How to updating data after deploying shiny app on - shiny

I need help to learn how to update my data after deploying on
Raw data import from URL as the CSV format type.
I would appreciate if somebody knows or provides documentation or example as a walkthrough.
Thank you, is containerised. Any data you upload to an instance of the app will be lost when that instance terminates. The only way to make data available to more than just the current instance of the app is to bundle it with the package itself.
As an example: User1 uploads a file to your app. They can use the file until they close ther app down. Next time they use the app, they will need to upload the file again. User2 is using a different instance of the app at the same time as User1. User2 will NEVER have access to the file uploaded by User1.


Django: Upload database associated file to remote server

Hello community of stack overflow.
Im having a big problem.
Well this is my scenery: I have two projects of Django, and the users model have a ImageField, When I create in both Porjects the users I want upload this field to another server, for example I have a Droplet in DigitalOcean just with apache, and I want upload all the media data in this server!
Thanks in advance!
I finally used the storage application, at the end, the system is uploading media files to AWS S3!

Where should I store user uploaded pics and files

I am working on a django app to store user pics and photos.
What is the optimal approach to store individual user media.
File Sizes are no more than 5MB.
The data is persistent.
The approach i have in mind is:
On form data submission, Upload it to an FTP server using django-storages.
Store the url and fetch it via http later for user.
How to save upload files to another server
I have seen the answers and I don't know what type of queue needs to be used.
you'd usually save the file locally and then latter upload it to some cloud service asynchronously, preferably using something like django-celery
see this answer

python upload image from a url to google drive api

For my Python app,I had completed the basic settings to interact with google drive api and found it working by a test upload of a CSV file. Now I need to upload an image from a url to a newly created folder named 'myappname' in Google Drive.
Thanks in advance
For now, there is no way you can directly upload file from url. There are two workaround I can think of
Download file and upload it back using Files.insert()
Use Save to Drive button
Using save to Drive button requires user interaction to click the button which might not be the one you want. In that case, downloading and uploading is the only way I can think of.

Django Admin doesn't recognize files uploaded on Google App Engine

I am using Django 1.4 on Google App Engine.
I have a model called Media, where the admins can upload files to use in their website. It has a field:
file = models.FileField(upload_to='/uploads/%Y/%m/%d')
It works perfectly with images (although the URL provided is weird), but that is not a problem.
The problem is when they try to upload a PDF (or anything else). Everything seems to work, but when you go to edit it, it doesn't contain any file - there is no "Currently" or anything else.
If I go to Google App Engine dashboard, the file is in Blob Viewer, and the record is also saved and available through the Datastore Viewer, with the correct blob key.
Why Django is not recognizing it? And how I can fix it?
djangoappengine contains a storage provider for the blobstore.
To me it doesn't seem like a full-featured solution, just something to get file uploads running.
I had to add this to get some functionality I needed (urls to the files).
It might make the admin work too:

Transfer pimcore site to another server

I am really new to Pimcore (I'm a joomla guy) and my friend asked me if I could help him transfer a page based on Pimcore to another server. I made a sql dump and copied all the files from the server to my hd and after that on the new server, imported the sql database, changed the username in the db and copied all the files back on the server. Also I made the correct changes for the db in the system.xml file in the config folder. But now all I get is a blank screen but the backend works partially (I can't see the files and the page). I would really appreciate some help!
Thanks in advance
Several things could go wrong, but start with checking:
MySQL user has access to the imported views. This is quite a common issue when importing views between servers,
Apache Linux user has read/write access to the whole website/var folder, access to /var/config is not enough. Pimcore writes cache files to website/var/cache for example.
You are missing mod_rewrite in apache, or your vhost does not allow override.