
throw new ExpectedException();
As you can see, it is pretty easy to test whether an exception is being thrown by the constructor or method you are testing, and it is also pretty easy to inject an exception from an external class that can throw an exception. Sorry I'm not using your actual method, I just used the name to illustrate how it sounded like you are using it, and how I would test the cases it sounded you wanted to test.
Basically, any API details you expose can usually be tested, and if you want to KNOW that exceptional cases work as they should, you probably will want to test it.
You should consider writing your code in such a way that you can mock your I/O completion port. Make an interface/abstract class that exposes the methods you need on the I/O object, and write and test implementation that does things like it's supposed to (and an option to simulate failure perhaps).
AFAIK it's a common practice to mock external resources when unit testing, to minimize dependencies.
Sound like C++ to me. You need a seam to mock out the Win32 functions. E.g. in your class you would create a protected method CreateIoCompletionPort() which calls ::CreateIoCompletionPort() and for your test you create a class that derives from you I/O Completion Port class and overrides CreateIoCompletionPort() to do nothing but return NULL. Your production class is still behaving like it was designed but you are now able to simulate a failure in the CreateIoCompletionPort() function.
This technique is from Michael Feathers book "Working effectively with legacy code".