How to get credentials for a RDS read replica? - amazon-web-services

I have created a read replica for my Production RDS instance,
However I don't know where can I see the log-in credentials of the replica.
When I go to the secrets manages screen and try to create a new secret the replica instance is not present.
And I dont know the password (It usually displays the password after creating a DB in the console).
how would I get the following Info?

The credentials are the same as the master node.
It is advised to configure credentials on the master node so that they will be replicate to each read only node.


Django + AWS Secret Manager Password Rotation

I have a Django app that fetches DB secret from AWS Secret Manager. It contains all the DB parameters like username, password, host, port, etc. When I start the Django application on EC2, it successfully retrieves the secret from the Secret Manager and establishes a DB connection.
Now the problem is that I have a password rotation policy set for 30 days. To test the flow, at present, I have set it to 1 day. Every time the password rotates, my Django app loses DB connectivity. So, I have to manually restart the application to allow the app to fetch the new DB credentials from the Secret Manager.
Is there a way that secret fetching can happen automatically and without a manual restart of the server.? Once way possibly is to trigger an AWS CodeDeploy or similar service that will restart the server automatically. However, there will be some downtime if I take this approach.
Any other approach that can seamlessly work without any downtime.
If the old DB credentials are invalidated immediately during the rotation, then it will probably be pretty difficult to do this without some downtime. One option would be to have your app catch the credential error and (try to) fetch the new secret at that point from Secrets Manager, creating a new DB connection. Another other option is to have two valid user/password pairs, leaving the old valid while creating the new. I'm not sure if automatic rotation gives you this option. Then you can restart your app as you like. To do even that without a brief outage probably requires a load balancer and multiple instances of your application running, so that you can up one with new creds before you terminate the old one.
This was previously answered in how to use new secret created by key rotation.
If you are using multi user rotation (the "Use a secret that I have previously stored in AWS Secrets Manager" option in the console) you can use the Secrets Manager python caching library to cache and periodically refresh the secret.
If you use the single user rotation option you will need to write a connection wrapper (similar to the JDBC wrapper) that refresh the credentials when you get an error establishing a new connection.

AWS RDS everyday reset my RDS password issue

I am using AWS MySQL RDS for my application. Last few days every day my RDS password is reset. Every day, I need to reset master password for my RDS. Is there any solution?
Amazon RDS will not automatically reset your password. Either somebody is changing it, or you have an automated process that is changing it.
If it is the Master password that is changing, you should be able to find a ModifyDbInstance call in your AWS CloudTrail log. It will show the credentials that were used to issue the modify command.
In my case that was a Secrets Manager who automatically rotated RDS instance master password.
Completely forgot about that and panicked a bit when notification about password reset that I didn't issue showed up.

New AWS RDS SQL Server Instance - Permissions for master user

I have successfully created an AWS RDS SQL Server 2016 instance. I specified a master user name and password. I was able to log into that instance via SSMS using the master user name and password. I then created a database. However, it seems the master user doesn't have any permissions to do anything in that database, such as creating any schema objects. What do I have to do to have essentially db_owner permissions in the database I just created?
Going to sound funny, but try resetting the master user password. Don't know why it works, but it worked for me with a similar problem.

Using EC2 instance profile with IAM authentication in RDS

I set up IAM authentication on an RDS instance, and I'm able to use IAM to get database passwords that work for 15-minutes. This is fine to access the database for backups, but this database backs an web application so currently after 15 minutes the password used by the app to connect to the DB becomes invalid and the app crashes as it can no longer access the DB.
However, in the RDS IAM docs there's this line:
For applications running on Amazon EC2, you can use EC2 instance profile credentials to access the database, so you don't need to use database passwords on your EC2 instance.
This implies that on EC2 there's no need to use the IAM temporary DB password, which would mean that my app should be able to connect to the DB as long as it's running on EC2 and I set up the role permissions (which I think I did correctly). However, I can't get my app running on EC2 to be able to connect to the RDS DB except by using the 15-minute temporary password. If I try connecting with a normal MySQL connection with no password I get permission denied. Is there something special that needs to be done to connect to RDS using the EC2 instance profile, or is it not possible without using 15-minute temporary passwords?
According to the documentation you linked (, you need to perform the following steps (See under "Authenticating to a DB Instance or DB Cluster Using IAM Database Authentication"):
Use the AWS SDK for Java or AWS CLI to get an authentication token you can use to identify the IAM user or role. To learn how to get an authentication token, see Getting an Authentication Token.
Connect to the database using an SSL connection, specifying the IAM user or role as the database user account and the authentication token as the password. For more information, see Connecting to a DB Instance or DB Cluster Using IAM Database Authentication.
That means for every connection you intend to open, you need to get a valid Token using the AWS SDK. This is where using the correct instance profile with the RDS permission is needed. See also the code examples further down the AWS documentation page.
I think however this requires quite a bit of effort on your side, to always get a valid token before opening a connection. It makes using an off-the-shelf connection pool difficult. Probably once open, the connection will remain open even after the token expires, but you still need to handle the case where more connections need to be opened at a later time.
I would stick with a normal user/password access for the application, using IAM for this case seems to be too much effort.
For applications running on Amazon EC2, you can use EC2 instance profile credentials to access the database, so you don't need to use database passwords on your EC2 instance.
You're misinterpreting what this means. It means you don't have to use static passwords or store them on the instance.
The idea is that you generate a new authentication token each time you establish a connection to the database. The token is generated on your instance, using the instance role credentials. It can only be used to authenticate for 15 minutes, but once connected, you don't lose your database connection after 15 minutes. You remain connected.
If your application doesn't reuse database connections, then you likely have a design flaw there.

How to secure AWS RDS master username and password?

Is it safe to use RDS master username and password in production and deploy codes with those info into instances?
Should I be creating new username and password? If so, where should I store my master username and password securely?
First of all never store RDS master username and password in your code.
Option 1: Use AWS Key Management Service which is the AWS Preferred way of storing Credentials.
Option 2: You can also store RDS credentials in web server's environmental variables and refer them in your code.
You should never use master user credentials in your applications directly. One can store these credentials in AWS Secrets Manager and encrypted by a KMS key.